diff --git a/mirai-core/src/commonTest/kotlin/utils/codegen/ValueDescVisitor.kt b/mirai-core/src/commonTest/kotlin/utils/codegen/ValueDescVisitor.kt
index 6b6ef5f98..7c9a00832 100644
--- a/mirai-core/src/commonTest/kotlin/utils/codegen/ValueDescVisitor.kt
+++ b/mirai-core/src/commonTest/kotlin/utils/codegen/ValueDescVisitor.kt
@@ -113,27 +113,65 @@ class RemoveDefaultValuesVisitor(
         // remove properties who have the same values as their default values, this would significantly reduce code size.
         mapping.forEach { (name, defaultValue) ->
             if (desc.properties.entries.removeIf {
-                    it.key.name == name && equals(it.value.origin, defaultValue)
-                }
-            ) {
+                    it.key.name == name && isDefaultOrEmpty(it.key, it.value, defaultValue)
+                }) {
                 return@forEach // by removing one property, there will not by any other matches
+    private fun isDefaultOrEmpty(key: KParameter, value: ValueDesc, defaultValue: Any?): Boolean {
+        if (!key.isOptional) return false
+        if (equals(value.origin, defaultValue)) return true
+        if (value is ClassValueDesc<*>
+            && value.properties.all { it.key.isOptional && isDefaultOrEmpty(it.key, it.value, defaultValue) }
+        ) {
+            return true
+        }
+        return false
+    }
+    private fun Any?.isNullOrZeroOrEmpty(): Boolean {
+        when (this) {
+            null,
+            0.toByte(), 0.toShort(), 0, 0L, 0.toFloat(), 0.toDouble(), 0.toChar(),
+            "", listOf<Any>(), setOf<Any>(), mapOf<Any, Any>(),
+            -> return true
+        }
+        check(this != null)
+        when {
+            this is Array<*> && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+            this is IntArray && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+            this is ByteArray && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+            this is ShortArray && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+            this is LongArray && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+            this is CharArray && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+            this is FloatArray && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+            this is DoubleArray && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+            this is BooleanArray && this.isEmpty() -> return true
+        }
+        return false
+    }
     fun equals(a: Any?, b: Any?): Boolean {
+        if (a.isNullOrZeroOrEmpty() && b.isNullOrZeroOrEmpty()) return true
         return when {
             a === b -> true
             a == b -> true
-            a is Array<*> && b is Array<*> -> a.contentEquals(b)
-            a is IntArray && b is IntArray -> a.contentEquals(b)
-            a is ByteArray && b is ByteArray -> a.contentEquals(b)
-            a is ShortArray && b is ShortArray -> a.contentEquals(b)
-            a is LongArray && b is LongArray -> a.contentEquals(b)
-            a is CharArray && b is CharArray -> a.contentEquals(b)
-            a is FloatArray && b is FloatArray -> a.contentEquals(b)
-            a is DoubleArray && b is DoubleArray -> a.contentEquals(b)
-            a is BooleanArray && b is BooleanArray -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is Array<*>? && b is Array<*>? -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is IntArray? && b is IntArray? -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is ByteArray? && b is ByteArray? -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is ShortArray? && b is ShortArray? -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is LongArray? && b is LongArray? -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is CharArray? && b is CharArray? -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is FloatArray? && b is FloatArray? -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is DoubleArray? && b is DoubleArray? -> a.contentEquals(b)
+            a is BooleanArray? && b is BooleanArray? -> a.contentEquals(b)
             else -> false