/* * Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors. * * 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证. * Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link. * * https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE */ package net.mamoe.mirai.console.codegen import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.capitalize internal val TypeCandidatesForMessageScope = arrayOf( KtType("Contact"), KtType("CommandSender"), ) internal val KtMessageScope = KtType("MessageScope") internal fun Array.arrangements(): List> { val result = mutableListOf>() for (a in this) { for (b in this) { result.add(a to b) } } return result } internal object MessageScopeCodegen { object IterableMessageScopeBuildersCodegen : RegionCodegen("MessageScope.kt"), DefaultInvoke { @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array) = super.startIndependently() override val defaultInvokeArgs: List = listOf(KtString) // invoke once @Suppress( "RedundantVisibilityModifier", "ClassName", "KDocUnresolvedReference", "RedundantSuspendModifier", "SpellCheckingInspection" ) override fun StringBuilder.apply(ktType: KtType) { for (collectionName in arrayOf("Iterable", "Sequence", "Array")) { for (candidate in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope)) { appendKCode( """ @JvmName("toMessageScope${candidate.standardName.capitalize()}${collectionName.capitalize()}") public fun $collectionName<$candidate?>.toMessageScope(): MessageScope { return this.fold(this.firstOrNull().asMessageScopeOrNoop()) { acc, messageScope -> CombinedScope(acc, messageScope.asMessageScopeOrNoop()) } } """ ) appendLine() } } for (candidate in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope)) { appendKCode( """ @JvmSynthetic @JvmName("toMessageScope${candidate.standardName.capitalize()}Flow") public suspend fun Flow<$candidate>.toMessageScope(): MessageScope { // Flow.firstOrNull isn't yet supported return this.fold(this.firstOrNull().asMessageScopeOrNoop()) { acc, messageScope -> CombinedScope(acc, messageScope.asMessageScope()) } } """ ) appendLine() } } } object MessageScopeBuildersCodegen : RegionCodegen("MessageScope.kt"), DefaultInvoke { @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array) = super.startIndependently() override val defaultInvokeArgs: List = listOf(KtString) // invoke once @Suppress("RedundantVisibilityModifier", "ClassName", "KDocUnresolvedReference", "unused") override fun StringBuilder.apply(ktType: KtType) { for (candidate in TypeCandidatesForMessageScope) { appendKCode( """ public fun ${candidate}.asMessageScope(): MessageScope = createScopeDelegate(this) """ ) appendLine() } // // for ((a, b) in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope).arrangements()) { // appendKCode( // """ // @LowPriorityInOverloadResolution // public fun ${a}.scopeWith(vararg others: ${b}): MessageScope { // return others.fold(this.asMessageScope()) { acc, other -> CombinedScope(acc, other.asMessageScope()) } // } // """ // ) // appendLine() // } for ((a, b) in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope).arrangements()) { appendKCode( """ @LowPriorityInOverloadResolution public fun ${a}?.scopeWith(vararg others: ${b}?): MessageScope { return others.fold(this.asMessageScopeOrNoop()) { acc, other -> acc.scopeWith(other?.asMessageScope()) } } """ ) appendLine() } // // for ((a, b) in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope).arrangements()) { // appendKCode( // """ // public fun ${a}.scopeWith(other: ${b}): MessageScope { // return CombinedScope(asMessageScope(), other.asMessageScope()) // } // """ // ) // appendLine() // } for ((a, b) in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope).arrangements()) { appendKCode( """ public fun ${a}?.scopeWith(other: ${b}?): MessageScope { @Suppress("DuplicatedCode") return when { this == null && other == null -> NoopMessageScope this == null && other != null -> other.asMessageScope() this != null && other == null -> this.asMessageScope() this != null && other != null -> CombinedScope(asMessageScope(), other.asMessageScope()) else -> null!! } } """ ) appendLine() } // // for ((a, b) in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope).arrangements()) { // appendKCode( // """ // public inline fun ${a}.scopeWith(vararg others: ${b}, action: MessageScope.() -> R): R { // return scopeWith(*others).invoke(action) // } // """ // ) // appendLine() // } for ((a, b) in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope).arrangements()) { appendKCode( """ public inline fun ${a}?.scopeWith(vararg others: ${b}?, action: MessageScope.() -> R): R { return scopeWith(*others).invoke(action) } """ ) appendLine() } for (a in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope)) { appendKCode( """ @Deprecated( "Senseless scopeWith. Use asMessageScope.", ReplaceWith("this.asMessageScope()", "net.mamoe.mirai.console.util.asMessageScope") ) public inline fun ${a}.scopeWith(): MessageScope = asMessageScope() """ ) appendLine() } for (a in (TypeCandidatesForMessageScope + KtMessageScope)) { appendKCode( """ @Deprecated( "Senseless scopeWith. Use .asMessageScope().invoke.", ReplaceWith( "this.asMessageScope()(action)", "net.mamoe.mirai.console.util.asMessageScope", "net.mamoe.mirai.console.util.invoke", ) ) public inline fun ${a}.scopeWith(action: MessageScope.() -> R): R = asMessageScope()(action) """ ) appendLine() } } } /** * 运行本 object 中所有嵌套 object Codegen */ @OptIn(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class) @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array) { runCodegenInObject(this::class) } }