mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 22:00:10 +08:00
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
plugins {
description = "Mirai API binary compatibility validator"
tasks.withType(kotlinx.validation.KotlinApiBuildTask::class) {
inputClassesDirs =
files(inputClassesDirs.files, project(":mirai-core-api").buildDir.resolve("classes/kotlin/android/main"))
// tasks["apiDump"].dependsOn(project(":mirai-core-api").tasks["build"])
// this dependency is set in mirai-core-api since binary validator is configured before mirai-core-api
@ -5918,7 +5918,7 @@ public final class net/mamoe/mirai/utils/SimpleLogger$LogPriority : java/lang/En
public static fun values ()[Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/SimpleLogger$LogPriority;
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/utils/SingleFileLogger : net/mamoe/mirai/utils/PlatformLogger {
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/utils/SingleFileLogger : net/mamoe/mirai/utils/PlatformLogger, net/mamoe/mirai/utils/MiraiLogger {
public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;)V
public synthetic fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/io/File;ILkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
@ -9,15 +9,6 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
plugins {
@ -10,11 +10,8 @@
import com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinCompilation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinMultiplatformExtension
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.jvm.KotlinJvmTarget
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.safeAs
buildscript {
repositories {
@ -35,7 +32,7 @@ buildscript {
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version Versions.kotlinCompiler
kotlin("jvm") // version Versions.kotlinCompiler
kotlin("plugin.serialization") version Versions.kotlinCompiler
// id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version Versions.dokka
id("net.mamoe.kotlin-jvm-blocking-bridge") version Versions.blockingBridge
@ -51,7 +48,8 @@ configure<kotlinx.validation.ApiValidationExtension> {
// Enable validator for module `binary-compatibility-validator` only.
// Enable validator for module `binary-compatibility-validator` and `-android` only.
@ -62,7 +60,6 @@ configure<kotlinx.validation.ApiValidationExtension> {
project.ext.set("isAndroidSDKAvailable", false)
tasks.register("publishMiraiCoreArtifactsToMavenLocal") {
@ -74,24 +71,6 @@ tasks.register("publishMiraiCoreArtifactsToMavenLocal") {
// until
// https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-37152,
// are fixed.
runCatching {
val keyProps = Properties().apply {
file("local.properties").takeIf { it.exists() }?.inputStream()?.use { load(it) }
if (keyProps.getProperty("sdk.dir", "").isNotEmpty()) {
project.ext.set("isAndroidSDKAvailable", true)
} else {
project.ext.set("isAndroidSDKAvailable", false)
}.exceptionOrNull()?.run {
project.ext.set("isAndroidSDKAvailable", false)
allprojects {
group = "net.mamoe"
version = Versions.project
@ -111,7 +90,6 @@ allprojects {
runCatching {
@ -192,52 +170,34 @@ fun Project.configureDokka() {
// }
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") // or error
fun Project.configureJvmTarget() {
tasks.withType(KotlinJvmCompile::class.java) {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
kotlinTargets.orEmpty().filterIsInstance<KotlinJvmTarget>().forEach { target ->
target.compilations.all {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
kotlinOptions.languageVersion = "1.4"
target.testRuns["test"].executionTask.configure { useJUnitPlatform() }
extensions.findByType(JavaPluginExtension::class.java)?.run {
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
fun Project.configureMppShadow() {
val kotlin =
runCatching {
(this as ExtensionAware).extensions.getByName("kotlin") as? KotlinMultiplatformExtension
}.getOrNull() ?: return
val shadowJvmJar by tasks.creating(ShadowJar::class) sd@{
group = "mirai"
if (project.configurations.findByName("jvmRuntimeClasspath") != null) {
val shadowJvmJar by tasks.creating(ShadowJar::class) sd@{
group = "mirai"
val compilations =
kotlin.targets.filter { it.platformType == KotlinPlatformType.jvm }
.map { it.compilations["main"] }
val compilations =
kotlin.targets.filter { it.platformType == KotlinPlatformType.jvm }
.map { it.compilations["main"] }
compilations.forEach {
compilations.forEach {
this.exclude { file ->
file.name.endsWith(".sf", ignoreCase = true)
this.exclude { file ->
file.name.endsWith(".sf", ignoreCase = true)
this.manifest {
"Manifest-Version" to 1,
@ -246,109 +206,39 @@ fun Project.configureMppShadow() {
"Implementation-Version" to this.version.toString()
fun Project.configureEncoding() {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile::class.java) {
options.encoding = "UTF8"
fun Project.configureKotlinTestSettings() {
tasks.withType(Test::class) {
when {
isKotlinJvmProject -> {
dependencies {
isKotlinMpp -> {
kotlinSourceSets?.forEach { sourceSet ->
if (sourceSet.name.endsWith("test", ignoreCase = true)) {
sourceSet.dependencies {
fun Project.configureEncoding() {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile::class.java) {
options.encoding = "UTF8"
fun Project.configureKotlinTestSettings() {
tasks.withType(Test::class) {
when {
isKotlinJvmProject -> {
dependencies {
isKotlinMpp -> {
kotlinSourceSets?.forEach { sourceSet ->
if (sourceSet.name.endsWith("test", ignoreCase = true)) {
sourceSet.dependencies {
fun Project.configureKotlinCompilerSettings() {
val kotlinCompilations = kotlinCompilations ?: return
for (kotlinCompilation in kotlinCompilations) with(kotlinCompilation) {
if (isKotlinJvmProject) {
this as KotlinCompilation<KotlinJvmOptions>
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += "-Xjvm-default=all"
val experimentalAnnotations = arrayOf(
fun Project.configureKotlinExperimentalUsages() {
val sourceSets = kotlinSourceSets ?: return
for (target in sourceSets) {
target.languageSettings.progressiveMode = true
experimentalAnnotations.forEach { a ->
fun Project.configureFlattenSourceSets() {
sourceSets {
findByName("main")?.apply {
findByName("test")?.apply {
val Project.kotlinSourceSets get() = extensions.findByName("kotlin").safeAs<KotlinProjectExtension>()?.sourceSets
val Project.kotlinTargets
get() =
extensions.findByName("kotlin").safeAs<KotlinSingleTargetExtension>()?.target?.let { listOf(it) }
?: extensions.findByName("kotlin").safeAs<KotlinMultiplatformExtension>()?.targets
val Project.isKotlinJvmProject: Boolean get() = extensions.findByName("kotlin") is KotlinJvmProjectExtension
val Project.isKotlinMpp: Boolean get() = extensions.findByName("kotlin") is KotlinMultiplatformExtension
val Project.kotlinCompilations
get() = kotlinTargets?.flatMap { it.compilations }
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ plugins {
repositories {
kotlin {
@ -39,6 +41,9 @@ fun version(name: String): String {
dependencies {
val asmVersion = version("asm")
fun asm(module: String) = "org.ow2.asm:asm-$module:$asmVersion"
fun kotlinx(id: String, version: String) = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-$id:$version"
fun ktor(id: String, version: String) = "io.ktor:ktor-$id:$version"
@ -46,6 +51,12 @@ dependencies {
api("com.jfrog.bintray.gradle", "gradle-bintray-plugin", version("bintray"))
api("com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins", "shadow", version("shadow"))
api("org.jetbrains.kotlin", "kotlin-gradle-plugin", version("kotlinCompiler"))
api("org.jetbrains.kotlin", "kotlin-compiler-embeddable", version("kotlinCompiler"))
api("com.android.tools.build", "gradle", version("androidGradlePlugin"))
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectCollection
import org.gradle.api.NamedDomainObjectProvider
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.provideDelegate
import java.util.*
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
@ -21,11 +21,33 @@ import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.provideDelegate
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
val Project.isAndroidSDKAvailable: Boolean
get() {
val isAndroidSDKAvailable: Boolean by this
return isAndroidSDKAvailable
private object ProjectAndroidSdkAvailability {
val map: MutableMap<String, Boolean> = mutableMapOf()
operator fun get(project: Project): Boolean {
return true
if (map[project.path] != null) return map[project.path]!!
