mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 14:30:09 +08:00
Rearrange implementations for MessageSource, implement recall state check
This commit is contained in:
@ -291,11 +291,14 @@ internal abstract class QQAndroidBotBase constructor(
@Suppress("RemoveExplicitTypeArguments") // false positive
override suspend fun recall(source: MessageSource) {
// println(source._miraiContentToString())
check(source is MessageSourceImpl)
check(source is MessageSourceInternal)
@Suppress("BooleanLiteralArgument") // false positive
check(!source.isRecalledOrPlanned.value && source.isRecalledOrPlanned.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
"$source had already been recalled."
val response: PbMessageSvc.PbMsgWithDraw.Response = when (source) {
is MessageSourceToGroupImpl,
is MessageSourceFromGroupImpl
@ -1,506 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicBoolean
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.Group
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.Member
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.QQ
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.subscribingGetAsync
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageChain
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.OfflineMessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.OnlineMessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.ImMsgBody
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.SourceMsg
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.receive.OnlinePush
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils._miraiContentToString
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.loadAs
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.toByteArray
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalAPI
internal interface MessageSourceImpl {
val sequenceId: Int
var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean // // TODO: 2020/4/7 实现 isRecalledOrPlanned
fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg
internal suspend inline fun MessageSource.ensureSequenceIdAvailable() {
if (this is MessageSourceToGroupImpl) {
internal class MessageSourceFromFriendImpl(
override val bot: Bot,
val msg: MsgComm.Msg
) : OnlineMessageSource.Incoming.FromFriend(), MessageSourceImpl {
override val sequenceId: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgSeq
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean
get() = isRecalled.value
set(value) {
isRecalled.value = value
override val id: Int get() = msg.msgBody.richText.attr!!.random
override val time: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgTime
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy {
groupIdOrZero = 0,
onlineSource = false
override val sender: QQ get() = bot.getFriend(msg.msgHead.fromUin)
private val elems by lazy {
msg.msgBody.richText.elems.toMutableList().also {
if (it.last().elemFlags2 == null) it.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2()))
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(msg.msgHead.msgSeq),
senderUin = msg.msgHead.fromUin,
toUin = msg.msgHead.toUin,
flag = 1,
elems = msg.msgBody.richText.elems,
type = 0,
time = msg.msgHead.msgTime,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = id.toLong() and 0xFFFF_FFFF
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = msg.msgHead.fromUin, // qq
toUin = msg.msgHead.toUin, // group
msgType = msg.msgHead.msgType, // 82?
c2cCmd = msg.msgHead.c2cCmd,
msgSeq = msg.msgHead.msgSeq,
msgTime = msg.msgHead.msgTime,
msgUid = id.toLong() and 0xFFFF_FFFF, // ok
// groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = msg.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCode),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = elems
internal class MessageSourceFromTempImpl(
override val bot: Bot,
private val msg: MsgComm.Msg
) : OnlineMessageSource.Incoming.FromTemp(), MessageSourceImpl {
override val sequenceId: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgSeq
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean
get() = isRecalled.value
set(value) {
isRecalled.value = value
override val id: Int get() = msg.msgBody.richText.attr!!.random
override val time: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgTime
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy {
groupIdOrZero = 0,
onlineSource = false
override val sender: Member
get() = with(msg.msgHead) {
private val elems by lazy {
msg.msgBody.richText.elems.toMutableList().also {
if (it.last().elemFlags2 == null) it.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2()))
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(msg.msgHead.msgSeq),
senderUin = msg.msgHead.fromUin,
toUin = msg.msgHead.toUin,
flag = 1,
elems = msg.msgBody.richText.elems,
type = 0,
time = msg.msgHead.msgTime,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = id.toLong() and 0xFFFF_FFFF
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = msg.msgHead.fromUin, // qq
toUin = msg.msgHead.toUin, // group
msgType = msg.msgHead.msgType, // 82?
