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synced 2025-03-29 09:10:11 +08:00
- do not suspend logon and postpone suspension until sending message - add MessageSvcSyncer Fix #1253
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461 lines
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* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.contact
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.nextEventOrNull
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.MiraiImpl
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.asQQAndroidBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.Packet
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.QQAndroidClient
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components.MessageSvcSyncer
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.logger
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.OutgoingPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.chat.FileManagement
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.chat.MusicSharePacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.chat.image.ImgStore
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.chat.receive.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.sendAndExpect
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.MessageReceipt
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.castOrNull
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.currentTimeSeconds
* 处理 mirai 消息系统 `Message` 到协议数据结构的转换.
* 外部调用 [sendMessageImpl]
internal abstract class SendMessageHandler<C : Contact> {
abstract val contact: C
abstract val senderName: String
val messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind
get() {
return when (contact) {
is Group -> MessageSourceKind.GROUP
is Friend -> MessageSourceKind.FRIEND
is Member -> MessageSourceKind.TEMP
is Stranger -> MessageSourceKind.STRANGER
else -> error("Unsupported contact: $contact")
val bot get() = contact.bot.asQQAndroidBot()
val targetUserUin: Long? get() = contact.castOrNull<User>()?.uin
val targetGroupUin: Long? get() = contact.castOrNull<Group>()?.uin
val targetGroupCode: Long? get() = contact.castOrNull<Group>()?.groupCode
val targetOtherClientBotUin: Long? get() = contact.castOrNull<OtherClient>()?.bot?.id
val targetUin: Long get() = targetGroupUin ?: targetOtherClientBotUin ?: contact.id
val groupInfo: MsgComm.GroupInfo?
get() = if (isToGroup) MsgComm.GroupInfo(
groupCode = targetGroupCode!!,
groupCard = senderName // Cinnamon
) else null
// For ForwardMessage display
val ForwardMessage.INode.groupInfo: MsgComm.GroupInfo
get() = MsgComm.GroupInfo(
groupCode = if (isToGroup) targetGroupCode!! else 0,
groupCard = senderName
val isToGroup: Boolean get() = contact is Group
suspend fun MessageChain.convertToLongMessageIfNeeded(
step: SendMessageStep,
): MessageChain {
suspend fun sendLongImpl(): MessageChain {
val resId = uploadLongMessageHighway(this)
return this + RichMessage.longMessage(
brief = takeContent(27),
resId = resId,
timeSeconds = currentTimeSeconds()
) // LongMessageInternal replaces all contents and preserves metadata
return when (step) {
SendMessageStep.FIRST -> {
// 只需要在第一次发送的时候验证长度
// 后续重试直接跳过
if (contains(ForceAsLongMessage)) {
return sendLongImpl()
if (!contains(IgnoreLengthCheck)) {
verityLength(this, contact)
SendMessageStep.LONG_MESSAGE -> {
if (contains(DontAsLongMessage)) this // fragmented
else sendLongImpl()
SendMessageStep.FRAGMENTED -> this
* Final process. Convert transformed message to protocol internals and transfer to server
suspend fun sendMessagePacket(
originalMessage: Message,
transformedMessage: MessageChain,
finalMessage: MessageChain,
step: SendMessageStep,
): MessageReceipt<C> {
val group = contact
var source: Deferred<OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing>? = null
bot.network.run {
bot.client, finalMessage,
fragmented = step == SendMessageStep.FRAGMENTED
) { source = it }.forEach { packet ->
when (val resp = packet.sendAndExpect<Packet>()) {
is MessageSvcPbSendMsg.Response -> {
if (resp is MessageSvcPbSendMsg.Response.MessageTooLarge) {
return when (step) {
SendMessageStep.FIRST -> {
sendMessageImpl(originalMessage, transformedMessage, SendMessageStep.LONG_MESSAGE)
SendMessageStep.LONG_MESSAGE -> {
sendMessageImpl(originalMessage, transformedMessage, SendMessageStep.FRAGMENTED)
else -> {
throw MessageTooLargeException(
"Message '${finalMessage.content.take(10)}' is too large."