val projectAvailable = project.runCatching {
val keyProps = Properties().apply {
file("local.properties").takeIf { it.exists() }?.inputStream()?.use { load(it) }
keyProps.getProperty("sdk.dir", "").isNotEmpty()
}.getOrElse { false }
fun impl(): Boolean {
if (project === project.rootProject) return projectAvailable
return projectAvailable || get(project.rootProject)
map[project.path] = impl()
return map[project.path]!!
val Project.isAndroidSDKAvailable: Boolean get() = ProjectAndroidSdkAvailability[this]
val <T> NamedDomainObjectCollection<T>.androidMain: NamedDomainObjectProvider<T>
get() = named("androidMain")
@ -43,16 +65,12 @@ val <T> NamedDomainObjectCollection<T>.commonMain: NamedDomainObjectProvider<T>
get() = named("commonMain")
fun Project.printAndroidNotInstalled() {
// println(
// """Android SDK 可能未安装.
// $name 的 Android 目标编译将不会进行.
// 这不会影响 Android 以外的平台的编译.
// """.trimIndent()
// )
// println(
// """Android SDK might not be installed.
// Android target of $name will not be compiled.
// It does no influence on the compilation of other platforms.
// """.trimIndent()
// )
"""Android SDK 可能未安装. $name 的 Android 目标编译将不会进行. 这不会影响 Android 以外的平台的编译.
"""Android SDK might not be installed. Android target of $name will not be compiled. It does no influence on the compilation of other platforms.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
import org.gradle.api.JavaVersion
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.plugins.JavaPluginExtension
import org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.JavaCompile
import org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.Test
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.*
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.jvm.KotlinJvmTarget
fun Project.useIr() {
kotlinCompilations?.forEach { kotlinCompilation ->
kotlinCompilation.kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += "-Xuse-ir"
fun Project.configureJvmTarget() {
val defaultVer = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
tasks.withType(KotlinJvmCompile::class.java) {
kotlinOptions.languageVersion = "1.4"
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = defaultVer.toString()
kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs += "-Xjvm-default=all"
extensions.findByType(JavaPluginExtension::class.java)?.run {
sourceCompatibility = defaultVer
targetCompatibility = defaultVer
kotlinTargets.orEmpty().filterIsInstance<KotlinJvmTarget>().forEach { target ->
when (target.attributes.getAttribute(KotlinPlatformType.attribute)) { // mirai does magic, don't use target.platformType
KotlinPlatformType.androidJvm -> {
target.compilations.all {
* Kotlin JVM compiler generates Long.hashCode witch is available since API 26 when targeting JVM 1.8 while IR prefer member function hashCode always.
// kotlinOptions.useIR = true
// IR cannot compile mirai. We'll wait for Kotlin 1.5 for stable IR release.
else -> {
target.testRuns["test"].executionTask.configure { useJUnitPlatform() }
fun Project.configureEncoding() {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile::class.java) {
options.encoding = "UTF8"
fun Project.configureKotlinTestSettings() {
tasks.withType(Test::class) {
when {
isKotlinJvmProject -> {
dependencies {
isKotlinMpp -> {
kotlinSourceSets?.forEach { sourceSet ->
if (sourceSet.name == "common") {
sourceSet.dependencies {
} else {
sourceSet.dependencies {
val experimentalAnnotations = arrayOf(
fun Project.configureKotlinExperimentalUsages() {
val sourceSets = kotlinSourceSets ?: return
for (target in sourceSets) {
fun KotlinSourceSet.configureKotlinExperimentalUsages() {
languageSettings.progressiveMode = true
experimentalAnnotations.forEach { a ->
fun Project.configureFlattenSourceSets() {
sourceSets {
findByName("main")?.apply {
findByName("test")?.apply {
inline fun <reified T> Any?.safeAs(): T? {
return this as? T
val Project.kotlinSourceSets get() = extensions.findByName("kotlin").safeAs<KotlinProjectExtension>()?.sourceSets
val Project.kotlinTargets
get() =
extensions.findByName("kotlin").safeAs<KotlinSingleTargetExtension>()?.target?.let { listOf(it) }
?: extensions.findByName("kotlin").safeAs<KotlinMultiplatformExtension>()?.targets
val Project.isKotlinJvmProject: Boolean get() = extensions.findByName("kotlin") is KotlinJvmProjectExtension
val Project.isKotlinMpp: Boolean get() = extensions.findByName("kotlin") is KotlinMultiplatformExtension
val Project.kotlinCompilations
get() = kotlinTargets?.flatMap { it.compilations }
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import org.gradle.api.attributes.Attribute
object Versions {
const val project = "2.5.0-dev-2"
const val project = "2.5.0-dev-android-1"
const val core = project
const val console = project
@ -34,13 +34,15 @@ object Versions {
const val blockingBridge = "1.10.0"
const val androidGradlePlugin = "3.5.3"
const val androidGradlePlugin = "4.1.1"
const val android = ""
const val bintray = "1.8.5"
const val shadow = "6.1.0"
const val slf4j = "1.7.30"
const val log4j = "2.13.3"
const val asm = "9.1"
// If you the versions below, you need to sync changes to mirai-console/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/Versions.kt
@ -104,3 +106,5 @@ const val `jetbrains-annotations` = "org.jetbrains:annotations:19.0.0"
const val `caller-finder` = "io.github.karlatemp:caller:1.1.1"
const val `android-runtime` = "com.google.android:android:${Versions.android}"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package androidutil
import groovy.util.Node
import groovy.util.XmlParser
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader
import org.objectweb.asm.Type
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.FieldInsnNode
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodInsnNode
import java.io.File
import java.net.URL
object AndroidApiLevelCheck {
data class ClassInfo(
val name: String,
val since: Int,
val superTypes: List<SuperInfo>,
val fieldInfos: Map<String, MemberInfo>,
val methodInfos: Map<String, MemberInfo>
) {
data class SuperInfo(
val name: String,
val since: Int?,
val removed: Int?
data class MemberInfo(
val name: String,
val since: Int?
