mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 06:50:09 +08:00
Review: misc improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message
import kotlinx.io.core.buildPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.discardExact
import kotlinx.io.core.readBytes
import kotlinx.io.core.readUInt
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.Member
@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.ExternalImage
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiDebugAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.discardExact
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.hexToBytes
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.read
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toByteArray
@ -7,12 +7,13 @@
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicInt
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.toByteArray
import kotlinx.io.core.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.BotAccount
import net.mamoe.mirai.RawAccountIdUse
import net.mamoe.mirai.data.OnlineStatus
@ -20,12 +21,10 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.QQAndroidBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.PacketLogger
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.Tlv
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.DeviceInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.NetworkType
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.SystemDeviceInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.ECDH
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.decryptBy
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.TEA
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.*
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ internal open class QQAndroidClient(
internal inline fun <R> tryDecryptOrNull(data: ByteArray, size: Int = data.size, mapper: (ByteArray) -> R): R? {
keys.forEach { (key, value) ->
kotlin.runCatching {
return mapper(data.decryptBy(value, size).also { PacketLogger.verbose { "成功使用 $key 解密" } })
return mapper(TEA.decrypt(data, value, size).also { PacketLogger.verbose { "成功使用 $key 解密" } })
return null
@ -314,6 +313,10 @@ internal class Pt4Token(data: ByteArray, creationTime: Long, expireTime: Long) :
internal typealias PSKeyMap = MutableMap<String, PSKey>
internal typealias Pt4TokenMap = MutableMap<String, Pt4Token>
internal inline fun Input.readUShortLVString(): String = kotlinx.io.core.String(this.readUShortLVByteArray())
internal inline fun Input.readUShortLVByteArray(): ByteArray = this.readBytes(this.readUShort().toInt())
internal fun parsePSKeyMapAndPt4TokenMap(data: ByteArray, creationTime: Long, expireTime: Long, outPSKeyMap: PSKeyMap, outPt4TokenMap: Pt4TokenMap) =
data.read {
repeat(readShort().toInt()) {
@ -25,9 +25,10 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.login.ConfigPushSvc
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.login.Heartbeat
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.login.StatSvc
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.login.WtLogin
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.readUShortLVByteArray
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.TEA
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.adjustToPublicKey
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.decryptBy
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.*
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.contract
@ -194,8 +195,8 @@ internal object KnownPacketFactories {
kotlin.runCatching {
when (flag2) {
2 -> data.decryptBy(DECRYPTER_16_ZERO, size).also { PacketLogger.verbose { "成功使用 16 zero 解密" } }
1 -> data.decryptBy(bot.client.wLoginSigInfo.d2Key, size).also { PacketLogger.verbose { "成功使用 d2Key 解密" } }
2 -> TEA.decrypt(data, DECRYPTER_16_ZERO, size).also { PacketLogger.verbose { "成功使用 16 zero 解密" } }
1 -> TEA.decrypt(data, bot.client.wLoginSigInfo.d2Key, size).also { PacketLogger.verbose { "成功使用 d2Key 解密" } }
0 -> data
else -> error("")
@ -335,6 +336,7 @@ internal object KnownPacketFactories {
return IncomingPacket(packetFactory, ssoSequenceId, packet, commandName)
private suspend fun <T : Packet?> ByteReadPacket.parseOicqResponse(
bot: QQAndroidBot,
packetFactory: OutgoingPacketFactory<T>,
@ -352,10 +354,10 @@ internal object KnownPacketFactories {
this.discardExact(1) // const = 0
val packet = when (encryptionMethod) {
4 -> {
var data = this.decryptBy(bot.client.ecdh.keyPair.initialShareKey, (this.remaining - 1).toInt())
