import java.util.* plugins { id("kotlinx-serialization") id("kotlin") id("java") `maven-publish` id("com.jfrog.bintray") } apply(plugin = "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") val kotlinVersion: String by rootProject.ext val atomicFuVersion: String by rootProject.ext val coroutinesVersion: String by rootProject.ext val kotlinXIoVersion: String by rootProject.ext val coroutinesIoVersion: String by rootProject.ext val klockVersion: String by rootProject.ext val ktorVersion: String by rootProject.ext val serializationVersion: String by rootProject.ext fun kotlinx(id: String, version: String) = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-$id:$version" fun ktor(id: String, version: String) = "io.ktor:ktor-$id:$version" tasks.withType() { manifest { attributes["Main-Class"] = "net.mamoe.mirai.console.pure.MiraiConsolePureLoader" } } val miraiVersion: String by rootProject.ext dependencies { implementation("net.mamoe:mirai-core-jvm:$miraiVersion") implementation("net.mamoe:mirai-core-qqandroid-jvm:$miraiVersion") api(kotlin("serialization")) api(group = "", name = "fastjson", version = "1.2.62") api(group = "org.yaml", name = "snakeyaml", version = "1.25") api(group = "com.moandjiezana.toml", name = "toml4j", version = "0.7.2") api("no.tornado:tornadofx:1.7.19") } val mirai_console_version: String by project.ext version = mirai_console_version description = "Console with plugin support for mirai" bintray { val keyProps = Properties() val keyFile = file("../") if (keyFile.exists()) keyFile.inputStream().use { keyProps.load(it) } if (keyFile.exists()) keyFile.inputStream().use { keyProps.load(it) } user = keyProps.getProperty("bintrayUser") key = keyProps.getProperty("bintrayKey") setPublications("mavenJava") setConfigurations("archives") pkg.apply { repo = "mirai" name = "mirai-console" setLicenses("AGPLv3") publicDownloadNumbers = true vcsUrl = "" } } @Suppress("DEPRECATION") val sourcesJar by tasks.registering(Jar::class) { classifier = "sources" from(sourceSets.main.get().allSource) } publishing { /* repositories { maven { // change to point to your repo, e.g. url = uri("$buildDir/repo") } }*/ publications { register("mavenJava", MavenPublication::class) { from(components["java"]) groupId = artifactId = "mirai-console" version = mirai_console_version pom.withXml { val root = asNode() root.appendNode("description", description) root.appendNode("name", root.appendNode("url", "") root.children().last() } artifact(sourcesJar.get()) } } }