c2cCmd = msg.msgHead.c2cCmd,
msgSeq = msg.msgHead.msgSeq,
msgTime = msg.msgHead.msgTime,
msgUid = id.toLong() and 0xFFFF_FFFF, // ok
// groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = msg.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCode),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = elems
internal class MessageSourceFromGroupImpl(
override val bot: Bot,
private val msg: MsgComm.Msg
) : OnlineMessageSource.Incoming.FromGroup(), MessageSourceImpl {
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean
get() = isRecalled.value
set(value) {
isRecalled.value = value
override val sequenceId: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgSeq
override val id: Int get() = msg.msgBody.richText.attr!!.random
override val time: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgTime
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy {
groupIdOrZero = group.id,
onlineSource = false
override val sender: Member
get() = bot.getGroup(
?: error("cannot find groupCode for MessageSourceFromGroupImpl. msg=${msg._miraiContentToString()}")
?: error("cannot find member for MessageSourceFromGroupImpl. msg=${msg._miraiContentToString()}")
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(msg.msgHead.msgSeq),
senderUin = msg.msgHead.fromUin,
toUin = 0,
flag = 1,
elems = msg.msgBody.richText.elems,
type = 0,
time = msg.msgHead.msgTime,
internal class OfflineMessageSourceImplByMsg(
// from other sources' originalMessage
val delegate: MsgComm.Msg,
override val bot: Bot
) : OfflineMessageSource(), MessageSourceImpl {
override val kind: Kind = if (delegate.msgHead.groupInfo != null) Kind.GROUP else Kind.FRIEND
override val id: Int
get() = delegate.msgHead.msgUid.toInt()
override val time: Int
get() = delegate.msgHead.msgTime
override val fromId: Long
get() = delegate.msgHead.fromUin
override val targetId: Long
get() = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo?.groupCode ?: delegate.msgHead.toUin
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy {
groupIdOrZero = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo?.groupCode ?: 0,
onlineSource = false,
isTemp = delegate.msgHead.c2cTmpMsgHead != null
override val sequenceId: Int
get() = delegate.msgHead.msgSeq
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean
get() = isRecalled.value
set(value) {
isRecalled.value = value
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(delegate.msgHead.msgSeq),
senderUin = delegate.msgHead.fromUin,
toUin = 0,
flag = 1,
elems = delegate.msgBody.richText.elems,
type = 0,
time = delegate.msgHead.msgTime,
internal class OfflineMessageSourceImplBySourceMsg(
// from others' quotation
val delegate: ImMsgBody.SourceMsg,
override val bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long
) : OfflineMessageSource(), MessageSourceImpl {
override val kind: Kind get() = if (delegate.srcMsg == null) Kind.GROUP else Kind.FRIEND
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean
get() = isRecalled.value
set(value) {
isRecalled.value = value
override val sequenceId: Int
get() = delegate.origSeqs?.first() ?: error("cannot find sequenceId")
override val time: Int get() = delegate.time
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy { delegate.toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero) }
override val id: Long
get() = (delegate.origSeqs?.firstOrNull()
?: error("cannot find sequenceId from ImMsgBody.SourceMsg")).toLong().shl(32) or
override val id: Int
get() = delegate.pbReserve.loadAs(SourceMsg.ResvAttr.serializer()).origUids?.toInt()
?: 0
// override val sourceMessage: MessageChain get() = delegate.toMessageChain()
override val fromId: Long get() = delegate.senderUin
override val targetId: Long by lazy {
when {
groupIdOrZero != 0L -> groupIdOrZero
delegate.toUin != 0L -> delegate.toUin
delegate.srcMsg != null -> delegate.srcMsg.loadAs(MsgComm.Msg.serializer()).msgHead.toUin
else -> 0/*error("cannot find targetId. delegate=${delegate._miraiContentToString()}, delegate.srcMsg=${
kotlin.runCatching { delegate.srcMsg?.loadAs(MsgComm.Msg.serializer())?._miraiContentToString() }
onFailure = { "<error: ${it.message}>" },
onSuccess = { it }
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return delegate
internal class MessageSourceToFriendImpl(
override val sequenceId: Int,
override val id: Int,
override val time: Int,
override val originalMessage: MessageChain,
override val sender: Bot,
override val target: QQ
) : OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing.ToFriend(), MessageSourceImpl {
override val bot: Bot
get() = sender
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean
get() = isRecalled.value
set(value) {
isRecalled.value = value
private val elems by lazy {
originalMessage.toRichTextElems(forGroup = false, withGeneralFlags = true)
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
val messageUid: Long = sequenceId.toLong().shl(32) or id.toLong().and(0xffFFffFF)
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(sequenceId),
senderUin = fromId,
toUin = targetId,
flag = 1,
elems = elems,
type = 0,
time = time,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = messageUid
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = fromId, // qq
toUin = targetId, // group
msgType = 9, // 82?