class Analyzer(
val classesInfos: Map<String, ClassInfo>
) {
var path: String? = null
var context: String? = null
var file: File? = null
var apilevel = 0
var reported = false
inline fun withPath(path: String, block: Analyzer.() -> Unit) {
this.path = path
this.path = null
inline fun withContext(context: String, block: Analyzer.() -> Unit) {
this.context = context
this.context = null
fun report(prefix: String, message: String) {
reported = true
file?.let { file ->
println("> $file")
this.file = null
context?.let { context ->
println(" > $context")
this.context = null
path?.let { path ->
println(" > $path")
this.path = null
if (prefix.isBlank()) {
} else {
"$prefix: $message"
}.split('\n').forEach { println(" $it") }
fun needCheck(type: String): Boolean {
if (type.startsWith("android/")) return true
if (type.startsWith("androidx/")) return true
if (type.startsWith("java/")) return true
if (type.startsWith("javax/")) return true
return classesInfos.containsKey(type)
fun checkClass(prefix: String, name: String) {
if (!needCheck(name)) return
val info = classesInfos[name]
if (info == null) {
report(prefix, "$name not found in api-version.xml")
if (info.since > apilevel) {
report(prefix, "$name since api level ${info.since}")
fun checkFieldAccess(prefix: String, owner: String, name: String) {
if (!needCheck(owner)) return
val info = classesInfos[owner] ?: return
val field = info.fieldInfos[name]
if (field == null) {
report(prefix, "No field $owner.$name")
if ((field.since ?: 0) > apilevel) {
report(prefix, "$owner.$name since api level ${field.since}")
fun checkMethodAccess(prefix: String, owner: String, name: String) {
if (!needCheck(owner)) return
fun findMethod(type: String): ClassInfo.MemberInfo? {
val cinfo = classesInfos[type] ?: return null
return cinfo.methodInfos[name] ?: kotlin.run {
cinfo.superTypes.forEach { stype ->
if (stype.removed != null) {
if (apilevel >= stype.removed) return@forEach
if (stype.since != null) {
if (apilevel < stype.since) return@forEach
findMethod(stype.name)?.let { return it }
val method = findMethod(owner)
if (method == null) {
report(prefix, "No method $owner.$name")
if ((method.since ?: 0) > apilevel) {
report(prefix, "$owner.$name since api level ${method.since}")
private val Type.top: Type
get() = when (sort) {
Type.ARRAY -> elementType
else -> this
fun analyze(classNode: ClassNode, file: File) {
this.file = file
withContext("Check class") {
withPath("class checking") {
checkClass("Couldn't extend ${classNode.superName}", classNode.superName)
classNode.interfaces?.forEach { checkClass("Couldn't implements $it", it) }
classNode.fields?.forEach { field ->
withContext("Field ${field.name}: ${field.desc}") {
val type = Type.getType(field.desc).top.internalName
checkClass("Couldn't access $type", type)
classNode.methods?.forEach { method ->
withContext("Method ${method.name}${method.desc}") {
withPath("Checking method desc") {
val returnType = Type.getReturnType(method.desc).top.internalName
checkClass("Couldn't access $returnType", returnType)
Type.getArgumentTypes(method.desc).map { it.top.internalName }.forEach {
checkClass("Couldn't access $it", it)
method.instructions?.forEach { insn ->
when (insn) {
is FieldInsnNode -> {
withPath("Access field ${insn.owner}.${insn.name}: ${insn.desc}") {
val type = Type.getType(insn.desc)
val prefix = "Couldn't access ${insn.owner}.${insn.name}: ${insn.desc}"
checkClass(prefix, type.internalName)
checkFieldAccess(prefix, insn.owner, insn.name)
is MethodInsnNode -> {
withPath("Invoke method ${insn.owner}.${insn.name}${insn.desc}") {
checkClass("Couldn't access ${insn.owner}", insn.owner)
val returnType = Type.getReturnType(insn.desc).top.internalName
checkClass("Couldn't access $returnType", returnType)
Type.getArgumentTypes(insn.desc).map { it.top.internalName }.forEach {
checkClass("Couldn't access $it", it)
"Couldn't access ${insn.owner}.${insn.name}${insn.desc}",
insn.name + insn.desc
fun check(classes: File, level: Int, project: Project) {
val apiVersionsFile = project.rootProject.projectDir.resolve("buildSrc/src/main/resources/androidutil/api-versions.xml")
val classesInfos = mutableMapOf<String, ClassInfo>()
XmlParser().parse(apiVersionsFile).children().forEach { classNode ->
classNode as Node
if (classNode.name() == "class") {
val fieldInfos = mutableMapOf<String, ClassInfo.MemberInfo>()
val methodInfos = mutableMapOf<String, ClassInfo.MemberInfo>()
val cinfo = ClassInfo(
(classNode.children() as List<Node>).filter {
it.name() == "implements" || it.name() == "extends"
}.map {
fieldInfos, methodInfos
classesInfos[cinfo.name] = cinfo
classNode.children().forEach { memberNode ->
memberNode as Node
when (memberNode.name()) {
"method" -> {
val method = ClassInfo.MemberInfo(
methodInfos[method.name] = method
"field" -> {
val field = ClassInfo.MemberInfo(
fieldInfos[field.name] = field
val analyzer = Analyzer(classesInfos)
analyzer.apilevel = level
.filter { it.isFile && it.extension == "class" }
.map { file ->
kotlin.runCatching {
val cnode = ClassNode()
file.inputStream().use {
ClassReader(it).accept(cnode, 0)
}.getOrNull() to file
.filter { it.first != null }
.map {
it as Pair<ClassNode, File>
.forEach { (classNode, file) ->
analyzer.analyze(classNode, file)
if (analyzer.reported) {
error("Verify failed")
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -20,3 +20,5 @@ kotlin.native.enableDependencyPropagation=false
# We may target 15 with Kotlin 1.5 IR
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
plugins {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ plugins {
@ -28,9 +28,13 @@ kotlin {
if (isAndroidSDKAvailable) {
apply(from = rootProject.file("gradle/android.gradle"))
android("android") {
// apply(from = rootProject.file("gradle/android.gradle"))
// android("android") {
// publishAllLibraryVariants()
// }
jvm("android") {
attributes.attribute(KotlinPlatformType.attribute, KotlinPlatformType.androidJvm)
// publishAllLibraryVariants()
} else {
@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ kotlin {
// }
sourceSets {
commonMain {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
@ -76,16 +80,20 @@ kotlin {
if (isAndroidSDKAvailable) {
androidMain {
val androidMain by getting {
dependencies {
val jvmMain by getting
val jvmMain by getting {
jvmTest {
val jvmTest by getting {
dependencies {
runtimeOnly(files("build/classes/kotlin/jvm/test")) // classpath is not properly set by IDE
@ -93,6 +101,18 @@ kotlin {
tasks.register("checkAndroidApiLevel") {
doFirst {
group = "verification"
fun org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinDependencyHandler.implementation1(dependencyNotation: String) =
implementation(dependencyNotation) {
@ -116,4 +136,5 @@ configureMppPublishing()
afterEvaluate {
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai
import java.util.*
import kotlin.reflect.full.companionObjectInstance
internal actual fun findMiraiInstance(): IMirai {
return ServiceLoader.load(IMirai::class.java).firstOrNull()
?: Class.forName("net.mamoe.mirai.internal.MiraiImpl").kotlin.companionObjectInstance as IMirai
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.isSliderCaptchaSupportKind
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.LoginSolver.Companion.Default
* 验证码, 设备锁解决器
* @see Default
* @see BotConfiguration.loginSolver
public actual abstract class LoginSolver public actual constructor() {
* 处理图片验证码.
* 返回 `null` 以表示无法处理验证码, 将会刷新验证码或重试登录.
* 抛出一个 [LoginFailedException] 以正常地终止登录, 抛出任意其他 [Exception] 将视为异常终止
* @throws LoginFailedException
public actual abstract suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: ByteArray): String?
* 为 `true` 表示支持滑动验证码, 遇到滑动验证码时 mirai 会请求 [onSolveSliderCaptcha].
* 否则会跳过滑动验证码并告诉服务器此客户端不支持, 有可能导致登录失败
public actual open val isSliderCaptchaSupported: Boolean
get() = isSliderCaptchaSupportKind ?: true
* 处理滑动验证码.
* 返回 `null` 以表示无法处理验证码, 将会刷新验证码或重试登录.
