mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 19:50:15 +08:00
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* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
@file:Suppress("unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
package net.mamoe.mirai.console.gradle
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
import com.jfrog.bintray.gradle.BintrayExtension
import com.jfrog.bintray.gradle.BintrayPlugin
import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion
import org.gradle.api.XmlProvider
import org.gradle.api.plugins.PluginContainer
import org.gradle.api.publish.maven.MavenPublication
* ```
* mirai {
* // 配置
* }
* ```
// must be open
public open class MiraiConsoleExtension {
* 为 `true` 时不自动添加 mirai-core 的依赖
* 默认: `false`
public var noCore: Boolean = false
* 为 `true` 时不自动为 test 模块添加 mirai-core-qqandroid 的依赖.
* 默认: `false`
public var noTestCoreQQAndroid: Boolean = false
* 为 `true` 时不自动添加 mirai-console 的依赖.
* 默认: `false`
public var noConsole: Boolean = false
* 自动添加的 mirai-core 和 mirai-core-qqandroid 的版本.
* 默认: 与本 Gradle 插件编译时的 mirai-core 版本相同. [VersionConstants.CORE_VERSION]
public var coreVersion: String = VersionConstants.CORE_VERSION
* 自动添加的 mirai-console 后端和前端的版本.
* 默认: 与本 Gradle 插件版本相同. [VersionConstants.CONSOLE_VERSION]
public var consoleVersion: String = VersionConstants.CONSOLE_VERSION
* 自动为 test 模块添加的前端依赖名称
* 为 `null` 时不自动为 test 模块添加前端依赖.
* 默认: [MiraiConsoleFrontEndKind.TERMINAL]
public var useTestConsoleFrontEnd: MiraiConsoleFrontEndKind? = MiraiConsoleFrontEndKind.TERMINAL
* Java 和 Kotlin 编译目标. 至少为 [JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8].
* 一般人不需要修改此项.
* 默认: [JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8]
public var jvmTarget: JavaVersion = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
* 默认会配置 Kotlin 编译器参数 "-Xjvm-default=all". 将此项设置为 `false` 可避免配置.
* 一般人不需要修改此项.
* 默认: `false`
public var dontConfigureKotlinJvmDefault: Boolean = false
internal val shadowConfigurations: MutableList<ShadowJar.() -> Unit> = mutableListOf()
internal val excludedDependencies: MutableSet<ExcludedDependency> = mutableSetOf()
internal data class ExcludedDependency(
val group: String,
val name: String
* 配置 [ShadowJar] (即打包插件)
public fun configureShadow(configure: ShadowJar.() -> Unit) {
* 在插件打包时忽略一个依赖
* @param notation 格式为 "groupId:name". 如 "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib"
public fun excludeDependency(notation: String) {
requireNotNull(notation.count { it == ':' } == 1) { "Invalid dependency notation $notation." }
excludedDependencies.add(ExcludedDependency(notation.substringBefore(':'), notation.substringAfter(':')))
* 在插件打包时忽略一个依赖
* @param group 如 "org.jetbrains.kotlin"
* @param name 如 "kotlin-stdlib"
public fun excludeDependency(group: String, name: String) {
excludedDependencies.add(ExcludedDependency(group, name))
* Bintray 插件成品 JAR 发布 配置.
* @see PluginPublishing
* @since 1.1.0
public val publishing: PluginPublishing = PluginPublishing()
* 控制自动配置 Bintray 发布. 默认为 `false`, 表示不自动配置发布.
* 开启后将会:
* - 创建名为 "mavenJava" 的 [MavenPublication]
* - [应用][PluginContainer.apply] [BintrayPlugin], 配置 Bintray 相关参数
* - 创建 task "publishPlugin"
* @since 1.1.0
public var publishingEnabled: Boolean = false
* 开启自动配置 Bintray 插件成品 JAR 发布, 并以 [configure] 配置 [PluginPublishing].