c2cCmd = 11,
msgSeq = sequenceId,
msgTime = time,
msgUid = messageUid, // ok
// groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCode),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = elems.toMutableList().also {
if (it.last().elemFlags2 == null) it.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2()))
internal class MessageSourceToTempImpl(
override val sequenceId: Int,
override val id: Int,
override val time: Int,
override val originalMessage: MessageChain,
override val sender: Bot,
override val target: Member
) : OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing.ToTemp(), MessageSourceImpl {
override val bot: Bot
get() = sender
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean
get() = isRecalled.value
set(value) {
isRecalled.value = value
private val elems by lazy {
originalMessage.toRichTextElems(forGroup = false, withGeneralFlags = true)
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
val messageUid: Long = sequenceId.toLong().shl(32) or id.toLong().and(0xffFFffFF)
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(sequenceId),
senderUin = fromId,
toUin = targetId,
flag = 1,
elems = elems,
type = 0,
time = time,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = messageUid
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = fromId, // qq
toUin = targetId, // group
msgType = 9, // 82?
c2cCmd = 11,
msgSeq = sequenceId,
msgTime = time,
msgUid = messageUid, // ok
// groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCode),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = elems.toMutableList().also {
if (it.last().elemFlags2 == null) it.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2()))
internal class MessageSourceToGroupImpl(
override val id: Int,
override val time: Int,
override val originalMessage: MessageChain,
override val sender: Bot,
override val target: Group
) : OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing.ToGroup(), MessageSourceImpl {
override val bot: Bot
get() = sender
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: Boolean
get() = isRecalled.value
set(value) {
isRecalled.value = value
private val elems by lazy {
originalMessage.toRichTextElems(forGroup = false, withGeneralFlags = true)
private lateinit var sequenceIdDeferred: Deferred<Int>
override val sequenceId: Int get() = sequenceIdDeferred.getCompleted()
internal fun startWaitingSequenceId(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope) {
sequenceIdDeferred =
coroutineScope.subscribingGetAsync<OnlinePush.PbPushGroupMsg.SendGroupMessageReceipt, Int>(
timeoutMillis = 3000
) {
if (it.messageRandom == this@MessageSourceToGroupImpl.id) {
} else null
suspend fun ensureSequenceIdAvailable() {
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(sequenceId),
senderUin = fromId,
toUin = Group.calculateGroupUinByGroupCode(targetId),
flag = 1,
elems = elems,
type = 0,
time = time,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = id.toLong() and 0xffFFffFF // id is actually messageRandom
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = fromId, // qq
toUin = Group.calculateGroupUinByGroupCode(targetId), // group
msgType = 82, // 82?
c2cCmd = 1,
msgSeq = sequenceId,
msgTime = time,
msgUid = id.toLong() and 0xffFFffFF, // ok
groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = targetId),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = elems.toMutableList().also {
if (it.last().elemFlags2 == null) it.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2()))
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ internal fun MessageChain.toRichTextElems(forGroup: Boolean, withGeneralFlags: B
if (this.anyIsInstance<QuoteReply>()) {
when (val source = this[QuoteReply].source) {
is MessageSourceImpl -> elements.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(srcMsg = source.toJceData()))
is MessageSourceInternal -> elements.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(srcMsg = source.toJceData()))
else -> error("unsupported MessageSource implementation: ${source::class.simpleName}. Don't implement your own MessageSource.")
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.Member
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.QQ
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.internal.MiraiAtomicBoolean
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageChain
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.OnlineMessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.ImMsgBody
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.SourceMsg
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils._miraiContentToString
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.toByteArray
internal interface MessageSourceInternal {
val sequenceId: Int
val isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean
fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg
internal suspend inline fun MessageSource.ensureSequenceIdAvailable() {
if (this is MessageSourceToGroupImpl) {
internal class MessageSourceFromFriendImpl(
override val bot: Bot,
val msg: MsgComm.Msg
) : OnlineMessageSource.Incoming.FromFriend(), MessageSourceInternal {
override val sequenceId: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgSeq
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean = MiraiAtomicBoolean(false)
override val id: Int get() = msg.msgBody.richText.attr!!.random
override val time: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgTime
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy { msg.toMessageChain(bot, 0, false) }
override val sender: QQ get() = bot.getFriend(msg.msgHead.fromUin)
private val jceData by lazy { msg.toJceDataFriendOrTemp(id) }
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg = jceData
private fun MsgComm.Msg.toJceDataFriendOrTemp(id: Int): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
val elements = msgBody.richText.elems.toMutableList().also {
if (it.last().elemFlags2 == null) it.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2()))
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(this.msgHead.msgSeq),
senderUin = this.msgHead.fromUin,
toUin = this.msgHead.toUin,
flag = 1,
elems = this.msgBody.richText.elems,
type = 0,
time = this.msgHead.msgTime,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = id.toLong() and 0xFFFF_FFFF
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = this.msgHead.fromUin, // qq
toUin = this.msgHead.toUin, // group
msgType = this.msgHead.msgType, // 82?
