/* * Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors. * * 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证. * Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 license that can be found via the following link. * * https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE */ @file:Suppress("unused") package net.mamoe.mirai.console.command import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import net.mamoe.mirai.console.MiraiConsole import net.mamoe.mirai.console.Testing import net.mamoe.mirai.console.Testing.withTesting import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.CommandManager.INSTANCE.getRegisteredCommands import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.CommandManager.INSTANCE.register import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.CommandManager.INSTANCE.registerCommand import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.CommandManager.INSTANCE.unregisterAllCommands import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.CommandManager.INSTANCE.unregisterCommand import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.descriptor.CommandValueArgumentParser import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.descriptor.ExperimentalCommandDescriptors import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.descriptor.buildCommandArgumentContext import net.mamoe.mirai.console.initTestEnvironment import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.command.CommandManagerImpl import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.command.flattenCommandComponents import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.* import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test import kotlin.test.* object TestCompositeCommand : CompositeCommand( ConsoleCommandOwner, "testComposite", "tsC" ) { @SubCommand fun mute(seconds: Int = 60) { Testing.ok(seconds) } @SubCommand fun mute(target: Long, seconds: Int) { Testing.ok(seconds) } } object TestSimpleCommand : RawCommand(owner, "testSimple", "tsS") { override suspend fun CommandSender.onCommand(args: MessageChain) { Testing.ok(args) } } internal val sender by lazy { ConsoleCommandSender } internal val owner by lazy { ConsoleCommandOwner } @OptIn(ExperimentalCommandDescriptors::class) internal class TestCommand { companion object { @JvmStatic @BeforeAll fun init() { initTestEnvironment() } @AfterAll @JvmStatic fun destroy() { MiraiConsole.cancel() } } @Test fun testRegister() { try { unregisterAllCommands(ConsoleCommandOwner) // builtins unregisterCommand(TestSimpleCommand) assertTrue(TestCompositeCommand.register()) assertFalse(TestCompositeCommand.register()) assertEquals(1, getRegisteredCommands(ConsoleCommandOwner).size) assertEquals(1, CommandManagerImpl._registeredCommands.size) assertEquals(2, CommandManagerImpl.requiredPrefixCommandMap.size, CommandManagerImpl.requiredPrefixCommandMap.entries.joinToString { it.toString() }) } finally { unregisterCommand(TestCompositeCommand) } } @Test fun testSimpleExecute() = runBlocking { TestSimpleCommand.withRegistration { assertEquals("test", withTesting { assertSuccess(TestSimpleCommand.execute(sender, "test")) }.contentToString()) } } @Test fun `test flattenCommandArgs`() { val result = arrayOf("test", image).flattenCommandComponents().toTypedArray() assertEquals("test", result[0].content) assertSame(image, result[1]) assertEquals(2, result.size) } @Test fun testSimpleArgsSplitting() = runBlocking { TestSimpleCommand.withRegistration { assertEquals(arrayOf("test", "ttt", "tt").joinToString(), withTesting { assertSuccess(TestSimpleCommand.execute(sender, PlainText("test ttt tt"))) }.joinToString()) } } val image = Image("/f8f1ab55-bf8e-4236-b55e-955848d7069f") @Test fun `PlainText and Image args splitting`() = runBlocking { TestSimpleCommand.withRegistration { val result = withTesting { assertSuccess(TestSimpleCommand.execute(sender, buildMessageChain { +"test" +image +"tt" })) } assertEquals(arrayOf("test", image, "tt").joinToString(), result.toTypedArray().joinToString()) assertSame(image, result[1]) } } @Test fun `test throw