const request = require('request'); const SteamID = require('steamid'); const xml2js = require('xml2js'); const EResult = require('../resources/EResult.js'); exports.isSteamID = function(input) { var keys = Object.keys(input); if (keys.length != 4) { return false; } // Make sure it has the keys we expect keys = keys.filter(function(item) { return ['universe', 'type', 'instance', 'accountid'].indexOf(item) != -1; }); return keys.length == 4; }; exports.decodeSteamTime = function(time) { var date = new Date(); if (time.includes("@")) { var parts = time.split('@'); if (!parts[0].includes(",")) { // no year, assume current year parts[0] += ", " + date.getFullYear(); } date = new Date(parts.join('@').replace(/(am|pm)/, ' $1') + " UTC"); // add a space so JS can decode it } else { // Relative date var amount = time.replace(/(\d) (minutes|hour|hours) ago/, "$1"); if(time.includes("minutes")) { date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - amount); } else if(time.match(/hour|hours/)) { date.setHours(date.getHours() - amount); } } return date; }; /** * Get an Error object for a particular EResult * @param {int} eresult * @returns {null|Error} */ exports.eresultError = function(eresult) { if (eresult == EResult.OK) { // no error return null; } var err = new Error(EResult[eresult] || ("Error " + eresult)); err.eresult = eresult; return err; }; exports.decodeJwt = function(jwt) { let parts = jwt.split('.'); if (parts.length != 3) { throw new Error('Invalid JWT'); } let standardBase64 = parts[1].replace(/-/g, '+') .replace(/_/g, '/'); return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(standardBase64, 'base64').toString('utf8')); }; /** * Resolves a Steam profile URL to get steamID64 and vanityURL * @param {String} url - Full steamcommunity profile URL or only the vanity part. * @param {Object} callback - First argument is null/Error, second is object containing vanityURL (String) and steamID (String) */ exports.resolveVanityURL = function(url, callback) { // Precede url param if only the vanity was provided if (!url.includes("")) { url = "" + url; } // Make request to get XML data request(url + "/?xml=1", function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // Parse XML data returned from Steam into an object new xml2js.Parser().parseString(body, (err, parsed) => { if (err) { callback(new Error("Couldn't parse XML response")); return; } if (parsed.response && parsed.response.error) { callback(new Error("Couldn't find Steam ID")); return; } let steamID64 = parsed.profile.steamID64[0]; let vanityURL = parsed.profile.customURL[0]; callback(null, {"vanityURL": vanityURL, "steamID": steamID64}); }); }); }; /** * Converts `input` into a SteamID object, if it's a parseable string. * @param {SteamID|string} input * @return {SteamID} */ exports.steamID = function(input) { if (exports.isSteamID(input)) { return input; } if (typeof input != 'string') { throw new Error(`Input SteamID value "${input}" is not a string`); } // This will throw if the input is not a well-formed SteamID return new SteamID(input); };