Deprecate ambiguous extensions on QuoteReply, like

This commit is contained in:
Him188 2020-05-09 15:03:49 +08:00
parent b64b1da666
commit b0089d58d6
2 changed files with 61 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -38,12 +38,10 @@ import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
* - [asMessageChain] [Iterable], 等类型消息
* - [messageChainOf] 类似 [listOf], 将多个 [Message] 构造为 [MessageChain]
* ### 消息链如何工作
* - [SingleMessageChainImpl] [单个消息][SingleMessage] 委托为一个 [MessageChain]
* @see get 获取消息链中一个类型的元素, 不存在时返回 `null`
* @see getOrFail 获取消息链中一个类型的元素, 不存在时抛出异常 [NoSuchElementException]
* @see quote 引用这条消息.
* @see quote 引用这条消息
* @see recall 撤回这条消息 (
* @see buildMessageChain 构造一个 [MessageChain]
* @see asMessageChain 将单个 [Message] 转换为 [MessageChain]

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ package
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.PlannedRemoval
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
import kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass
@ -59,48 +60,6 @@ class QuoteReply(val source: MessageSource) : Message, MessageMetadata, Constrai
override fun hashCode(): Int = source.hashCode()
* @see
inline val Int
get() =
* @see MessageSource.internalId
inline val QuoteReply.internalId: Int
get() = source.internalId
* @see MessageSource.fromId
inline val QuoteReply.fromId: Long
get() = source.fromId
* @see MessageSource.targetId
inline val QuoteReply.targetId: Long
get() = source.targetId
* @see MessageSource.originalMessage
inline val QuoteReply.originalMessage: MessageChain
get() = source.originalMessage
* @see MessageSource.time
inline val QuoteReply.time: Int
get() = source.time
* @see
@ -108,15 +67,69 @@ inline val QuoteReply.time: Int
inline val Bot
get() =
* 撤回引用的源消息
suspend inline fun QuoteReply.recall() = this.source.recall()
suspend inline fun QuoteReply.recallSource() = this.source.recall()
* 在一段时间后撤回这条消息.
* 在一段时间后撤回引用的源消息
inline fun QuoteReply.recallSourceIn(
millis: Long,
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): Job = this.source.recallIn(millis, coroutineContext)
//// 因语义不明而弃用的 API, 兼容到 1.3.0
@Deprecated("use for clearer semantics", ReplaceWith(""))
inline val Int
get() =
@Deprecated("use source.internalId for clearer semantics", ReplaceWith("source.internalId"))
inline val QuoteReply.internalId: Int
get() = source.internalId
@Deprecated("use source.fromId for clearer semantics", ReplaceWith("source.fromId"))
inline val QuoteReply.fromId: Long
get() = source.fromId
@Deprecated("use source.targetId for clearer semantics", ReplaceWith("source.targetId"))
inline val QuoteReply.targetId: Long
get() = source.targetId
@Deprecated("use source.originalMessage for clearer semantics", ReplaceWith("source.originalMessage"))
inline val QuoteReply.originalMessage: MessageChain
get() = source.originalMessage
@Deprecated("use source.time for clearer semantics", ReplaceWith("source.time"))
inline val QuoteReply.time: Int
get() = source.time
@Deprecated("use recallSourceIn for clearer semantics", ReplaceWith("recallSourceIn(millis, coroutineContext)"))
inline fun QuoteReply.recallIn(
millis: Long,
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): Job = this.source.recallIn(millis, coroutineContext)
): Job = recallSourceIn(millis, coroutineContext)
@Deprecated("use recallSource for clearer semantics", ReplaceWith("this.recallSource()"))
suspend inline fun QuoteReply.recall() = recallSource()