Proto Bufs

This commit is contained in:
jiahua.liu 2020-02-03 17:00:01 +08:00
parent 584cdd7d6e
commit c69502a9ea
5 changed files with 2718 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
class Common : ProtoBuf {
class BindInfo(
@SerialId(1) val friUin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val friNick: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val time: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(4) val bindStatus: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class MedalInfo(
@SerialId(1) val id: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val type: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val seq: Long = 0,
@SerialId(5) val name: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val newflag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val time: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(8) val msgBindFri: Common.BindInfo? = null,
@SerialId(11) val desc: String = "",
@SerialId(31) val level: Int = 0,
@SerialId(36) val taskinfos: List<Common.MedalTaskInfo>? = null,
@SerialId(40) val point: Int = 0,
@SerialId(41) val pointLevel2: Int = 0,
@SerialId(42) val pointLevel3: Int = 0,
@SerialId(43) val seqLevel2: Long = 0,
@SerialId(44) val seqLevel3: Long = 0,
@SerialId(45) val timeLevel2: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(46) val timeLevel3: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(47) val descLevel2: String = "",
@SerialId(48) val descLevel3: String = "",
@SerialId(49) val endtime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(50) val detailUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(51) val detailUrl2: String = "",
@SerialId(52) val detailUrl3: String = "",
@SerialId(53) val taskDesc: String = "",
@SerialId(54) val taskDesc2: String = "",
@SerialId(55) val taskDesc3: String = "",
@SerialId(56) val levelCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(57) val noProgress: Int = 0,
@SerialId(58) val resource: String = "",
@SerialId(59) val fromuinLevel: Int = 0,
@SerialId(60) val unread: Int = 0,
@SerialId(61) val unread2: Int = 0,
@SerialId(62) val unread3: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class MedalTaskInfo(
@SerialId(1) val taskid: Int = 0,
@SerialId(32) val int32TaskValue: Int = 0,
@SerialId(33) val tarValue: Int = 0,
@SerialId(34) val tarValueLevel2: Int = 0,
@SerialId(35) val tarValueLevel3: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
class Common : ProtoBuf {
class BindInfo(
@SerialId(1) val friUin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val friNick: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val time: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(4) val bindStatus: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class MedalInfo(
@SerialId(1) val id: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val type: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val seq: Long = 0,
@SerialId(5) val name: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val newflag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val time: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(8) val msgBindFri: Common.BindInfo? = null,
@SerialId(11) val desc: String = "",
@SerialId(31) val level: Int = 0,
@SerialId(36) val taskinfos: List<Common.MedalTaskInfo>? = null,
@SerialId(40) val point: Int = 0,
@SerialId(41) val pointLevel2: Int = 0,
@SerialId(42) val pointLevel3: Int = 0,
@SerialId(43) val seqLevel2: Long = 0,
@SerialId(44) val seqLevel3: Long = 0,
@SerialId(45) val timeLevel2: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(46) val timeLevel3: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(47) val descLevel2: String = "",
@SerialId(48) val descLevel3: String = "",
@SerialId(49) val endtime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(50) val detailUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(51) val detailUrl2: String = "",
@SerialId(52) val detailUrl3: String = "",
@SerialId(53) val taskDesc: String = "",
@SerialId(54) val taskDesc2: String = "",
@SerialId(55) val taskDesc3: String = "",
@SerialId(56) val levelCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(57) val noProgress: Int = 0,
@SerialId(58) val resource: String = "",
@SerialId(59) val fromuinLevel: Int = 0,
@SerialId(60) val unread: Int = 0,
@SerialId(61) val unread2: Int = 0,
@SerialId(62) val unread3: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class MedalTaskInfo(
@SerialId(1) val taskid: Int = 0,
@SerialId(32) val int32TaskValue: Int = 0,
@SerialId(33) val tarValue: Int = 0,
@SerialId(34) val tarValueLevel2: Int = 0,
@SerialId(35) val tarValueLevel3: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class AppointDefine : ProtoBuf {
class ADFeedContent(
@SerialId(1) val msgUserInfo: AppointDefine.UserInfo? = null,
@SerialId(2) val strPicUrl: List<String> = listOf(),
@SerialId(3) val msgText: AppointDefine.RichText? = null,
@SerialId(4) val attendInfo: String = "",
@SerialId(5) val actionUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val publishTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val msgHotTopicList: AppointDefine.HotTopicList? = null,
@SerialId(8) val moreUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(9) val recordDuration: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class RichText(
@SerialId(1) val msgElems: List<AppointDefine.Elem>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class RankEvent(
@SerialId(1) val listtype: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val notifytype: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val eventtime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val seq: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val notifyTips: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class Wifi(
@SerialId(1) val mac: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val int32Rssi: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class InterestItem(
@SerialId(1) val tagId: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val tagName: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val tagIconUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val tagHref: String = "",
@SerialId(5) val tagBackColor: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val tagFontColor: String = "",
@SerialId(7) val tagVid: String = "",
