liujiahua123123 047d5d6051 travis
2019-12-15 17:01:41 +08:00

24 lines
611 B

# mirai-api-http
Mirai-API-http provides adapter for ALL langugae to access mirai via HTTP protocol.<br>
#### Start Session-Authorize
Path: /auth
Method: POST
this verify your session to one bot and you could have full access to that bot<br>
NOTE that only 1 bot could be control under 1 session, you could have multiple session to control all bots.
| name | type | optional|example|note|
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| key | String |false|U9HSaDXl39ksd918273hU|this could be found after initialize|
| qq | String |false|1040400290|bot QQ number you want to access|