if (resp is MessageSvcPbSendMsg.Response.Failed) {
val contact = contact
when (resp.errorCode) {
120 -> if (contact is Group) throw BotIsBeingMutedException(contact)
check(resp is MessageSvcPbSendMsg.Response.SUCCESS) {
"Send message failed: $resp"
is MusicSharePacket.Response -> {
resp.pkg.checkSuccess("send music share")
source = CompletableDeferred(constructSourceForSpecialMessage(finalMessage, 3116))
// is CommonOidbResponse<*> -> {
// when (resp.toResult("send message").getOrThrow()) {
// is Oidb0x6d9.FeedsRspBody -> {
// }
// }
// }
val sourceAwait = source?.await() ?: error("Internal error: source is not initialized")
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
"Timeout awaiting sequenceId for message(${finalMessage.content.take(10)}). Some features may not work properly",
return MessageReceipt(sourceAwait, contact)
private suspend fun sendMessageMultiProtocol(
client: QQAndroidClient,
message: MessageChain,
fragmented: Boolean,
sourceCallback: (Deferred<OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing>) -> Unit
): List<OutgoingPacket> {
message.takeSingleContent<MusicShare>()?.let { musicShare ->
return listOf(
client, musicShare, contact.id,
targetKind = if (isToGroup) MessageSourceKind.GROUP else MessageSourceKind.FRIEND // always FRIEND
message.takeSingleContent<FileMessage>()?.let { file ->
sourceCallback(contact.async { constructSourceForSpecialMessage(message, 2021) })
return listOf(FileManagement.Feed(client, contact.id, file.busId, file.id))
return messageSvcSendMessage(client, contact, message, fragmented, sourceCallback)
abstract val messageSvcSendMessage: (
client: QQAndroidClient,
contact: C,
message: MessageChain,
fragmented: Boolean,
sourceCallback: (Deferred<OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing>) -> Unit,
) -> List<OutgoingPacket>
abstract suspend fun constructSourceForSpecialMessage(
finalMessage: MessageChain,
fromAppId: Int,
): OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing
open suspend fun uploadLongMessageHighway(
chain: MessageChain
): String = with(contact) {
return MiraiImpl.uploadMessageHighway(
bot, this@SendMessageHandler,
senderId = bot.id,
time = currentTimeSeconds().toInt(),
messageChain = chain,
senderName = bot.nick
open suspend fun preConversionTransformedMessage(message: Message): Message = message
open suspend fun conversionMessageChain(chain: MessageChain): MessageChain = chain
open suspend fun postTransformActions(chain: MessageChain) {
* 处理需要 `suspend` 操作的消息转换. 这个转换只会在发送消息时进行, 而不会在处理合并转发 [net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.chat.calculateValidationData] 等其他操作时进行.
* 在发包前还会进行最后的 [net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.toRichTextElems] 转换, 这个转换会为所有操作使用.
* - [ForwardMessage] -> [ForwardMessageInternal] (by uploading through highway)
* - ... any others for future
internal suspend fun <C : Contact> SendMessageHandler<C>.transformSpecialMessages(message: Message): MessageChain {
suspend fun processForwardMessage(
forward: ForwardMessage
): ForwardMessageInternal {
if (!(message is MessageChain && message.contains(IgnoreLengthCheck))) {
check(forward.nodeList.size <= 200) {
throw MessageTooLargeException(
contact, forward, forward,
"ForwardMessage allows up to 200 nodes, but found ${forward.nodeList.size}"
val resId = MiraiImpl.uploadMessageHighway(
bot = contact.bot,
sendMessageHandler = this,
message = forward.nodeList,
isLong = false,
return RichMessage.forwardMessage(
resId = resId,
timeSeconds = currentTimeSeconds(),
forwardMessage = forward,
// loses MessageMetadata and other message types but fine for now.
return message.takeSingleContent<ForwardMessage>()?.let { processForwardMessage(it) }?.toMessageChain()
?: message.toMessageChain()
* Send a message, and covert messages
* Don't recall this function.
internal suspend fun <C : Contact> SendMessageHandler<C>.sendMessage(
originalMessage: Message,
transformedMessage: Message,
step: SendMessageStep,
): MessageReceipt<C> = sendMessageImpl(
* Might be recalled with [transformedMessage] `is` [LongMessageInternal] if length estimation failed (sendMessagePacket)
private suspend fun <C : Contact> SendMessageHandler<C>.sendMessageImpl(
originalMessage: Message,
transformedMessage: MessageChain,
step: SendMessageStep,
): MessageReceipt<C> { // Result cannot be in interface.