* @see [PluginPublishing]
* @see publishingEnabled
* @since 1.1.0
public inline fun publishing(crossinline configure: PluginPublishing.() -> Unit) {
publishingEnabled = true
* 开启自动配置 Bintray 插件成品 JAR 发布.
* @see [PluginPublishing]
* @see publishingEnabled
* @since 1.1.0
public fun publishing() {
publishingEnabled = true
* Bintray 插件成品 JAR 发布 配置.
* 对于一个属性 PROP, 会按以下顺序依次尝试读取:
* 1. Gradle 参数
* - "gradle.properties"
* - ext
* - Gradle -P 启动参数
* 2. [System.getProperty] "PROP"
* 3. 当前和所有父 project 根目录下 "PROP" 文件的内容
* 4. [System.getenv] "PROP"
* @see publishing
* @see publishingEnabled
* @since 1.1.0
public class PluginPublishing internal constructor() {
// Required arguments
* Bintray 账户名. 必须.
* 若为 `null`, 将会以 [PluginPublishing] 中描述的步骤获取 "bintray.user"
* @see [PluginPublishing]
public var user: String? = null
* Bintray 账户 key. 必须.
* 若为 `null`, 将会以 [PluginPublishing] 中描述的步骤获取 "bintray.key"
public var key: String? = null
* 目标仓库名称. 必须.
* 若为 `null`, 将会以 [PluginPublishing] 中描述的步骤获取 "bintray.repo"
public var repo: String? = null
* 目标仓库名称. 必须.
* 若为 `null`, 将会以 [PluginPublishing] 中描述的步骤获取 "bintray.package"
public var packageName: String? = null
// Optional arguments
// Artifact
* 发布的 artifact id. 默认为 `project.name`.
* artifact id 是类似于 "net.mamoe:mirai-console:1.1.0" 中的 "mirai-console"
public var artifactId: String? = null
* 发布的 group id. 默认为 `project.group`.
* group id 是类似于 "net.mamoe:mirai-console:1.1.0" 中的 "net.mamoe"
public var groupId: String? = null
* 发布的版本号, 默认为 `project.version`
* 版本号是类似于 "net.mamoe:mirai-console:1.1.0" 中的 "1.1.0"
public var version: String? = null
* 发布的描述, 默认为 `project.description`
public var description: String? = null
// Bintray
* Bintray organization 名. 可选.
* 若为 `null`, 将会以 [PluginPublishing] 中描述的步骤获取 "bintray.org".
* 仍然无法获取时发布到 [user] 账号下的仓库 [repo], 否则发布到指定 [org] 下的仓库 [repo].
public var org: String? = null
* 上传后自动发布. 默认 `true`.
public var publish: Boolean = true
* 当文件冲突时覆盖. 默认 `false`.
public var override: Boolean = false
// Custom configurations
internal val bintrayConfigs = mutableListOf<BintrayExtension.() -> Unit>()
internal val bintrayPackageConfigConfigs = mutableListOf<BintrayExtension.PackageConfig.() -> Unit>()
internal val mavenPomConfigs = mutableListOf<XmlProvider.() -> Unit>()
internal val mavenPublicationConfigs = mutableListOf<MavenPublication.() -> Unit>()
* 自定义配置 [BintrayExtension],覆盖
public fun bintray(configure: BintrayExtension.() -> Unit) {
* 自定义配置 [BintrayExtension.PackageConfig]
public fun packageConfig(configure: BintrayExtension.PackageConfig.() -> Unit) {
* 自定义配置 maven pom.xml [XmlProvider]
public fun mavenPom(configure: XmlProvider.() -> Unit) {
* 自定义配置 [MavenPublication]
public fun mavenPublication(configure: MavenPublication.() -> Unit) {
* @see MiraiConsoleExtension.useTestConsoleFrontEnd
public enum class MiraiConsoleFrontEndKind {
} |