mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:12:48 +08:00
# Conflicts: # buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/Versions.kt # gradle.properties # mirai-core-qqandroid/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/mamoe/mirai/qqandroid/QQAndroidBot.common.kt # mirai-core-qqandroid/src/commonMain/kotlin/net/mamoe/mirai/qqandroid/network/highway/HighwayHelper.kt # mirai-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/net.mamoe.mirai/network/LoginFailedException.kt # mirai-core/src/jvmMain/kotlin/net/mamoe/mirai/event/JvmMethodListeners.kt # mirai-core/src/jvmMain/kotlin/net/mamoe/mirai/utils/internal/retryCatching.jvm.kt # settings.gradle
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* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 with Mamoe Exceptions 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 with Mamoe Exceptions license that can be found via the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
"EXPERIMENTAL_API_USAGE", "unused", "FunctionName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "UnusedImport",
"EXPERIMENTAL_OVERRIDE", "CanBeParameter", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate"
package net.mamoe.mirai
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.events.BotInvitedJoinGroupRequestEvent
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.events.MemberJoinRequestEvent
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.events.NewFriendRequestEvent
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.MessageReceipt
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
import kotlin.jvm.JvmField
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
import kotlin.jvm.JvmSynthetic
* 登录, 返回 [this]
public suspend inline fun <B : Bot> B.alsoLogin(): B = also { login() }
* 机器人对象. 一个机器人实例登录一个 QQ 账号.
* Mirai 为多账号设计, 可同时维护多个机器人.
* 有关 [Bot] 生命管理, 请查看 [BotConfiguration.inheritCoroutineContext]
* @see Contact 联系人
* @see isActive 判断 [Bot] 是否正常运行中. (协程正常运行) (但不能判断是否在线, 需使用 [isOnline])
* @see BotFactory 构造 [Bot] 的工厂, [Bot] 唯一的构造方式.
public abstract class Bot internal constructor(
public val configuration: BotConfiguration
) : CoroutineScope, LowLevelBotAPIAccessor, BotJavaFriendlyAPI, ContactOrBot {
public final override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = // for id
?: CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, e ->
logger.error("An exception was thrown under a coroutine of Bot", e)
.plus(CoroutineName("Mirai Bot"))
public companion object {
internal val _instances: LockFreeLinkedList<WeakRef<Bot>> = LockFreeLinkedList()
@Deprecated("for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public val instances: List<WeakRef<Bot>>
get() = _instances.toList()
* 复制一份此时的 [Bot] 实例列表.
public val botInstances: List<Bot>
get() = _instances.asSequence().mapNotNull { it.get() }.toList()
* 复制一份此时的 [Bot] 实例列表.
public val botInstancesSequence: Sequence<Bot>
get() = _instances.asSequence().mapNotNull { it.get() }
* 遍历每一个 [Bot] 实例
public fun forEachInstance(block: (Bot) -> Unit): Unit = _instances.forEach { it.get()?.let(block) }
* 获取一个 [Bot] 实例, 无对应实例时抛出 [NoSuchElementException]
public fun getInstance(qq: Long): Bot =
getInstanceOrNull(qq) ?: throw NoSuchElementException(qq.toString())
* 获取一个 [Bot] 实例, 无对应实例时返回 `null`
public fun getInstanceOrNull(qq: Long): Bot? =
_instances.asSequence().mapNotNull { it.get() }.firstOrNull { it.id == qq }
init {
supervisorJob.invokeOnCompletion {
_instances.removeIf { it.get()?.id == this.id }
* [Bot] 运行的 [Context].
* 在 JVM 的默认实现为 `class ContextImpl : Context`
* 在 Android 实现为 `android.content.Context`
public abstract val context: Context
* QQ 号码. 实际类型为 uint
public abstract override val id: Long
* 昵称
public abstract val nick: String
* 日志记录器
public abstract val logger: MiraiLogger
* 判断 Bot 是否在线 (可正常收发消息)
public abstract val isOnline: Boolean
// region contacts
* [User.id] 与 [Bot.id] 相同的 [_lowLevelNewFriend] 实例
public abstract val selfQQ: Friend
* 机器人的好友列表. 与服务器同步更新
public abstract val friends: ContactList<Friend>
* 获取一个好友对象.