Exception`() { runBlocking { assertTrue(sender.executeCommand("").isFailure()) } } @Test fun `executing command by string command`() = runBlocking { TestCompositeCommand.withRegistration { val result = withTesting { assertSuccess(sender.executeCommand("/testComposite mute 1")) } assertEquals(1, result) } } @Test fun `composite command descriptors`() { val overloads = TestCompositeCommand.overloads assertEquals("CommandSignatureVariant(, seconds: Int = ...)", overloads[0].toString()) assertEquals("CommandSignatureVariant(, target: Long, seconds: Int)", overloads[1].toString()) } @Test fun `composite command executing`() = runBlocking { TestCompositeCommand.withRegistration { assertEquals(1, withTesting { assertSuccess(TestCompositeCommand.execute(sender, "mute 1")) }) } } @Test fun `composite sub command resolution conflict`() { runBlocking { val composite = object : CompositeCommand( ConsoleCommandOwner, "tr" ) { @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") @SubCommand fun mute(seconds: Int) { Testing.ok(1) } @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") @SubCommand fun mute(seconds: Int, arg2: Int = 1) { Testing.ok(2) } } registerCommand(composite) println(composite.overloads.joinToString()) composite.withRegistration { assertEquals(1, withTesting { assertSuccess(composite.execute(sender, "mute 123")) }) // one arg, resolves to mute(Int) assertEquals(2, withTesting { assertSuccess(composite.execute(sender, "mute 123 1")) }) // two arg, resolved to mute(Int, Int) } } } @Test fun `composite sub command parsing`() { runBlocking { class MyClass( val value: Int, ) val composite = object : CompositeCommand( ConsoleCommandOwner, "test22", overrideContext = buildCommandArgumentContext { add(object : CommandValueArgumentParser { override fun parse(raw: String, sender: CommandSender): MyClass { return MyClass(raw.toInt()) } override fun parse(raw: MessageContent, sender: CommandSender): MyClass { if (raw is PlainText) return parse(raw.content, sender) assertSame(image, raw) return MyClass(2) } }) } ) { @SubCommand fun mute(seconds: MyClass) { Testing.ok(seconds) } } composite.withRegistration { assertEquals(333, withTesting { assertSuccess(execute(sender, "mute 333")) }.value) assertEquals(2, withTesting { assertSuccess( execute(sender, buildMessageChain { +"mute" +image }) ) }.value) } } } @Test fun `test simple command`() { runBlocking { val simple = object : SimpleCommand(owner, "test") { @Handler fun onCommand(string: String) { Testing.ok(string) } } simple.withRegistration { // assertEquals("xxx", withTesting { simple.execute(sender, "xxx") }) assertEquals("xxx", withTesting { assertSuccess(sender.executeCommand("/test xxx")) }) } } } @Test fun `test optional argument command`() { runBlocking { val optionCommand = object : CompositeCommand( ConsoleCommandOwner, "testOptional" ) { @SubCommand fun optional(arg1: String, arg2: String = "Here is optional", arg3: String? = null) { println(arg1) println(arg2) println(arg3) // println(arg3) Testing.ok(Unit) } } optionCommand.withRegistration { withTesting { assertSuccess(sender.executeCommand("/testOptional optional 1")) } } } } @Test fun `test vararg`() { runBlocking { val optionCommand = object : CompositeCommand( ConsoleCommandOwner, "test" ) { @SubCommand fun vararg(arg1: Int, vararg x: String) { assertEquals(1, arg1) Testing.ok(x) } } optionCommand.withRegistration { assertArrayEquals( emptyArray(), withTesting { assertSuccess(sender.executeCommand("/test vararg 1")) } ) assertArrayEquals( arrayOf("s"), withTesting> { assertSuccess(sender.executeCommand("/test vararg 1 s")) } ) assertArrayEquals( arrayOf("s", "s", "s"), withTesting { assertSuccess(sender.executeCommand("/test vararg 1 s s s")) } ) } } } } fun assertArrayEquals(expected: Array, actual: Array, message: String? = null) { asserter.assertEquals(message, expected.contentToString(), actual.contentToString()) } @OptIn(ExperimentalCommandDescriptors::class) internal fun assertSuccess(result: CommandExecuteResult) { if (result.isFailure()) { throw result.exception ?: AssertionError(result.toString()) } }