var SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); var CEconItem = require('../classes/CEconItem.js'); var SteamID = require('steamid'); var request = require('request'); var Cheerio = require('cheerio'); var Async = require('async'); SteamCommunity.prototype.getInventoryHistory = function(options, callback) { if(typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } = || 1; this.request("" +, function(err, response, body) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } var output = {}; var vanityURLs = []; var $ = Cheerio.load(body); var html = $('.inventory_history_pagingrow').html(); if(!html) { callback("Malformed page: no paging row found"); return; } var match = html.match(/(\d+) - (\d+) of (\d+) History Items/); output.first = parseInt(match[1], 10); output.last = parseInt(match[2], 10); output.totalTrades = parseInt(match[3], 10); // Load the inventory item data var match2 = body.match(/var g_rgHistoryInventory = (.*);/); if(!match2) { callback(new Error("Malformed page: no trade found")); return; } var historyInventory = JSON.parse(match2[1]); output.trades = []; var trades = $('.tradehistoryrow'); var item, trade, profileLink, items, j, econItem, timeMatch, time; for(var i = 0; i < trades.length; i++) { item = $(trades[i]); trade = {}; trade.onHold = !!item.find('span:nth-of-type(2)').text().match(/Trade on Hold/i); timeMatch = item.find('.tradehistory_timestamp').html().match(/(\d+):(\d+)(am|pm)/); if(timeMatch[1] == 12 && timeMatch[3] == 'am') { timeMatch[1] = 0; } if(timeMatch[1] < 12 && timeMatch[3] == 'pm') { timeMatch[1] = parseInt(timeMatch[1], 10) + 12; } time = (timeMatch[1] < 10 ? '0' : '') + timeMatch[1] + ':' + timeMatch[2] + ':00'; = new Date(item.find('.tradehistory_date').html() + ' ' + time); trade.partnerName = item.find('.tradehistory_event_description a').html(); trade.partnerSteamID = null; trade.partnerVanityURL = null; trade.itemsReceived = []; trade.itemsGiven = []; profileLink = item.find('.tradehistory_event_description a').attr('href'); if(profileLink.indexOf('/profiles/') != -1) { trade.partnerSteamID = new SteamID(profileLink.match(/(\d+)$/)[1]); } else { trade.partnerVanityURL = profileLink.match(/\/([^\/]+)$/)[1]; if(options.resolveVanityURLs && vanityURLs.indexOf(trade.partnerVanityURL) == -1) { vanityURLs.push(trade.partnerVanityURL); } } items = item.find('.history_item'); for(j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { match = body.match(new RegExp("HistoryPageCreateItemHover\\( '" + $(items[j]).attr('id') + "', (\\d+), '(\\d+)', '(\\d+|class_\\d+_instance_\\d+|class_\\d+)', '(\\d+)' \\);")); econItem = historyInventory[match[1]][match[2]][match[3]]; if($(items[j]).attr('id').indexOf('received') != -1) { trade.itemsReceived.push(new CEconItem(econItem)); } else { trade.itemsGiven.push(new CEconItem(econItem)); } } output.trades.push(trade); } if(options.resolveVanityURLs) {, resolveVanityURL, function(err, results) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } for(i = 0; i < output.trades.length; i++) { if(output.trades[i].partnerSteamID || !output.trades[i].partnerVanityURL) { continue; } // Find the vanity URL for(j = 0; j < results.length; j++) { if(results[j].vanityURL == output.trades[i].partnerVanityURL) { output.trades[i].partnerSteamID = new SteamID(results[j].steamID); break; } } } callback(null, output); }); } else { callback(null, output); } }); }; function resolveVanityURL(vanityURL, callback) { request("" + vanityURL + "/?xml=1", function(err, response, body) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } var match = body.match(/(\d+)<\/steamID64>/); if(!match || !match[1]) { callback(new Error("Couldn't find Steam ID")); return; } callback(null, {"vanityURL": vanityURL, "steamID": match[1]}); }); }