const {chrome} = require('@doctormckay/user-agents'); const Request = require('request'); const SteamID = require('steamid'); const Helpers = require('./components/helpers.js'); require('util').inherits(SteamCommunity, require('events').EventEmitter); module.exports = SteamCommunity; SteamCommunity.SteamID = SteamID; SteamCommunity.ConfirmationType = require('./resources/EConfirmationType.js'); SteamCommunity.EResult = require('./resources/EResult.js'); SteamCommunity.ESharedFileType = require('./resources/ESharedFileType.js'); SteamCommunity.EFriendRelationship = require('./resources/EFriendRelationship.js'); function SteamCommunity(options) { options = options || {}; this._jar = Request.jar(); this._captchaGid = -1; this._httpRequestID = 0; this.chatState = SteamCommunity.ChatState.Offline; var defaults = { "jar": this._jar, "timeout": options.timeout || 50000, "gzip": true, "headers": { "User-Agent": options.userAgent || chrome() } }; if (typeof options == "string") { options = { localAddress: options }; } this._options = options; if (options.localAddress) { defaults.localAddress = options.localAddress; } this.request = options.request || Request.defaults({"forever": true}); // "forever" indicates that we want a keep-alive agent this.request = this.request.defaults(defaults); // English this._setCookie(Request.cookie('Steam_Language=english')); // UTC this._setCookie(Request.cookie('timezoneOffset=0,0')); } SteamCommunity.prototype.login = function(details, callback) { if (!details.accountName || !details.password) { throw new Error("Missing either accountName or password to login; both are needed"); } // Delete the cache delete this._profileURL; // default disableMobile to true let logOnOptions = Object.assign({}, details); logOnOptions.disableMobile = details.disableMobile !== false; this._modernLogin(logOnOptions).then(({sessionID, cookies, steamguard, mobileAccessToken}) => { this.setCookies(cookies); if (mobileAccessToken) { this.setMobileAppAccessToken(mobileAccessToken); } callback(null, sessionID, cookies, steamguard, null); }).catch(err => callback(err)); }; /** * @deprecated * @param {string} steamguard * @param {string} token * @param {function} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.oAuthLogin = function(steamguard, token, callback) { steamguard = steamguard.split('||'); var steamID = new SteamID(steamguard[0]); var self = this; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "access_token": token }, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if(!body.response || !body.response.token || !body.response.token_secure) { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); return; } var cookies = [ 'steamLogin=' + encodeURIComponent(steamID.getSteamID64() + '||' + body.response.token), 'steamLoginSecure=' + encodeURIComponent(steamID.getSteamID64() + '||' + body.response.token_secure), 'steamMachineAuth' + steamID.getSteamID64() + '=' + steamguard[1], 'sessionid=' + self.getSessionID() ]; self.setCookies(cookies); callback(null, self.getSessionID(), cookies); }, "steamcommunity"); }; /** * Get a token that can be used to log onto Steam using steam-user. * @param {function} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getClientLogonToken = function(callback) { this.httpRequestGet({ "uri": "", "json": true }, (err, res, body) => { if (err || res.statusCode != 200) { callback(err ? err : new Error('HTTP error ' + res.statusCode)); return; } if (!body.logged_in) { let e = new Error('Not Logged In'); callback(e); this._notifySessionExpired(e); return; } if (!body.steamid || !body.account_name || !body.token) { callback(new Error('Malformed response')); return; } callback(null, { "steamID": new SteamID(body.steamid), "accountName": body.account_name, "webLogonToken": body.token }); }); }; SteamCommunity.prototype._setCookie = function(cookie, secure) { var protocol = secure ? "https" : "http"; = !!secure; this._jar.setCookie(cookie.clone(), protocol + "://"); this._jar.setCookie(cookie.clone(), protocol + "://"); this._jar.setCookie(cookie.clone(), protocol + "://"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.setCookies = function(cookies) { cookies.forEach((cookie) => { var cookieName = cookie.match(/(.+)=/)[1]; if (cookieName == 'steamLogin' || cookieName == 'steamLoginSecure') { this.steamID = new SteamID(cookie.match(/=(\d+)/)[1]); } this._setCookie(Request.cookie(cookie), !!(cookieName.match(/^steamMachineAuth/) || cookieName.match(/Secure$/))); }); // The account we're logged in as might have changed, so verify that our mobile access token (if any) is still valid // for this account. this._verifyMobileAccessToken(); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.getSessionID = function(host = "") { var cookies = this._jar.getCookieString(host).split(';'); for(var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var match = cookies[i].trim().match(/([^=]+)=(.+)/); if(match[1] == 'sessionid') { return decodeURIComponent(match[2]); } } var sessionID = generateSessionID(); this._setCookie(Request.cookie('sessionid=' + sessionID)); return sessionID; }; function generateSessionID() { return require('crypto').randomBytes(12).toString('hex'); } SteamCommunity.prototype.parentalUnlock = function(pin, callback) { var self = this; var sessionID = self.getSessionID(); this.httpRequestPost("", { "json": true, "form": { "pin": pin, "sessionid": sessionID } }, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!body || typeof body.success !