* 抛出一个 [LoginFailedException] 以正常地终止登录, 抛出任意其他 [Exception] 将视为异常终止
* @throws LoginFailedException
* @return 验证码解决成功后获得的 ticket.
public actual abstract suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
* 处理不安全设备验证.
* 返回值保留给将来使用. 目前在处理完成后返回任意内容 (包含 `null`) 均视为处理成功.
* 抛出一个 [LoginFailedException] 以正常地终止登录, 抛出任意其他 [Exception] 将视为异常终止.
* @return 任意内容. 返回值保留以供未来更新.
* @throws LoginFailedException
public actual abstract suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
public actual companion object {
* 当前平台默认的 [LoginSolver]. Android 端没有默认验证码实现, [Default] 总为 `null`.
public actual val Default: LoginSolver? = null
@Deprecated("Binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public actual fun getDefault(): LoginSolver = Default
?: error("LoginSolver is not provided by default on your platform. Please specify by BotConfiguration.loginSolver")
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import android.util.Log
* [Log] 日志实现
* @see MiraiLogger.create
* @see SingleFileLogger 使用单一文件记录日志
* @see DirectoryLogger 在一个目录中按日期存放文件记录日志, 自动清理过期日志
public actual open class PlatformLogger actual constructor(
public override val identity: String?,
) : MiraiLoggerPlatformBase() {
public override fun verbose0(message: String?) {
Log.v(identity, message)
public override fun verbose0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
Log.v(identity, message, e)
public override fun info0(message: String?) {
Log.i(identity, message)
public override fun info0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
Log.i(identity, message)
public override fun warning0(message: String?) {
Log.w(identity, message)
public override fun warning0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
Log.w(identity, message)
public override fun error0(message: String?) {
Log.e(identity, message)
public override fun error0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
Log.e(identity, message)
public override fun debug0(message: String?) {
Log.d(identity, message)
public override fun debug0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
Log.d(identity, message)
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.StdoutLogger
import java.io.File
* 将日志写入('append')到特定文件.
* @see PlatformLogger 查看格式信息
public actual class SingleFileLogger actual constructor(
identity: String,
file: File
) : MiraiLogger by StdoutLogger(identity, { file.appendText(it + "\n") }) {
public actual constructor(identity: String) : this(identity, File("$identity-${getCurrentDate()}.log"))
init {
require(file.isFile) { "Log file must be a file: $file" }
require(file.canWrite()) { "Log file must be write: $file" }
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ internal fun Method.registerEventHandler(
} else {
// java methods
val paramType = this.parameters[0].type
check(this.parameterCount == 1 && Event::class.java.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) {
"Illegal method parameter. Required one exact Event subclass. found ${this.parameters.contentToString()}"
val paramType = this.parameterTypes[0]
check(this.parameterTypes.size == 1 && Event::class.java.isAssignableFrom(paramType)) {
"Illegal method parameter. Required one exact Event subclass. found ${this.parameterTypes.contentToString()}"
suspend fun callMethod(event: Event): Any? {
fun Method.invokeWithErrorReport(self: Any?, vararg args: Any?): Any? = try {
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import java.text.DateFormat
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.*
* JVM 控制台日志实现
* 单条日志格式 (正则) 为:
* ```regex
* ^([\w-]*\s[\w:]*)\s(\w)\/(.*?):\s(.+)$
* ```
* 其中 group 分别为: 日期与时间, 严重程度, [identity], 消息内容.
* 示例:
* ```log
* 2020-05-21 19:51:09 V/Bot 1994701021: Send: OidbSvc.0x88d_7
* ```
* 日期时间格式为 `yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss`,
* 严重程度为 V, I, W, E. 分别对应 verbose, info, warning, error
* @param isColored 是否添加 ANSI 颜色
* @see MiraiLogger.create
* @see SingleFileLogger 使用单一文件记录日志
* @see DirectoryLogger 在一个目录中按日期存放文件记录日志, 自动清理过期日志
internal open class StdoutLogger constructor(
override val identity: String? = "Mirai",
* 日志输出. 不会自动添加换行
open val output: (String) -> Unit,
val isColored: Boolean = true
) : MiraiLoggerPlatformBase() {
constructor(identity: String?) : this(identity, ::println)
constructor(identity: String?, output: (String) -> Unit) : this(identity, output, true)
* 输出一条日志. [message] 末尾可能不带换行符.
protected open fun printLog(message: String?, priority: SimpleLogger.LogPriority) {
if (isColored) output("${priority.color}$currentTimeFormatted ${priority.simpleName}/$identity: $message${Color.RESET}")
else output("$currentTimeFormatted ${priority.simpleName}/$identity: $message")
* 获取指定 [SimpleLogger.LogPriority] 的颜色
protected open val SimpleLogger.LogPriority.color: Color
get() = when (this) {
SimpleLogger.LogPriority.VERBOSE -> Color.RESET
SimpleLogger.LogPriority.INFO -> Color.LIGHT_GREEN
SimpleLogger.LogPriority.WARNING -> Color.LIGHT_RED
SimpleLogger.LogPriority.ERROR -> Color.RED
SimpleLogger.LogPriority.DEBUG -> Color.LIGHT_CYAN
public override fun verbose0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.VERBOSE)
public override fun verbose0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) verbose((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else verbose(message.toString())
public override fun info0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.INFO)
public override fun info0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) info((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else info(message.toString())
public override fun warning0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.WARNING)
public override fun warning0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) warning((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else warning(message.toString())
public override fun error0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.ERROR)
public override fun error0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) error((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else error(message.toString())
public override fun debug0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.DEBUG)
public override fun debug0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) debug((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else debug(message.toString())
protected open val timeFormat: DateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE)
private val currentTimeFormatted get() = timeFormat.format(Date())
@MiraiExperimentalApi("This is subject to change.")
protected enum class Color(private val format: String) {
override fun toString(): String = format
@ -91,7 +91,8 @@ private fun String.forEachMiraiCode(block: (origin: String, name: String?, args:
private object MiraiCodeParsers : Map<String, MiraiCodeParser> by mapOf(
private object MiraiCodeParsers: AbstractMap<String, MiraiCodeParser>(), Map<String, MiraiCodeParser> by mapOf(
"at" to MiraiCodeParser(Regex("""(\d*)""")) { (target) ->
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public sealed class CustomMessage : SingleMessage {
private val factories: ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Factory<*>> = ConcurrentLinkedQueue()
internal fun register(factory: Factory<out CustomMessage>) {
factories.removeIf { it::class == factory::class }
factories.removeAll { it::class == factory::class }
val exist = factories.firstOrNull { it.typeName == factory.typeName }
if (exist != null) {
error("CustomMessage.Factory typeName ${factory.typeName} is already registered by ${exist::class.qualifiedName}")
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.Image.Key.IMAGE_ID_REGEX
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.Image.Key.IMAGE_RESOURCE_ID_REGEX_1
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.Image.Key.IMAGE_RESOURCE_ID_REGEX_2
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalApi
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.replaceAllKotlin
import kotlin.native.concurrent.SharedImmutable
// region image
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ internal fun constrainSingleMessagesImpl(sequence: Sequence<SingleMessage>): Lis
if (singleMessage is ConstrainSingle) {
val key = singleMessage.key.topmostKey
val firstOccurrence = list.first { it != null && key.isInstance(it) } // may be singleMessage itself
list.replaceAll {
list.replaceAllKotlin {
when {
it == null -> null
it === firstOccurrence -> singleMessage
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -13,26 +13,8 @@ import java.io.File
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.*
private val currentDay get() = Calendar.getInstance()[Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH]
private val currentDate get() = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(Date())
* 将日志写入('append')到特定文件.
