const Cheerio = require('cheerio'); const Crypto = require('crypto'); const imageSize = require('image-size'); const SteamID = require('steamid'); const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); const CEconItem = require('../classes/CEconItem.js'); const Helpers = require('./helpers.js'); SteamCommunity.prototype.addFriend = function(userID, callback) { if(typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var self = this; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "accept_invite": 0, "sessionID": this.getSessionID(), "steamid": userID.toString() }, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if (err) { callback(err); return; } if(body.success) { callback(null); } else { callback(new Error("Unknown error")); } }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.acceptFriendRequest = function(userID, callback) { if(typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var self = this; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "accept_invite": 1, "sessionID": this.getSessionID(), "steamid": userID.toString() } }, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } callback(err || null); }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.removeFriend = function(userID, callback) { if(typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var self = this; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "sessionID": this.getSessionID(), "steamid": userID.toString() } }, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } callback(err || null); }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.blockCommunication = function(userID, callback) { if(typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var self = this; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "sessionID": this.getSessionID(), "steamid": userID.toString() } }, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } callback(err || null); }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.unblockCommunication = function(userID, callback) { if(typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var form = {"action": "unignore"}; form['friends[' + userID.toString() + ']'] = 1; this._myProfile('friends/blocked/', form, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if(err || response.statusCode >= 400) { callback(err || new Error("HTTP error " + response.statusCode)); return; } callback(null); }); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.postUserComment = function(userID, message, callback) { if(typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var self = this; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "" + userID.toString() + "/-1", "form": { "comment": message, "count": 6, "sessionid": this.getSessionID() }, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if (err) { callback(err); return; } if(body.success) { callback(null); } else if(body.error) { callback(new Error(body.error)); } else { callback(new Error("Unknown error")); } }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.inviteUserToGroup = function(userID, groupID, callback) { if(typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var self = this; this.httpRequestPost({ "uri": "", "form": { "group": groupID.toString(), "invitee": userID.toString(), "json": 1, "sessionID": this.getSessionID(), "type": "groupInvite" }, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if (err) { callback(err); return; } if(body.results == 'OK') { callback(null); } else if(body.results) { callback(new Error(body.results)); } else { callback(new Error("Unknown error")); } }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.getUserAliases = function(userID, callback) { if (typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } this.httpRequestGet({ "uri": "" + userID.getSteamID64() + "/ajaxaliases", "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (typeof body !== 'object') { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); return; } callback(null, { entry.timechanged = Helpers.decodeSteamTime(entry.timechanged); return entry; })); }, "steamcommunity"); }; /** * Get the background URL of user's profile. * @param {SteamID|string} userID - The user's SteamID as a SteamID object or a string which can parse into one * @param {function} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getUserProfileBackground = function(userID, callback) { if (typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } this.httpRequest("" + userID.getSteamID64(), (err, response, body) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } var $ = Cheerio.load(body); var $privateProfileInfo = $('.profile_private_info'); if ($privateProfileInfo.length > 0) { callback(new Error($privateProfileInfo.text().trim())); return; } if ($('body').hasClass('has_profile_background')) { var backgroundUrl = $('div.profile_background_image_content').css('background-image'); var matcher = backgroundUrl.