const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); const Helpers = require('./helpers.js'); const ETwoFactorTokenType = { None: 0, // No token-based two-factor authentication ValveMobileApp: 1, // Tokens generated using Valve's special charset (5 digits, alphanumeric) ThirdParty: 2 // Tokens generated using literally everyone else's standard charset (6 digits, numeric). This is disabled. }; SteamCommunity.prototype.enableTwoFactor = function(callback) { if (!this.oAuthToken) { return callback(new Error('enableTwoFactor can only be used when logged on via steamcommunity\'s `login` method without the `disableMobile` option.')); } this.httpRequestPost({ uri: '', form: { steamid: this.steamID.getSteamID64(), access_token: this.oAuthToken, authenticator_time: Math.floor( / 1000), authenticator_type: ETwoFactorTokenType.ValveMobileApp, device_identifier: SteamTotp.getDeviceID(this.steamID), sms_phone_id: '1' }, json: true }, (err, response, body) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!body.response) { callback(new Error('Malformed response')); return; } let err2 = Helpers.eresultError(body.response.status); if (err2) { return callback(err2); } callback(null, body.response); }, 'steamcommunity'); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.finalizeTwoFactor = function(secret, activationCode, callback) { if (!this.oAuthToken) { return callback(new Error('finalizeTwoFactor can only be used when logged on via steamcommunity\'s `login` method without the `disableMobile` option.')); } let attemptsLeft = 30; let diff = 0; const finalize = () => { let code = SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(secret, diff); this.httpRequestPost({ uri: '', form: { steamid: this.steamID.getSteamID64(), access_token: this.oAuthToken, authenticator_code: code, authenticator_time: Math.floor( / 1000), activation_code: activationCode }, json: true }, (err, response, body) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!body.response) { callback(new Error('Malformed response')); return; } body = body.response; if (body.server_time) { diff = body.server_time - Math.floor( / 1000); } if (body.status == SteamCommunity.EResult.TwoFactorActivationCodeMismatch) { callback(new Error('Invalid activation code')); } else if (body.want_more) { if (--attemptsLeft <= 0) { // We made more than 30 attempts, something must be wrong return callback(Helpers.eresultError(SteamCommunity.EResult.Fail)); } diff += 30; finalize(); } else if (!body.success) { callback(Helpers.eresultError(body.status)); } else { callback(null); } }, 'steamcommunity'); }; SteamTotp.getTimeOffset((err, offset, latency) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } diff = offset; finalize(); }); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.disableTwoFactor = function(revocationCode, callback) { if (!this.oAuthToken) { return callback(new Error('disableTwoFactor can only be used when logged on via steamcommunity\'s `login` method without the `disableMobile` option.')); } this.httpRequestPost({ uri: '', form: { steamid: this.steamID.getSteamID64(), access_token: this.oAuthToken, revocation_code: revocationCode, steamguard_scheme: 1 }, json: true }, (err, response, body) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!body.response) { callback(new Error('Malformed response')); return; } if (!body.response.success) { callback(new Error('Request failed')); return; } // success = true means it worked callback(null); }, 'steamcommunity'); };