* @throws [NoSuchElementException] 当不存在这个好友时抛出
public fun getFriend(id: Long): Friend =
friends.firstOrNull { it.id == id } ?: throw NoSuchElementException("friend $id")
* 机器人加入的群列表. 与服务器同步更新
public abstract val groups: ContactList<Group>
* 获取一个机器人加入的群.
* @throws NoSuchElementException 当不存在这个群时抛出
public fun getGroup(id: Long): Group =
groups.firstOrNull { it.id == id } ?: throw NoSuchElementException("group $id")
// endregion
// region network
* 登录, 或重新登录.
* 这个函数总是关闭一切现有网路任务 (但不会关闭其他任务), 然后重新登录并重新缓存好友列表和群列表.
* 一般情况下不需要重新登录. Mirai 能够自动处理掉线情况.
* @throws LoginFailedException 正常登录失败时抛出
* @see alsoLogin `.apply { login() }` 捷径
public abstract suspend fun login()
// endregion
// region actions
* 撤回这条消息. 可撤回自己 2 分钟内发出的消息, 和任意时间的群成员的消息.
* [Bot] 撤回自己的消息不需要权限.
* [Bot] 撤回群员的消息需要管理员权限.
* @param source 消息源. 可从 [MessageReceipt.source] 获得, 或从消息事件中的 [MessageChain] 获得, 或通过 [buildMessageSource] 构建.
* @throws PermissionDeniedException 当 [Bot] 无权限操作时抛出
* @throws IllegalStateException 当这条消息已经被撤回时抛出 (仅同步主动操作)
* @see Bot.recall (扩展函数) 接受参数 [MessageChain]
* @see MessageSource.recall 撤回消息扩展
public abstract suspend fun recall(source: MessageSource)
* 获取图片下载链接
* @see Image.queryUrl [Image] 的扩展函数
"use extension.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("image.queryUrl()", imports = ["net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.queryUrl"]),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR
public abstract suspend fun queryImageUrl(image: Image): String
* 构造一个 [OfflineMessageSource]
* @param id 即 [MessageSource.id]
* @param internalId 即 [MessageSource.internalId]
* @param fromUin 为用户时为 [Friend.id], 为群时需使用 [Group.calculateGroupUinByGroupCode] 计算
* @param targetUin 为用户时为 [Friend.id], 为群时需使用 [Group.calculateGroupUinByGroupCode] 计算
@MiraiExperimentalAPI("This is very experimental and is subject to change.")
public abstract fun constructMessageSource(
kind: OfflineMessageSource.Kind,
fromUin: Long, targetUin: Long,
id: Int, time: Int, internalId: Int,
originalMessage: MessageChain
): OfflineMessageSource
* 通过好友验证
* @param event 好友验证的事件对象
@Deprecated("use member function.", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("event.accept()"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
public abstract suspend fun acceptNewFriendRequest(event: NewFriendRequestEvent)
* 拒绝好友验证
* @param event 好友验证的事件对象
* @param blackList 拒绝后是否拉入黑名单
"use member function.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("event.reject(blackList)"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR
public abstract suspend fun rejectNewFriendRequest(event: NewFriendRequestEvent, blackList: Boolean = false)
* 通过加群验证(需管理员权限)
* @param event 加群验证的事件对象
@Deprecated("use member function.", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("event.accept()"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
public abstract suspend fun acceptMemberJoinRequest(event: MemberJoinRequestEvent)
* 拒绝加群验证(需管理员权限)
* @param event 加群验证的事件对象
* @param blackList 拒绝后是否拉入黑名单
"use member function.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("event.reject(blackList)"),
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
