
569 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message
import kotlinx.io.core.discardExact
import kotlinx.io.core.readUInt
import kotlinx.io.core.readUShort
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.DeepMessageRefiner.refineDeep
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.LightMessageRefiner.refineLight
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.ReceiveMessageTransformer.cleanupRubbishMessageElements
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.ReceiveMessageTransformer.joinToMessageChain
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.ReceiveMessageTransformer.toAudio
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.data.proto.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.io.serialization.loadAs
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.io.serialization.readProtoBuf
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.read
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.toLongUnsigned
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.toUHexString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.unzip
* 只在手动构造 [OfflineMessageSource] 时调用
internal fun ImMsgBody.SourceMsg.toMessageChainNoSource(
bot: Bot,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
refineContext: RefineContext = EmptyRefineContext,
): MessageChain {
val elements = this.elems
return buildMessageChain(elements.size + 1) {
joinToMessageChain(elements, groupIdOrZero, messageSourceKind, bot, this)
}.cleanupRubbishMessageElements().refineLight(bot, refineContext)
internal suspend fun List<MsgComm.Msg>.toMessageChainOnline(
bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
refineContext: RefineContext = EmptyRefineContext,
): MessageChain {
return toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero, true, messageSourceKind).refineDeep(bot, refineContext)
internal suspend fun MsgComm.Msg.toMessageChainOnline(
bot: Bot,
refineContext: RefineContext = EmptyRefineContext,
): MessageChain {
fun getSourceKind(c2cCmd: Int): MessageSourceKind {
return when (c2cCmd) {
11 -> MessageSourceKind.FRIEND // bot 给其他人发消息
4 -> MessageSourceKind.FRIEND // bot 给自己作为好友发消息 (非 other client)
1 -> MessageSourceKind.GROUP
else -> error("Could not get source kind from c2cCmd: $c2cCmd")
val kind = getSourceKind(msgHead.c2cCmd)
val groupId = when (kind) {
MessageSourceKind.GROUP -> msgHead.groupInfo?.groupCode ?: 0
else -> 0
return listOf(this).toMessageChainOnline(bot, groupId, kind, refineContext)
//internal fun List<MsgComm.Msg>.toMessageChainOffline(
// bot: Bot,
// groupIdOrZero: Long,
// messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind
//): MessageChain {
// return toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero, false, messageSourceKind).refineLight(bot)
internal fun List<MsgComm.Msg>.toMessageChainNoSource(
bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
refineContext: RefineContext = EmptyRefineContext,
): MessageChain {
return toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero, null, messageSourceKind).refineLight(bot, refineContext)
private fun List<MsgComm.Msg>.toMessageChain(
bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
onlineSource: Boolean?,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
): MessageChain {
val messageList = this
val elements = messageList.flatMap { it.msgBody.richText.elems }
val builder = MessageChainBuilder(elements.size)
if (onlineSource != null) {
builder.add(ReceiveMessageTransformer.createMessageSource(bot, onlineSource, messageSourceKind, messageList))
joinToMessageChain(elements, groupIdOrZero, messageSourceKind, bot, builder)
for (msg in messageList) {
msg.msgBody.richText.ptt?.toAudio()?.let { builder.add(it) }
return builder.build().cleanupRubbishMessageElements()
* 接收消息的解析器. 将 [MsgComm.Msg] 转换为对应的 [SingleMessage]
