Simplify setState

This commit is contained in:
Him188 2021-06-19 17:16:07 +08:00
parent f229757395
commit b4b25be626

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@ -205,11 +205,14 @@ internal abstract class NetworkHandlerSupport(
) : CancellationException("State is switched from $old to $new")
* Attempts to change state.
* Calculate [new state][new] and set it as the current, returning the new state,
* or `null` if state has concurrently been set to CLOSED, or has same [class][KClass] as current.
* Returns null if new state has same [class][KClass] as current (meaning already set by another thread).
* You may need to call [BaseStateImpl.resumeConnection] to activate the new state, as states are lazy.
protected inline fun <reified S : BaseStateImpl> setState(noinline new: () -> S): S? = setState(S::class, new)
protected inline fun <reified S : BaseStateImpl> setState(noinline new: () -> S): S? =
setStateImpl(S::class as KClass<S>?, new)
* Attempts to change state if current state is [this].
@ -228,17 +231,6 @@ internal abstract class NetworkHandlerSupport(
* Calculate [new state][new] and set it as the current, returning the new state,
* or `null` if state has concurrently been set to CLOSED, or has same [class][KClass] as current.
* You may need to call [BaseStateImpl.resumeConnection] to activate the new state, as states are lazy.
protected fun <S : BaseStateImpl> setState(newType: KClass<S>, new: () -> S): S? =
setStateImpl(newType as KClass<S>?, new)
private val lock = SingleEntrantLock()
private val lockForSetStateWithOldInstance = Any()