@SerialId(8) val tagType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(9) val addTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(10) val tagCategory: String = "",
@SerialId(11) val tagOtherUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(12) val bid: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class ShopID(
@SerialId(1) val shopid: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val sp: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class FeedComment(
@SerialId(1) val commentId: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val feedId: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val msgPublisherInfo: AppointDefine.StrangerInfo? = null,
@SerialId(4) val time: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val msgReplyInfo: AppointDefine.ReplyInfo? = null,
@SerialId(7) val flag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(8) val msgContent: AppointDefine.RichText? = null,
@SerialId(9) val hot: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class ADFeed(
@SerialId(1) val taskId: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val style: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val content: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
class Cell(
@SerialId(1) val int32Mcc: Int = -1,
@SerialId(2) val int32Mnc: Int = -1,
@SerialId(3) val int32Lac: Int = -1,
@SerialId(4) val int32Cellid: Int = -1,
@SerialId(5) val int32Rssi: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class RecentVistorEvent(
@SerialId(1) val eventtype: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val eventTinyid: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(3) val unreadCount: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class OrganizerInfo(
@SerialId(1) val hostName: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val hostUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val hostCover: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class InterestTag(
@SerialId(1) val tagType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val msgTagList: List<AppointDefine.InterestItem>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class AppointInfoEx(
@SerialId(1) val feedsPicUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val feedsUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val detailTitle: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val detailDescribe: String = "",
@SerialId(5) val showPublisher: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val detailPicUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(7) val detailUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(8) val showAttend: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class DateComment(
@SerialId(1) val commentId: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val msgAppointId: AppointDefine.AppointID? = null,
@SerialId(3) val msgPublisherInfo: AppointDefine.StrangerInfo? = null,
@SerialId(4) val time: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val msgReplyInfo: AppointDefine.ReplyInfo? = null,
@SerialId(7) val flag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(8) val msgContent: AppointDefine.RichText? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class AppointContent(
@SerialId(1) val appointSubject: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val payType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val appointDate: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val appointGender: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val appointIntroduce: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val msgAppointAddress: AppointDefine.AddressInfo? = null,
@SerialId(7) val msgTravelInfo: AppointDefine.TravelInfo? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class FeedInfo(
@SerialId(1) val feedType: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val feedId: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val msgFeedContent: AppointDefine.FeedContent? = null,
@SerialId(4) val msgTopicInfo: AppointDefine.NearbyTopic? = null,
@SerialId(5) val publishTime: Long = 0,
@SerialId(6) val praiseCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val praiseFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(8) val msgPraiseUser: List<AppointDefine.StrangerInfo>? = null,
@SerialId(9) val commentCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(10) val msgCommentList: List<AppointDefine.FeedComment>? = null,
@SerialId(11) val commentRetAll: Int = 0,
@SerialId(12) val hotFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(13) val svrReserved: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(14) val msgHotEntry: AppointDefine.HotEntry? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class HotTopicList(
@SerialId(1) val topicList: List<AppointDefine.HotTopic>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class FeedContent(
@SerialId(1) val strPicUrl: List<String> = listOf(),
@SerialId(2) val msgText: AppointDefine.RichText? = null,
@SerialId(3) val hrefUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(5) val groupName: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val groupBulletin: String = "",
@SerialId(7) val feedType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(8) val poiId: String = "",
@SerialId(9) val poiTitle: String = "",
@SerialId(20) val effectiveTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(21) val expiationTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(22) val msgLocale: AppointDefine.LocaleInfo? = null,
@SerialId(23) val feedsIndex: Int = 0,
@SerialId(24) val msgAd: AppointDefine.ADFeed? = null,
@SerialId(25) val privateData: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
class TravelInfo(
@SerialId(1) val msgDepartLocale: AppointDefine.LocaleInfo? = null,
@SerialId(2) val msgDestination: AppointDefine.LocaleInfo? = null,
@SerialId(3) val vehicle: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val partnerCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val placePicUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val placeUrl: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class RecentFreshFeed(
@SerialId(1) val freshFeedInfo: List<AppointDefine.FreshFeedInfo>? = null,
@SerialId(2) val uid: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
class GPS(
@SerialId(1) val int32Lat: Int = 900000000,
@SerialId(2) val int32Lon: Int = 900000000,
@SerialId(3) val int32Alt: Int = -10000000,
