var SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); var SteamID = require('steamid'); var xml2js = require('xml2js'); SteamCommunity.prototype.getSteamGroup = function(id, callback) { if(typeof id !== 'string' && !(typeof id === 'object' && id.__proto__ === SteamID.prototype)) { throw new Error("id parameter should be a group URL string or a SteamID object"); } if(typeof id === 'object' && (id.universe != SteamID.Universe.PUBLIC || id.type != SteamID.Type.CLAN)) { throw new Error("SteamID must stand for a clan account in the public universe"); } var self = this; this.request("" + (typeof id === 'string' ? "groups/" + id : "gid/" + id.toString()) + "/memberslistxml/?xml=1", function(err, response, body) { if(err || response.statusCode != 200) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } if(self._checkCommunityError(body, callback)) { return; } xml2js.parseString(body, function(err, result) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, new CSteamGroup(self, result.memberList)); }); }); }; function CSteamGroup(community, groupData) { this._community = community; this.steamID = new SteamID(groupData.groupID64[0]); = groupData.groupDetails[0].groupName[0]; this.url = groupData.groupDetails[0].groupURL[0]; this.headline = groupData.groupDetails[0].headline[0]; this.summary = groupData.groupDetails[0].summary[0]; this.avatarHash = groupData.groupDetails[0].avatarIcon[0].match(/([0-9a-f]+)\.jpg$/)[1]; this.members = parseInt(groupData.groupDetails[0].memberCount[0], 10); this.membersInChat = parseInt(groupData.groupDetails[0].membersInChat[0], 10); this.membersInGame = parseInt(groupData.groupDetails[0].membersInGame[0], 10); this.membersOnline = parseInt(groupData.groupDetails[0].membersOnline[0], 10); } CSteamGroup.prototype.getAvatarURL = function(size, protocol) { size = size || ''; protocol = protocol || 'http://'; var url = protocol + "" + this.avatarHash.substring(0, 2) + "/" + this.avatarHash; if(size == 'full' || size == 'medium') { return url + "_" + size + ".jpg"; } else { return url + ".jpg"; } }; CSteamGroup.prototype.getMembers = function(callback, members, link) { members = members || []; link = link || "" + this.steamID.toString() + "/memberslistxml/?xml=1"; var self = this; this._community.request(link, function(err, response, body) { if(err || response.statusCode != 200) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } xml2js.parseString(body, function(err, result) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } members = members.concat(result.memberList.members[0] { return new SteamID(steamID); })); if(result.memberList.nextPageLink) { self.getMembers(callback, members, result.memberList.nextPageLink[0]); } else { callback(null, members); } }); }); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.join = function(callback) { var form = { "action": "join", "sessionID": this._community.getSessionID() }; var self = this;"" + this.steamID.toString(), {"form": form}, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if(err || response.statusCode >= 400) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } if(self._community._checkCommunityError(body, callback)) { return; } callback(null); }); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.leave = function(callback) { var form = { "sessionID": this._community.getSessionID(), "action": "leaveGroup", "groupId": this.steamID.toString() }; var self = this; this._community._myProfile("home_process", form, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if(err || response.statusCode >= 400) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } if(self._community._checkCommunityError(body, callback)) { return; } callback(null); }); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.postAnnouncement = function(headline, content, callback) { var form = { "sessionID": this._community.getSessionID(), "action": "post", "headline": headline, "body": content };"" + this.steamID.toString() + "/announcements", {"form": form}, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if(err || response.statusCode >= 400) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } if(self._community._checkCommunityError(body, callback)) { return; } callback(null); }); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.scheduleEvent = function(name, type, description, time, server, callback) { // Event types: ChatEvent - Chat, OtherEvent - A lil somethin somethin, PartyEvent - Party!, MeetingEvent - Important meeting, SpecialCauseEvent - Special cause (charity ball?), MusicAndArtsEvent - Music or Art type thing, SportsEvent - Sporting endeavor, TripEvent - Out of town excursion // Passing a number for type will make it a game event for that appid if(typeof server === 'function') { callback = server; server = {"ip": "", "password": ""}; } else if(typeof server === 'string') { server = {"ip": server, "password": ""}; } else { server = {"ip": "", "password": ""}; } var form = { "sessionid": this._community.getSessionID(), "action": "newEvent", "tzOffset": new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * -60, "name": name, "type": (typeof type === 'number' || !isNaN(parseInt(type, 10)) ? "GameEvent" : type), "appID": (typeof type === 'number' || !isNaN(parseInt(type, 10)) ? type : ''), "serverIP": server.ip, "serverPassword": server.password, "notes": description, "eventQuickTime": "now" }; if(time === null) { form.startDate = 'MM/DD/YY'; form.startHour = '12'; form.startMinute = '00'; form.startAMPM = 'PM'; form.timeChoice = 'quick'; } else { form.startDate = (time.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' : '') + (time.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + (time.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + time.getDate() + '/' + time.getFullYear().toString().substring(2); form.startHour = (time.getHours() === 0 ? '12' : (time.getHours() > 12 ? time.getHours() - 12 : time.getHours())); form.startMinute = (time.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + time.getMinutes(); form.startAMPM = (time.getHours() <= 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'); form.timeChoice = 'specific'; } var self = this;"" + this.steamID.toString() + "/eventEdit", {"form": form}, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if(err || response.statusCode >= 400) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } if(self._community._checkCommunityError(body, callback)) { return; } callback(null); }); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.setPlayerOfTheWeek = function(steamID, callback) { var form = { "xml": 1, "action": "potw", "memberId": steamID.getSteam3RenderedID(), "sessionid": this._community.getSessionID() }; var self = this;"" + this.steamID.toString() + "/potwEdit", {"form": form}, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if(err || response.statusCode != 200) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } xml2js.parseString(body, function(err, results) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } if(results.response.results[0] == 'OK') { callback(null, new SteamID(results.response.oldPOTW[0]), new SteamID(results.response.newPOTW[0])); } else { callback(results.response.results[0]); } }); }); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.kick = function(steamID, callback) { var form = { "sessionID": this._community.getSessionID(), "action": "kick", "memberId": steamID.toString(), "queryString": "" }; var self = this;"" + this.steamID.toString() + "/membersManage", {"form": form}, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if(err || response.statusCode >= 400) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } if(self._community._checkCommunityError(body, callback)) { return; } callback(null); }); };