const Cheerio = require('cheerio'); const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); SteamCommunity.prototype.getMarketItem = function(appid, hashName, currency, callback) { if (typeof currency == "function") { callback = currency; currency = 1; } var self = this; this.httpRequest("" + appid + "/" + encodeURIComponent(hashName), function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } var $ = Cheerio.load(body); if($('.market_listing_table_message') && $('.market_listing_table_message').text().trim() == 'There are no listings for this item.') { callback(new Error("There are no listings for this item.")); return; } var item = new CMarketItem(appid, hashName, self, body, $); item.updatePrice(currency, function(err) { if(err) { callback(err); } else { callback(null, item); } }); }, "steamcommunity"); }; function CMarketItem(appid, hashName, community, body, $) { this._appid = appid; this._hashName = hashName; this._community = community; this._$ = $; this._country = "US"; var match = body.match(/var g_strCountryCode = "([^"]+)";/); if(match) { this._country = match[1]; } this._language = "english"; match = body.match(/var g_strLanguage = "([^"]+)";/); if(match) { this._language = match[1]; } this.commodity = false; match = body.match(/Market_LoadOrderSpread\(\s*(\d+)\s*\);/); if(match) { this.commodity = true; this.commodityID = parseInt(match[1], 10); } this.medianSalePrices = null; match = body.match(/var line1=([^;]+);/); if(match) { try { this.medianSalePrices = JSON.parse(match[1]); this.medianSalePrices = { return { "hour": new Date(item[0]), "price": item[1], "quantity": parseInt(item[2], 10) }; }); } catch(e) { // ignore } } this.firstAsset = null; this.assets = null; match = body.match(/var g_rgAssets = (.*);/); if (match) { try { this.assets = JSON.parse(match[1]); this.assets = this.assets[appid]; this.assets = this.assets[Object.keys(this.assets)[0]]; this.firstAsset = this.assets[Object.keys(this.assets)[0]]; } catch (e) { // ignore } } this.quantity = 0; this.lowestPrice = 0; // TODO: Buying listings and placing buy orders } CMarketItem.prototype.updatePrice = function (currency, callback) { if (this.commodity) { this.updatePriceForCommodity(currency, callback); } else { this.updatePriceForNonCommodity(currency, callback); } }; CMarketItem.prototype.updatePriceForCommodity = function(currency, callback) { if(!this.commodity) { throw new Error("Cannot update price for non-commodity item"); } var self = this; this._community.httpRequest({ "uri": "¤cy=" + currency + "&item_nameid=" + this.commodityID, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if(body.success != 1) { if(callback) { callback(new Error("Error " + body.success)); } return; } var match = (body.sell_order_summary || '').match(/(\d+)<\/span>/); if(match) { self.quantity = parseInt(match[1], 10); } self.buyQuantity = 0; match = (body.buy_order_summary || '').match(/(\d+)<\/span>/); if(match) { self.buyQuantity = parseInt(match[1], 10); } self.lowestPrice = parseInt(body.lowest_sell_order, 10); self.highestBuyOrder = parseInt(body.highest_buy_order, 10); // TODO: The tables? if(callback) { callback(null); } }, "steamcommunity"); }; CMarketItem.prototype.updatePriceForNonCommodity = function (currency, callback) { if(this.commodity) { throw new Error("Cannot update price for commodity item"); } var self = this; this._community.httpRequest({ "uri": "" + this._appid + "/" + encodeURIComponent(this._hashName) + "/render/?query=&start=0&count=10&country=US&language=english¤cy=" + currency, "json": true }, function(err, response, body) { if (err) { callback(err); return; } if (body.success != 1) { callback && callback(new Error("Error " + body.success)); return; } var match = body.total_count; if (match) { self.quantity = parseInt(match, 10); } var lowestPrice; var $ = Cheerio.load(body.results_html); match = $(".market_listing_price.market_listing_price_with_fee"); if (match) { for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) { lowestPrice = parseFloat($(match[i]).text().replace(",", ".").replace(/[^\d.]/g, '')); if (!isNaN(lowestPrice)) { self.lowestPrice = lowestPrice; break; } } } callback && callback(null); }, "steamcommunity"); };