@SerialId(4) val int32Type: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class AppointID(
@SerialId(1) val requestId: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class LocaleInfo(
@SerialId(1) val name: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val country: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val province: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val city: String = "",
@SerialId(5) val region: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val poi: String = "",
@SerialId(7) val msgGps: AppointDefine.GPS? = null,
@SerialId(8) val address: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class LBSInfo(
@SerialId(1) val msgGps: AppointDefine.GPS? = null,
@SerialId(2) val msgWifis: List<AppointDefine.Wifi>? = null,
@SerialId(3) val msgCells: List<AppointDefine.Cell>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class FeedEvent(
@SerialId(1) val eventId: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val time: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val eventtype: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val msgUserInfo: AppointDefine.StrangerInfo? = null,
@SerialId(5) val msgFeedInfo: AppointDefine.FeedInfo? = null,
@SerialId(6) val eventTips: String = "",
@SerialId(7) val msgComment: AppointDefine.FeedComment? = null,
@SerialId(8) val cancelEventId: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
class FeedsCookie(
@SerialId(1) val strList: List<String> = listOf(),
@SerialId(2) val pose: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val cookie: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(4) val uint64Topics: List<Long>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class NearbyTopic(
@SerialId(1) val topicId: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val topic: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val foreword: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val createTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val updateTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val hotFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val buttonStyle: Int = 0,
@SerialId(8) val buttonSrc: String = "",
@SerialId(9) val backgroundSrc: String = "",
@SerialId(10) val attendeeInfo: String = "",
@SerialId(11) val index: Int = 0,
@SerialId(12) val publishScope: Int = 0,
@SerialId(13) val effectiveTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(14) val expiationTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(15) val pushedUsrCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(16) val timerangeLeft: Int = 0,
@SerialId(17) val timerangeRight: Int = 0,
@SerialId(18) val area: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class NearbyEvent(
@SerialId(1) val eventtype: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val msgRankevent: AppointDefine.RankEvent? = null,
@SerialId(3) val eventUin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(4) val eventTinyid: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
class Feed(
@SerialId(1) val msgUserInfo: AppointDefine.PublisherInfo? = null,
@SerialId(2) val msgFeedInfo: AppointDefine.FeedInfo? = null,
@SerialId(3) val ownerFlag: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class ActivityInfo(
@SerialId(2) val name: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val cover: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val url: String = "",
@SerialId(5) val startTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val endTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val locName: String = "",
@SerialId(8) val enroll: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(9) val createUin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(10) val createTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(11) val organizerInfo: AppointDefine.OrganizerInfo = OrganizerInfo(),
@SerialId(12) val flag: Long? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class HotEntry(
@SerialId(1) val openFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val restTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val foreword: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val backgroundSrc: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class UserFeed(
@SerialId(1) val msgUserInfo: AppointDefine.PublisherInfo? = null,
@SerialId(2) val msgFeedInfo: AppointDefine.FeedInfo? = null,
@SerialId(3) val ownerFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val msgActivityInfo: AppointDefine.ActivityInfo? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class Elem(
@SerialId(1) val content: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val msgFaceInfo: AppointDefine.Face? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class HotFreshFeedList(
@SerialId(1) val msgFeeds: List<AppointDefine.HotUserFeed>? = null,
@SerialId(2) val updateTime: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class RptInterestTag(
@SerialId(1) val interestTags: List<AppointDefine.InterestTag>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class AddressInfo(
@SerialId(1) val companyZone: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val companyName: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val companyAddr: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val companyPicUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(5) val companyUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val msgCompanyId: AppointDefine.ShopID? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class PublisherInfo(
@SerialId(1) val tinyid: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val nickname: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(3) val age: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val gender: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val constellation: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val profession: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val distance: String = "",
@SerialId(8) val marriage: Int = 0,
@SerialId(9) val vipinfo: String = "",
@SerialId(10) val recommend: Int = 0,
@SerialId(11) val godflag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(12) val chatflag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(13) val chatupCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(14) val charm: Int = 0,
@SerialId(15) val charmLevel: Int = 0,
