var SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); var Cheerio = require('cheerio'); var CConfirmation = require('../classes/CConfirmation.js'); /** * Get a list of your account's currently outstanding confirmations. * @param {int} time - The unix timestamp with which the following key was generated * @param {string} key - The confirmation key that was generated using the preceeding time and the tag "conf" (this key can be reused) * @param {SteamCommunity~getConfirmations} callback - Called when the list of confirmations is received */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getConfirmations = function(time, key, callback) { var self = this; request(this, "conf", key, time, "conf", null, false, function(err, body) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } var $ = Cheerio.load(body); var empty = $('#mobileconf_empty'); if(empty.length > 0) { if(!$(empty).hasClass('mobileconf_done')) { // An error occurred callback(new Error(empty.find('div:nth-of-type(2)').text())); } else { callback(null, []); } return; } // We have something to confirm var confirmations = $('#mobileconf_list'); if(!confirmations) { callback(new Error("Malformed response")); return; } var confs = [];'.mobileconf_list_entry'), function(conf) { conf = $(conf); var img = conf.find('.mobileconf_list_entry_icon img'); confs.push(new CConfirmation(self, { "id":'confid'), "key":'key'), "title": conf.find('.mobileconf_list_entry_description>div:nth-of-type(1)').text().trim(), "receiving": conf.find('.mobileconf_list_entry_description>div:nth-of-type(2)').text().trim(), "time": conf.find('.mobileconf_list_entry_description>div:nth-of-type(3)').text().trim(), "icon": img.length < 1 ? '' : $(img).attr('src') })); }); callback(null, confs); }); }; /** * @callback SteamCommunity~getConfirmations * @param {Error|null} err - An Error object on failure, or null on success * @param {CConfirmation[]} confirmations - An array of CConfirmation objects */ /** * Get the trade offer ID associated with a particular confirmation * @param {int} confID - The ID of the confirmation in question * @param {int} time - The unix timestamp with which the following key was generated * @param {string} key - The confirmation key that was generated using the preceeding time and the tag "details" (this key can be reused) * @param {SteamCommunity~getConfirmationOfferID} callback */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getConfirmationOfferID = function(confID, time, key, callback) { request(this, "details/" + confID, key, time, "details", null, true, function(err, body) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } if(!body.success) { callback(new Error("Cannot load confirmation details")); return; } var $ = Cheerio.load(body.html); var offer = $('.tradeoffer'); if(offer.length < 1) { callback(null, null); return; } callback(null, offer.attr('id').split('_')[1]); }); }; /** * @callback SteamCommunity~getConfirmationOfferID * @param {Error|null} err - An Error object on failure, or null on success * @param {string} offerID - The trade offer ID associated with the specified confirmation, or null if not for an offer */ /** * Confirm or cancel a given confirmation. * @param {int} confID - The ID of the confirmation in question * @param {string} confKey - The confirmation key associated with the confirmation in question (not a TOTP key, the `key` property of CConfirmation) * @param {int} time - The unix timestamp with which the following key was generated * @param {string} key - The confirmation key that was generated using the preceeding time and the tag "allow" (if accepting) or "cancel" (if not accepting) * @param {boolean} accept - true if you want to accept the confirmation, false if you want to cancel it * @param {SteamCommunity~genericErrorCallback} callback - Called when the request is complete */ SteamCommunity.prototype.respondToConfirmation = function(confID, confKey, time, key, accept, callback) { request(this, "ajaxop", key, time, accept ? "allow" : "cancel", { "op": accept ? "allow" : "cancel", "cid": confID, "ck": confKey }, true, function(err, body) { if(!callback) { return; } if(err) { callback(err); return; } if(body.success) { callback(null); return; } if(body.message) { callback(new Error(body.message)); return; } callback(new Error("Could not act on confirmation")); }); }; function request(community, url, key, time, tag, params, json, callback) { params = params || {}; params.p = "android:" +; params.a = community.steamID.getSteamID64(); params.k = key; params.t = time; params.m = "android"; params.tag = tag; community.request.get({ "uri": "" + url, "qs": params, "json": !!json }, function(err, response, body) { if(community._checkHttpError(err, response, callback)) { return; } callback(null, body); }); } // Confirmation checker /** * Start automatically polling our confirmations for new ones. The `confKeyNeeded` event will be emitted when we need a confirmation key, or `newConfirmation` when we get a new confirmation * @param {int} pollInterval - The interval, in milliseconds, at which we will poll for confirmations. This shouldn't be any less than 10,000 probably. */ SteamCommunity.prototype.startConfirmationChecker = function(pollInterval) { this._confirmationPollInterval = pollInterval; this._knownConfirmations = this._knownConfirmations || {}; this._confirmationKeys = this._confirmationKeys || {}; if(this._confirmationTimer) { clearTimeout(this._confirmationTimer); } setTimeout(this.checkConfirmations.bind(this), 500); }; /** * Stop automatically polling our confirmations. */ SteamCommunity.prototype.stopConfirmationChecker = function() { if(this._confirmationPollInterval) { delete this._confirmationPollInterval; } if(this._confirmationTimer) { clearTimeout(this._confirmationTimer); delete this._confirmationTimer; } }; /** * Run the confirmation checker right now instead of waiting for the next poll. * Useful to call right after you send/accept an offer that needs confirmation. */ SteamCommunity.prototype.checkConfirmations = function() { if(this._confirmationTimer) { clearTimeout(this._confirmationTimer); delete this._confirmationTimer; } var self = this; this._confirmationCheckerGetKey('conf', function(err, key) { if(err) { resetTimer(); return; } self.getConfirmations(key.time, key.key, function(err, confirmations) { if(err) { resetTimer(); return; } var known = self._knownConfirmations; var newOnes = confirmations.filter(function(conf) { return !known[]; }); if(newOnes.length < 1) { resetTimer(); return; // No new ones } // We have new confirmations! Grab a key to get details. self._confirmationCheckerGetKey('details', function(err, key) { var handled = 0; newOnes.forEach(function(conf) { if(err) { handleNewConfirmation(conf, handled++); } else { // Get its offer ID, if we can conf.getOfferID(key.time, key.key, function(err, offerID) { conf.offerID = offerID ? offerID : null; handleNewConfirmation(conf, handled++); }); } }); resetTimer(); }); }); }); function resetTimer() { if(self._confirmationPollInterval) { self._confirmationTimer = setTimeout(self.checkConfirmations.bind(self), self._confirmationPollInterval); } } function handleNewConfirmation(conf, handleNumber) { self._knownConfirmations[] = conf; // Delay them by 1 second per new confirmation that we see, so that keys won't be the same. setTimeout(function() { self.emit('newConfirmation', conf); }, handleNumber * 1000); } }; SteamCommunity.prototype._confirmationCheckerGetKey = function(tag, callback) { var existing = this._confirmationKeys[tag]; var reusable = ['conf', 'details']; // See if we already have a key that we can reuse. if(reusable.indexOf(tag) != -1 && existing && ( - (existing.time * 1000) < (1000 * 60 * 5))) { callback(null, existing); return; } // We need a fresh one var self = this; this.emit('confKeyNeeded', tag, function(err, time, key) { if(err) { callback(err); return; } self._confirmationKeys[tag] = {"time": time, "key": key}; callback(null, {"time": time, "key": key}); }); };