const StdLib = require('@doctormckay/stdlib'); const SteamCommunity = require('../index.js'); const Helpers = require('./helpers.js'); /** * @param {string} domain * @param {function} [callback] * @return Promise<{key: string}> */ SteamCommunity.prototype.getWebApiKey = function(domain, callback) { return StdLib.Promises.callbackPromise(['key'], callback, false, async (resolve, reject) => { let {textBody} = await this.httpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: '', followRedirect: false, source: 'steamcommunity' }); if (textBody.includes('
Key: ([0-9A-F]+)<\/p>/); if (match) { // We already have an API key registered return resolve({key: match[1]}); } // We need to register a new API key await this.httpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: '', form: { domain, agreeToTerms: 'agreed', sessionid: this.getSessionID(), Submit: 'Register' }, source: 'steamcommunity' }); resolve({key: await this.getWebApiKey(domain)}); }); }; /** * Sets an access_token generated by steam-session using EAuthTokenPlatformType.MobileApp. * Required for some operations such as 2FA enabling and disabling. * This will throw an Error if the provided token is not valid, was not generated for the MobileApp platform, is expired, * or does not belong to the logged-in user account. * * @param {string} token */ SteamCommunity.prototype.setMobileAppAccessToken = function(token) { if (!this.steamID) { throw new Error('Log on to steamcommunity before setting a mobile app access token'); } let decodedToken = Helpers.decodeJwt(token); if (!decodedToken.iss || !decodedToken.sub || !decodedToken.aud || !decodedToken.exp) { throw new Error('Provided value is not a valid Steam access token'); } if (decodedToken.iss == 'steam') { throw new Error('Provided token is a refresh token, not an access token'); } if (decodedToken.sub != this.steamID.getSteamID64()) { throw new Error(`Provided token belongs to account ${decodedToken.sub}, but we are logged into ${this.steamID.getSteamID64()}`); } if (decodedToken.exp < Math.floor( / 1000)) { throw new Error('Provided token is expired'); } if ((decodedToken.aud || []).indexOf('mobile') == -1) { throw new Error('Provided token is not valid for MobileApp platform type'); } this.mobileAccessToken = token; }; /** * Verifies that the mobile access token we already have set is still valid for current login. * * @private */ SteamCommunity.prototype._verifyMobileAccessToken = function() { if (!this.mobileAccessToken) { // No access token, so nothing to do here. return; } let decodedToken = Helpers.decodeJwt(this.mobileAccessToken); let isTokenInvalid = decodedToken.sub != this.steamID.getSteamID64() // SteamID doesn't match || decodedToken.exp < Math.floor( / 1000); // Token is expired if (isTokenInvalid) { delete this.mobileAccessToken; } };