* @see joinToMessageChain
internal object ReceiveMessageTransformer {
fun createMessageSource(
bot: Bot,
onlineSource: Boolean,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
messageList: List<MsgComm.Msg>,
): MessageSource {
return when (onlineSource) {
true -> {
when (messageSourceKind) {
MessageSourceKind.TEMP -> OnlineMessageSourceFromTempImpl(bot, messageList)
MessageSourceKind.GROUP -> OnlineMessageSourceFromGroupImpl(bot, messageList)
MessageSourceKind.FRIEND -> OnlineMessageSourceFromFriendImpl(bot, messageList)
MessageSourceKind.STRANGER -> OnlineMessageSourceFromStrangerImpl(bot, messageList)
false -> {
OfflineMessageSourceImplData(bot, messageList, messageSourceKind)
fun joinToMessageChain(
elements: List<ImMsgBody.Elem>,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
bot: Bot,
builder: MessageChainBuilder,
) {
// ProtoBuf.encodeToHexString(elements).soutv("join")
// (this._miraiContentToString().soutv())
for (element in elements) {
transformElement(element, groupIdOrZero, messageSourceKind, bot, builder)
when {
element.richMsg != null -> decodeRichMessage(element.richMsg, builder)
private fun transformElement(
element: ImMsgBody.Elem,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
bot: Bot,
builder: MessageChainBuilder,
) {
when {
element.srcMsg != null -> decodeSrcMsg(element.srcMsg, builder, bot, messageSourceKind, groupIdOrZero)
element.notOnlineImage != null -> builder.add(OnlineFriendImageImpl(element.notOnlineImage))
element.customFace != null -> decodeCustomFace(element.customFace, builder)
element.face != null -> builder.add(Face(element.face.index))
element.text != null -> decodeText(element.text, builder)
element.marketFace != null -> builder.add(MarketFaceInternal(element.marketFace))
element.lightApp != null -> decodeLightApp(element.lightApp, builder)
element.customElem != null -> decodeCustomElem(element.customElem, builder)
element.commonElem != null -> decodeCommonElem(element.commonElem, builder)
element.transElemInfo != null -> decodeTransElem(element.transElemInfo, builder)
element.elemFlags2 != null
|| element.extraInfo != null
|| element.generalFlags != null
|| element.anonGroupMsg != null
-> {
// ignore
else -> {
UnsupportedMessageImpl(element).takeIf {
// println(it._miraiContentToString())
fun MessageChainBuilder.compressContinuousPlainText() {
var index = 0
val builder = StringBuilder()
while (index + 1 < size) {
val elm0 = get(index)
val elm1 = get(index + 1)
if (elm0 is PlainText && elm1 is PlainText) {
var end = -1
for (i in index until size) {
val elm = get(i)
if (elm is PlainText) {
end = i
} else break
set(index, PlainText(builder.toString()))
// do delete
val index1 = index + 1
repeat(end - index) {
// delete empty plain text
removeAll { it is PlainText && it.content.isEmpty() }
fun MessageChain.cleanupRubbishMessageElements(): MessageChain {
val builder = MessageChainBuilder(initialSize = count()).also {
kotlin.run moveQuoteReply@{ // Move QuoteReply after MessageSource
val exceptedQuoteReplyIndex = builder.indexOfFirst { it is MessageSource } + 1
val quoteReplyIndex = builder.indexOfFirst { it is QuoteReply }
if (quoteReplyIndex < 1) return@moveQuoteReply
if (quoteReplyIndex != exceptedQuoteReplyIndex) {
val qr = builder[quoteReplyIndex]
builder.add(exceptedQuoteReplyIndex, qr)
kotlin.run quote@{
val quoteReplyIndex = builder.indexOfFirst { it is QuoteReply }
if (quoteReplyIndex >= 0) {
// QuoteReply + At + PlainText(space 1)
if (quoteReplyIndex < builder.size - 1) {
if (builder[quoteReplyIndex + 1] is At) {
builder.removeAt(quoteReplyIndex + 1)
if (quoteReplyIndex < builder.size - 1) {
val elm = builder[quoteReplyIndex + 1]
if (elm is PlainText && elm.content.startsWith(' ')) {
if (elm.content.length == 1) {
builder.removeAt(quoteReplyIndex + 1)
} else {
builder[quoteReplyIndex + 1] = PlainText(elm.content.substring(1))
