diff --git a/mirai-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/net.mamoe.mirai/utils/io/TypeConvertion.kt b/mirai-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/net.mamoe.mirai/utils/io/TypeConvertion.kt
index ff1827c74..9bb5c02d4 100644
--- a/mirai-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/net.mamoe.mirai/utils/io/TypeConvertion.kt
+++ b/mirai-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/net.mamoe.mirai/utils/io/TypeConvertion.kt
@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ fun Int.toByteArray(): ByteArray = byteArrayOf(
     (shr(0) and 0xFF).toByte()
- * 转 [ByteArray] 后再转 hex
- */
 fun Int.toUHexString(separator: String = " "): String = this.toByteArray().toUHexString(separator)
@@ -39,14 +36,24 @@ fun UShort.toByteArray(): ByteArray = with(toUInt()) {
- * 转 [ByteArray] 后再转 hex.
- *
- * @return 2 位 Unsigned Hex
- */
+fun Short.toUHexString(separator: String = " "): String = this.toUShort().toUHexString(separator)
 fun UShort.toUHexString(separator: String = " "): String =
     (this.toInt().shr(8).toUShort() and 255u).toByte().toUHexString() + separator + (this and 255u).toByte().toUHexString()
+fun ULong.toUHexString(separator: String = " "): String =
+    this.toLong().toUHexString(separator)
+fun Long.toUHexString(separator: String = " "): String =
+    this.ushr(32).toUInt().toUHexString(separator) + separator + this.ushr(32).toUInt().toUHexString(separator)
+ * 255 -> 00 FF
+ */
+fun UByte.toByteArray(): ByteArray = byteArrayOf((this and 255u).toByte())
+fun UByte.toUHexString(): String = (this and 255u).toByte().toUHexString()
  * 255u -> 00 00 00 FF