
136 lines
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// If you aren't running this script inside of the repository, replace the following line with:
// const SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity');
const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js');
const SteamSession = require('steam-session');
const ReadLine = require('readline');
let g_AbortPromptFunc = null;
let community = new SteamCommunity();
async function main() {
let accountName = await promptAsync('Username: ');
let password = await promptAsync('Password (hidden): ', true);
// Create a LoginSession for us to use to attempt to log into steam
let session = new SteamSession.LoginSession(SteamSession.EAuthTokenPlatformType.MobileApp);
// Go ahead and attach our event handlers before we do anything else.
session.on('authenticated', async () => {
let accessToken = session.accessToken;
let cookies = await session.getWebCookies();
// Enabling or disabling 2FA is presently the only action in node-steamcommunity which requires an access token.
// In all other cases, using `community.setCookies(cookies)` is all you need to do in order to be logged in,
// although there's never any harm in setting a mobile app access token.
session.on('timeout', () => {
console.log('This login attempt has timed out.');
session.on('error', (err) => {
// This should ordinarily not happen. This only happens in case there's some kind of unexpected error while
// polling, e.g. the network connection goes down or Steam chokes on something.
console.log(`ERROR: This login attempt has failed! ${err.message}`);
// Start our login attempt
let startResult = await session.startWithCredentials({accountName, password});
if (startResult.actionRequired) {
// Some Steam Guard action is required. We only care about email and device codes; in theory an
// EmailConfirmation and/or DeviceConfirmation action could be possible, but we're just going to ignore those.
// If the user does receive a confirmation and accepts it, LoginSession will detect and handle that automatically.
// The only consequence of ignoring it here is that we don't print a message to the user indicating that they
// could accept an email or device confirmation.
let codeActionTypes = [SteamSession.EAuthSessionGuardType.EmailCode, SteamSession.EAuthSessionGuardType.DeviceCode];
let codeAction = startResult.validActions.find(action => codeActionTypes.includes(action.type));
if (codeAction) {
if (codeAction.type == SteamSession.EAuthSessionGuardType.EmailCode) {
// We wouldn't expect this to happen since we're trying to disable 2FA, but just in case...
console.log(`A code has been sent to your email address at ${codeAction.detail}.`);
} else {
console.log('You need to provide a Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator code.');
let code = await promptAsync('Code: ');
if (code) {
await session.submitSteamGuardCode(code);
// If we fall through here without submitting a Steam Guard code, that means one of two things:
// 1. The user pressed enter without providing a code, in which case the script will simply exit
// 2. The user approved a device/email confirmation, in which case 'authenticated' was emitted and the prompt was canceled
async function doRevoke() {
let rCode = await promptAsync('Revocation Code: R');
community.disableTwoFactor('R' + rCode, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.log('Two-factor authentication disabled!');
// Nothing interesting below here, just code for prompting for input from the console.
function promptAsync(question, sensitiveInput = false) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let rl = ReadLine.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: sensitiveInput ? null : process.stdout,
terminal: true
g_AbortPromptFunc = () => {
if (sensitiveInput) {
// We have to write the question manually if we didn't give readline an output stream
rl.question(question, (result) => {
if (sensitiveInput) {
// We have to manually print a newline
g_AbortPromptFunc = null;
function abortPrompt() {
if (!g_AbortPromptFunc) {