module.exports = CEconItem; function CEconItem(item, description, contextID) { var thing; for (thing in item) { if (item.hasOwnProperty(thing)) { this[thing] = item[thing]; } } var isCurrency = !!(this.is_currency || this.currency) || typeof this.currencyid !== 'undefined'; // I don't want to put this on the object yet; it's nice to have the ids at the top of printed output if (isCurrency) { this.currencyid = = ( || this.currencyid); } else { this.assetid = = ( || this.assetid); } this.instanceid = this.instanceid || '0'; this.amount = parseInt(this.amount, 10); this.contextid = this.contextid || contextID.toString(); // Merge the description if (description) { // Is this a listing of descriptions? if (description[this.classid + '_' + this.instanceid]) { description = description[this.classid + '_' + this.instanceid]; } for (thing in description) { if (description.hasOwnProperty(thing)) { this[thing] = description[thing]; } } } this.is_currency = isCurrency; this.tradable = !!this.tradable; this.marketable = !!this.marketable; this.commodity = !!this.commodity; this.market_tradable_restriction = (this.market_tradable_restriction ? parseInt(this.market_tradable_restriction, 10) : 0); this.market_marketable_restriction = (this.market_marketable_restriction ? parseInt(this.market_marketable_restriction, 10) : 0); this.fraudwarnings = this.fraudwarnings || []; this.descriptions = this.descriptions || []; if (this.owner && JSON.stringify(this.owner) == '{}') { this.owner = null; } // Restore old property names of tags if (this.tags) { this.tags = { return { "internal_name": tag.internal_name, "name": tag.localized_tag_name ||, "category": tag.category, "color": tag.color || "", "category_name": tag.localized_category_name || tag.category_name }; }); } // Restore market_fee_app, if applicable var match; if (this.appid == 753 && this.contextid == 6 && this.market_hash_name && (match = this.market_hash_name.match(/^(\d+)\-/))) { this.market_fee_app = parseInt(match[1], 10); } // Restore cache_expiration, if we can (for CS:GO items) if (this.appid == 730 && this.contextid == 2 && this.owner_descriptions) { let description = this.owner_descriptions.find(d => d.value && d.value.indexOf('Tradable After ') == 0); if (description) { let date = new Date(description.value.substring(15).replace(/[,()]/g, '')); if (date) { this.cache_expiration = date.toISOString(); } } } // If we have item_expiration, also set cache_expiration to the same value if (this.item_expiration) { this.cache_expiration = this.item_expiration; } if (this.actions === "") { this.actions = []; } if (this.currency) { delete this.currency; } } CEconItem.prototype.getImageURL = function() { return "" + this.icon_url + "/"; }; CEconItem.prototype.getLargeImageURL = function() { if(!this.icon_url_large) { return this.getImageURL(); } return "" + this.icon_url_large + "/"; }; CEconItem.prototype.getTag = function(category) { if (!this.tags) { return null; } for (var i = 0; i < this.tags.length; i++) { if (this.tags[i].category == category) { return this.tags[i]; } } return null; };