var data = TEA.decrypt(this, bot.client.ecdh.keyPair.initialShareKey, (this.remaining - 1).toInt())
val peerShareKey = bot.client.ecdh.calculateShareKeyByPeerPublicKey(readUShortLVByteArray().adjustToPublicKey())
data = data.decryptBy(peerShareKey)
data = TEA.decrypt(data, peerShareKey)
packetFactory.decode(bot, data)
@ -366,13 +368,13 @@ internal object KnownPacketFactories {
this.readFully(byteArrayBuffer, 0, size)
runCatching {
byteArrayBuffer.decryptBy(bot.client.ecdh.keyPair.initialShareKey, size)
TEA.decrypt(byteArrayBuffer, bot.client.ecdh.keyPair.initialShareKey, size)
}.getOrElse {
byteArrayBuffer.decryptBy(bot.client.randomKey, size)
TEA.decrypt(byteArrayBuffer, bot.client.randomKey, size)
} else {
this.decryptBy(bot.client.randomKey, 0, (this.remaining - 1).toInt())
TEA.decrypt(this, bot.client.randomKey, 0, (this.remaining - 1).toInt())
packetFactory.decode(bot, data)
@ -11,10 +11,7 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.receive
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.readBytes
import kotlinx.io.core.readUByte
import kotlinx.io.core.readUInt
import kotlinx.io.core.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.MemberPermission
import net.mamoe.mirai.data.MultiPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.data.NoPacket
@ -38,7 +35,7 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.OutgoingPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.buildResponseUniPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.debug
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.discardExact
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.read
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.readString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toUHexString
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package test
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.Input
import kotlinx.io.core.readAvailable
import kotlinx.io.core.use
import kotlinx.io.pool.useInstance
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.DefaultLogger
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiLoggerWithSwitch
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.ByteArrayPool
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toReadPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toUHexString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.withSwitch
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
val DebugLogger: MiraiLoggerWithSwitch = DefaultLogger("Packet Debug").withSwitch(true)
inline fun ByteArray.debugPrintThis(name: String): ByteArray {
DebugLogger.debug(name + "=" + this.toUHexString())
return this
@UseExperimental(ExperimentalContracts::class, MiraiInternalAPI::class)
inline fun <R> Input.debugIfFail(name: String = "", onFail: (ByteArray) -> ByteReadPacket = { it.toReadPacket() }, block: ByteReadPacket.() -> R): R {
contract {
callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
callsInPlace(onFail, InvocationKind.UNKNOWN)
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
val count = this.readAvailable(it)
try {
return it.toReadPacket(0, count).use(block)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
DebugLogger.debug("Error in ByteReadPacket $name=" + it.toUHexString(offset = 0, length = count))
throw e
@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package androidPacketTests
import kotlinx.io.core.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.PacketLogger
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.ECDH
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.contentToString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.decryptBy
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.initialPublicKey
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.discardExact
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.md5
import kotlin.text.toByteArray
// sessionTicket = 55 F7 24 8B 04 4E AA A8 98 E6 77 D2 D6 54 A9 B4 43 91 94 A3 0D DA CF 8F E8 94 E0 F4 A2 6B B4 8B 2B 4F 78 8D 21 EE D4 95 A6 F7 A4 3D B5 87 9B 3D
// sessionTicketKey = B6 9D E4 EC 65 38 64 FD C8 3A D8 33 54 35 0C 73
// randomKey = A4 9A 6A EE 17 5B 7E 3D C0 71 DA 04 1C E1 E4 88
// login send 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
