Him188 f04c623658 [core] Implement a more efficient algorithm to fetch roaming messages for group:
- Added `RoamingMessagesImplGroup`.
- Dump API changes for Group RoamingMessages.
- [mock] Fix MockRoamingMessages missing MessageSource
- [core] Convert hierarchical TimeBasedRoamingMessagesImpl to common, to reduce code complexity
2023-01-05 02:33:27 +00:00

268 lines
9.9 KiB

* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message
import io.ktor.utils.io.core.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.DeepMessageRefiner.refineDeep
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.LightMessageRefiner.refineLight
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.ReceiveMessageTransformer.cleanupRubbishMessageElements
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.ReceiveMessageTransformer.toAudio
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.data.LongMessageInternal
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.data.OnlineAudioImpl
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.protocol.MessageProtocolFacade
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.protocol.impl.PokeMessageProtocol.Companion.UNSUPPORTED_POKE_MESSAGE_PLAIN
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.protocol.impl.RichMessageProtocol.Companion.UNSUPPORTED_MERGED_MESSAGE_PLAIN
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.source.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.data.proto.ImMsgBody
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.toLongUnsigned
* 只在手动构造 [OfflineMessageSource] 时调用
internal fun ImMsgBody.SourceMsg.toMessageChainNoSource(
bot: Bot,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
refineContext: RefineContext = EmptyRefineContext,
facade: MessageProtocolFacade = MessageProtocolFacade
): MessageChain {
val elements = this.elems
return buildMessageChain(elements.size + 1) {
facade.decode(elements, groupIdOrZero, messageSourceKind, bot, this, null)
}.cleanupRubbishMessageElements().refineLight(bot, refineContext)
internal suspend fun List<MsgComm.Msg>.toMessageChainOnline(
bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
refineContext: RefineContext = EmptyRefineContext,
facade: MessageProtocolFacade = MessageProtocolFacade
): MessageChain {
return toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero, true, messageSourceKind, facade).refineDeep(bot, refineContext)
internal fun getMessageSourceKindFromC2cCmdOrNull(c2cCmd: Int): MessageSourceKind? {
return when (c2cCmd) {
11 -> MessageSourceKind.FRIEND // bot 给其他人发消息
4 -> MessageSourceKind.FRIEND // bot 给自己作为好友发消息 (非 other client)
1 -> MessageSourceKind.GROUP
else -> null
internal fun getMessageSourceKindFromC2cCmd(c2cCmd: Int): MessageSourceKind {
return getMessageSourceKindFromC2cCmdOrNull(c2cCmd) ?: error("Could not get source kind from c2cCmd: $c2cCmd")
internal suspend fun MsgComm.Msg.toMessageChainOnline(
bot: Bot,
refineContext: RefineContext = EmptyRefineContext,
facade: MessageProtocolFacade = MessageProtocolFacade,
): MessageChain {
val kind = getMessageSourceKindFromC2cCmd(msgHead.c2cCmd)
val groupId = when (kind) {
MessageSourceKind.GROUP -> msgHead.groupInfo?.groupCode ?: 0
else -> 0
return listOf(this).toMessageChainOnline(bot, groupId, kind, refineContext, facade)
//internal fun List<MsgComm.Msg>.toMessageChainOffline(
// bot: Bot,
// groupIdOrZero: Long,
// messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind
//): MessageChain {
// return toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero, false, messageSourceKind).refineLight(bot)
internal fun List<MsgComm.Msg>.toMessageChainNoSource(
bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
refineContext: RefineContext = EmptyRefineContext,
): MessageChain {
return toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero, null, messageSourceKind).refineLight(bot, refineContext)
private fun List<MsgComm.Msg>.toMessageChain(
bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