c2cCmd = this.msgHead.c2cCmd,
msgSeq = this.msgHead.msgSeq,
msgTime = this.msgHead.msgTime,
msgUid = id.toLong() and 0xFFFF_FFFF, // ok
// groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = this.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCode),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = elements
internal class MessageSourceFromTempImpl(
override val bot: Bot,
private val msg: MsgComm.Msg
) : OnlineMessageSource.Incoming.FromTemp(), MessageSourceInternal {
override val sequenceId: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgSeq
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean = MiraiAtomicBoolean(false)
override val id: Int get() = msg.msgBody.richText.attr!!.random
override val time: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgTime
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy { msg.toMessageChain(bot, 0, false) }
override val sender: Member get() = with(msg.msgHead) { bot.getGroup(c2cTmpMsgHead!!.groupUin)[fromUin] }
private val jceData by lazy { msg.toJceDataFriendOrTemp(id) }
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg = jceData
internal data class MessageSourceFromGroupImpl(
override val bot: Bot,
private val msg: MsgComm.Msg
) : OnlineMessageSource.Incoming.FromGroup(), MessageSourceInternal {
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean = MiraiAtomicBoolean(false)
override val sequenceId: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgSeq
override val id: Int get() = msg.msgBody.richText.attr!!.random
override val time: Int get() = msg.msgHead.msgTime
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy {
msg.toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero = group.id, onlineSource = false)
override val sender: Member
get() = bot.getGroup(
?: error("cannot find groupCode for MessageSourceFromGroupImpl. msg=${msg._miraiContentToString()}")
?: error("cannot find member for MessageSourceFromGroupImpl. msg=${msg._miraiContentToString()}")
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(msg.msgHead.msgSeq),
senderUin = msg.msgHead.fromUin,
toUin = 0,
flag = 1,
elems = msg.msgBody.richText.elems,
type = 0,
time = msg.msgHead.msgTime,
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.internal.MiraiAtomicBoolean
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageChain
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.OfflineMessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.ImMsgBody
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.SourceMsg
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.loadAs
internal class OfflineMessageSourceImplByMsg(
// from other sources' originalMessage
val delegate: MsgComm.Msg,
override val bot: Bot
) : OfflineMessageSource(), MessageSourceInternal {
override val kind: Kind = if (delegate.msgHead.groupInfo != null) Kind.GROUP else Kind.FRIEND
override val id: Int
get() = delegate.msgHead.msgUid.toInt()
override val time: Int
get() = delegate.msgHead.msgTime
override val fromId: Long
get() = delegate.msgHead.fromUin
override val targetId: Long
get() = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo?.groupCode ?: delegate.msgHead.toUin
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy {
groupIdOrZero = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo?.groupCode ?: 0,
onlineSource = false,
isTemp = delegate.msgHead.c2cTmpMsgHead != null
override val sequenceId: Int
get() = delegate.msgHead.msgSeq
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean = MiraiAtomicBoolean(false)
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(delegate.msgHead.msgSeq),
senderUin = delegate.msgHead.fromUin,
toUin = 0,
flag = 1,
elems = delegate.msgBody.richText.elems,
type = 0,
time = delegate.msgHead.msgTime,
internal class OfflineMessageSourceImplBySourceMsg(
// from others' quotation
val delegate: ImMsgBody.SourceMsg,
override val bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long
) : OfflineMessageSource(), MessageSourceInternal {
override val kind: Kind get() = if (delegate.srcMsg == null) Kind.GROUP else Kind.FRIEND
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean = MiraiAtomicBoolean(false)
override val sequenceId: Int
get() = delegate.origSeqs?.first() ?: error("cannot find sequenceId")
override val time: Int get() = delegate.time
override val originalMessage: MessageChain by lazy { delegate.toMessageChain(bot, groupIdOrZero) }
override val id: Long
get() = (delegate.origSeqs?.firstOrNull()
?: error("cannot find sequenceId from ImMsgBody.SourceMsg")).toLong().shl(32) or
override val id: Int
get() = delegate.pbReserve.loadAs(SourceMsg.ResvAttr.serializer()).origUids?.toInt()
?: 0
// override val sourceMessage: MessageChain get() = delegate.toMessageChain()
override val fromId: Long get() = delegate.senderUin
override val targetId: Long by lazy {
when {
groupIdOrZero != 0L -> groupIdOrZero
delegate.toUin != 0L -> delegate.toUin
delegate.srcMsg != null -> delegate.srcMsg.loadAs(MsgComm.Msg.serializer()).msgHead.toUin
else -> 0/*error("cannot find targetId. delegate=${delegate._miraiContentToString()}, delegate.srcMsg=${
kotlin.runCatching { delegate.srcMsg?.loadAs(MsgComm.Msg.serializer())?._miraiContentToString() }
onFailure = { "<error: ${it.message}>" },
onSuccess = { it }
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return delegate
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.Group
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.Member
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.QQ
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.internal.MiraiAtomicBoolean
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.subscribingGetAsync
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageChain
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.OnlineMessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.ImMsgBody
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.SourceMsg
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.receive.OnlinePush
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.toByteArray
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalAPI
private fun <T> T.toJceDataImpl(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg
where T : MessageSourceInternal, T : MessageSource {
val elements = originalMessage.toRichTextElems(forGroup = false, withGeneralFlags = true)
val messageUid: Long = sequenceId.toLong().shl(32) or id.toLong().and(0xffFFffFF)
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(sequenceId),
senderUin = fromId,
toUin = targetId,
flag = 1,
elems = elements,
type = 0,
time = time,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = messageUid
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = fromId, // qq
toUin = targetId, // group
msgType = 9, // 82?