// TIM audios
if (builder.any { it is Audio }) {
kotlin.run { // VipFace
val vipFaceIndex = builder.indexOfFirst { it is VipFace }
if (vipFaceIndex >= 0 && vipFaceIndex < builder.size - 1) {
val l = builder[vipFaceIndex] as VipFace
val text = builder[vipFaceIndex + 1]
if (text is PlainText) {
if (text.content.length == 4 + (l.count / 10) + l.kind.name.length) {
builder.removeAt(vipFaceIndex + 1)
fun removeSuffixText(index: Int, text: PlainText) {
if (index >= 0 && index < builder.size - 1) {
if (builder[index + 1] == text) {
builder.removeAt(index + 1)
removeSuffixText(builder.indexOfFirst { it is LongMessageInternal }, UNSUPPORTED_MERGED_MESSAGE_PLAIN)
removeSuffixText(builder.indexOfFirst { it is PokeMessage }, UNSUPPORTED_POKE_MESSAGE_PLAIN)
return builder.asMessageChain()
private fun decodeText(text: ImMsgBody.Text, list: MessageChainBuilder) {
if (text.attr6Buf.isEmpty()) {
} else {
val id: Long
text.attr6Buf.read {
id = readUInt().toLong()
if (id == 0L) {
} else {
list.add(At(id)) // element.text.str
private fun decodeSrcMsg(
srcMsg: ImMsgBody.SourceMsg,
list: MessageChainBuilder,
bot: Bot,
messageSourceKind: MessageSourceKind,
groupIdOrZero: Long,
) {
list.add(QuoteReply(OfflineMessageSourceImplData(srcMsg, bot, messageSourceKind, groupIdOrZero)))
private fun decodeCustomFace(
customFace: ImMsgBody.CustomFace,
builder: MessageChainBuilder,
) {
customFace.pbReserve.let {
if (it.isNotEmpty() && it.loadAs(CustomFace.ResvAttr.serializer()).msgImageShow != null) {
private fun decodeLightApp(
lightApp: ImMsgBody.LightAppElem,
list: MessageChainBuilder,
) {
val content = runWithBugReport("解析 lightApp",
{ "resId=" + lightApp.msgResid + "data=" + lightApp.data.toUHexString() }) {
when (lightApp.data[0].toInt()) {
0 -> lightApp.data.decodeToString(startIndex = 1)
1 -> lightApp.data.unzip(1).decodeToString()
else -> error("unknown compression flag=${lightApp.data[0]}")
private fun decodeCustomElem(
customElem: ImMsgBody.CustomElem,
list: MessageChainBuilder,
) {
customElem.data.read {
kotlin.runCatching {
onFailure = {
if (it is CustomMessage.Companion.CustomMessageFullDataDeserializeInternalException) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"Internal error: " +
"exception while deserializing CustomMessage head data," +
" data=${customElem.data.toUHexString()}", it
} else {
it as CustomMessage.Companion.CustomMessageFullDataDeserializeUserException
throw IllegalStateException(
"User error: " +
"exception while deserializing CustomMessage body," +
" body=${it.body.toUHexString()}", it
onSuccess = {
if (it != null) {
private fun decodeTransElem(
transElement: ImMsgBody.TransElem,
list: MessageChainBuilder,
) {
// file
// type=24
when (transElement.elemType) {
24 -> transElement.elemValue.read {
// group file feed
// 01 00 77 08 06 12 0A 61 61 61 61 61 61 2E 74 78 74 1A 06 31 35 42 79 74 65 3A 5F 12 5D 08 66 12 25 2F 64 37 34 62 62 66 33 61 2D 37 62 32 35 2D 31 31 65 62 2D 38 34 66 38 2D 35 34 35 32 30 30 37 62 35 64 39 66 18 0F 22 0A 61 61 61 61 61 61 2E 74 78 74 28 00 3A 00 42 20 61 33 32 35 66 36 33 34 33 30 65 37 61 30 31 31 66 37 64 30 38 37 66 63 33 32 34 37 35 34 39 63
// fun getFileRsrvAttr(file: ObjMsg.MsgContentInfo.MsgFile): HummerResv21.ResvAttr? {
// if (file.ext.isEmpty()) return null
// val element = kotlin.runCatching {
// jsonForFileDecode.parseToJsonElement(file.ext) as? JsonObject
// }.getOrNull() ?: return null
// val extInfo = element["ExtInfo"]?.toString()?.decodeBase64() ?: return null
// return extInfo.loadAs(HummerResv21.ResvAttr.serializer())
// }
val var7 = readByte()
if (var7 == 1.toByte()) {
while (remaining > 2) {
val proto = readProtoBuf(ObjMsg.ObjMsg.serializer(), readUShort().toInt())
// proto.msgType=6
val file = proto.msgContentInfo.firstOrNull()?.msgFile ?: continue // officially get(0) only.
