2020-02-20 23:00:35 +08:00
src/main/kotlin/net/mamoe/mirai/console Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' 2020-02-20 23:00:35 +08:00
build.gradle.kts terminal console closable 2020-02-17 17:38:36 +08:00
README.MD Update README.MD 2020-02-18 14:42:57 +08:00

Mirai Console


Mirai Console提供了6个版本以满足各种需要

所有版本的Mirai Console API相同 插件系统相同

名字 介绍
Mirai-Console-Pure 最纯净版, CLI环境, 通过标准输入与标准输出 交互
Mirai-Console-Terminal (UNIX)Terminal环境 提供简洁的富文本控制台
Mirai-Console-Android 安卓APP (TODO)
Mirai-Console-Graphical JavaFX的图形化界面 (.jar/.exe/.dmg)
Mirai-Console-WebPanel Web Panel操作(TODO)
Mirai-Console-Ios IOS APP (TODO)


1: Mirai-Console-Pure 兼容性最高, 在其他都表现不佳的时候请使用
2: 以系统区分

    return when(operatingSystem){
        WINDOWS -> listOf("Graphical","WebPanel","Pure")
        MAC_OS  -> listOf("Graphical","Terminal","WebPanel","Pure") 
        LINUX   -> listOf("Terminal","Pure")
        ANDROID -> listOf("Android","Pure","WebPanel") 
        IOS     -> listOf("Ios") 
        else    -> listOf("Pure") 

3: 以策略区分

    return when(task){
        体验         -> listOf("Graphical","Terminal","WebPanel","Android","Pure")
        测试插件      -> listOf("Pure") 
        调试插件      -> byOperatingSystem() 
        稳定挂机      -> listOf("Terminal","Pure") 
        else         -> listOf("Pure") 

More Importantly, Mirai Console support Plugins, tells the bot what to do

Mirai Console 支持插件系统, 你可以自己开发或使用公开的插件来逻辑化机器人, 如群管

download 下载

how to get/write plugins 如何获取/写插件

how to use(如何使用)

how to run Mirai Console

  • download mirai-console.jar
  • open command line/terminal
  • create a folder and put mirai-console.jar in
  • cd that folder
  • "java -jar mirai-console.jar"
  • 下载mirai-console.jar
  • 打开终端
  • 在任何地方创建一个文件夹, 并放入mirai-console.jar
  • 在终端中打开该文件夹"cd"
  • 输入"java -jar mirai-console.jar"

how to add plugins

  • After first time of running mirai console
  • /plugins/folder will be created next to mirai-console.jar
  • put plugin(.jar) into /plugins/
  • restart mirai console
  • checking logger and check if the plugin is loaded successfully
  • if the plugin has it own Config file, it normally appears in /plugins/{pluginName}/
  • 在首次运行mirai console后
  • mirai-console.jar 的同级会出现/plugins/文件夹
  • 将插件(.jar)放入/plugins/文件夹
  • 重启mirai console
  • 在开启后检查日志, 是否成功加载
  • 如该插件有配置文件, 配置文件一般会创建在/plugins/插件名字/ 文件夹下