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synced 2025-03-30 18:50:06 +08:00
184 lines
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184 lines
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var SteamCommunity = require('../index.js');
var CEconItem = require('../classes/CEconItem.js');
var SteamID = require('steamid');
var request = require('request');
var Cheerio = require('cheerio');
var Async = require('async');
* Inventory history in a nutshell.
* There are no more page numbers. Now you have to request after_time and optionally after_trade.
* Without "prev" set, you will request 30 trades that were completed FURTHER IN THE PAST than after_time (and optionally after_trade)
* With "prev" set, you will request 30 trades that were completed MORE RECENTLY than after_time (and optionally after_trade)
SteamCommunity.prototype.getInventoryHistory = function(options, callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
options.direction = options.direction || "past";
var qs = "?l=english";
if (options.startTime) {
if (options.startTime instanceof Date) {
options.startTime = Math.floor(options.startTime.getTime() / 1000);
qs += "&after_time=" + options.startTime;
if (options.startTrade) {
qs += "&after_trade=" + options.startTrade;
if (options.direction == "future") {
qs += "&prev=1";
this._myProfile("inventoryhistory" + qs, null, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
var output = {};
var vanityURLs = [];
var $ = Cheerio.load(body);
if (!$('.inventory_history_pagingrow').html()) {
callback(new Error("Malformed page: no paging row found"));
// Load the inventory item data
var match2 = body.match(/var g_rgHistoryInventory = (.*);/);
if (!match2) {
callback(new Error("Malformed page: no trade found"));
try {
var historyInventory = JSON.parse(match2[1]);
} catch (ex) {
callback(new Error("Malformed page: no well-formed trade data found"));
var i;
// See if we've got paging buttons
var $paging = $('.inventory_history_nextbtn .pagebtn:not(.disabled)');
var href;
for (i = 0; i < $paging.length; i++) {
href = $paging[i].attribs.href;
if (href.match(/prev=1/)) {
output.firstTradeTime = new Date(href.match(/after_time=(\d+)/)[1] * 1000);
output.firstTradeID = href.match(/after_trade=(\d+)/)[1];
} else {
output.lastTradeTime = new Date(href.match(/after_time=(\d+)/)[1] * 1000);
output.lastTradeID = href.match(/after_trade=(\d+)/)[1];
output.trades = [];
var trades = $('.tradehistoryrow');
var item, trade, profileLink, items, j, econItem, timeMatch, time;
for (i = 0; i < trades.length; i++) {
item = $(trades[i]);
trade = {};
trade.onHold = !!item.find('span:nth-of-type(2)').text().match(/Trade on Hold/i);
timeMatch = item.find('.tradehistory_timestamp').html().match(/(\d+):(\d+)(am|pm)/);
if (timeMatch[1] == 12 && timeMatch[3] == 'am') {
timeMatch[1] = 0;
if (timeMatch[1] < 12 && timeMatch[3] == 'pm') {
timeMatch[1] = parseInt(timeMatch[1], 10) + 12;
time = (timeMatch[1] < 10 ? '0' : '') + timeMatch[1] + ':' + timeMatch[2] + ':00';
trade.date = new Date(item.find('.tradehistory_date').html() + ' ' + time + ' UTC');
trade.partnerName = item.find('.tradehistory_event_description a').html();
trade.partnerSteamID = null;
trade.partnerVanityURL = null;
trade.itemsReceived = [];
trade.itemsGiven = [];
profileLink = item.find('.tradehistory_event_description a').attr('href');
if (profileLink.indexOf('/profiles/') != -1) {
trade.partnerSteamID = new SteamID(profileLink.match(/(\d+)$/)[1]);
} else {
trade.partnerVanityURL = profileLink.match(/\/([^\/]+)$/)[1];
if (options.resolveVanityURLs && vanityURLs.indexOf(trade.partnerVanityURL) == -1) {
items = item.find('.history_item');
for (j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
match = body.match(new RegExp("HistoryPageCreateItemHover\\( '" + $(items[j]).attr('id') + "', (\\d+), '(\\d+)', '(\\d+|class_\\d+_instance_\\d+|class_\\d+)', '(\\d+)' \\);"));
econItem = historyInventory[match[1]][match[2]][match[3]];
if ($(items[j]).attr('id').indexOf('received') != -1) {
trade.itemsReceived.push(new CEconItem(econItem));
} else {
trade.itemsGiven.push(new CEconItem(econItem));
if (options.resolveVanityURLs) {
Async.map(vanityURLs, resolveVanityURL, function(err, results) {
if (err) {
for (i = 0; i < output.trades.length; i++) {
if (output.trades[i].partnerSteamID || !output.trades[i].partnerVanityURL) {
// Find the vanity URL
for (j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {
if (results[j].vanityURL == output.trades[i].partnerVanityURL) {
output.trades[i].partnerSteamID = new SteamID(results[j].steamID);
callback(null, output);
} else {
callback(null, output);
}, "steamcommunity");
function resolveVanityURL(vanityURL, callback) {
request("https://steamcommunity.com/id/" + vanityURL + "/?xml=1", function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
var match = body.match(/<steamID64>(\d+)<\/steamID64>/);
if (!match || !match[1]) {
callback(new Error("Couldn't find Steam ID"));
callback(null, {"vanityURL": vanityURL, "steamID": match[1]});