const SteamID = require('steamid'); const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); SteamCommunity.ChatState = require('../resources/EChatState.js'); SteamCommunity.PersonaState = require('../resources/EPersonaState.js'); SteamCommunity.PersonaStateFlag = require('../resources/EPersonaStateFlag.js'); /** * @deprecated No support for new Steam chat. Use steam-user instead. * @param {int} interval * @param {string} uiMode */ SteamCommunity.prototype.chatLogon = function(interval, uiMode) { if (this.chatState == SteamCommunity.ChatState.LoggingOn || this.chatState == SteamCommunity.ChatState.LoggedOn) { return; } interval = interval || 500; uiMode = uiMode || "web"; this.emit('debug', 'Requesting chat WebAPI token'); this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.LoggingOn; this.getWebApiOauthToken((err, token) => { if (err) { let fatal = err.message.indexOf('not authorized') != -1; if (!fatal) { this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.LogOnFailed; setTimeout(this.chatLogon.bind(this), 5000); } else { this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.Offline; } this.emit('chatLogOnFailed', err, fatal); this.emit('debug', "Cannot get oauth token: " + err.message); return; } this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "ui_mode": uiMode, "access_token": token }, "json": true }, (err, response, body) => { if (err || response.statusCode != 200) { this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.LogOnFailed; this.emit('chatLogOnFailed', err ? err : new Error("HTTP error " + response.statusCode), false); this.emit('debug', 'Error logging into webchat: ' + (err ? err.message : "HTTP error " + response.statusCode)); setTimeout(this.chatLogon.bind(this), 5000); return; } if (body.error != 'OK') { this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.LogOnFailed; this.emit('chatLogOnFailed', new Error(body.error), false); this.emit('debug', 'Error logging into webchat: ' + body.error); setTimeout(this.chatLogon.bind(this), 5000); return; } this._chat = { "umqid": body.umqid, "message": body.message, "accessToken": token, "interval": interval, "uiMode": uiMode }; this.chatFriends = {}; this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.LoggedOn; this.emit('chatLoggedOn'); this._chatPoll(); }, 'steamcommunity'); }); }; /** * @deprecated No support for new Steam chat. Use steam-user instead. * @param {string|SteamID} recipient * @param {string} text * @param {string} [type] * @param {function} [callback] */ SteamCommunity.prototype.chatMessage = function(recipient, text, type, callback) { if (this.chatState != SteamCommunity.ChatState.LoggedOn) { throw new Error("Chat must be logged on before messages can be sent"); } if (typeof recipient === 'string') { recipient = new SteamID(recipient); } if (typeof type === 'function') { callback = type; type = 'saytext'; } type = type || 'saytext'; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "access_token": this._chat.accessToken, "steamid_dst": recipient.toString(), "text": text, "type": type, "umqid": this._chat.umqid }, "json": true }, (err, response, body) => { if (!callback) { return; } if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (body.error != 'OK') { callback(new Error(body.error)); } else { callback(null); } }, 'steamcommunity'); }; /** * @deprecated No support for new Steam chat. Use steam-user instead. */ SteamCommunity.prototype.chatLogoff = function() { this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "access_token": this._chat.accessToken, "umqid": this._chat.umqid } }, (err, response, body) => { if (err || response.statusCode != 200) { this.emit('debug', 'Error logging off of chat: ' + (err ? err.message : "HTTP error " + response.statusCode)); setTimeout(this.chatLogoff.bind(this), 1000); } else { this.emit('chatLoggedOff'); clearTimeout(this._chat.timer); delete this._chat; delete this.chatFriends; this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.Offline; } }, 'steamcommunity'); }; /** * @private */ SteamCommunity.prototype._chatPoll = function() { this.emit('debug', 'Doing chat poll'); this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "umqid": this._chat.umqid, "message": this._chat.message, "pollid": 1, "sectimeout": 20, "secidletime": 0, "use_accountids": 1, "access_token": this._chat.accessToken }, "json": true }, (err, response, body) => { if (this.chatState == SteamCommunity.ChatState.Offline) { return; } this._chat.timer = setTimeout(this._chatPoll.bind(this), this._chat.interval); if (err || response.statusCode != 200) { this.emit('debug', 'Error in chat poll: ' + (err ? err.message : "HTTP error " + response.statusCode)); if (err.message == "Not Logged On") { this._relogWebChat(); } return; } if (!body || body.error != 'OK') { this.emit('debug', 'Error in chat poll: ' + (body && body.error ? body.error : "Malformed response")); if (body && body.error && body.error == "Not Logged On") { this._relogWebChat(); } return; } this._chat.message = body.messagelast; (body.messages || []).forEach(function(message) { let sender = new SteamID(); sender.universe = SteamID.Universe.PUBLIC; sender.type = SteamID.Type.INDIVIDUAL; sender.instance = SteamID.Instance.DESKTOP; sender.accountid = message.accountid_from; switch (message.type) { case 'personastate': this._chatUpdatePersona(sender); break; case 'saytext': this.emit('chatMessage', sender, message.text); break; case 'typing': this.emit('chatTyping', sender); break; default: this.emit('debug', 'Unhandled chat message type: ' + message.type); } }); }, 'steamcommunity'); }; /** * @private */ SteamCommunity.prototype._relogWebChat = function() { this.emit('debug', "Relogging web chat"); clearTimeout(this._chat.timer); this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.Offline; this.chatLogon(this._chat.interval, this._chat.uiMode); }; /** * @param {SteamID} steamID * @private */ SteamCommunity.prototype._chatUpdatePersona = function(steamID) { if (!this.chatFriends || this.chatState == SteamCommunity.ChatState.Offline) { return; // we no longer care } this.emit('debug', 'Updating persona data for ' + steamID); this.httpRequest({ "uri": "" + steamID.accountid, "json": true }, (err, response, body) => { if (!this.chatFriends || this.chatState == SteamCommunity.ChatState.Offline) { return; // welp } if (err || response.statusCode != 200) { this.emit('debug', 'Chat update persona error: ' + (err ? err.message : "HTTP error " + response.statusCode)); setTimeout(function() { this._chatUpdatePersona(steamID); }, 2000); return; } let persona = { "steamID": steamID, "personaName": body.m_strName, "personaState": body.m_ePersonaState, "personaStateFlags": body.m_nPersonaStateFlags || 0, "avatarHash": body.m_strAvatarHash, "inGame": !!body.m_bInGame, "inGameAppID": body.m_nInGameAppID ? parseInt(body.m_nInGameAppID, 10) : null, "inGameName": body.m_strInGameName || null }; this.emit('chatPersonaState', steamID, persona); this.chatFriends[steamID.getSteamID64()] = persona; }, 'steamcommunity'); };