# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions name: Bintray Publish # Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request # events but only for the master branch on: release: types: - released # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel jobs: # This workflow contains a single job called "build" build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up JDK 1.8 uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 - name: Grant execute permission for gradlew run: chmod +x gradlew - name: Gradle clean run: ./gradlew clean - name: Gradle build run: ./gradlew build # if test's failed, don't publish - name: Check keys run: ./gradlew :mirai-console:ensureBintrayAvailable -Dbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Pbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Dbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} -Pbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} - name: Gradle :mirai-console:fillBuildConstants run: ./gradlew :mirai-console:fillBuildConstants -Dbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Pbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Dbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} -Pbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} - name: Gradle :mirai-console:bintrayUpload run: ./gradlew :mirai-console:bintrayUpload -Dbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Pbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Dbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} -Pbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} - name: Gradle :mirai-console-terminal:bintrayUpload run: ./gradlew :mirai-console-terminal:bintrayUpload -Dbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Pbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Dbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} -Pbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} - name: Gradle :mirai-console-compiler-common:bintrayUpload run: ./gradlew :mirai-console-compiler-common:bintrayUpload -Dbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Pbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Dbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} -Pbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} - name: Gradle :mirai-console-intellij:bintrayUpload run: ./gradlew :mirai-console-intellij:bintrayUpload -Dbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Pbintray_user=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_USER }} -Dbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} -Pbintray_key=${{ secrets.BINTRAY_KEY }} - name: Publish Gradle plugin run: ./gradlew :mirai-console-gradle:publishPlugins -Dgradle.publish.key=${{ secrets.GRADLE_PUBLISH_KEY }} -Pgradle.publish.key=${{ secrets.GRADLE_PUBLISH_KEY }} -Dgradle.publish.secret=${{ secrets.GRADLE_PUBLISH_SECRET }} -Pgradle.publish.secret=${{ secrets.GRADLE_PUBLISH_SECRET }}