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/); if (matcher.length != 2 || !matcher[1].length) { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); } else { callback(null, matcher[1]); } } else { callback(null, null); } }, "steamcommunity"); }; SteamCommunity.prototype.getUserInventoryContexts = function(userID, callback) { if (typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } if (typeof userID === 'function') { callback = userID; userID = this.steamID; } if (!userID) { callback(new Error("No SteamID specified and not logged in")); return; } var self = this; this.httpRequest("" + userID.getSteamID64() + "/inventory/", function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } var match = body.match(/var g_rgAppContextData = ([^\n]+);\r?\n/); if (!match) { var errorMessage = "Malformed response"; if(body.match(/0 items in their inventory\./)){ callback(null, {}); return; }else if(body.match(/inventory is currently private\./)){ errorMessage = "Private inventory"; }else if(body.match(/profile\_private\_info/)){ errorMessage = "Private profile"; } callback(new Error(errorMessage)); return; } var data; try { data = JSON.parse(match[1]); } catch(e) { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); return; } callback(null, data); }, "steamcommunity"); }; /** * Get the contents of a user's inventory context. * @deprecated Use getUserInventoryContents instead * @param {SteamID|string} userID - The user's SteamID as a SteamID object or a string which can parse into one * @param {int} appID - The Steam application ID of the game for which you want an inventory * @param {int} contextID - The ID of the "context" within the game you want to retrieve * @param {boolean} tradableOnly - true to get only tradable items and currencies * @param {function} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getUserInventory = function(userID, appID, contextID, tradableOnly, callback) { var self = this; if (typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var endpoint = "/profiles/" + userID.getSteamID64(); get([], []); function get(inventory, currency, start) { self.httpRequest({ "uri": "" + endpoint + "/inventory/json/" + appID + "/" + contextID, "headers": { "Referer": "" + endpoint + "/inventory" }, "qs": { "start": start, "trading": tradableOnly ? 1 : undefined }, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (!body || !body.success || !body.rgInventory || !body.rgDescriptions || !body.rgCurrency) { if (body) { callback(new Error(body.Error || "Malformed response")); } else { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); } return; } var i; for (i in body.rgInventory) { if (!body.rgInventory.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } inventory.push(new CEconItem(body.rgInventory[i], body.rgDescriptions, contextID)); } for (i in body.rgCurrency) { if (!body.rgCurrency.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; } currency.push(new CEconItem(body.rgInventory[i], body.rgDescriptions, contextID)); } if (body.more) { var match = response.request.uri.href.match(/\/(profiles|id)\/([^\/]+)\//); if(match) { endpoint = "/" + match[1] + "/" + match[2]; } get(inventory, currency, body.more_start); } else { callback(null, inventory, currency); } }, "steamcommunity"); } }; /** * Get the contents of a user's inventory context. * @param {SteamID|string} userID - The user's SteamID as a SteamID object or a string which can parse into one * @param {int} appID - The Steam application ID of the game for which you want an inventory * @param {int} contextID - The ID of the "context" within the game you want to retrieve * @param {boolean} tradableOnly - true to get only tradable items and currencies * @param {string} [language] - The language of item descriptions to return. Omit for default (which may either be English or your account's chosen language) * @param {function} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getUserInventoryContents = function(userID, appID, contextID, tradableOnly, language, callback) { if (typeof language === 'function') { callback = language; language = "english"; } if (!userID) { callback(new Error("The user's SteamID is invalid or missing.")); return; } var self = this; if (typeof userID === 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } var pos = 1; get([], []); function get(inventory, currency, start) { self.httpRequest({ "uri": "" + userID.getSteamID64() + "/" + appID + "/" + contextID, "headers": { "Referer": "" + userID.getSteamID64() + "/inventory" }, "qs": { "l": language, // Default language "count": 5000, // Max items per 'page' "start_assetid": start }, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { if (err.message == "HTTP error 403" && body === null) { // 403 with a body of "null" means the inventory/profile is private. if (self.steamID && userID.getSteamID64() == self.steamID.getSteamID64()) { // We can never get private profile error for our own inventory! self._notifySessionExpired(err); } callback(new Error("This profile is private.")); return; } if (err.message == "HTTP error 500" && body && body.error) { err = new Error(body.error); var match = body.error.match(/^(.