* @see PlatformLogger 查看格式信息
public class SingleFileLogger @JvmOverloads constructor(
identity: String,
file: File = File("$identity-$currentDate.log")
) :
PlatformLogger(identity, { file.appendText(it + "\n") }) {
init {
require(file.isFile) { "Log file must be a file: $file" }
require(file.canWrite()) { "Log file must be write: $file" }
internal fun getCurrentDay() = Calendar.getInstance()[Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH]
internal fun getCurrentDate() = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(Date())
private val STUB: (priority: SimpleLogger.LogPriority, message: String?, e: Throwable?) -> Unit =
{ _: SimpleLogger.LogPriority, _: String?, _: Throwable? -> error("stub") }
@ -61,15 +43,15 @@ public class DirectoryLogger @JvmOverloads constructor(
private var day = currentDay
private var day = getCurrentDay()
private var delegate: SingleFileLogger = SingleFileLogger(identity, File(directory, "$currentDate.log"))
private var delegate: SingleFileLogger = SingleFileLogger(identity, File(directory, "${getCurrentDate()}.log"))
get() {
val currentDay = currentDay
val currentDay = getCurrentDay()
if (day != currentDay) {
day = currentDay
field = SingleFileLogger(identity!!, File(directory, "$currentDate.log"))
field = SingleFileLogger(identity!!, File(directory, "${getCurrentDate()}.log"))
return field
@ -9,28 +9,11 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineName
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.io.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.io.jvm.nio.copyTo
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.SeleniumLoginSolver
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.isSliderCaptchaSupportKind
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.NoStandardInputForCaptchaException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.DeviceInfo.Companion.loadAsDeviceInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.LoginSolver.Companion.Default
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.StandardCharImageLoginSolver.Companion.createBlocking
import java.awt.Image
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.io.File
import java.io.RandomAccessFile
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
* 验证码, 设备锁解决器
@ -38,7 +21,7 @@ import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
* @see Default
* @see BotConfiguration.loginSolver
public abstract class LoginSolver {
public expect abstract class LoginSolver() {
* 处理图片验证码.
@ -54,7 +37,6 @@ public abstract class LoginSolver {
* 否则会跳过滑动验证码并告诉服务器此客户端不支持, 有可能导致登录失败
public open val isSliderCaptchaSupported: Boolean
get() = isSliderCaptchaSupportKind ?: true
* 处理滑动验证码.
@ -83,215 +65,25 @@ public abstract class LoginSolver {
* 当前平台默认的 [LoginSolver]。
* 检测策略:
* 1. 检测 `android.util.Log`, 如果存在, 返回 `null`.
* 2. 检测 JVM 属性 `mirai.no-desktop`. 若存在, 返回 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver]
* 3. 检测 JVM 桌面环境, 若支持, 返回 [SwingSolver]
* 4. 返回 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver]
* 1. 若是 `mirai-core-api-android` 或 `android.util.Log` 存在, 返回 `null`.
* 2. 检测 JVM 属性 `mirai.no-desktop`. 若存在, 返回 `StandardCharImageLoginSolver`
* 3. 检测 JVM 桌面环境, 若支持, 返回 `SwingSolver`
* 4. 返回 `StandardCharImageLoginSolver`
* @return [SwingSolver] 或 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver] 或 `null`
* @return `SwingSolver` 或 `StandardCharImageLoginSolver` 或 `null`
public val Default: LoginSolver? = when (WindowHelperJvm.platformKind) {
WindowHelperJvm.PlatformKind.ANDROID -> null
WindowHelperJvm.PlatformKind.SWING -> {
when (isSliderCaptchaSupportKind) {
null, false -> SwingSolver
true -> SeleniumLoginSolver ?: SwingSolver
WindowHelperJvm.PlatformKind.CLI -> StandardCharImageLoginSolver()
public val Default: LoginSolver?
@Deprecated("Binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public fun getDefault(): LoginSolver = Default
?: error("LoginSolver is not provided by default on your platform. Please specify by BotConfiguration.loginSolver")
public fun getDefault(): LoginSolver
* CLI 环境 [LoginSolver]. 将验证码图片转为字符画并通过 `output` 输出, [input] 获取用户输入.
* 使用字符图片展示验证码, 使用 [input] 获取输入, 使用 [loggerSupplier] 输出
* @see createBlocking
public class StandardCharImageLoginSolver @JvmOverloads constructor(
input: suspend () -> String = { readLine() ?: throw NoStandardInputForCaptchaException() },
* 为 `null` 时使用 [Bot.logger]
private val loggerSupplier: (bot: Bot) -> MiraiLogger = { it.logger }
) : LoginSolver() {
public constructor(
input: suspend () -> String = { readLine() ?: throw NoStandardInputForCaptchaException() },
overrideLogger: MiraiLogger?
) : this(input, { overrideLogger ?: it.logger })
private val input: suspend () -> String = suspend {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { input() }
override suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: ByteArray): String? = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val tempFile: File = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".png").apply { deleteOnExit() }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 需要图片验证码登录, 验证码为 4 字母" }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Picture captcha required. Captcha consists of 4 letters." }
try {
tempFile.writeChannel().apply { writeFully(data); close() }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 将会显示字符图片. 若看不清字符图片, 请查看文件 ${tempFile.absolutePath}" }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Displaying char-image. If not clear, view file ${tempFile.absolutePath}" }
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] 无法写出验证码文件, 请尝试查看以上字符图片", e)
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] Failed to export captcha image. Please see the char-image.", e)
tempFile.inputStream().use { stream ->
try {
val img = ImageIO.read(stream)
if (img == null) {
logger.warning { "[PicCaptcha] 无法创建字符图片. 请查看文件" }
logger.warning { "[PicCaptcha] Failed to create char-image. Please see the file." }
} else {
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] \n" + img.createCharImg() }
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] 创建字符图片时出错. 请查看文件.", throwable)
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] Failed to create char-image. Please see the file.", throwable)
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 请输入 4 位字母验证码. 若要更换验证码, 请直接回车" }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Please type 4-letter captcha. Press Enter directly to refresh." }
return input().takeUnless { it.isEmpty() || it.length != 4 }.also {
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 正在提交 $it..." }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Submitting $it..." }
override suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] 需要滑动验证码, 请在浏览器中打开以下链接并完成验证码, 完成后请输入提示 ticket." }
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] Slider captcha required, please open the following link in any browser and solve the captcha. Type ticket here after completion." }
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] @see https://github.com/project-mirai/mirai-login-solver-selenium#%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD-chrome-%E6%89%A9%E5%B1%95%E6%8F%92%E4%BB%B6" }
return input().also {
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] 正在提交中..." }
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] Submitting..." }
override suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
