Him188 19abf48aac
Kotlin 1.5 and dependencies updates (#346)
* Kotlin 1.5 and dependencies updates

* Make MessageScope sealed

* Use Kotlin 1.5.10

* Uses 2.6.4-dev-kt15 in build
2021-05-27 13:50:28 +08:00

128 lines
3.8 KiB

* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate", "unused", "PRE_RELEASE_CLASS")
package net.mamoe.mirai.console.codegen
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language
import java.io.File
typealias KtByte = KtType.KtPrimitive.KtByte
typealias KtShort = KtType.KtPrimitive.KtShort
typealias KtInt = KtType.KtPrimitive.KtInt
typealias KtLong = KtType.KtPrimitive.KtLong
typealias KtFloat = KtType.KtPrimitive.KtFloat
typealias KtDouble = KtType.KtPrimitive.KtDouble
typealias KtChar = KtType.KtPrimitive.KtChar
typealias KtBoolean = KtType.KtPrimitive.KtBoolean
typealias KtString = KtType.KtString
typealias KtCollection = KtType.KtCollection
typealias KtMap = KtType.KtMap
typealias KtPrimitive = KtType.KtPrimitive
sealed class KtType {
* Its classname in standard library
abstract val standardName: String
override fun toString(): String = standardName
* Not Including [String]
sealed class KtPrimitive(
override val standardName: String,
val jPrimitiveName: String = standardName.lowercase(),
val jObjectName: String = standardName
) : KtType() {
object KtByte : KtPrimitive("Byte")
object KtShort : KtPrimitive("Short")
object KtInt : KtPrimitive("Int", jObjectName = "Integer")
object KtLong : KtPrimitive("Long")
object KtFloat : KtPrimitive("Float")
object KtDouble : KtPrimitive("Double")
object KtChar : KtPrimitive("Char", jObjectName = "Character")
object KtBoolean : KtPrimitive("Boolean")
object KtString : KtType() {
override val standardName: String get() = "String"
* [List], [Set]
data class KtCollection(override val standardName: String) : KtType()
object KtMap : KtType() {
override val standardName: String get() = "Map"
data class Custom(override val standardName: String) : KtType() {
override fun toString(): String {
return standardName
companion object {
operator fun invoke(standardName: String): KtType = Custom(standardName)
val KtPrimitiveIntegers = listOf(KtByte, KtShort, KtInt, KtLong)
val KtPrimitiveFloatings = listOf(KtFloat, KtDouble)
val KtPrimitiveNumbers = KtPrimitiveIntegers + KtPrimitiveFloatings
val KtPrimitiveNonNumbers = listOf(KtChar, KtBoolean)
val KtPrimitives = KtPrimitiveNumbers + KtPrimitiveNonNumbers
operator fun KtType.plus(type: KtType): List<KtType> {
return listOf(this, type)
val KtType.lowerCaseName: String get() = this.standardName.lowercase()
inline fun kCode(@Language("kt") source: String) = source.trimIndent()
fun codegen(targetFile: String, block: CodegenScope.() -> Unit) {
//// region PrimitiveValue CODEGEN ////
//// region PrimitiveValue CODEGEN ////
targetFile.findFileSmart().also {
println("Codegen target: ${it.absolutePath}")
}.apply {
CodegenScope().apply(block).onEach {
println("Applying replacement: $it")
fun String.findFileSmart(): File = kotlin.run {
if (contains("/")) { // absolute
} else {
val list = File(".").walk().filter { it.name == this }.toList()
if (list.isNotEmpty()) return list.single()
File(".").walk().filter { it.name.contains(this) }.single()
}.also {
require(it.exists()) { "file doesn't exist" }