// trans emp 1 send 20da22db750806141ef4481108004500038450f2400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c2e3508ce7dde50180200465900000000035c0000000a0200000004000000000e31393934373031303231fbb1b5c286bc9eb6a2ae43ce77353dcb0bebf522873dfc23064ea499d060fd11751986d486a6744341c3ff8ee89c30566491a5a449363549f9b917f20e9b19eb04c58d7347e51ec00be55a5e4c2433f4fd981f617726a7f74f66f6b253080103d4754ccd9474a6451123818c94b84a9613875fce9aee86c9f3879df9d0918663ea888389ddb66007827a5bf38c97a7ea6f2ef60468519679c3405444df4a334108f03ca88fdebeb3e3ed39c0b8de6d440469428ceea3fac54ccb4c620d394ec98f94534419f34ec3c2200f6d066cee9d6b3dbc6e46dc313e3863681529f1647bf9d5726747954e3ffa7515105a98bb5a9b17b92a6c56cbcff298d46b653d2f72cbc24165cc0118910aba8c56b1cb6b35b2f7df51f30965bc74cdf422611779e6d82bda537e4790a0acb3b25004fd49cfcae70cc5f52e4c267e1aeb63acf1db34a0f591282024382d99453dee4a75aa6d9e0b69fe42efd1aeb914a4324066aa65037a1c8ca151e562c0bd502f2f5eb80deff7d817ef5cb5a4a03d13f08ce1bfe4485ced084f81376b2fb83f82200725c2a9e5be2f0ebea6b9a68d8ce072c68a62be4eaab170ef94036269267f53f75ed3f6369c80c50ceb9e481c8858e077e16a8d7a80df1406e792a561f635e6a4d5e6662e2422ec88617e350b8686b17ab3c17b6a3b59f9af1519c4c73642e14b9a533073455170daa51fbed6352fa3c957038256079a4395eecc2b6712d0ecdf9a62be9191c2b7cd22dd81c78865ba57626614415f78d8b7812f107acc9110bcff90a376a52e2dd652743770df9eaa9f199bc9e66997fbe121a005c606e9e3855473452379bc4e68f30f3be75f0346c452db79076bd7a47ecc3ad1b8fb2bb796fbf6c3899f1fbc61ee1560d5e9fed4ec157e6e377098e3d7ad43997f342393472e5084b6e4c44be0f2e527f01cb3ea849621ed0108d6109992b08db4d51b13918ca59622f7c0e8389520d79ec96e7818cebd47dd2a700069c32972133cf87083c58571a74c94b2a56c3bbc6f0a94eb95218122e19763deda732536a599138a4bd0b68a59526bba99476c3a5bf065f11b5abe9fd5c74d7bc2b407a362373cb5cf243ae198185b5dc9154d36409153c79097578c8d7c1ae3629dc46c5c9c0302c61c12d05051f82381029e6affe7c65d9b66ec
// GrayUinPro.Check (UniPacket) send 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
// ConfigurationService.ReqGetConfig send 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
// CertifiedAccountSvc.certified_account_read.GetMainPage send 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
// x2
// OidbSvc.0xcf8 (getShoppingCardInfo)send 20da22db750806141ef4481108004500009450fd400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c3b2908ce927e501801fe436900000000006c0000000b0100014e78000000000e31393934373031303231fde67e3ef90dfab4c8706743671f3abf660fc3f77e4efa3fabdeb96e9984107b3f4bf7677b5d34c72e88a6e212af9107e3c52c5f97b7e41c2c3cecfe9301293ab4be504d4d2eca28a816ec514deca805
// OidbSvc.0x59f (requestIsFirstLogin) send 20da22db750806141ef4481108004500008c50fe400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c3b9508ce9366501801fe43610000000000640000000b0100014e7a000000000e313939343730313032319798479335a617d6037b4351bf340716d7095f01a83a19090ced9170a5d2e45578915b186770906f21b623304ee25b7ccb52126e3ab84275d2063f4801b3ea88f4b8fd064be98e75
// friendlist.GetTroopListReqV2 send 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
// OidbSvc.0x791_0 (getRedPointInfo) send 20da22db750806141ef448110800450000bc5101400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c3ce508ce96a6501801fa43910000000000940000000b0100014e7d000000000e313939343730313032311ca9030fef4676440544c30ee8455143b3d29bf4b96fcb3923e437c30fd64795a325c777e38cd08f173f5dd6814541ca160a2de1ebdb46dcd73386cbf35ee2faae6cdac5c91aa81cf0beca175d7fdee366bacea06859de8b3e163e95d6765256fc523b7e435dc8f73d1a3f5a5c6c793706c88e103a55efa5
// OidbSvc.0x480_9 (getDetailCardInfo) send 20da22db750806141ef4481108004500008c5102400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c3d7908ce97165018020043610000000000640000000b0100014e7e000000000e3139393437303130323183063dc1abd81bf314960d1a00d2a457ff44cb694c4d17d048b888600262a1a957713055cd6e2a68a55d239e1d70d26f9a39bfc61418a8cfbdd96dac2ae1be32e34f94a0271339d8
// OidbSvc.0x5eb_15 (getHiddenSwitch) send 20da22db750806141ef4481108004500009c5105400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c3ddd08ce9e7e501801fe43710000000000740000000b0100014e7f000000000e31393934373031303231e80e3bc84057f0f3cdbfcde52cf82c5c640f69afd3680638b3bbd86bab49ddb8e29e297815f1f41ddfecfe241f76b57f999b02988fe5bb6f92da0693e27e023baea0504b7ca768c541630e636c31a01bdce3df4c27f88906
// CliLogSvc.UploadReq send 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
// CliLogSvc.UploadReq send 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
// OidbSvc.0x787_11 (getTroopMemberListBy0x787) send 20da22db750806141ef448110800450000a45108400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c419108ce9eee501801fd437900000000007c0000000b0100014e84000000000e31393934373031303231de7a3d7936e5679df9be661fdb98fa181243fed121a7c37e0a0a035537b27705ed59f5707bf86495d9b4781418f5c8dc36f561d8b659e2936d4549b55ec6c807650b4e5af7c79fe881ee9cb3df4b4b307748103b3b52eef06aeaf81adb25767c