val chain = transformedMessage.convertToLongMessageIfNeeded(step)
return sendMessagePacket(originalMessage, transformedMessage, chain, step)
internal sealed class UserSendMessageHandler<C : AbstractUser>(
override val contact: C,
) : SendMessageHandler<C>() {
override val senderName: String get() = bot.nick
override suspend fun constructSourceForSpecialMessage(
finalMessage: MessageChain,
fromAppId: Int
): OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("Sending MusicShare or FileMessage to User is not yet supported")
internal class FriendSendMessageHandler(
contact: FriendImpl,
) : UserSendMessageHandler<FriendImpl>(contact) {
override val messageSvcSendMessage: (client: QQAndroidClient, contact: FriendImpl, message: MessageChain, fragmented: Boolean, sourceCallback: (Deferred<OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing>) -> Unit) -> List<OutgoingPacket> =
internal class StrangerSendMessageHandler(
contact: StrangerImpl,
) : UserSendMessageHandler<StrangerImpl>(contact) {
override val messageSvcSendMessage: (client: QQAndroidClient, contact: StrangerImpl, message: MessageChain, fragmented: Boolean, sourceCallback: (Deferred<OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing>) -> Unit) -> List<OutgoingPacket> =
internal class GroupTempSendMessageHandler(
contact: NormalMemberImpl,
) : UserSendMessageHandler<NormalMemberImpl>(contact) {
override val messageSvcSendMessage: (client: QQAndroidClient, contact: NormalMemberImpl, message: MessageChain, fragmented: Boolean, sourceCallback: (Deferred<OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing>) -> Unit) -> List<OutgoingPacket> =
internal class GroupSendMessageHandler(
override val contact: GroupImpl,
) : SendMessageHandler<GroupImpl>() {
override val messageSvcSendMessage: (client: QQAndroidClient, contact: GroupImpl, message: MessageChain, fragmented: Boolean, sourceCallback: (Deferred<OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing>) -> Unit) -> List<OutgoingPacket> =
override val senderName: String
get() = contact.botAsMember.nameCardOrNick
override suspend fun conversionMessageChain(chain: MessageChain): MessageChain = chain.map { element ->
when (element) {
is OfflineGroupImage -> {
is FriendImage -> {
else -> element
override suspend fun constructSourceForSpecialMessage(
finalMessage: MessageChain,
fromAppId: Int
): OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing {
val receipt: OnlinePushPbPushGroupMsg.SendGroupMessageReceipt =
nextEventOrNull(3000) { it.fromAppId == fromAppId }
?: OnlinePushPbPushGroupMsg.SendGroupMessageReceipt.EMPTY
return OnlineMessageSourceToGroupImpl(
internalIds = intArrayOf(receipt.messageRandom),
providedSequenceIds = intArrayOf(receipt.sequenceId),
sender = bot,
target = contact,
time = currentTimeSeconds().toInt(),
originalMessage = finalMessage
companion object {
private suspend fun GroupImpl.fixImageFileId(image: OfflineGroupImage) {
if (image.fileId == null) {
val response: ImgStore.GroupPicUp.Response = ImgStore.GroupPicUp(
uin = bot.id,
groupCode = this.id,
md5 = image.md5,
size = 1,
when (response) {
is ImgStore.GroupPicUp.Response.Failed -> {
image.fileId = 0 // Failed
is ImgStore.GroupPicUp.Response.FileExists -> {
image.fileId = response.fileId.toInt()
is ImgStore.GroupPicUp.Response.RequireUpload -> {
image.fileId = response.fileId.toInt()
* Ensures server holds the cache
private suspend fun GroupImpl.updateFriendImageForGroupMessage(image: FriendImage): OfflineGroupImage {
bot.network.run {
val response = ImgStore.GroupPicUp(
uin = bot.id,
groupCode = id,
md5 = image.md5,
size = if (image is OnlineFriendImageImpl) image.delegate.fileLen else 0
return OfflineGroupImage(image.imageId).also { img ->
when (response) {
is ImgStore.GroupPicUp.Response.FileExists -> {
img.fileId = response.fileId.toInt()
is ImgStore.GroupPicUp.Response.RequireUpload -> {
img.fileId = response.fileId.toInt()
is ImgStore.GroupPicUp.Response.Failed -> {
img.fileId = 0