logger.info { "[UnsafeLogin] 当前登录环境不安全,服务器要求账户认证。请在 QQ 浏览器打开 $url 并完成验证后输入任意字符。" }
logger.info { "[UnsafeLogin] Account verification required by the server. Please open $url in QQ browser and complete challenge, then type anything here to submit." }
return input().also {
logger.info { "[UnsafeLogin] 正在提交中..." }
logger.info { "[UnsafeLogin] Submitting..." }
public companion object {
* 创建 Java 阻塞版 [input] 的 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver]
* @param input 将在协程 IO 池执行, 可以有阻塞调用
public fun createBlocking(input: () -> String, output: MiraiLogger?): StandardCharImageLoginSolver {
return StandardCharImageLoginSolver({ withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { input() } }, output)
* 创建 Java 阻塞版 [input] 的 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver]
* @param input 将在协程 IO 池执行, 可以有阻塞调用
public fun createBlocking(input: () -> String): StandardCharImageLoginSolver {
return StandardCharImageLoginSolver({ withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { input() } })
//////////////// internal
internal fun BotConfiguration.getFileBasedDeviceInfoSupplier(file: () -> File): (Bot) -> DeviceInfo {
return {
// Copied from Ktor CIO
private fun File.writeChannel(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO
): ByteWriteChannel = GlobalScope.reader(CoroutineName("file-writer") + coroutineContext, autoFlush = true) {
RandomAccessFile(this@writeChannel, "rw").use { file ->
val copied = channel.copyTo(file.channel)
file.setLength(copied) // truncate tail that could remain from the previously written data
private val loginSolverLock = Mutex()
* @author NaturalHG
private fun BufferedImage.createCharImg(outputWidth: Int = 100, ignoreRate: Double = 0.95): String {
val newHeight = (this.height * (outputWidth.toDouble() / this.width)).toInt()
val tmp = this.getScaledInstance(outputWidth, newHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)
val image = BufferedImage(outputWidth, newHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
val g2d = image.createGraphics()
g2d.drawImage(tmp, 0, 0, null)
fun gray(rgb: Int): Int {
val r = rgb and 0xff0000 shr 16
val g = rgb and 0x00ff00 shr 8
val b = rgb and 0x0000ff
return (r * 30 + g * 59 + b * 11 + 50) / 100
fun grayCompare(g1: Int, g2: Int): Boolean =
kotlin.math.min(g1, g2).toDouble() / kotlin.math.max(g1, g2) >= ignoreRate
val background = gray(image.getRGB(0, 0))
return buildString(capacity = height) {
val lines = mutableListOf<StringBuilder>()
var minXPos = outputWidth
var maxXPos = 0
for (y in 0 until image.height) {
val builderLine = StringBuilder()
for (x in 0 until image.width) {
val gray = gray(image.getRGB(x, y))
if (grayCompare(gray, background)) {
builderLine.append(" ")
} else {
if (x < minXPos) {
minXPos = x
if (x > maxXPos) {
maxXPos = x
if (builderLine.toString().isBlank()) {
for (line in lines) {
append(line.substring(minXPos, maxXPos)).append("\n")
@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ public inline fun MiraiLogger.error(message: () -> String?, e: Throwable?) {
* 当前平台的默认的日志记录器.
* 在 _JVM 控制台_ 端的实现为 [println]
* 在 _Android_ 端的实现为 `android.util.Log`
* - 在 _JVM 控制台_ 端的实现为 [println]
* - 在 _Android_ 端的实现为 `android.util.Log`
* 单条日志格式 (正则) 为:
@ -244,14 +244,9 @@ public inline fun MiraiLogger.error(message: () -> String?, e: Throwable?) {
* @see MiraiLogger.create
public expect open class PlatformLogger constructor(
public expect open class PlatformLogger @JvmOverloads constructor(
identity: String? = "Mirai",
output: (String) -> Unit, // TODO: 2020/11/30 review logs, currently it's just for compile
) : MiraiLoggerPlatformBase {
public constructor(identity: String? = "Mirai")
) : MiraiLoggerPlatformBase
* 不做任何事情的 logger, keep silent.
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
@file:JvmName("FileLoggerKt") // bin-comp
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import java.io.File
* 将日志写入('append')到特定文件.
* @see PlatformLogger 查看格式信息
public expect class SingleFileLogger : MiraiLogger {
public constructor(identity: String)
public constructor(identity: String, file: File = File("$identity-${getCurrentDate()}.log"))
// Implementation notes v2.5.0:
// default argument `file` to produce synthetic constructor with `DefaultConstructorMarker` for binary compatibility
// dedicated constructor with single parameter `identity` for the same reason.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineName
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.io.ByteWriteChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.io.close
import kotlinx.coroutines.io.jvm.nio.copyTo
import kotlinx.coroutines.io.reader
import kotlinx.coroutines.io.writeFully
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.SeleniumLoginSolver
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.isSliderCaptchaSupportKind
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.NoStandardInputForCaptchaException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.LoginSolver.Companion.Default
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.StandardCharImageLoginSolver.Companion.createBlocking
import java.awt.Image
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import java.io.File
import java.io.RandomAccessFile
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
* 验证码, 设备锁解决器
* @see Default
* @see BotConfiguration.loginSolver
public actual abstract class LoginSolver public actual constructor() {
* 处理图片验证码.
* 返回 `null` 以表示无法处理验证码, 将会刷新验证码或重试登录.
* 抛出一个 [LoginFailedException] 以正常地终止登录, 抛出任意其他 [Exception] 将视为异常终止
* @throws LoginFailedException
public actual abstract suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: ByteArray): String?
* 为 `true` 表示支持滑动验证码, 遇到滑动验证码时 mirai 会请求 [onSolveSliderCaptcha].
* 否则会跳过滑动验证码并告诉服务器此客户端不支持, 有可能导致登录失败
public actual open val isSliderCaptchaSupported: Boolean
get() = isSliderCaptchaSupportKind ?: true
* 处理滑动验证码.
* 返回 `null` 以表示无法处理验证码, 将会刷新验证码或重试登录.
* 抛出一个 [LoginFailedException] 以正常地终止登录, 抛出任意其他 [Exception] 将视为异常终止
* @throws LoginFailedException
* @return 验证码解决成功后获得的 ticket.
public actual abstract suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
* 处理不安全设备验证.
* 返回值保留给将来使用. 目前在处理完成后返回任意内容 (包含 `null`) 均视为处理成功.
* 抛出一个 [LoginFailedException] 以正常地终止登录, 抛出任意其他 [Exception] 将视为异常终止.
* @return 任意内容. 返回值保留以供未来更新.
* @throws LoginFailedException
public actual abstract suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
public actual companion object {
* 当前平台默认的 [LoginSolver]。
* 检测策略:
* 1. 检测 `android.util.Log`, 如果存在, 返回 `null`.
* 2. 检测 JVM 属性 `mirai.no-desktop`. 若存在, 返回 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver]
* 3. 检测 JVM 桌面环境, 若支持, 返回 [SwingSolver]
* 4. 返回 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver]
* @return [SwingSolver] 或 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver] 或 `null`
public actual val Default: LoginSolver? = when (WindowHelperJvm.platformKind) {
WindowHelperJvm.PlatformKind.ANDROID -> null
WindowHelperJvm.PlatformKind.SWING -> {
when (isSliderCaptchaSupportKind) {
null, false -> SwingSolver
true -> SeleniumLoginSolver ?: SwingSolver
WindowHelperJvm.PlatformKind.CLI -> StandardCharImageLoginSolver()
@Deprecated("Binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public actual fun getDefault(): LoginSolver = Default
?: error("LoginSolver is not provided by default on your platform. Please specify by BotConfiguration.loginSolver")
* CLI 环境 [LoginSolver]. 将验证码图片转为字符画并通过 `output` 输出, [input] 获取用户输入.