// OidbSvc.0xaf6_0 (getTroopMemberListForHeadBatch) send 20da22db750806141ef44811080045000094510a400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c420d08ce9f86501801fd436900000000006c0000000b0100014e85000000000e313939343730313032311425f3e63a4e0a0454c45b48639abbe10c101b19f0a66f37e774289e87cc3c54def76486925c7291f5d37392120d7e0d30a9caba77f73808b201f49ff2a04a55c5ec502b10a6f861dbffb6eed7324b92
// OidbSvc.0xdc9 (getHostTroopHonorList) send 20da22db750806141ef448110800450000d4510b400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c427908cea04e501801fc43a90000000000ac0000000b0100014e86000000000e31393934373031303231abc2f4d9170210b0504e058282363e45527ce2ec6080f48a99d24ca40171ab146ae451517cc60d98585c746d2d00d434d3b44a9e3c9bcbe0a5ee23d406d8ae9c88b9d51beae9d05a3c22fa67f5a03bea60c17017848d32852b7e6abbe290974f74183d7af2b20d6c43c133b52ec2506f9e752676a40518cf73b922505e1e5497fb58146e526627c8fdd2c8ec4424ff96
// IncreaseURLSvr.QQHeadUrlReq, IncreaseURLSvr.QQHeadUrlReq send 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
// OidbSvc.0xc42 send 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
// ConfigPushSvc.GetIpDirect send 20da22db750806141ef44811080045000094510e400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c491108cea4b6501801ff436900000000006c0000000b0100014e8a000000000e31393934373031303231831dcd7b8023b2e8434f5897e7a34a13b67bcf4def875c650022a4a6b71417d9151938fe206612ae192f55d174e41aa848a02e51441700440260e2fdaf7882cfc60b2a10946dc2e76c172ddefc309389
// * friendlist.getFriendGroupList send 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
// * StatSvc.GetOnlineStatus send 20da22db750806141ef4481108004500008c5112400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c4a7908ceae5e501801fd43610000000000640000000b0100014ea5000000000e31393934373031303231954e34510d4f281e8676c7345c1e8d453c99aeca52c7649053a6230953ac2bca49f6e250394081be6153eceaa531aec179450ec3d671d72251db0c36cff7e1ba3b6de0e6ade53de2
// * account.RequestQueryQQMobileContactsV3 send 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
// OidbSvc.0x58a (getDiscuss) send 20da22db750806141ef448110800450000945116400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c4bf908cebb5e501801fe436900000000006c0000000b0100014eaa000000000e3139393437303130323178d1c8e8c5d15a4dca043edc70fa514b19b92706d26a84f2bdb1b3e478d5ef53748b8d6082dea9a74f1c9f0ab519406c1ef36fcc0502cf201f658ecac1cd1682a34bb1ff42ac64da5f35e3af7fabcc8c
// OidbSvc.0x7c4_0, OidbSvc.0xbe8 send 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
// OidbSvc.0x58b_0, CertifiedAccountSvc.certified_account_read.GetFollowList send 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
// CertifiedAccountSvc.certified_account_read.GetFollowList send 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
// AuthSvr.ThemeAuth send 20da22db750806141ef448110800450000a4511d400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c525908ceca66501801ff437900000000007c0000000b0100014eb0000000000e31393934373031303231080fdebf8f489c29fc1aa0611a0ee8dbcf8ada3129852e779569f93003e9af00101b5b5bf3c4a87ec47420f735c83d1029c82729ba3191fac7059dac5122342dc4560637b8ff15bfc84d8e84e8dfbc5dc8de067ae6b902c50c3e5a1915f0753a
// CertifiedAccountSvc.certified_account_read.GetFollowList send 20da22db750806141ef4481108004500027c5120400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c52d508ced606501801ff45510000000002540000000b0100014eb1000000000e31393934373031303231379d9ef3c72b17257dadcc13699bb8b027ccdd304c5ec4df57671b991739b43493c60017360ba5f88dd8a8afada19c134c82cf9ae4b5216f2abd4bc30563b981cf22865a55edf3856e46c6a3d7081eed19eb3c4f0a45bfe3120dca2d49e105827873ca33d5c2abcfb89428a5bff03fdb6337d86bff7421ffbc35887803ea9820abb58a0f7ccf607b41e203a8c3902933246a1e3b2f751ff97f8e2cc4661185f8f62f5183306222b8926c00249a80a285d9b43bee57935a825b2b07c1b4850953f04e866006538c8e7202444c25e5d87e6b040de52a7ccfd5cbba56e748b6a1d26d6e14bd4968039ae1c0f3745e7f2d41e1f8b3f46547c0dfcf045cef83bfedc9fc5b59e0adc8ec33d752835f814197e3fd2d5d5d99b20961b33b519e5457c14c84a45d4a5a8cf28ef428b33003a79753c7406181a1ac8de81fdfcac09c6a6265787fc1d27db83d52f5f3676da6589ffc2434465a9363f458b12b56c962eef53d354ed450f0671d5be9df26c6611725840cb5c5bce33ff0bb0ac45cbd1ea735122cb0aa7d489720c31afa83eeef8e2b692e9b83afcfb38700391788335dbc811b43bc018062ff9205273bc8271d2afa958f7f3b7c4077beddc6acb77e1864ff2c614f3af60265e6876a5ecbb95ad78e5f8cf74162a7cf87887db855808181a3cd8d2c363ded3af6105ef8164b408ae7925e5b9311091ceaf8b116be765d29c6d1317c1b4d7febe2e3862ebab3c28eb2ea05587ed09cab27ecaedb38f0e651f2662f605251f90d9b029bd4b617188ab49afe306d1094df0ae0