// val attr = getFileRsrvAttr(file) ?: continue
// val info = attr.forwardExtFileInfo ?: continue
id = file.filePath,
busId = file.busId, // path i.e. /a99e95fa-7b2d-11eb-adae-5452007b698a
name = file.fileName,
size = file.fileSize
private val jsonForFileDecode = Json {
isLenient = true
coerceInputValues = true
private fun decodeCommonElem(
commonElem: ImMsgBody.CommonElem,
list: MessageChainBuilder,
) {
when (commonElem.serviceType) {
23 -> {
val proto =
list.add(VipFace(VipFace.Kind(proto.faceType, proto.faceSummary), proto.faceBubbleCount))
2 -> {
val proto =
proto.vaspokeName.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
?: PokeMessage.values.firstOrNull { it.id == proto.vaspokeId && it.pokeType == proto.pokeType }?.name
3 -> {
val proto =
if (proto.flashTroopPic != null) {
if (proto.flashC2cPic != null) {
33 -> {
val proto =
private fun decodeRichMessage(
richMsg: ImMsgBody.RichMsg,
builder: MessageChainBuilder,
) {
val content = runWithBugReport("解析 richMsg", { richMsg.template1.toUHexString() }) {
when (richMsg.template1[0].toInt()) {
0 -> richMsg.template1.decodeToString(startIndex = 1)
1 -> richMsg.template1.unzip(1).decodeToString()
else -> error("unknown compression flag=${richMsg.template1[0]}")
fun findStringProperty(name: String): String {
return content.substringAfter("$name=\"", "").substringBefore("\"", "")
val serviceId = when (val sid = richMsg.serviceId) {
0 -> {
val serviceIdStr = findStringProperty("serviceID")
if (serviceIdStr.isEmpty() || serviceIdStr.isBlank()) {
} else {
serviceIdStr.toIntOrNull() ?: 0
else -> sid
when (serviceId) {
// 5: 使用微博长图转换功能分享到QQ群
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><msg serviceID="5" templateID="12345" brief="[分享]想要沐浴阳光,就别钻进
阴影。 ???" ><item layout="0"><image uuid="{E5F68BD5-05F8-148B-9DA7-FECD026D30AD}.jpg" md5="E5F68BD505F8148B9DA7FECD026D
30AD" GroupFiledid="2167263882" minWidth="120" minHeight="120" maxWidth="180" maxHeight="180" /></item><source name="新
浪微博" icon="http://i.gtimg.cn/open/app_icon/00/73/69/03//100736903_100_m.png" appid="100736903" action="" i_actionData
="" a_actionData="" url=""/></msg>
* json?
1 -> @Suppress("DEPRECATION_ERROR")
builder.add(SimpleServiceMessage(1, content))
* [LongMessageInternal], [ForwardMessage]
35 -> {
val resId = findStringProperty("m_resid")
val fileName = findStringProperty("m_fileName").takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }
val msg = if (resId.isEmpty()) {
// Nested ForwardMessage
if (fileName != null && findStringProperty("action") == "viewMultiMsg") {
ForwardMessageInternal(content, null, fileName)
} else {
SimpleServiceMessage(35, content)
} else when (findStringProperty("multiMsgFlag").toIntOrNull()) {
1 -> LongMessageInternal(content, resId)
0 -> ForwardMessageInternal(content, resId, fileName)
else -> {
// from PC QQ
if (findStringProperty("action") == "viewMultiMsg") {
ForwardMessageInternal(content, resId, fileName)
} else {
SimpleServiceMessage(35, content)
// 104 新群员入群的消息
else -> {
builder.add(SimpleServiceMessage(serviceId, content))
fun ImMsgBody.Ptt.toAudio() = OnlineAudioImpl(
filename = fileName.decodeToString(),
fileMd5 = fileMd5,
fileSize = fileSize.toLongUnsigned(),
codec = AudioCodec.fromId(format),
url = downPara.decodeToString(),
length = time.toLongUnsigned(),
originalPtt = this,