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synced 2025-03-30 18:50:06 +08:00
In received XML there's `isPrimary="0"`, which mostly likely causes the problem, which results the last group in xml to be set as primary. This should fix it.
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162 lines
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var SteamCommunity = require('../index.js');
var SteamID = require('steamid');
var xml2js = require('xml2js');
SteamCommunity.prototype.getSteamUser = function(id, callback) {
if(typeof id !== 'string' && !(typeof id === 'object' && id.__proto__ === SteamID.prototype)) {
throw new Error("id parameter should be a user URL string or a SteamID object");
if(typeof id === 'object' && (id.universe != SteamID.Universe.PUBLIC || id.type != SteamID.Type.INDIVIDUAL)) {
throw new Error("SteamID must stand for an individual account in the public universe");
var self = this;
this.request("http://steamcommunity.com/" + (typeof id === 'string' ? "id/" + id : "profiles/" + id.toString()) + "/?xml=1", function(err, response, body) {
if(self._checkHttpError(err, response, callback)) {
if(self._checkCommunityError(body, callback)) {
xml2js.parseString(body, function(err, result) {
if(err || (!result.response && !result.profile)) {
callback(err || new Error("No valid response"));
if(result.response && result.response.error && result.response.error.length) {
callback(new Error(result.response.error[0]));
// Try and find custom URL from redirect
var customurl = null;
if(response.request.redirects && response.request.redirects.length) {
var match = response.request.redirects[0].redirectUri.match(/https?:\/\/steamcommunity\.com\/id\/([^/])+\/\?xml=1/);
if(match) {
customurl = match[1];
if(!result.profile.steamID64) {
callback(new Error("No valid response"));
callback(null, new CSteamUser(self, result.profile, customurl));
function CSteamUser(community, userData, customurl) {
this._community = community;
this.steamID = new SteamID(userData.steamID64[0]);
this.name = processItem('steamID');
this.onlineState = processItem('onlineState');
this.stateMessage = processItem('stateMessage');
this.privacyState = processItem('privacyState', 'uncreated');
this.visibilityState = processItem('visibilityState');
this.avatarHash = processItem('avatarIcon', '').match(/([0-9a-f]+)\.[a-z]+$/);
if(this.avatarHash) {
this.avatarHash = this.avatarHash[1];
this.vacBanned = processItem('vacBanned', false) == 1;
this.tradeBanState = processItem('tradeBanState', 'None');
this.isLimitedAccount = processItem('isLimitedAccount') == 1;
this.customURL = processItem('customURL', customurl);
if(this.visibilityState == 3) {
this.memberSince = new Date(processItem('memberSince', '0').replace(/(\d{1,2})(st|nd|th)/, "$1"));
this.location = processItem('location');
this.realName = processItem('realname');
this.summary = processItem('summary');
} else {
this.memberSince = null;
this.location = null;
this.realName = null;
this.summary = null;
// Maybe handle mostPlayedGames?
this.groups = null;
this.primaryGroup = null;
var self = this;
if(userData.groups && userData.groups[0] && userData.groups[0].group) {
this.groups = userData.groups[0].group.map(function(group) {
if(group['$'] && group['$'].isPrimary === "1") {
self.primaryGroup = new SteamID(group.groupID64[0]);
return new SteamID(group.groupID64[0]);
function processItem(name, defaultVal) {
if(!userData[name]) {
return defaultVal;
return userData[name][0];
CSteamUser.getAvatarURL = function(hash, size, protocol) {
size = size || '';
protocol = protocol || 'http://';
var url = protocol + "steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/" + hash.substring(0, 2) + "/" + hash;
if(size == 'full' || size == 'medium') {
return url + "_" + size + ".jpg";
} else {
return url + ".jpg";
CSteamUser.prototype.getAvatarURL = function(size, protocol) {
return CSteamUser.getAvatarURL(this.avatarHash, size, protocol);
CSteamUser.prototype.addFriend = function(callback) {
this._community.addFriend(this.steamID, callback);
CSteamUser.prototype.acceptFriendRequest = function(callback) {
this._community.acceptFriendRequest(this.steamID, callback);
CSteamUser.prototype.removeFriend = function(callback) {
this._community.removeFriend(this.steamID, callback);
CSteamUser.prototype.blockCommunication = function(callback) {
this._community.blockCommunication(this.steamID, callback);
CSteamUser.prototype.unblockCommunication = function(callback) {
this._community.unblockCommunication(this.steamID, callback);
CSteamUser.prototype.comment = function(message, callback) {
this._community.postUserComment(this.steamID, message, callback);
CSteamUser.prototype.inviteToGroup = function(groupID, callback) {
this._community.inviteUserToGroup(this.steamID, groupID, callback);
CSteamUser.prototype.getInventoryContexts = function(callback) {
this._community.getUserInventoryContexts(this.steamID, callback);
CSteamUser.prototype.getInventory = function(appID, contextID, tradableOnly, callback) {
this._community.getUserInventory(this.steamID, appID, contextID, tradableOnly, callback);