3 CMarketItem
Alex Corn edited this page 2022-04-02 19:30:47 -04:00

A class which stands for an item on the Steam Community Market. Cannot be instantiated directly, it must be received from a call to getMarketItem.

Currently, non-USD currencies are not supported.



true if this is a commodity item (buy/sell orders) or false otherwise


If this is a commodity item, this will be the item's commodity ID. Not defined otherwise.


An array containing objects of the following structure:

  • hour - A Date object representing the hour that this object contains data for
  • price - The median price at which this item was sold during this hour (as a float)
  • quantity - The amount of this item which was sold during this hour


How many copies of this item are currently available on the market.


The lowest price at which this item is sold, in cents.


If this is a commodity, how many buy orders there are for this item. Not defined otherwise.


If this is a commodity, the value of the highest buy order for this item, in cents. Not defined otherwise.


updatePrice(currency, callback)

  • currency - The Steam currency code you want prices in (e.g. 1 for USD)
  • callback - Fired when the data is updated.
    • err - null on success, an Error object on failure

If this is a commodity item, you can call this to fetch the latest prices. If not a commodity, this will throw an Error. Once complete, quantity, lowestPrice, buyQuantity, and highestBuyOrder will be updated.