+) \((\d+)\)$/); if (match) { err.message = match[1]; err.eresult = match[2]; callback(err); return; } } callback(err); return; } if (body && body.success && body.total_inventory_count === 0) { // Empty inventory callback(null, [], [], 0); return; } if (!body || !body.success || !body.assets || !body.descriptions) { if (body) { // Dunno if the error/Error property even exists on this new endpoint callback(new Error(body.error || body.Error || "Malformed response")); } else { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); } return; } for (var i = 0; i < body.assets.length; i++) { var description = getDescription(body.descriptions, body.assets[i].classid, body.assets[i].instanceid); if (!tradableOnly || (description && description.tradable)) { body.assets[i].pos = pos++; (body.assets[i].currencyid ? currency : inventory).push(new CEconItem(body.assets[i], description, contextID)); } } if (body.more_items) { get(inventory, currency, body.last_assetid); } else { callback(null, inventory, currency, body.total_inventory_count); } }, "steamcommunity"); } // A bit of optimization; objects are hash tables so it's more efficient to look up by key than to iterate an array var quickDescriptionLookup = {}; function getDescription(descriptions, classID, instanceID) { var key = classID + '_' + (instanceID || '0'); // instanceID can be undefined, in which case it's 0. if (quickDescriptionLookup[key]) { return quickDescriptionLookup[key]; } for (var i = 0; i < descriptions.length; i++) { quickDescriptionLookup[descriptions[i].classid + '_' + (descriptions[i].instanceid || '0')] = descriptions[i]; } return quickDescriptionLookup[key]; } }; /** * Upload an image to Steam and send it to another user over Steam chat. * @param {SteamID|string} userID - Either a SteamID object or a string that can parse into one * @param {Buffer} imageContentsBuffer - The image contents, as a Buffer * @param {{spoiler?: boolean}} [options] * @param {function} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.sendImageToUser = function(userID, imageContentsBuffer, options, callback) { if (typeof options == 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; if (!userID) { callback(new Error('The user\'s SteamID is invalid or missing')); return; } if (typeof userID == 'string') { userID = new SteamID(userID); } if (!Buffer.isBuffer(imageContentsBuffer)) { callback(new Error('The image contents must be a Buffer containing an image')); return; } var imageDetails = null; try { imageDetails = imageSize(imageContentsBuffer); } catch (ex) { callback(ex); return; } var imageHash = Crypto.createHash('sha1'); imageHash.update(imageContentsBuffer); imageHash = imageHash.digest('hex'); this.httpRequestPost({ uri: '', headers: { referer: '' }, formData: { // it's multipart sessionid: this.getSessionID(), l: 'english', file_size: imageContentsBuffer.length, file_name: 'image.' + imageDetails.type, file_sha: imageHash, file_image_width: imageDetails.width, file_image_height: imageDetails.height, file_type: 'image/' + (imageDetails.type == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : imageDetails.type) }, json: true }, (err, res, body) => { if (err) { if (body && body.success) { var err2 = Helpers.eresultError(body.success); if (body.message) { err2.message = body.message; } callback(err2); } else { callback(err); } return; } if (body.success != 1) { callback(Helpers.eresultError(body.success)); return; } var hmac = body.hmac; var timestamp = body.timestamp; var startResult = body.result; if (!startResult || !startResult.ugcid || !startResult.url_host || !startResult.request_headers) { callback(new Error('Malformed response')); return; } // Okay, now we need to PUT the file to the provided URL var uploadUrl = (startResult.use_https ? 'https' : 'http') + '://' + startResult.url_host + startResult.url_path; var headers = {}; startResult.request_headers.forEach((header) => { headers[] = header.value; }); this.httpRequest({ uri: uploadUrl, method: 'PUT', headers, body: imageContentsBuffer }, (err, res, body) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } // Now we need to commit the upload this.httpRequestPost({ uri: '', headers: { referer: '' }, formData: { // it's multipart again sessionid: this.getSessionID(), l: 'english', file_name: 'image.' + imageDetails.type, file_sha: imageHash, success: '1', ugcid: startResult.ugcid, file_type: 'image/' + (imageDetails.type == 'jpg' ? 'jpeg' : imageDetails.type), file_image_width: imageDetails.width, file_image_height: imageDetails.height, timestamp, hmac, friend_steamid: userID.getSteamID64(), spoiler: options.spoiler ? '1' : '0' }, json: true }, (err, res, body) => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (body.success != 1) { callback(Helpers.eresultError(body.success)); return; } if (body.result.success != 1) { // lol valve callback(Helpers.eresultError(body.result.success)); return; } if (!body.result.details || !body.result.details.url) { callback(new Error('Malformed response')); return; } callback(null, body.result.details.url); }, 'steamcommunity'); }, 'steamcommunity'); }, 'steamcommunity'); };