// OidbSvc.0x7a2_0 send 20da22db750806141ef448110800450000845123400080060000c0a8030a71600dd0fe501f908b8c552908cedcde50180200435900000000005c0000000b0100014eb6000000000e31393934373031303231d751dc69de793526fd65f55e83c1b8d43435ece7da38acf0b8503d8259484c583dbe89b603a4abc1f1f665d1a92876d711431b5833908d216efd7398286b8adf
// ConfigPushSvc.PushResp, ** StatSvc.register send 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
internal var wtSessionTicketKey = "B6 9D E4 EC 65 38 64 FD C8 3A D8 33 54 35 0C 73".hexToBytes()
internal var tgtgtKey = "D7 71 03 E3 4C E5 8F 6B 05 D8 C7 8C 96 FB FB 23".hexToBytes()
internal var deviceToken = "CE 1E 2E DC 69 24 4F 9B FF 2F 52 D8 8F 69 DD 40".hexToBytes()
internal var D2Key = "44 28 6B 35 7A 54 2D 45 45 5D 56 32 44 33 47 49".hexToBytes()
internal var userStKey = "35 29 42 54 78 62 47 68 5E 77 68 54 6B 76 57 5F".hexToBytes()
internal var tgtKey = "44 24 3F 43 3F 21 37 2B 29 44 6E 47 70 3A 4E 3D".hexToBytes()
internal val t108 = "BD 12 96 6C 83 53 EF DD 06 16 52 16 B8 1B 25 69".hexToBytes()
internal val t10c = "23 7D 2C 7A 3F 4A 41 35 7D 3B 45 51 6D 3D 2A 56".hexToBytes()
internal val t163 = "2C 7A 7B 23 4E 24 3F 24 24 47 62 6B 69 2E 47 50".hexToBytes()
var ecdhPrivateKeyS = "97a52992cb7a2110413629af94a3c249c68a3b731510caa8"
internal val shareKeyCalculatedByConstPubKey
by lazy {
var passwordMd5: ByteArray = byteArrayOf()
var uin: Long = 0L
fun main() {
val data = """
.trim().split("\n").map {
val bytes = it.trim().autoHexToBytes()
if (bytes[0].toInt() == 0) {
} else bytes.dropTCPHead()
}.flatMap { it.toList() }.toByteArray()
data.read { decodeMultiClientToServerPackets() }
* 顶层方法. TCP 切掉头后直接来这里
fun ByteReadPacket.decodeMultiClientToServerPackets() {
var count = 0
while (remaining != 0L) {
readBytes((readUInt() - 4u).toInt()).toReadPacket().runCatching { analysisOneFullPacket() }.exceptionOrNull()?.printStackTrace()
if (remaining != 0L) {
} else DebugLogger.info("=======================共有 $count 个包=======================")
fun Map<Int, ByteArray>.printTLVMap(name: String = "", keyLength: Int = 2) =
DebugLogger.debug("TLVMap $name= " + this.mapValues { (_, value) -> value.toUHexString() }.mapKeys {
when (keyLength) {
1 -> it.key.toUByte().contentToString()
2 -> it.key.toUShort().contentToString()
4 -> it.key.toUInt().contentToString()
else -> error("Expecting 1, 2 or 4 for keyLength")
}.entries.joinToString(prefix = "{", postfix = "}", separator = "\n"))
fun ByteReadPacket.analysisOneFullPacket(): ByteReadPacket = debugIfFail("Failed", { buildPacket { writeInt(it.size + 4); writeFully(it) } }) {
val flag1 = readInt()
print("flag1=" + flag1.contentToString() + ", ")
val flag2 = readByte().toInt()
print("flag2=$flag2" + ", ")
if (flag1 == 0x0B) {
if (flag2 == 1) {
print("sequenceId = " + readInt().toUHexString() + ", ")
} else {
print("extra data=" + readBytes(readInt() - 4).toUHexString() + ", ")
} else {
//if (flag2 == 1) {
val loginExtraData = readBytes(readInt() - 4)
// } else {
// this.debugPrint()
// error("未知 flag2")
// }
print("flag3=" + readByte().toUHexString() + ", ")
readString(readInt() - 4)
print("// 解密 body")
val encrypted = readBytes()
val decrypted = encrypted.tryDecryptOrNull()
if (decrypted == null) {
println(", cannot decrypt: ${encrypted.toUHexString()}")
error("cannot decrypt: ${encrypted.toUHexString()}")
} else {
decrypted.toReadPacket().debugPrintThis("outer body decrypted").apply {
when (flag1) {
0x0A -> decodeSso()
0x0B -> decodeUni()
else -> error("unknown flag1: $flag1")
when (flag2) {
2 -> {
this.debugPrintThis("Oicq Request").apply {
byte 2 // head flag
short 27 + 2 + remaining.length
ushort client.protocolVersion // const 8001
ushort 0x0001 // const0
uint client.uin
byte 3 // const1
ubyte encryptMethod.value // [EncryptMethod]
byte 0 // const2
int 2 // const3
int client.appClientVersion
int 0 // const4
readShort().toInt().takeIf { it != 8001 }?.let {
println("这个包不是 oicqRequest")
return@debugIfFail this
//println(" got new protocolVersion=$it")
val commandId = readUShort().toInt()
println(" commandId=0x${commandId.toShort().toUHexString()}")
readUShort().toInt().takeIf { it != 1 }?.let {
println(" got new const0=$it")
println(" uin=${readUInt()}")
readByte().toInt().takeIf { it != 3 }?.let {
println(" got new const1=$it")
val encryptionMethod = readUByte().toInt()
readByte().toInt().takeIf { it != 0 }?.let {
println(" got new const2=$it")
readInt().takeIf { it != 2 }?.let {
println(" got new const3=$it")
