/* * Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors. * * 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证. * Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link. * * https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE */ import keys.SecretKeys import kotlinx.validation.sourceSets import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream plugins { id("io.codearte.nexus-staging") version "0.22.0" kotlin("jvm") } tasks.register("runcihelper") { this.classpath = sourceSets["main"].runtimeClasspath this.mainClass.set("cihelper.CiHelperKt") this.workingDir = rootProject.projectDir fun Project.findPublishingExt(): PublishingExtension? { val exts = (this@findPublishingExt as ExtensionAware).extensions return exts.findByName("publishing") as PublishingExtension? } doFirst { @Suppress("USELESS_CAST") environment("PROJ_VERSION", (project.version as Any?).toString()) rootProject.allprojects.asSequence() .mapNotNull { it.findPublishingExt() } .flatMap { it.publications.asSequence() } .mapNotNull { it as? MavenPublication } .map { it.artifactId } .joinToString("|") .let { environment("PROJ_ARTIFACTS", it) } rootProject.allprojects.asSequence() .mapNotNull { it.findPublishingExt() } .flatMap { it.repositories.asSequence() } .mapNotNull { it as? MavenArtifactRepository } .filter { it.name == "MiraiStageRepo" } .first().url .let { environment("PROJ_MiraiStageRepo", it.toString()) } val additionProperties = rootProject.properties.asSequence() .filter { (k, _) -> k.startsWith("cihelper.") } .map { (k, v) -> "-D$k=$v" } .toList() if (additionProperties.isNotEmpty()) { val currentJvmArgs = jvmArgs ?: emptyList() jvmArgs = currentJvmArgs + additionProperties } } } description = "Mirai CI Methods for Releasing" nexusStaging { packageGroup = rootProject.group.toString() val keys = SecretKeys.getCache(project).loadKey("sonatype") username = keys.user password = keys.password } dependencies { implementation(`kotlinx-serialization-json`) } tasks.register("updateSnapshotVersion") { group = "mirai" doLast { setProjectVersionForFutureBuilds(snapshotVersion) } } tasks.register("publishSnapshotPage") { doLast { UpdateSnapshotPage.run(project, getSha()) } } val snapshotVersion by lazy { getSnapshotVersionImpl() } fun getSnapshotVersionImpl(): String { val branch = System.getenv("CURRENT_BRANCH_NAME") logger.info("Current branch name is '$branch'") val sha = getSha().trim().take(8) return "${Versions.project}-$branch-${sha}".also { logger.info("Snapshot version is '$it'") } } //tasks.register("createTagOnGitHub") { // group = "mirai" // dependsOn(gradle.includedBuild("snapshots-publishing").task(":check")) // // doLast { // val token = System.getenv("MAMOE_TOKEN") // require(!token.isNullOrBlank()) { "" } // // val out = ByteArrayOutputStream() // exec { // commandLine("git") // args("rev-parse", "HEAD") // standardOutput = out // workingDir = rootProject.projectDir // } // val sha = out.toString() // logger.info("Current sha is $sha") // // runBlocking { // val resp = HttpClient().post("https://api.github.com/repos/mamoe/mirai/git/refs") { // header("Authorization", "token $token") // header("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json") // body = Gson().toJson( // mapOf( // "ref" to "refs/tags/build-$nextVersion", // "sha" to sha, // ) // ) // } // logger.info(resp) // } // } //} fun getSha(): String { val out = ByteArrayOutputStream() exec { commandLine("git") args("rev-parse", "HEAD") standardOutput = out workingDir = rootProject.projectDir } val sha = out.toString() logger.info("Current commit sha is '$sha'") return sha }