onlineSource: Boolean?,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
facade: MessageProtocolFacade = MessageProtocolFacade,
): MessageChain {
val messageList = this
val builder = MessageChainBuilder(messageList.sumOf { it.msgBody.richText.elems.size })
if (onlineSource != null) {
builder.add(ReceiveMessageTransformer.createMessageSource(bot, onlineSource, messageSourceKind, messageList))
messageList.forEach { msg ->
facade.decode(msg.msgBody.richText.elems, groupIdOrZero, messageSourceKind, bot, builder, msg)
for (msg in messageList) {
msg.msgBody.richText.ptt?.toAudio()?.let { builder.add(it) }
return builder.build().cleanupRubbishMessageElements()
* 接收消息的解析器. 将 [MsgComm.Msg] 转换为对应的 [SingleMessage]
* @see joinToMessageChain
internal object ReceiveMessageTransformer {
fun createMessageSource(
bot: Bot,
onlineSource: Boolean,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
messageList: List<MsgComm.Msg>,
): MessageSource {
return when (onlineSource) {
true -> {
when (messageSourceKind) {
MessageSourceKind.TEMP -> OnlineMessageSourceFromTempImpl(bot, messageList)
MessageSourceKind.GROUP -> OnlineMessageSourceFromGroupImpl(bot, messageList)
MessageSourceKind.FRIEND -> OnlineMessageSourceFromFriendImpl(bot, messageList)
MessageSourceKind.STRANGER -> OnlineMessageSourceFromStrangerImpl(bot, messageList)
false -> {
OfflineMessageSourceImplData(bot, messageList, messageSourceKind)
fun MessageChainBuilder.compressContinuousPlainText() {
var index = 0
val builder = StringBuilder()
while (index + 1 < size) {
val elm0 = get(index)
val elm1 = get(index + 1)
if (elm0 is PlainText && elm1 is PlainText) {
var end = -1
for (i in index until size) {
val elm = get(i)
if (elm is PlainText) {
end = i
} else break
set(index, PlainText(builder.toString()))
// do delete
val index1 = index + 1
repeat(end - index) {
// delete empty plain text
removeAll { it is PlainText && it.content.isEmpty() }
fun MessageChain.cleanupRubbishMessageElements(): MessageChain {
val builder = MessageChainBuilder(initialSize = count()).also {
kotlin.run moveQuoteReply@{ // Move QuoteReply after MessageSource
val exceptedQuoteReplyIndex = builder.indexOfFirst { it is MessageSource } + 1
val quoteReplyIndex = builder.indexOfFirst { it is QuoteReply }
if (quoteReplyIndex < 1) return@moveQuoteReply
if (quoteReplyIndex != exceptedQuoteReplyIndex) {
val qr = builder[quoteReplyIndex]
builder.add(exceptedQuoteReplyIndex, qr)
kotlin.run quote@{
val quoteReplyIndex = builder.indexOfFirst { it is QuoteReply }
if (quoteReplyIndex >= 0) {
// QuoteReply + At + PlainText(space 1)
if (quoteReplyIndex < builder.size - 1) {
if (builder[quoteReplyIndex + 1] is At) {
builder.removeAt(quoteReplyIndex + 1)
if (quoteReplyIndex < builder.size - 1) {
val elm = builder[quoteReplyIndex + 1]
if (elm is PlainText && elm.content.startsWith(' ')) {
if (elm.content.length == 1) {
builder.removeAt(quoteReplyIndex + 1)
} else {
builder[quoteReplyIndex + 1] = PlainText(elm.content.substring(1))
// TIM audios
if (builder.any { it is Audio }) {
kotlin.run { // VipFace
val vipFaceIndex = builder.indexOfFirst { it is VipFace }
if (vipFaceIndex >= 0 && vipFaceIndex < builder.size - 1) {
val l = builder[vipFaceIndex] as VipFace
val text = builder[vipFaceIndex + 1]
if (text is PlainText) {
if (text.content.length == 4 + (l.count / 10) + l.kind.name.length) {
builder.removeAt(vipFaceIndex + 1)
fun removeSuffixText(index: Int, text: PlainText) {
if (index >= 0 && index < builder.size - 1) {
if (builder[index + 1] == text) {
builder.removeAt(index + 1)
removeSuffixText(builder.indexOfFirst { it is LongMessageInternal }, UNSUPPORTED_MERGED_MESSAGE_PLAIN)
removeSuffixText(builder.indexOfFirst { it is PokeMessage }, UNSUPPORTED_POKE_MESSAGE_PLAIN)
return builder.asMessageChain()
fun ImMsgBody.Ptt.toAudio() = OnlineAudioImpl(
filename = fileName.decodeToString(),
fileMd5 = fileMd5,
fileSize = fileSize.toLongUnsigned(),
codec = AudioCodec.fromId(format),
url = downPara.decodeToString(),
length = time.toLongUnsigned(),
originalPtt = this,