readInt().takeIf { it != 0 }?.let {
println(" got new appClientVersion=$it")
readInt().takeIf { it != 0 }?.let {
println(" got new const4=$it")
val randomKey = readBytes(16)
println("randomKey= ${randomKey.toUHexString()}")
readUShort().toInt().takeIf { it != 258 }?.let {
println(" got new const in ECDH head(originally=258)=$it")
val publicKey = readBytes(readShort().toInt())
println("ecdh publicKey=" + publicKey.toUHexString())
val encrypt = when (encryptionMethod) {
135, 7 -> {
//"04cb366698561e936e80c157e074cab13b0bb68ddeb2824548a1b18dd4fb6122afe12fe48c5266d8d7269d7651a8eb6fe7".chunkedHexToBytes().adjustToPublicKey() // QQ: 04cb366698561e936e80c157e074cab13b0bb68ddeb2824548a1b18dd4fb6122afe12fe48c5266d8d7269d7651a8eb6fe7
ECDH.constructPublicKey("30 46 30 10 06 07 2A 86 48 CE 3D 02 01 06 05 2B 81 04 00 1F 03 32 00".hexToBytes() + publicKey)
69 -> {
error("encryptionMethod 69")
else -> error("unknown encryptionMethod=$encryptionMethod")
val encryptedBody = readBytes((remaining - 1).toInt())
val decrypted = kotlin.runCatching {
encryptedBody.decryptBy(encrypt).also { println("first by calculatedShareKey or sessionKey(method=7)") }
}.getOrElse {
encryptedBody.decryptBy(shareKeyCalculatedByConstPubKey).also { println("first by shareKeyCalculatedByConstPubKey") }
}.let { firstDecrypted ->
runCatching {
firstDecrypted.decryptBy(encrypt).also { println("second by calculatedShareKey") }
}.getOrElse {
kotlin.runCatching {
PacketLogger.info("Real body=" + decrypted.toUHexString())
decrypted.toReadPacket().apply {
if (commandId == 0x0810) {
DebugLogger.info("发送 login!! 正在获取 tgtgtKey")
try {
val tlvMap = readTLVMap()
?.also { DebugLogger.info("找到了 0x106") }
?.decryptBy(md5(passwordMd5 + ByteArray(4) + uin.toInt().toByteArray()))
?.read {
discardExact(2 + 4 * 4 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 16)
tgtgtKey = readBytes(16)
DebugLogger.info("获取 tgtgtKey=${tgtgtKey.toUHexString()}")
} ?: DebugLogger.info("找不到 0x106")
} catch (e: Exception) {
else -> {
this.debugPrintThis("uni packet")
fun ByteReadPacket.decodeUni() {
// 00 00 00 C7 A4 DA 6F A2 20 02 ED BD 20 02 ED BD 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 4C B8 12 0D E1 DA 19 AF D3 EB 36 76 BD 42 08 F6 DC A5 35 69 C0 8F F2 75 28 B4 CE 09 C9 B7 86 E3 5A 14 D1 0D CA 5D D4 CB 16 77 8B 32 8D 81 3B 3F D9 52 13 77 03 D3 F7 0E CD 7B 21 95 D2 59 CE 0C 31 D6 F1 38 2A FA 82 AD 60 00 00 00 1A 43 6F 6E 66 69 67 50 75 73 68 53 76 63 2E 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70 00 00 00 08 02 B0 5B 8B 00 00 00 13 38 35 38 34 31 34 33 36 39 32 31 31 39 39 33 00 00 00 04 00 22 7C 34 35 34 30 30 31 32 32 38 34 33 37 35 39 30 7C 41 38 2E 32 2E 30 2E 32 37 66 36 65 61 39 36 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 5B 10 03 2C 3C 4C 56 23 51 51 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 2E 43 6F 6E 66 69 67 50 75 73 68 53 76 63 2E 4D 61 69 6E 53 65 72 76 61 6E 74 66 08 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70 7D 00 00 1A 08 00 01 06 08 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70 1D 00 00 09 0A 10 02 22 14 DA 6F A3 0B 8C 98 0C A8 0C
// 00 00 00 2A 00 00 00 1A 43 6F 6E 66 69 67 50 75 73 68 53 76 63 2E 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70 00 00 00 08 02 B0 5B 8B 00 00 00 04
// 00 00 00 5B 10 03 2C 3C 4C 56 23 51 51 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 2E 43 6F 6E 66 69 67 50 75 73 68 53 76 63 2E 4D 61 69 6E 53 65 72 76 61 6E 74 66 08 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70 7D 00 00 1A 08 00 01 06 08 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70 1D 00 00 09 0A 10 01 22 14 DA 6E B1 0B 8C 98 0C A8 0C
println("// 尝试解 Uni")
println("// head")
readBytes(readInt() - 4).debugPrintThis("head").toReadPacket().apply {
val commandName = readString(readInt() - 4).also { PacketLogger.warning("commandName=$it") }
println(" unknown4Bytes=" + readBytes(readInt() - 4).toUHexString())
// 00 00 00 1A 43 6F 6E 66 69 67 50 75 73 68 53 76 63 2E 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70
// 00 00 00 08 02 B0 5B 8B
// 00 00 00 04
println(" extraData=" + readBytes(readInt() - 4).toUHexString())
readBytes(readInt() - 4).debugPrintThis("Real body").read {
// real body
//10 03 2C 3C 4C 56 23 51 51 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 2E 43 6F 6E 66 69 67 50 75 73 68 53 76 63 2E 4D 61 69 6E 53 65 72 76 61 6E 74 66 08 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70 7D 00 00 1A 08 00 01 06 08 50 75 73 68 52 65 73 70 1D 00 00 09 0A 10 01 22 14 DA 6E B1 0B 8C 98 0C A8 0C
