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const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js');
const Helpers = require('./helpers.js');
* Retrieves your account's Steam Web API key, if you already have one. If you don't yet have one, this will fail.
* To create a Web API key, use `createWebApiKey()`.
* @param {null|function} unused - No longer used, kept for backward compatibility. You can omit this parameter and pass
* your callback directly as the first parameter if you want.
* @param {function} callback
SteamCommunity.prototype.getWebApiKey = function(unused, callback) {
if (typeof unused == 'function') {
callback = unused;
uri: 'https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey?l=english',
followRedirect: false
}, (err, response, body) => {
if (err) {
if (body.match(/You must have a validated email address to create a Steam Web API key./)) {
return callback(new Error('You must have a validated email address to create a Steam Web API key.'));
if (body.match(/Your account requires (<a [^>]+>)?Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator/)) {
return callback(new Error('Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator required to create a Steam Web API key'));
if (body.match(/<h2>Access Denied<\/h2>/)) {
return callback(new Error('Access Denied'));
let match = body.match(/<p>Key: ([0-9A-F]+)<\/p>/);
if (match) {
// We already have an API key registered
callback(null, match[1]);
} else {
callback(new Error('No API key created for this account'));
}, "steamcommunity");
* @typedef CreateApiKeyOptions
* @property {string} domain - The domain to associate with your API key
* @property {string} [requestID] - If finalizing an existing create request, include the request ID
* @property {string|Buffer} [identitySecret] - If you pass your identity_secret here, then steamcommunity will
* internally handle accepting any confirmations.
* @typedef CreateApiKeyResponse
* @property {boolean} confirmationRequired
* @property {string} [apiKey] - If creating your API key succeeded, this is the new key
* @property {CreateApiKeyOptions} [finalizeOptions] - If confirmation is required to create a key, then accept the
* confirmation, then call createWebApiKey again and pass this whole object for the `options` parameter.
* @callback createWebApiKeyCallback
* @param {Error|null} err
* @param {CreateApiKeyResponse} [result]
* Starts the process to create a Steam Web API key. When the callback is fired, you will need to approve a mobile
* confirmation in your app or using getConfirmations().
* @param {CreateApiKeyOptions} options
* @param {createWebApiKeyCallback} callback
SteamCommunity.prototype.createWebApiKey = function(options, callback) {
if (!options.domain) {
callback(new Error('Passing a domain is required to register an API key'));
uri: 'https://steamcommunity.com/dev/requestkey',
form: {
domain: options.domain,
request_id: options.requestID || '0',
sessionid: this.getSessionID(),
agreeToTerms: 'true'
json: true
}, (err, res, body) => {
if (err) {
// body.requires_confirmation is 1/0, but the Steam website doesn't check this value and instead only checks the
// value of `success`. So let's just do that.
// This is a mess. I'm glad we have promises and await now.
switch (body.success) {
case SteamCommunity.EResult.OK:
if (body.api_key) {
callback(null, {confirmationRequired: false, apiKey: body.api_key});
// It's not been observed that we get result OK without api_key included, but the Steam website doesn't
// use this value so let's be safe just in case it disappears in the future.
this.getWebApiKey((err, key) => {
if (err) {
callback(null, {confirmationRequired: false, apiKey: key});
case SteamCommunity.EResult.Pending:
let finalizeOptions = {
domain: options.domain,
requestID: body.request_id || options.requestID
if (options.identitySecret) {
this.acceptConfirmationForObject(options.identitySecret, finalizeOptions.requestID, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
this.createWebApiKey(finalizeOptions, callback);
callback(null, {
confirmationRequired: true,
finalizeOptions: finalizeOptions
* @deprecated No longer works. Will be removed in a future release.
* @param {function} callback
SteamCommunity.prototype.getWebApiOauthToken = function(callback) {
if (this.oAuthToken) {
return callback(null, this.oAuthToken);
callback(new Error('This operation requires an OAuth token, which is no longer issued by Steam.'));
* Sets an access_token generated by steam-session using EAuthTokenPlatformType.MobileApp.
* Required for some operations such as 2FA enabling and disabling.
* This will throw an Error if the provided token is not valid, was not generated for the MobileApp platform, is expired,
* or does not belong to the logged-in user account.
* @param {string} token
SteamCommunity.prototype.setMobileAppAccessToken = function(token) {
if (!this.steamID) {
throw new Error('Log on to steamcommunity before setting a mobile app access token');
let decodedToken = Helpers.decodeJwt(token);
if (!decodedToken.iss || !decodedToken.sub || !decodedToken.aud || !decodedToken.exp) {
throw new Error('Provided value is not a valid Steam access token');
if (decodedToken.iss == 'steam') {
throw new Error('Provided token is a refresh token, not an access token');
if (decodedToken.sub != this.steamID.getSteamID64()) {
throw new Error(`Provided token belongs to account ${decodedToken.sub}, but we are logged into ${this.steamID.getSteamID64()}`);
if (decodedToken.exp < Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000)) {
throw new Error('Provided token is expired');
if ((decodedToken.aud || []).indexOf('mobile') == -1) {
throw new Error('Provided token is not valid for MobileApp platform type');
this.mobileAccessToken = token;
* Verifies that the mobile access token we already have set is still valid for current login.
* @private
SteamCommunity.prototype._verifyMobileAccessToken = function() {
if (!this.mobileAccessToken) {
// No access token, so nothing to do here.
let decodedToken = Helpers.decodeJwt(this.mobileAccessToken);
let isTokenInvalid = decodedToken.sub != this.steamID.getSteamID64() // SteamID doesn't match
|| decodedToken.exp < Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); // Token is expired
if (isTokenInvalid) {
delete this.mobileAccessToken;