const Cheerio = require('cheerio'); const SteamID = require('steamid'); const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); const Helpers = require('../components/helpers.js'); const ESharedFileType = require('../resources/ESharedFileType.js'); /** * Scrape a sharedfile's DOM to get all available information * @param {string} sharedFileId - ID of the sharedfile * @param {function} callback - First argument is null/Error, second is object containing all available information */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getSteamSharedFile = function(sharedFileId, callback) { // Construct object holding all the data we can scrape let sharedfile = { id: sharedFileId, type: null, appID: null, owner: null, fileSize: null, postDate: null, resolution: null, uniqueVisitorsCount: null, favoritesCount: null, upvoteCount: null, guideNumRatings: null, isUpvoted: null, isDownvoted: null }; // Get DOM of sharedfile this.httpRequestGet(`${sharedFileId}`, (err, res, body) => { try { /* --------------------- Preprocess output --------------------- */ // Load output into cheerio to make parsing easier let $ = Cheerio.load(body); // Dynamically map detailsStatsContainerLeft to detailsStatsContainerRight in an object to make readout easier. It holds size, post date and resolution. let detailsStatsObj = {}; let detailsLeft = $(".detailsStatsContainerLeft").children(); let detailsRight = $(".detailsStatsContainerRight").children(); Object.keys(detailsLeft).forEach((e) => { // Dynamically get all details. Don't hardcore so that this also works for guides. if (isNaN(e)) { return; // Ignore invalid entries } detailsStatsObj[detailsLeft[e].children[0].data.trim()] = detailsRight[e].children[0].data; }); // Dynamically map stats_table descriptions to values. This holds Unique Visitors and Current Favorites let statsTableObj = {}; let statsTable = $(".stats_table").children(); Object.keys(statsTable).forEach((e) => { if (isNaN(e)) { return; // Ignore invalid entries } // Value description is at index 3, value data at index 1 statsTableObj[statsTable[e].children[3].children[0].data] = statsTable[e].children[1].children[0].data.replace(/,/g, ""); // Remove commas from 1k+ values }); /* --------------------- Find and map values --------------------- */ // Find appID in share button onclick event sharedfile.appID = Number($("#ShareItemBtn").attr()["onclick"].replace(`ShowSharePublishedFilePopup( '${sharedFileId}', '`, "").replace("' );", "")); // Find fileSize if not guide sharedfile.fileSize = detailsStatsObj["File Size"] || null; // TODO: Convert to bytes? It seems like to always be MB but no guarantee // Find postDate and convert to timestamp let posted = detailsStatsObj["Posted"].trim(); sharedfile.postDate = Helpers.decodeSteamTime(posted); // Find resolution if artwork or screenshot sharedfile.resolution = detailsStatsObj["Size"] || null; // Find uniqueVisitorsCount. We can't use ' || null' here as Number("0") casts to false if (statsTableObj["Unique Visitors"]) { sharedfile.uniqueVisitorsCount = Number(statsTableObj["Unique Visitors"]); } // Find favoritesCount. We can't use ' || null' here as Number("0") casts to false if (statsTableObj["Current Favorites"]) { sharedfile.favoritesCount = Number(statsTableObj["Current Favorites"]); } // Find upvoteCount. We can't use ' || null' here as Number("0") casts to false let upvoteCount = $("#VotesUpCountContainer > #VotesUpCount").text(); if (upvoteCount) { sharedfile.upvoteCount = Number(upvoteCount); } // Find numRatings if this is a guide as they use a different voting system let numRatings = $(".ratingSection > .numRatings").text().replace(" ratings", ""); sharedfile.guideNumRatings = Number(numRatings) || null; // Set to null if not a guide or if the guide does not have enough ratings to show a value // Determine if this account has already voted on this sharedfile sharedfile.isUpvoted = String($(".workshopItemControlCtn > #VoteUpBtn")[0].attribs["class"]).includes("toggled"); // Check if upvote btn class contains "toggled" sharedfile.isDownvoted = String($(".workshopItemControlCtn > #VoteDownBtn")[0].attribs["class"]).includes("toggled"); // Check if downvote btn class contains "toggled" // Determine type by looking at the second breadcrumb. Find the first separator as it has a unique name and go to the next element which holds our value of interest let breadcrumb = $(".breadcrumbs > .breadcrumb_separator").next().get(0).children[0].data || ""; if (breadcrumb.includes("Screenshot")) { sharedfile.type = ESharedFileType.Screenshot; } if (breadcrumb.includes("Artwork")) { sharedfile.type = ESharedFileType.Artwork; } if (breadcrumb.includes("Guide")) { sharedfile.type = ESharedFileType.Guide; } // Find owner profile link, convert to steamID64 using SteamIdResolver lib and create a SteamID object let ownerHref = $(".friendBlockLinkOverlay").attr()["href"]; Helpers.resolveVanityURL(ownerHref, (err, data) => { // This request takes <1 sec if (err) { callback(err); return; } sharedfile.owner = new SteamID(data.steamID); // Make callback when ID was resolved as otherwise owner will always be null callback(null, new CSteamSharedFile(this, sharedfile)); }); } catch (err) { callback(err, null); } }, "steamcommunity"); }; /** * Constructor - Creates a new SharedFile object * @class * @param {SteamCommunity} community * @param {{ id: string, type: ESharedFileType, appID: number, owner: SteamID|null, fileSize: string|null, postDate: number, resolution: string|null, uniqueVisitorsCount: number, favoritesCount: number, upvoteCount: number|null, guideNumRatings: Number|null, isUpvoted: boolean, isDownvoted: boolean }} data */ function CSteamSharedFile(community, data) { /** * @type {SteamCommunity} */ this._community = community; // Clone all the data we received Object.assign(this, data); } /** * Deletes a comment from this sharedfile's comment section * @param {String} cid - ID of the comment to delete * @param {function} callback - Takes only an Error object/null as the first argument */ CSteamSharedFile.prototype.deleteComment = function(cid, callback) { this._community.deleteSharedFileComment(this.userID,, cid, callback); }; /** * Favorites this sharedfile * @param {function} callback - Takes only an Error object/null as the first argument */ CSteamSharedFile.prototype.favorite = function(callback) { this._community.favoriteSharedFile(, this.appID, callback); }; /** * Posts a comment to this sharedfile * @param {String} message - Content of the comment to post * @param {function} callback - Takes only an Error object/null as the first argument */ CSteamSharedFile.prototype.comment = function(message, callback) { this._community.postSharedFileComment(this.owner,, message, callback); }; /** * Subscribes to this sharedfile's comment section. Note: Checkbox on webpage does not update * @param {function} callback - Takes only an Error object/null as the first argument */ CSteamSharedFile.prototype.subscribe = function(callback) { this._community.subscribeSharedFileComments(this.owner,, callback); }; /** * Unfavorites this sharedfile * @param {function} callback - Takes only an Error object/null as the first argument */ CSteamSharedFile.prototype.unfavorite = function(callback) { this._community.unfavoriteSharedFile(, this.appID, callback); }; /** * Unsubscribes from this sharedfile's comment section. Note: Checkbox on webpage does not update * @param {function} callback - Takes only an Error object/null as the first argument */ CSteamSharedFile.prototype.unsubscribe = function(callback) { this._community.unsubscribeSharedFileComments(this.owner,, callback); };