== 'boolean') { callback("Invalid response"); return; } if (!body.success) { switch (body.eresult) { case 15: callback("Incorrect PIN"); break; case 25: callback("Too many invalid PIN attempts"); break; default: callback("Error " + body.eresult); } return; } callback(); }.bind(this), "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.getNotifications = function(callback) { var self = this; this.httpRequestGet({ "uri": "", "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!body || !body.notifications) { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); return; } var notifications = { "trades": body.notifications[1] || 0, "gameTurns": body.notifications[2] || 0, "moderatorMessages": body.notifications[3] || 0, "comments": body.notifications[4] || 0, "items": body.notifications[5] || 0, "invites": body.notifications[6] || 0, // dunno about 7 "gifts": body.notifications[8] || 0, "chat": body.notifications[9] || 0, "helpRequestReplies": body.notifications[10] || 0, "accountAlerts": body.notifications[11] || 0 }; callback(null, notifications); }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.resetItemNotifications = function(callback) { var self = this; this.httpRequestGet("", function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } callback(err || null); }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.loggedIn = function(callback) { this.httpRequestGet({ "uri": "", "followRedirect": false, "checkHttpError": false }, function(err, response, body) { if(err || (response.statusCode != 302 && response.statusCode != 403)) { callback(err || new Error("HTTP error " + response.statusCode)); return; } if(response.statusCode == 403) { callback(null, true, true); return; } callback(null, !!response.headers.location.match(/steamcommunity\.com(\/(id|profiles)\/[^\/]+)\/?/), false); }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.getTradeURL = function(callback) { this._myProfile("tradeoffers/privacy", null, (err, response, body) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } var match = body.match(/https?:\/\/(www.)?\/tradeoffer\/new\/?\?partner=\d+(&|&)token=([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/); if (match) { var token = match[3]; callback(null, match[0], token); } else { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); } }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.changeTradeURL = function(callback) { this._myProfile("tradeoffers/newtradeurl", {"sessionid": this.getSessionID()}, (err, response, body) => { if (!callback) { return; } if (!body || typeof body !== "string" || body.length < 3 || body.indexOf('"') !== 0) { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); return; } var newToken = body.replace(/"/g, ''); //"t1o2k3e4n" => t1o2k3e4n callback(null, "" + this.steamID.accountid + "&token=" + newToken, newToken); }, "steamcommunity"); }; /** * Clear your profile name (alias) history. * @param {function} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.clearPersonaNameHistory = function(callback) { this._myProfile("ajaxclearaliashistory/", {"sessionid": this.getSessionID()}, (err, res, body) => { if (!callback) { return; } if (err) { return callback(err); } if (res.statusCode != 200) { return callback(new Error("HTTP error " + res.statusCode)); } try { body = JSON.parse(body); callback(Helpers.eresultError(body.success)); } catch (ex) { return callback(new Error("Malformed response")); } }); }; SteamCommunity.prototype._myProfile = function(endpoint, form, callback) { var self = this; if (this._profileURL) { completeRequest(this._profileURL); } else { this.httpRequest("", {"followRedirect": false}, function(err, response, body) { if(err || response.statusCode != 302) { callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode); return; } var match = response.headers.location.match(/steamcommunity\.com(\/(id|profiles)\/[^\/]+)\/?/); if(!match) { callback(new Error("Can't get profile URL")); return; } self._profileURL = match[1]; setTimeout(function () { delete self._profileURL; // delete the cache }, 60000).unref(); completeRequest(match[1]); }, "steamcommunity"); } function completeRequest(url) { var options = endpoint.endpoint ? endpoint : {}; options.uri = "" + url + "/" + (endpoint.endpoint || endpoint); if (form) { options.method = "POST"; options.form = form; options.followAllRedirects = true; } else if (!options.method) { options.method = "GET"; } self.httpRequest(options, callback, "steamcommunity"); } }; /** * Returns an object whose keys are 64-bit SteamIDs, and whose values are values from the EFriendRelationship enum. * Therefore, you can deduce your friends or blocked list from this object. * @param {function} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getFriendsList = function(callback) { this.httpRequestGet({ "uri": "", "json": true }, (err, res, body) => { if (err) { callback(err ? err : new Error('HTTP error ' + res.statusCode)); return; } if (body.success != 1) { callback(Helpers.eresultError(body.success)); return; } if (!body.friendslist || !body.friendslist.friends) { callback(new Error('Malformed response')); return; } const friends = {}; body.friendslist.friends.forEach(friend => (friends[friend.ulfriendid] = friend.efriendrelationship)); callback(null, friends); }); }; require('./components/login.js'); require('./components/http.js'); require('./components/chat.js'); require('./components/profile.js'); require('./components/market.js'); require('./components/groups.js'); require('./components/users.js'); require('./components/sharedfiles.js'); require('./components/inventoryhistory.js'); require('./components/webapi.js'); require('./components/twofactor.js'); require('./components/confirmations.js'); require('./components/help.js'); require('./classes/CMarketItem.js'); require('./classes/CMarketSearchResult.js'); require('./classes/CSteamGroup.js'); require('./classes/CSteamSharedFile.js'); require('./classes/CSteamUser.js'); /** @callback SteamCommunity~genericErrorCallback @param {Error|null} err - An Error object on failure, or null on success */