c2cCmd = 11,
msgSeq = sequenceId,
msgTime = time,
msgUid = messageUid, // ok
// groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCode),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = elements.toMutableList().also {
if (it.last().elemFlags2 == null) it.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2()))
internal class MessageSourceToFriendImpl(
override val sequenceId: Int,
override val id: Int,
override val time: Int,
override val originalMessage: MessageChain,
override val sender: Bot,
override val target: QQ
) : OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing.ToFriend(), MessageSourceInternal {
override val bot: Bot
get() = sender
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean = MiraiAtomicBoolean(false)
private val jceData by lazy { toJceDataImpl() }
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg = jceData
internal class MessageSourceToTempImpl(
override val sequenceId: Int,
override val id: Int,
override val time: Int,
override val originalMessage: MessageChain,
override val sender: Bot,
override val target: Member
) : OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing.ToTemp(), MessageSourceInternal {
override val bot: Bot
get() = sender
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean = MiraiAtomicBoolean(false)
private val jceData by lazy { toJceDataImpl() }
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg = jceData
internal class MessageSourceToGroupImpl(
override val id: Int,
override val time: Int,
override val originalMessage: MessageChain,
override val sender: Bot,
override val target: Group
) : OnlineMessageSource.Outgoing.ToGroup(), MessageSourceInternal {
override val bot: Bot
get() = sender
override var isRecalledOrPlanned: MiraiAtomicBoolean = MiraiAtomicBoolean(false)
private lateinit var sequenceIdDeferred: Deferred<Int>
override val sequenceId: Int
get() = sequenceIdDeferred.getCompleted()
internal fun startWaitingSequenceId(coroutineScope: CoroutineScope) {
sequenceIdDeferred =
coroutineScope.subscribingGetAsync<OnlinePush.PbPushGroupMsg.SendGroupMessageReceipt, Int>(
timeoutMillis = 3000
) {
if (it.messageRandom == this@MessageSourceToGroupImpl.id) {
} else null
suspend fun ensureSequenceIdAvailable() = sequenceIdDeferred.join()
private val jceData by lazy {
val elements = originalMessage.toRichTextElems(forGroup = false, withGeneralFlags = true)
origSeqs = listOf(sequenceId),
senderUin = fromId,
toUin = Group.calculateGroupUinByGroupCode(targetId),
flag = 1,
elems = elements,
type = 0,
time = time,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = id.toLong() and 0xffFFffFF // id is actually messageRandom
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = fromId, // qq
toUin = Group.calculateGroupUinByGroupCode(targetId), // group
msgType = 82, // 82?
c2cCmd = 1,
msgSeq = sequenceId,
msgTime = time,
msgUid = id.toLong() and 0xffFFffFF, // ok
groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = targetId),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = elements.toMutableList().also {
if (it.last().elemFlags2 == null) it.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2()))
override fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg = jceData
@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ abstract class Bot : CoroutineScope, LowLevelBotAPIAccessor, BotJavaFriendlyAPI(
* @param source 消息源. 可从 [MessageReceipt.source] 获得, 或从消息事件中的 [MessageChain] 获得.
* @throws PermissionDeniedException 当 [Bot] 无权限操作时
* @throws IllegalStateException 当这条消息已经被撤回时 (仅同步主动操作)
* @see Bot.recall (扩展函数) 接受参数 [MessageChain]
* @see MessageSource.recall
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