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const Cheerio = require('cheerio');
const StdLib = require('@doctormckay/stdlib');
const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp');
const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js');
const CConfirmation = require('../classes/CConfirmation.js');
const EConfirmationType = SteamCommunity.EConfirmationType;
* Get a list of your account's currently outstanding confirmations.
* @param {int} time - The unix timestamp with which the following key was generated
* @param {string} key - The confirmation key that was generated using the preceeding time and the tag 'conf' (this key can be reused)
* @param {SteamCommunity~getConfirmations} [callback] - Called when the list of confirmations is received
* @return Promise<{confirmations: CConfirmation[]}>
SteamCommunity.prototype.getConfirmations = function(time, key, callback) {
return StdLib.Promises.callbackPromise(['confirmations'], callback, false, async (resolve, reject) => {
let body = await request(this, 'getlist', key, time, 'list', null);
if (!body.success) {
if (body.needauth) {
let err = new Error('Not Logged In');
return reject(err);
return reject(new Error(body.message || body.detail || 'Failed to get confirmation list'));
let confs = (body.conf || []).map(conf => new CConfirmation(this, {
id: conf.id,
type: conf.type,
creator: conf.creator_id,
key: conf.nonce,
title: `${conf.type_name || 'Confirm'} - ${conf.headline || ''}`,
receiving: conf.type == EConfirmationType.Trade ? ((conf.summary || [])[1] || '') : '',
sending: (conf.summary || [])[0] || '',
time: (new Date(conf.creation_time * 1000)).toISOString(), // for backward compatibility
timestamp: new Date(conf.creation_time * 1000),
icon: conf.icon || ''
resolve({confirmations: confs});
* @callback SteamCommunity~getConfirmations
* @param {Error|null} err - An Error object on failure, or null on success
* @param {CConfirmation[]} [confirmations] - An array of CConfirmation objects
* Get the trade offer ID associated with a particular confirmation
* @param {int} confID - The ID of the confirmation in question
* @param {int} time - The unix timestamp with which the following key was generated
* @param {string} key - The confirmation key that was generated using the preceeding time and the tag "detail" (this key can be reused)
* @param {SteamCommunity~getConfirmationOfferID} [callback]
* @return Promise<{offerID: string|null}>
SteamCommunity.prototype.getConfirmationOfferID = function(confID, time, key, callback) {
return StdLib.Promises.callbackPromise(['offerID'], callback, false, async (resolve, reject) => {
let body = await request(this, 'detailspage/' + confID, key, time, 'detail', null);
if (typeof body != 'string') {
return reject(new Error('Cannot load confirmation details'));
let $ = Cheerio.load(body);
let offer = $('.tradeoffer');
if (offer.length < 1) {
return resolve({offerID: null});
resolve({offerID: offer.attr('id').split('_')[1]});
* @callback SteamCommunity~getConfirmationOfferID
* @param {Error|null} err - An Error object on failure, or null on success
* @param {string} offerID - The trade offer ID associated with the specified confirmation, or null if not for an offer
* Confirm or cancel a given confirmation.
* @param {int|int[]|string|string[]} confID - The ID of the confirmation in question, or an array of confirmation IDs
* @param {string|string[]} confKey - The confirmation key associated with the confirmation in question (or an array of them) (not a TOTP key, the `key` property of CConfirmation)
* @param {int} time - The unix timestamp with which the following key was generated
* @param {string} key - The confirmation key that was generated using the preceding time and the tag "allow" (if accepting) or "cancel" (if not accepting)
* @param {boolean} accept - true if you want to accept the confirmation, false if you want to cancel it
* @param {SteamCommunity~genericErrorCallback} [callback] - Called when the request is complete
* @return Promise<void>
SteamCommunity.prototype.respondToConfirmation = function(confID, confKey, time, key, accept, callback) {
return StdLib.Promises.callbackPromise(null, callback, true, async (resolve, reject) => {
let tag = accept ? 'accept' : 'reject';
// The official app uses tags reject/accept, but cancel/allow still works so use these for backward compatibility
let body = await request(this, (confID instanceof Array) ? 'multiajaxop' : 'ajaxop', key, time, tag, {
op: accept ? 'allow' : 'cancel',
cid: confID,
ck: confKey
if (body.success) {
return resolve();
reject(new Error(body.message || body.detail || 'Could not act on confirmation'));
* Accept a confirmation for a given object (trade offer or market listing) automatically.
* @param {string} identitySecret
* @param {number|string} objectID
* @param {SteamCommunity~genericErrorCallback} [callback]
* @return Promise<void>
SteamCommunity.prototype.acceptConfirmationForObject = function(identitySecret, objectID, callback) {
this._usedConfTimes = this._usedConfTimes || [];
return StdLib.Promises.callbackPromise(null, callback, true, async (resolve, reject) => {
// Figure out our time offset
if (typeof this._timeOffset == 'undefined') {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
SteamTotp.getTimeOffset((err, offset) => {
if (err) {
// not critical that this succeeds
return resolve();
this._timeOffset = offset;
let offset = this._timeOffset;
let time = SteamTotp.time(offset);
let key = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(identitySecret, time, 'list');
let {confirmations} = await this.getConfirmations(time, key);
let conf = confirmations.find(conf => conf.creator == objectID);
if (!conf) {
return reject(new Error(`Could not find confirmation for object ${objectID}`));
// make sure we don't reuse the same time
let localOffset = 0;
do {
time = SteamTotp.time(offset) + localOffset++;
} while (this._usedConfTimes.includes(time));
if (this._usedConfTimes.length > 60) {
this._usedConfTimes.splice(0, this._usedConfTimes.length - 60); // we don't need to save more than 60 entries
await conf.respond(time, SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(identitySecret, time, 'accept'), true);
* Send a single request to Steam to accept all outstanding confirmations (after loading the list). If one fails, the
* entire request will fail and there will be no way to know which failed without loading the list again.
* @param {number} time
* @param {string} listKey
* @param {string} acceptKey
* @param {function} [callback]
* @return Promise<{confirmations: CConfirmation[]}>
SteamCommunity.prototype.acceptAllConfirmations = function(time, listKey, acceptKey, callback) {
return StdLib.Promises.callbackPromise(null, callback, true, async (resolve, reject) => {
let {confirmations} = await this.getConfirmations(time, listKey);
if (confirmations.length == 0) {
return resolve({confirmations: []});
let confIds = confirmations.map(conf => conf.id);
let confKeys = confirmations.map(conf => conf.key);
await this.respondToConfirmation(confIds, confKeys, time, acceptKey, true);
async function request(community, url, key, time, tag, params) {
if (!community.steamID) {
throw new Error('Must be logged in before trying to do anything with confirmations');
params = params || {};
params.p = SteamTotp.getDeviceID(community.steamID);
params.a = community.steamID.getSteamID64();
params.k = key;
params.t = time;
params.m = 'react';
params.tag = tag;
let req = {
method: url == 'multiajaxop' ? 'POST' : 'GET',
url: `https://steamcommunity.com/mobileconf/${url}`,
source: 'steamcommunity'
if (req.method == 'GET') {
req.qs = params;
} else {
req.form = params;
let result = await community.httpRequest(req);
return result.jsonBody || result.textBody;