@file:Suppress("UNUSED_VARIABLE") plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") id("kotlinx-atomicfu") id("com.android.library") id("kotlinx-serialization") `maven-publish` id("com.jfrog.bintray") version "1.8.4-jetbrains-3" // DO NOT CHANGE THIS VERSION UNLESS YOU WANT TO WASTE YOUR TIME } apply(from = rootProject.file("gradle/publish.gradle")) val kotlinVersion: String by rootProject.ext val atomicFuVersion: String by rootProject.ext val coroutinesVersion: String by rootProject.ext val kotlinXIoVersion: String by rootProject.ext val coroutinesIoVersion: String by rootProject.ext val klockVersion: String by rootProject.ext val ktorVersion: String by rootProject.ext val serializationVersion: String by rootProject.ext fun kotlinx(id: String, version: String) = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-$id:$version" fun ktor(id: String, version: String) = "io.ktor:ktor-$id:$version" description = "QQ protocol library" version = rootProject.ext.get("mirai_version")!!.toString() val isAndroidSDKAvailable: Boolean by project android { compileSdkVersion(29) defaultConfig { minSdkVersion(15) } } kotlin { if (isAndroidSDKAvailable) { android("android") { publishAllLibraryVariants() } } else { println( """Android SDK 可能未安装. $name 的 Android 目标编译将不会进行. 这不会影响 Android 以外的平台的编译. """.trimIndent() ) println( """Android SDK might not be installed. Android target of $name will not be compiled. It does no influence on the compilation of other platforms. """.trimIndent() ) } jvm("jvm") { } sourceSets { all { languageSettings.enableLanguageFeature("InlineClasses") languageSettings.useExperimentalAnnotation("kotlin.Experimental") dependencies { api(project(":mirai-core")) api(kotlin("stdlib", kotlinVersion)) api(kotlin("serialization", kotlinVersion)) api("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu:$atomicFuVersion") api(kotlinx("io", kotlinXIoVersion)) api(kotlinx("coroutines-io", coroutinesIoVersion)) api(kotlinx("coroutines-core", coroutinesVersion)) } } commonMain { dependencies { } } commonTest { dependencies { api(kotlin("test-annotations-common")) api(kotlin("test-common")) implementation(kotlin("script-runtime")) } } if (isAndroidSDKAvailable) { val androidMain by getting { dependencies { } } val androidTest by getting { dependencies { api(kotlin("test", kotlinVersion)) api(kotlin("test-junit", kotlinVersion)) api(kotlin("test-annotations-common")) api(kotlin("test-common")) } } } val jvmMain by getting { dependencies { runtimeOnly(files("build/classes/kotlin/jvm/main")) // classpath is not properly set by IDE } } val jvmTest by getting { dependencies { api(kotlin("test", kotlinVersion)) api(kotlin("test-junit", kotlinVersion)) implementation("org.pcap4j:pcap4j-distribution:1.8.2") runtimeOnly(files("build/classes/kotlin/jvm/main")) // classpath is not properly set by IDE runtimeOnly(files("build/classes/kotlin/jvm/test")) // classpath is not properly set by IDE } } } }