/* * Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors. * * 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证. * Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link. * * https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE */ package net.mamoe.mirai.console.data import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json import net.mamoe.mirai.console.util.ConsoleInternalApi import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import kotlin.test.assertEquals import kotlin.test.assertSame @OptIn(ConsoleInternalApi::class) internal class PluginDataTest { class MyPluginData : AutoSavePluginData("test") { var int by value(1) val map: MutableMap by value() val map2: MutableMap> by value() } @Suppress("unused") private val jsonPrettyPrint = Json { prettyPrint = true encodeDefaults = true } private val json = Json { encodeDefaults = true } @Test fun testStringify() { val data = MyPluginData() var string = json.encodeToString(data.updaterSerializer, Unit) assertEquals("""{"int":1,"map":{},"map2":{}}""", string) data.int = 2 string = json.encodeToString(data.updaterSerializer, Unit) assertEquals("""{"int":2,"map":{},"map2":{}}""", string) } @Test fun testParseUpdate() { val data = MyPluginData() assertEquals(1, data.int) json.decodeFromString( data.updaterSerializer, """ {"int":3,"map":{},"map2":{}} """.trimIndent() ) assertEquals(3, data.int) } @Test fun testNestedParseUpdate() { val data = MyPluginData() fun delegation() = data.map val refBefore = data.map fun reference() = refBefore assertEquals(mutableMapOf(), delegation()) // delegation json.decodeFromString( data.updaterSerializer, """ {"int":1,"map":{"t":"test"},"map2":{}} """.trimIndent() ) assertEquals(mapOf("t" to "test").toString(), delegation().toString()) assertEquals(mapOf("t" to "test").toString(), reference().toString()) assertSame(reference(), delegation()) // check shadowing } @Test fun testDeepNestedParseUpdate() { val data = MyPluginData() fun delegation() = data.map2 val refBefore = data.map2 fun reference() = refBefore assertEquals(mutableMapOf(), delegation()) // delegation json.decodeFromString( data.updaterSerializer, """ {"int":1,"map":{},"map2":{"t":{"f":"test"}}} """.trimIndent() ) assertEquals(mapOf("t" to mapOf("f" to "test")).toString(), delegation().toString()) assertEquals(mapOf("t" to mapOf("f" to "test")).toString(), reference().toString()) assertSame(reference(), delegation()) // check shadowing } @Test fun testDeepNestedTrackingParseUpdate() { val data = MyPluginData() data.map2["t"] = mutableMapOf() fun delegation() = data.map2["t"]!! val refBefore = data.map2["t"]!! fun reference() = refBefore assertEquals(mutableMapOf(), delegation()) // delegation json.decodeFromString( data.updaterSerializer, """ {"int":1,"map":{},"map2":{"t":{"f":"test"}}} """.trimIndent() ) assertEquals(mapOf("f" to "test").toString(), delegation().toString()) assertEquals(mapOf("f" to "test").toString(), reference().toString()) assertSame(reference(), delegation()) // check shadowing } }