fun ByteReadPacket.decodeSso() {
// 00 00 02 24
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
// 00 00 00 C1
// 00 01 4E B9 //sequence
// 20 02 ED BD
// 20 02 ED BD
// 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
// 00 00 00 4C // extra
// B8 12 0D E1 DA 19 AF D3 EB 36 76 BD 42 08 F6 DC A5 35 69 C0 8F F2 75 28 B4 CE 09 C9 B7 86 E3 5A 14 D1 0D CA 5D D4 CB 16 77 8B 32 8D 81 3B 3F D9 52 13 77 03 D3 F7 0E CD 7B 21 95 D2 59 CE 0C 31 D6 F1 38 2A FA 82 AD 60
// 00 00 00 14 //cmd
// 53 74 61 74 53 76 63 2E 72 65 67 69 73 74 65 72
// 00 00 00 08
// 02 B0 5B 8B
// 00 00 00 13
// 38 35 38 34 31 34 33 36 39 32 31 31 39 39 33
// 00 00 00 04
// 00 22 7C 34 35 34 30 30 31 32 32 38 34 33 37 35 39 30 7C 41 38 2E 32 2E 30 2E 32 37 66 36 65 61 39 36
// 00 00 00 04
// 00 00 00 FD 10 03 2C 3C 4C 56 0B 50 75 73 68 53 65 72 76 69 63 65 66 0E 53 76 63 52 65 71 52 65 67 69 73 74 65 72 7D 00 01 00 CD 08 00 01 06 0E 53 76 63 52 65 71 52 65 67 69 73 74 65 72 1D 00 01 00 B5 0A 02 76 E4 B8 DD 10 07 2C 36 00 40 0B 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C AC B0 19 C0 01 D6 00 EC FD 10 00 00 10 BB 95 0A A0 8F AB 2E 55 38 39 FF 6D 90 40 B3 48 F1 11 08 04 FC 12 F6 13 0D 4F 4E 45 50 4C 55 53 20 41 35 30 30 30 F6 14 0D 4F 4E 45 50 4C 55 53 20 41 35 30 30 30 F6 15 05 37 2E 31 2E 31 F0 16 01 F1 17 06 0F FC 18 FC 1A F3 1B 00 00 00 00 D0 0D 60 71 F6 1C 00 FC 1D F6 1E 0A 5B 75 5D 4F 6E 65 50 6C 75 73 F6 1F 14 3F 4F 4E 45 50 4C 55 53 20 41 35 30 30 30 5F 32 33 5F 31 37 F6 20 00 FD 21 00 00 0D 0A 04 08 2E 10 00 0A 05 08 9B 02 10 00 FC 22 FC 24 0B 8C 98 0C A8 0C
println("// 尝试解 SSO")
println("// head")
(" sequenceId=" + readUInt())
println(" subAppId=" + readUInt())
println(" subAppId2=" + readUInt())
println(" unknownHex=" + readBytes(12).toUHexString())
println(" extraData=" + readBytes(readInt() - 4).toUHexString())
val commandName = readBytes(readInt() - 4).encodeToString()
PacketLogger.warning(" commandName=$commandName")
(" unknown4Bytes=" + readBytes(readInt() - 4).toUHexString())
(" imei=" + readBytes(readInt() - 4).toUHexString())
(" 0 bytes=" + readBytes(readInt() - 4).toUHexString())
(" ksid=" + readBytes(readShort() - 2).toUHexString())
(" 0 bytes=" + readBytes(readInt() - 4).toUHexString())
println("// body(maybe OicqRequest)")
val keys: Map<String, ByteArray>
get() = mapOf(
"16 zero" to ByteArray(16),
"wtSessionTicketKey" to wtSessionTicketKey,
"D2 key" to D2Key,
"tgtgtKey" to tgtgtKey,
"tgtKey" to tgtKey,
"userStKey" to userStKey,
"deviceToken" to deviceToken,
"shareKeyCalculatedByConstPubKey" to shareKeyCalculatedByConstPubKey,
"t108" to t108,
"t10c" to t10c,
"t163" to t163
fun ByteArray.tryDecrypt(): ByteArray {
return this.tryDecryptOrNull() ?: error("Cannot decrypt. Encrypted data=" + this.toUHexString())
fun ByteArray.tryDecryptOrNull(): ByteArray? {
keys.forEach { (key, value) ->
kotlin.runCatching {
return decryptBy(value).also { println("outer by $key") }
return null
fun main1() {
val toUHexString =
.chunkedHexToBytes().drop(16 * 3 + 6).toByteArray().toUHexString()
00 00 01 23 remaining + 4
00 00 00 0A
02 00 00 00
04 00 00 00
00 05
00 05
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
// first (cli log)
// 00 00 01 23
// 00 00 00 0A
// 02 00 00 00
// 04 00
// 00 00 00 05
// 30
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
// second, cli log
// third, longest
// full trans_emp packet:
00 00 03 5C // =860
00 00 00 0A
00 00 00 04 extra data length
00 00 00 0E
31 39 39 34 37 30 31 30 32 31 // uin
// encrypted by 16 zero
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
// decrypted:
// 00 00 00 C2
// 00 01 4E 66 // =85606
// 20 02 ED BD // =537062845
// 20 02 ED BD
// 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00
// 00 00 00 4C //72+4, unknown
// B8 12 0D E1
// DA 19 AF D3
// EB 36 76 BD
// 42 08 F6 DC A5 35 69 C0 8F F2 75 28 B4 CE 09 C9 B7 86 E3 5A 14 D1 0D CA 5D D4 CB 16 77 8B 32 8D 81 3B 3F D9 52 13 77 03 D3 F7 0E CD 7B 21 95 D2 59 CE 0C 31 D6 F1 38 2A FA 82 AD 60
// 00 00 00 15 // 17+4, command
// 77 74 6C 6F 67 69 6E 2E 74 72 61 6E 73 5F 65 6D 70 // wtlogin.trans_emp
// 00 00 00 08 // 4+4
// 02 B0 5B 8B // unknown, =45112203
// 00 00 00 13 // 15+4, imei:
// 38 35 38 34 31 34 33 36 39 32 31 31 39 39 33
// 00 00 00 04
// 00 22 // 32+2, ksid:
// 7C 34 35 34 30 30 31 32 32 38 34 33 37 35 39 30 7C 41 38 2E 32 2E 30 2E 32 37 66 36 65 61 39 36
// 00 00 00 04
// 00 00 02 70 // remaining size=620+4
// 02
// 02 6C // 27+2+body.size = 620 = 27+2+591
// 1F 41 // 8001
// 08 12 // commandId 2066
// 00 01 // const?
