Added scheduleEvent method

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Corn 2014-12-17 02:29:58 -05:00
parent b1e31b32fe
commit b0b8dbbabf

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@ -115,3 +115,62 @@ CSteamGroup.prototype.postAnnouncement = function(headline, content, callback) {
callback(null); callback(null);
}); });
}; };
CSteamGroup.prototype.scheduleEvent = function(name, type, description, time, server, callback) {
// Event types: ChatEvent - Chat, OtherEvent - A lil somethin somethin, PartyEvent - Party!, MeetingEvent - Important meeting, SpecialCauseEvent - Special cause (charity ball?), MusicAndArtsEvent - Music or Art type thing, SportsEvent - Sporting endeavor, TripEvent - Out of town excursion
// Passing a number for type will make it a game event for that appid
if(typeof server === 'function') {
callback = server;
server = {"ip": "", "password": ""};
} else if(typeof server === 'string') {
server = {"ip": server, "password": ""};
} else {
server = {"ip": "", "password": ""};
var form = {
"sessionid": this._community.getSessionID(),
"action": "newEvent",
"tzOffset": new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * -60,
"name": name,
"type": (typeof type === 'number' || !isNaN(parseInt(type, 10)) ? "GameEvent" : type),
"appID": (typeof type === 'number' || !isNaN(parseInt(type, 10)) ? type : ''),
"serverIP": server.ip,
"serverPassword": server.password,
"notes": description,
"eventQuickTime": "now"
if(time === null) {
form.startDate = 'MM/DD/YY';
form.startHour = '12';
form.startMinute = '00';
form.startAMPM = 'PM';
form.timeChoice = 'quick';
} else {
form.startDate = (time.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' : '') + (time.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + (time.getDate() < 10 ? '0' : '') + time.getDate() + '/' + time.getFullYear().toString().substring(2);
form.startHour = (time.getHours() === 0 ? '12' : (time.getHours() > 12 ? time.getHours() - 12 : time.getHours()));
form.startMinute = (time.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' : '') + time.getMinutes();
form.startAMPM = (time.getHours() <= 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM');
form.timeChoice = 'specific';
var self = this;"" + this.steamID.toString() + "/eventEdit", {"form": form}, function(err, response, body) {
if(!callback) {
if(err || response.statusCode >= 400) {
callback(err || "HTTP error " + response.statusCode);
if(self._community._checkCommunityError(body, callback)) {