@SerialId(16) val pubNumber: Int = 0,
@SerialId(17) val msgCommonLabel: AppointDefine.CommonLabel? = null,
@SerialId(18) val recentVistorTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(19) val strangerDeclare: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(20) val friendUin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(21) val historyFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(22) val followflag: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
class HotUserFeed(
@SerialId(1) val feedId: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val praiseCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val publishUid: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(4) val publishTime: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class FreshFeedInfo(
@SerialId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val time: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val feedId: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val feedType: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
class CommonLabel(
@SerialId(1) val lableId: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val lableMsgPre: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(3) val lableMsgLast: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(4) val interstName: List<ByteArray>? = null,
@SerialId(5) val interstType: List<Int>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class Face(
@SerialId(1) val index: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class StrangerInfo(
@SerialId(1) val tinyid: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val nickname: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(3) val age: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val gender: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val dating: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val listIdx: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val constellation: String = "",
@SerialId(8) val profession: Int = 0,
@SerialId(9) val marriage: Int = 0,
@SerialId(10) val vipinfo: String = "",
@SerialId(11) val recommend: Int = 0,
@SerialId(12) val godflag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(13) val charm: Int = 0,
@SerialId(14) val charmLevel: Int = 0,
@SerialId(15) val uin: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
class HotTopic(
@SerialId(1) val id: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val title: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val topicType: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(4) val total: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(5) val times: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(6) val historyTimes: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(7) val bgUrl: String = "",
@SerialId(8) val url: String = "",
@SerialId(9) val extraInfo: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class DateEvent(
@SerialId(1) val eventId: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val time: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val type: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val msgUserInfo: AppointDefine.StrangerInfo? = null,
@SerialId(5) val msgDateInfo: AppointDefine.AppointInfo? = null,
@SerialId(6) val attendIdx: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val eventTips: String = "",
@SerialId(8) val msgComment: AppointDefine.DateComment? = null,
@SerialId(9) val cancelEventId: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
class AppointInfo(
@SerialId(1) val msgAppointId: AppointDefine.AppointID? = null,
@SerialId(2) val msgAppointment: AppointDefine.AppointContent? = null,
@SerialId(3) val appointStatus: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val joinWording: String = "",
@SerialId(5) val viewWording: String = "",
@SerialId(6) val unreadCount: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val owner: Int = 0,
@SerialId(8) val join: Int = 0,
@SerialId(9) val view: Int = 0,
@SerialId(10) val commentWording: String = "",
@SerialId(11) val commentNum: Int = 0,
@SerialId(12) val attendStatus: Int = 0,
@SerialId(13) val msgAppointmentEx: AppointDefine.AppointInfoEx? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class UserInfo(
@SerialId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val nickname: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(3) val age: Int = 0,
@SerialId(4) val gender: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val avatar: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
class ReplyInfo(
@SerialId(1) val commentId: String = "",
@SerialId(2) val msgStrangerInfo: AppointDefine.StrangerInfo? = null
) : ProtoBuf

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
class GroupLabel : ProtoBuf {
class Label(
@SerialId(1) val name: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(2) val enumType: Int /* enum */ = 1,
@SerialId(3) val textColor: GroupLabel.Color? = null,
@SerialId(4) val edgingColor: GroupLabel.Color? = null,
@SerialId(5) val labelAttr: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val labelType: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class RspBody(
@SerialId(1) val error: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(2) val groupInfo: List<GroupLabel.GroupInfo>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class SourceId(
@SerialId(1) val sourceId: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class GroupInfo(
@SerialId(1) val int32Result: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val groupCode: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(3) val groupLabel: List<GroupLabel.Label>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class Color(
@SerialId(1) val r: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val g: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val b: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class ReqBody(
@SerialId(1) val sourceId: GroupLabel.SourceId? = null,
@SerialId(2) val uinInfo: GroupLabel.UinInfo? = null,
@SerialId(3) val numberLabel: Int = 5,
@SerialId(4) val groupCode: List<Long>? = null,
@SerialId(5) val labelStyle: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class UinInfo(
@SerialId(1) val int64Longitude: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(2) val int64Latitude: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import
fun main() {