* 使用字符图片展示验证码, 使用 [input] 获取输入, 使用 [loggerSupplier] 输出
* @see createBlocking
public class StandardCharImageLoginSolver @JvmOverloads constructor(
input: suspend () -> String = { readLine() ?: throw NoStandardInputForCaptchaException() },
* 为 `null` 时使用 [Bot.logger]
private val loggerSupplier: (bot: Bot) -> MiraiLogger = { it.logger }
) : LoginSolver() {
public constructor(
input: suspend () -> String = { readLine() ?: throw NoStandardInputForCaptchaException() },
overrideLogger: MiraiLogger?
) : this(input, { overrideLogger ?: it.logger })
private val input: suspend () -> String = suspend {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { input() }
override suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: ByteArray): String? = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
(withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val tempFile: File = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".png").apply { deleteOnExit() }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 需要图片验证码登录, 验证码为 4 字母" }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Picture captcha required. Captcha consists of 4 letters." }
try {
tempFile.writeChannel().apply { writeFully(data); close() }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 将会显示字符图片. 若看不清字符图片, 请查看文件 ${tempFile.absolutePath}" }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Displaying char-image. If not clear, view file ${tempFile.absolutePath}" }
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] 无法写出验证码文件, 请尝试查看以上字符图片", e)
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] Failed to export captcha image. Please see the char-image.", e)
tempFile.inputStream().use { stream ->
try {
val img = ImageIO.read(stream)
if (img == null) {
logger.warning { "[PicCaptcha] 无法创建字符图片. 请查看文件" }
logger.warning { "[PicCaptcha] Failed to create char-image. Please see the file." }
} else {
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] \n" + img.createCharImg() }
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] 创建字符图片时出错. 请查看文件.", throwable)
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] Failed to create char-image. Please see the file.", throwable)
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 请输入 4 位字母验证码. 若要更换验证码, 请直接回车" }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Please type 4-letter captcha. Press Enter directly to refresh." }
return input().takeUnless { it.isEmpty() || it.length != 4 }.also {
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 正在提交 $it..." }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Submitting $it..." }
override suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] 需要滑动验证码, 请在浏览器中打开以下链接并完成验证码, 完成后请输入提示 ticket." }
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] Slider captcha required, please open the following link in any browser and solve the captcha. Type ticket here after completion." }
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] @see https://github.com/project-mirai/mirai-login-solver-selenium#%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD-chrome-%E6%89%A9%E5%B1%95%E6%8F%92%E4%BB%B6" }
return input().also {
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] 正在提交中..." }
logger.info { "[SliderCaptcha] Submitting..." }
override suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
logger.info { "[UnsafeLogin] 当前登录环境不安全,服务器要求账户认证。请在 QQ 浏览器打开 $url 并完成验证后输入任意字符。" }
logger.info { "[UnsafeLogin] Account verification required by the server. Please open $url in QQ browser and complete challenge, then type anything here to submit." }
return input().also {
logger.info { "[UnsafeLogin] 正在提交中..." }
logger.info { "[UnsafeLogin] Submitting..." }
public companion object {
* 创建 Java 阻塞版 [input] 的 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver]
* @param input 将在协程 IO 池执行, 可以有阻塞调用
public fun createBlocking(input: () -> String, output: MiraiLogger?): StandardCharImageLoginSolver {
return StandardCharImageLoginSolver({ withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { input() } }, output)
* 创建 Java 阻塞版 [input] 的 [StandardCharImageLoginSolver]
* @param input 将在协程 IO 池执行, 可以有阻塞调用
public fun createBlocking(input: () -> String): StandardCharImageLoginSolver {
return StandardCharImageLoginSolver({ withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { input() } })
// Copied from Ktor CIO
private fun File.writeChannel(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO
): ByteWriteChannel = GlobalScope.reader(CoroutineName("file-writer") + coroutineContext, autoFlush = true) {
RandomAccessFile(this@writeChannel, "rw").use { file ->
val copied = channel.copyTo(file.channel)
file.setLength(copied) // truncate tail that could remain from the previously written data
private val loginSolverLock = Mutex()
* @author NaturalHG
private fun BufferedImage.createCharImg(outputWidth: Int = 100, ignoreRate: Double = 0.95): String {
val newHeight = (this.height * (outputWidth.toDouble() / this.width)).toInt()
val tmp = this.getScaledInstance(outputWidth, newHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)
val image = BufferedImage(outputWidth, newHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
val g2d = image.createGraphics()
g2d.drawImage(tmp, 0, 0, null)
fun gray(rgb: Int): Int {
val r = rgb and 0xff0000 shr 16
val g = rgb and 0x00ff00 shr 8
val b = rgb and 0x0000ff
return (r * 30 + g * 59 + b * 11 + 50) / 100
fun grayCompare(g1: Int, g2: Int): Boolean =
kotlin.math.min(g1, g2).toDouble() / kotlin.math.max(g1, g2) >= ignoreRate
val background = gray(image.getRGB(0, 0))
return buildString(capacity = height) {
val lines = mutableListOf<StringBuilder>()
var minXPos = outputWidth
var maxXPos = 0
for (y in 0 until image.height) {
val builderLine = StringBuilder()
for (x in 0 until image.width) {
val gray = gray(image.getRGB(x, y))
if (grayCompare(gray, background)) {
builderLine.append(" ")
} else {
if (x < minXPos) {
minXPos = x
if (x > maxXPos) {
maxXPos = x
if (builderLine.toString().isBlank()) {
for (line in lines) {
append(line.substring(minXPos, maxXPos)).append("\n")
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import java.util.*
* @see DirectoryLogger 在一个目录中按日期存放文件记录日志, 自动清理过期日志
public actual open class PlatformLogger constructor(
public actual open class PlatformLogger constructor( // same as StdoutLogger but doesn't matter
public override val identity: String? = "Mirai",
* 日志输出. 不会自动添加换行
@ -49,8 +49,11 @@ public actual open class PlatformLogger constructor(
public open val output: (String) -> Unit,
public val isColored: Boolean = true
) : MiraiLoggerPlatformBase() {
// PlatformLogger("") resolves to this one.
public actual constructor(identity: String?) : this(identity, ::println)
public actual constructor(identity: String?, output: (String) -> Unit) : this(identity, output, true)
public constructor(identity: String?, output: (String) -> Unit = ::println) : this(identity, output, true)
* 输出一条日志. [message] 末尾可能不带换行符.
@ -75,33 +78,34 @@ public actual open class PlatformLogger constructor(
public override fun verbose0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.VERBOSE)
public override fun verbose0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) verbose((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceString}")
if (e != null) verbose((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else verbose(message.toString())
public override fun info0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.INFO)
public override fun info0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) info((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceString}")
if (e != null) info((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else info(message.toString())
public override fun warning0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.WARNING)
public override fun warning0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) warning((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceString}")
if (e != null) warning((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else warning(message.toString())
public override fun error0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.ERROR)
public override fun error0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) error((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceString}")
if (e != null) error((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else error(message.toString())
public override fun debug0(message: String?): Unit = printLog(message, SimpleLogger.LogPriority.DEBUG)
public override fun debug0(message: String?, e: Throwable?) {
if (e != null) debug((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceString}")
if (e != null) debug((message ?: e.toString()) + "\n${e.stackTraceToString()}")
else debug(message.toString())
protected open val timeFormat: DateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE)
private val currentTimeFormatted get() = timeFormat.format(Date())
@ -129,8 +133,4 @@ public actual open class PlatformLogger constructor(
override fun toString(): String = format
internal val Throwable.stackTraceString
get() = this.stackTraceToString()
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import java.io.File
* 将日志写入('append')到特定文件.