public abstract suspend fun rejectMemberJoinRequest(event: MemberJoinRequestEvent, blackList: Boolean = false)
public abstract suspend fun rejectMemberJoinRequest(
event: MemberJoinRequestEvent,
blackList: Boolean = false,
message: String = ""
* 忽略加群验证(需管理员权限)
* @param event 加群验证的事件对象
* @param blackList 忽略后是否拉入黑名单
"use member function.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("event.ignore(blackList)"),
level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR
public abstract suspend fun ignoreMemberJoinRequest(event: MemberJoinRequestEvent, blackList: Boolean = false)
* 接收邀请入群(需管理员权限)
* @param event 邀请入群的事件对象
@Deprecated("use member function.", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("event.accept()"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
public abstract suspend fun acceptInvitedJoinGroupRequest(event: BotInvitedJoinGroupRequestEvent)
* 忽略邀请入群(需管理员权限)
* @param event 邀请入群的事件对象
@Deprecated("use member function.", replaceWith = ReplaceWith("event.ignore()"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
public abstract suspend fun ignoreInvitedJoinGroupRequest(event: BotInvitedJoinGroupRequestEvent)
// endregion
* 关闭这个 [Bot], 立即取消 [Bot] 的 [SupervisorJob].
* 之后 [isActive] 将会返回 `false`.
* **注意:** 不可重新登录. 必须重新实例化一个 [Bot].
* @param cause 原因. 为 null 时视为正常关闭, 非 null 时视为异常关闭
* @see closeAndJoin 取消并 [Bot.join], 以确保 [Bot] 相关的活动被完全关闭
public abstract fun close(cause: Throwable? = null)
public final override fun toString(): String = "Bot($id)"
* 获取 [Job] 的协程 [Job]. 此 [Job] 为一个 [SupervisorJob]
public val Bot.supervisorJob: CompletableJob
get() = this.coroutineContext[Job] as CompletableJob
* 挂起协程直到 [Bot] 协程被关闭 ([Bot.close]).
* 即使 [Bot] 离线, 也会等待直到协程关闭.
public suspend inline fun Bot.join(): Unit = this.coroutineContext[Job]!!.join()
* 撤回这条消息.
* [Bot] 撤回自己的消息不需要权限, 但需要在发出后 2 分钟内撤回.
* [Bot] 撤回群员的消息需要管理员权限, 可在任意时间撤回.
* @throws PermissionDeniedException 当 [Bot] 无权限操作时
* @see Bot.recall
public suspend inline fun Bot.recall(message: MessageChain): Unit =
* 在一段时间后撤回这个消息源所指代的消息.
* @param millis 延迟的时间, 单位为毫秒
* @param coroutineContext 额外的 [CoroutineContext]
* @see recall
public inline fun CoroutineScope.recallIn(
source: MessageSource,
millis: Long,
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): Job = this.launch(coroutineContext + CoroutineName("MessageRecall")) {
* 在一段时间后撤回这条消息.
* @param millis 延迟的时间, 单位为毫秒
* @param coroutineContext 额外的 [CoroutineContext]
* @see recall
public inline fun CoroutineScope.recallIn(
message: MessageChain,
millis: Long,
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): Job = this.launch(coroutineContext + CoroutineName("MessageRecall")) {
* 关闭这个 [Bot], 停止一切相关活动. 所有引用都会被释放.
* 注: 不可重新登录. 必须重新实例化一个 [Bot].
* @param cause 原因. 为 null 时视为正常关闭, 非 null 时视为异常关闭
public suspend inline fun Bot.closeAndJoin(cause: Throwable? = null) {
public inline fun Bot.containsFriend(id: Long): Boolean = this.friends.contains(id)
public inline fun Bot.containsGroup(id: Long): Boolean = this.groups.contains(id)
public inline fun Bot.getFriendOrNull(id: Long): Friend? = this.friends.getOrNull(id)
public inline fun Bot.getGroupOrNull(id: Long): Group? = this.groups.getOrNull(id)