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synced 2024-12-31 05:09:15 +08:00
Simplify platform structure
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils
// We target JVM and Android only.
internal expect class LinkedList<E>() : List<E>, Queue<E>, Deque<E>
internal interface Queue<E> : MutableCollection<E> {
override fun add(element: E): Boolean
fun offer(element: E): Boolean
fun remove(): E
fun poll(): E
fun element(): E
fun peek(): E
internal interface Deque<E> : Queue<E> {
fun addFirst(e: E)
fun addLast(e: E)
fun offerFirst(e: E): Boolean
fun offerLast(e: E): Boolean
fun removeFirst(): E
fun removeLast(): E
fun pollFirst(): E
fun pollLast(): E
val first: E
val last: E
fun peekFirst(): E
fun peekLast(): E
fun removeFirstOccurrence(o: E): Boolean
fun removeLastOccurrence(o: E): Boolean
fun push(e: E)
fun pop(): E
fun descendingIterator(): Iterator<E>
@ -10,27 +10,100 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.engine.cio.*
import io.ktor.util.*
import kotlinx.io.pool.useInstance
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
import java.net.Inet4Address
import java.security.MessageDigest
import java.util.zip.Deflater
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream
import java.util.zip.Inflater
internal expect object MiraiPlatformUtils {
fun unzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray
internal object MiraiPlatformUtils {
fun unzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray {
data.checkOffsetAndLength(offset, length)
if (length == 0) return ByteArray(0)
fun zip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray
val inflater = Inflater()
ByteArrayOutputStream().use { output ->
inflater.setInput(data, offset, length)
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
while (!inflater.finished()) {
output.write(it, 0, inflater.inflate(it))
fun gzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray
return output.toByteArray()
fun ungzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray
fun zip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray {
data.checkOffsetAndLength(offset, length)
if (length == 0) return ByteArray(0)
val deflater = Deflater()
deflater.setInput(data, offset, length)
fun md5(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
return it.take(deflater.deflate(it)).toByteArray().also { deflater.end() }
inline fun md5(str: String): ByteArray
fun gzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray {
ByteArrayOutputStream().use { buf ->
GZIPOutputStream(buf).use { gzip ->
data.inputStream(offset, length).use { t -> t.copyTo(gzip) }
return buf.toByteArray()
fun localIpAddress(): String
fun ungzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray {
return GZIPInputStream(data.inputStream(offset, length)).use { it.readBytes() }
fun md5(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset): ByteArray {
data.checkOffsetAndLength(offset, length)
return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").apply { update(data, offset, length) }.digest()
fun md5(str: String): ByteArray = md5(str.toByteArray())
* Ktor HttpClient. 不同平台使用不同引擎.
val Http: HttpClient
val Http: HttpClient = HttpClient(CIO)
* Localhost 解析
fun localIpAddress(): String = kotlin.runCatching {
}.getOrElse { "" }
fun md5(stream: InputStream): ByteArray {
val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5")
stream.use { input ->
object : OutputStream() {
override fun write(b: Int) {
}.use { output ->
return digest.digest()
@Suppress("DuplicatedCode") // false positive. `this` is not the same for `List<Byte>` and `ByteArray`
@ -14,13 +14,15 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils
import kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
internal expect fun Throwable.addSuppressedMirai(e: Throwable)
internal fun Throwable.addSuppressedMirai(e: Throwable) {
if (e === this) return
kotlin.runCatching {
@ -6,9 +6,5 @@
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils
import java.util.LinkedList
internal actual typealias LinkedList<E> = LinkedList<E>
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils
import io.ktor.client.*
import io.ktor.client.engine.cio.*
import io.ktor.util.*
import kotlinx.io.pool.useInstance
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.InputStream
import java.io.OutputStream
import java.net.Inet4Address
import java.security.MessageDigest
import java.util.zip.Deflater
import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream
import java.util.zip.Inflater
internal actual object MiraiPlatformUtils {
actual fun unzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteArray {
data.checkOffsetAndLength(offset, length)
if (length == 0) return ByteArray(0)
val inflater = Inflater()
ByteArrayOutputStream().use { output ->
inflater.setInput(data, offset, length)
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
while (!inflater.finished()) {
output.write(it, 0, inflater.inflate(it))
return output.toByteArray()
actual fun zip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteArray {
data.checkOffsetAndLength(offset, length)
if (length == 0) return ByteArray(0)
val deflater = Deflater()
deflater.setInput(data, offset, length)
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
return it.take(deflater.deflate(it)).toByteArray().also { deflater.end() }
actual fun gzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteArray {
ByteArrayOutputStream().use { buf ->
GZIPOutputStream(buf).use { gzip ->
data.inputStream(offset, length).use { t -> t.copyTo(gzip) }
return buf.toByteArray()
actual fun ungzip(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteArray {
return GZIPInputStream(data.inputStream(offset, length)).use { it.readBytes() }
actual fun md5(data: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): ByteArray {
data.checkOffsetAndLength(offset, length)
return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").apply { update(data, offset, length) }.digest()
actual inline fun md5(str: String): ByteArray = md5(str.toByteArray())
* Ktor HttpClient. 不同平台使用不同引擎.
actual val Http: HttpClient = HttpClient(CIO)
* Localhost 解析
actual fun localIpAddress(): String = runCatching {
}.getOrElse { "" }
fun md5(stream: InputStream): ByteArray {
val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("md5")
stream.use { input ->
object : OutputStream() {
override fun write(b: Int) {
}.use { output ->
return digest.digest()
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils
internal actual fun Throwable.addSuppressedMirai(e: Throwable) {
if (e === this) {
kotlin.runCatching {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user