var SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); var Helpers = require('../components/helpers.js'); var SteamID = require('steamid'); var xml2js = require('xml2js'); SteamCommunity.prototype.getSteamGroup = function(id, callback) { if(typeof id !== 'string' && !Helpers.isSteamID(id)) { throw new Error("id parameter should be a group URL string or a SteamID object"); } if(typeof id === 'object' && (id.universe != SteamID.Universe.PUBLIC || id.type != SteamID.Type.CLAN)) { throw new Error("SteamID must stand for a clan account in the public universe"); } var self = this; this.httpRequest("" + (typeof id === 'string' ? "groups/" + id : "gid/" + id.toString()) + "/memberslistxml/?xml=1", function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } xml2js.parseString(body, function(err, result) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } callback(null, new CSteamGroup(self, result.memberList)); }); }, "steamcommunity"); }; function CSteamGroup(community, groupData) { this._community = community; this.steamID = new SteamID(groupData.groupID64[0]); = groupData.groupDetails[0].groupName[0]; this.url = groupData.groupDetails[0].groupURL[0]; this.headline = groupData.groupDetails[0].headline[0]; this.summary = groupData.groupDetails[0].summary[0]; this.avatarHash = groupData.groupDetails[0].avatarIcon[0].match(/([0-9a-f]+)\.jpg$/)[1]; this.members = parseInt(groupData.groupDetails[0].memberCount[0], 10); this.membersInChat = parseInt(groupData.groupDetails[0].membersInChat[0], 10); this.membersInGame = parseInt(groupData.groupDetails[0].membersInGame[0], 10); this.membersOnline = parseInt(groupData.groupDetails[0].membersOnline[0], 10); } CSteamGroup.prototype.getAvatarURL = function(size, protocol) { size = size || ''; protocol = protocol || 'http://'; var url = protocol + "" + this.avatarHash.substring(0, 2) + "/" + this.avatarHash; if(size == 'full' || size == 'medium') { return url + "_" + size + ".jpg"; } else { return url + ".jpg"; } }; CSteamGroup.prototype.getMembers = function(addresses, callback) { if(typeof addresses === 'function') { callback = addresses; addresses = null; } this._community.getGroupMembers(this.steamID, callback, null, null, addresses, 0); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.join = function(callback) { this._community.joinGroup(this.steamID, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.leave = function(callback) { this._community.leaveGroup(this.steamID, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.getAllAnnouncements = function(time, callback) { this._community.getAllGroupAnnouncements(this.steamID, time, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.postAnnouncement = function(headline, content, hidden, callback) { this._community.postGroupAnnouncement(this.steamID, headline, content, hidden, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.editAnnouncement = function(annoucementID, headline, content, callback) { this._community.editGroupAnnouncement(this.steamID, annoucementID, headline, content, callback) }; CSteamGroup.prototype.deleteAnnouncement = function(annoucementID, callback) { this._community.deleteGroupAnnouncement(this.steamID, annoucementID, callback) }; CSteamGroup.prototype.scheduleEvent = function(name, type, description, time, server, callback) { this._community.scheduleGroupEvent(this.steamID, name, type, description, time, server, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.editEvent = function(id, name, type, description, time, server, callback) { this._community.editGroupEvent(this.steamID, id, name, type, description, time, server, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.deleteEvent = function (id, callback) { this._community.deleteGroupEvent(this.steamID, id, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.setPlayerOfTheWeek = function(steamID, callback) { this._community.setGroupPlayerOfTheWeek(this.steamID, steamID, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.kick = function(steamID, callback) { this._community.kickGroupMember(this.steamID, steamID, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.getHistory = function(page, callback) { this._community.getGroupHistory(this.steamID, page, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.getAllComments = function(from, count, callback) { this._community.getAllGroupComments(this.steamID, from, count, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.deleteComment = function(cid, callback) { this._community.deleteGroupComment(this.steamID, cid, callback); }; CSteamGroup.prototype.comment = function(message, callback) { this._community.postGroupComment(this.steamID, message, callback); }; /** * Get requests to join this restricted group. * @param {function} callback - First argument is null/Error, second is array of SteamID objects */ CSteamGroup.prototype.getJoinRequests = function(callback) { this._community.getGroupJoinRequests(this.steamID, callback); }; /** * Respond to one or more join requests to this restricted group. * @param {SteamID|string|SteamID[]|string[]} steamIDs - The SteamIDs of the users you want to approve or deny membership for (or a single value) * @param {boolean} approve - True to put them in the group, false to deny their membership * @param {function} callback - Takes only an Error object/null as the first argument */ CSteamGroup.prototype.respondToJoinRequests = function(steamIDs, approve, callback) { this._community.respondToGroupJoinRequests(this.steamID, steamIDs, approve, callback); }; /** * Respond to *ALL* pending group-join requests for this group. * @param {boolean} approve - True to allow everyone who requested into the group, false to not * @param {function} callback - Takes only an Error object/null as the first argument */ CSteamGroup.prototype.respondToAllJoinRequests = function(approve, callback) { this._community.respondToAllGroupJoinRequests(this.steamID, approve, callback); };