* @see PlatformLogger 查看格式信息
public actual class SingleFileLogger actual constructor(
identity: String,
file: File
) : MiraiLogger, PlatformLogger(identity, { file.appendText(it + "\n") }) {
// Implementation notes v2.5.0:
// Extending `PlatformLogger` for binary compatibility for JVM target only.
// See actual declaration in androidMain for a better impl (implements `MiraiLogger` only)
public actual constructor(identity: String) : this(identity, File("$identity-${getCurrentDate()}.log"))
init {
require(file.isFile) { "Log file must be a file: $file" }
require(file.canWrite()) { "Log file must be write: $file" }
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ plugins {
@ -23,29 +23,20 @@ plugins {
description = "mirai-core utilities"
val isAndroidSDKAvailable: Boolean by project
kotlin {
if (isAndroidSDKAvailable) {
apply(from = rootProject.file("gradle/android.gradle"))
android("android") {
// apply(from = rootProject.file("gradle/android.gradle"))
// android("android") {
// publishAllLibraryVariants()
// }
jvm("android") {
attributes.attribute(KotlinPlatformType.attribute, KotlinPlatformType.androidJvm)
// publishAllLibraryVariants()
} else {
"""Android SDK 可能未安装.
$name 的 Android 目标编译将不会进行.
这不会影响 Android 以外的平台的编译.
"""Android SDK might not be installed.
Android target of $name will not be compiled.
It does no influence on the compilation of other platforms.
jvm("common") {
@ -79,8 +70,10 @@ kotlin {
if (isAndroidSDKAvailable) {
androidMain {
val androidMain by getting {
dependencies {
@ -96,6 +89,19 @@ kotlin {
tasks.register("checkAndroidApiLevel") {
doFirst {
group = "verification"
fun org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinDependencyHandler.implementation1(dependencyNotation: String) =
implementation(dependencyNotation) {
exclude("org.jetbrains.kotlin", "kotlin-stdlib")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import android.util.Base64
public actual fun ByteArray.encodeToBase64(): String {
return Base64.encodeToString(this, Base64.DEFAULT)
@ -152,8 +152,7 @@ public fun UByteArray.toUHexString(separator: String = " ", offset: Int = 0, len
public inline fun ByteArray.encodeToString(offset: Int = 0, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): String =
kotlinx.io.core.String(this, charset = charset, offset = offset, length = this.size - offset)
public inline fun ByteArray.encodeToBase64(): String =
public expect fun ByteArray.encodeToBase64(): String
public inline fun ByteArray.toReadPacket(offset: Int = 0, length: Int = this.size - offset): ByteReadPacket =
ByteReadPacket(this, offset = offset, length = length)
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public fun Input.copyTo(out: OutputStream, bufferSize: Int = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE
return bytesCopied
public inline fun <I : AutoCloseable, O : AutoCloseable, R> I.withOut(output: O, block: I.(output: O) -> R): R {
public inline fun <I : Closeable, O : Closeable, R> I.withOut(output: O, block: I.(output: O) -> R): R {
contract {
callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
@ -157,3 +157,10 @@ public inline fun <R> runCatchingExceptions(block: () -> R): Result<R> {
public inline fun <E> MutableList<E>.replaceAllKotlin(operator: (E) -> E) {
val li: MutableListIterator<E> = this.listIterator()
while (li.hasNext()) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import java.util.*
public actual fun ByteArray.encodeToBase64(): String {
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(this)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
~ 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
~ Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
~ https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
<manifest package="net.mamoe.mirai" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
@ -18,13 +18,10 @@ plugins {
description = "Mirai Protocol implementation for QQ Android"
val isAndroidSDKAvailable: Boolean by project
afterEvaluate {
tasks.getByName("compileKotlinCommon").enabled = false
tasks.getByName("compileTestKotlinCommon").enabled = false
@ -37,9 +34,13 @@ kotlin {
if (isAndroidSDKAvailable) {
apply(from = rootProject.file("gradle/android.gradle"))
android("android") {
// apply(from = rootProject.file("gradle/android.gradle"))
// android("android") {
// publishAllLibraryVariants()
// }
jvm("android") {
attributes.attribute(KotlinPlatformType.attribute, KotlinPlatformType.androidJvm)
// publishAllLibraryVariants()
} else {
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ kotlin {
sourceSets.apply {
commonMain {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
@ -81,12 +82,13 @@ kotlin {
if (isAndroidSDKAvailable) {
androidMain {
val androidMain by getting {
dependencies {
androidTest {
val androidTest by getting {
dependencies {
implementation(kotlin("test", Versions.kotlinCompiler))
implementation(kotlin("test-junit", Versions.kotlinCompiler))
@ -96,22 +98,35 @@ kotlin {
jvmMain {
val jvmMain by getting {
dependencies {
// api(kotlinx("coroutines-debug", Versions.coroutines))
jvmTest {
val jvmTest by getting {
dependencies {
// implementation("net.mamoe:mirai-login-solver-selenium:1.0-dev-14")
// implementation("net.mamoe:mirai-login-solver-selenium:1.0-dev-14")
tasks.register("checkAndroidApiLevel") {
doFirst {
group = "verification"
fun org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinDependencyHandler.implementation1(dependencyNotation: String) =
implementation(dependencyNotation) {
exclude("org.jetbrains.kotlin", "kotlin-stdlib")
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.crypto
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.md5
import java.security.*
import java.security.spec.ECGenParameterSpec
import java.security.spec.X509EncodedKeySpec
import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement
internal actual typealias ECDHPrivateKey = PrivateKey
internal actual typealias ECDHPublicKey = PublicKey
internal actual class ECDHKeyPairImpl(
private val delegate: KeyPair
) : ECDHKeyPair {
override val privateKey: ECDHPrivateKey get() = delegate.private
override val publicKey: ECDHPublicKey get() = delegate.public
override val initialShareKey: ByteArray by lazy { ECDH.calculateShareKey(privateKey, initialPublicKey) }
internal actual fun ECDH() = ECDH(ECDH.generateKeyPair())
internal actual class ECDH actual constructor(actual val keyPair: ECDHKeyPair) {
actual companion object {
private const val curveName = "secp192k1" // p-256
actual val isECDHAvailable: Boolean
init {
isECDHAvailable = kotlin.runCatching {
fun testECDH() {
.also { it.initialize(ECGenParameterSpec(curveName)) }
.genKeyPair()).let {
calculateShareKey(it.privateKey, it.publicKey)
if (kotlin.runCatching { testECDH() }.isSuccess) {
}.onFailure {
actual fun generateKeyPair(): ECDHKeyPair {
if (!isECDHAvailable) {
return ECDHKeyPair.DefaultStub
return ECDHKeyPairImpl(
.also { it.initialize(ECGenParameterSpec(curveName)) }
actual fun calculateShareKey(
privateKey: ECDHPrivateKey,
publicKey: ECDHPublicKey
): ByteArray {
val instance = KeyAgreement.getInstance("ECDH", "BC")
instance.doPhase(publicKey, true)
return instance.generateSecret().md5()
actual fun constructPublicKey(key: ByteArray): ECDHPublicKey {
return KeyFactory.getInstance("EC", "BC").generatePublic(X509EncodedKeySpec(key))
actual fun calculateShareKeyByPeerPublicKey(peerPublicKey: ECDHPublicKey): ByteArray {
return calculateShareKey(keyPair.privateKey, peerPublicKey)
actual override fun toString(): String {
return "ECDH(keyPair=$keyPair)"
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ include(":mirai-core")
project(":binary-compatibility-validator-android").projectDir = file("binary-compatibility-validator/android")
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