// 76 E4 B8 DD // accountId=1994701021
// 03
// 07 // EncryptMethod
// 00
// 00 00 00 02
// 00 00 00 00
// 00 00 00 00 // const
// // OutgoingPacket.body: ECDH encrypted
// 01
// 01
// // private key: len=16
// A4 9A 6A EE 17 5B 7E 3D C0 71 DA 04 1C E1 E4 88
// 01 02 // =258
// // pub key: len=49
// [00 31] 04 CB 36 66 98 56 1E 93 6E 80 C1 57 E0 74 CA B1 3B 0B B6 8D DE B2 82 45 48 A1 B1 8D D4 FB 61 22 AF E1 2F E4 8C 52 66 D8 D7 26 9D 76 51 A8 EB 6F E7
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
// // decrypted by calculated share key:
// 00 00 01 04
// 00 00 00 0B 01 00 01 50 CE 00
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
// 03
val data =
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
try {
println(data.decryptBy("F1 E3 A0 9F AD 63 80 68 43 3C 11 98 53 13 D4 BF".hexToBytes()))
println("With key 16 zero")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("With key %4;7t>;28<fc.5*6")
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package androidPacketTests
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.decryptBy
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.JCEECPrivateKey
import org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECParameterSpec
import org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECPrivateKeySpec
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECConstants
import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECCurve
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.security.interfaces.ECPrivateKey
fun ByteArray.decryptBy16Zero() = this.decryptBy(ByteArray(16))
fun ByteArray.dropTCPHead(): ByteArray = this.drop(16 * 3 + 6).toByteArray()
fun loadPrivateKey(s: String): ECPrivateKey {
fun fromHex(
hex: String
): BigInteger {
return BigInteger(1, Hex.decode(hex))
// p = 2^192 - 2^32 - 2^12 - 2^8 - 2^7 - 2^6 - 2^3 - 1
// p = 2^192 - 2^32 - 2^12 - 2^8 - 2^7 - 2^6 - 2^3 - 1
val a = ECConstants.ZERO
val b = BigInteger.valueOf(3)
val h = BigInteger.valueOf(1)
val curve: ECCurve = ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b)
//ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
//+ "DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D"));
//ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
//+ "DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D"));
val G = curve.decodePoint(
+ "DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D"
+ "9B2F2F6D9C5628A7844163D015BE86344082AA88D95E2F9D"
return JCEECPrivateKey(
ECParameterSpec(curve, G, n, h)
// return KeyFactory.getInstance("ECDH").generatePrivate(PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(s))
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.JceOutput
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.JceStruct
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.buildJcePacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.contentToString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.contentToString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toUHexString
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiDebugAPI
// ProtoBuf utilities
@Suppress("FunctionName", "SpellCheckingInspection")
* Type Meaning Used For
* 0 Varint int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum
* 1 64-bit fixed64, sfixed64, double
* 2 Length-delimi string, bytes, embedded messages, packed repeated fields
* 3 Start group Groups (deprecated)
* 4 End group Groups (deprecated)
* 5 32-bit fixed32, sfixed32, float
* https://www.jianshu.com/p/f888907adaeb
fun ProtoFieldId(serializedId: UInt): ProtoFieldId =
data class ProtoFieldId(
val fieldNumber: Int,
val type: ProtoType
) {
override fun toString(): String = "$type $fieldNumber"
enum class ProtoType(val value: Byte, private val typeName: String) {
* int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum
VAR_INT(0x00, "varint"),
* fixed64, sfixed64, double
BIT_64(0x01, " 64bit"),
* string, bytes, embedded messages, packed repeated fields
LENGTH_DELIMI(0x02, "delimi"),
* Groups (deprecated)
START_GROUP(0x03, "startg"),
* Groups (deprecated)
END_GROUP(0x04, " endg"),
* fixed32, sfixed32, float
BIT_32(0x05, " 32bit"),
override fun toString(): String = this.typeName
companion object {
fun valueOf(value: Byte): ProtoType = values().firstOrNull { it.value == value } ?: error("Unknown ProtoType $value")
* 由 ProtoBuf 序列化后的 id 得到类型
* serializedId = (fieldNumber << 3) | wireType
fun protoType(number: UInt): ProtoType =
* ProtoBuf 序列化后的 id 转为序列前标记的 id
* serializedId = (fieldNumber << 3) | wireType
fun protoFieldNumber(number: UInt): Int = number.toInt().ushr(3)
@ -15,23 +15,6 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.network.BotNetworkHandler
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
* 在各平台实现的默认的验证码处理器.
actual var defaultLoginSolver: LoginSolver = object : LoginSolver() {
override suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: IoBuffer): String? {
error("should be implemented manually by you")
override suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String? {
error("should be implemented manually by you")
override suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String? {
error("should be implemented manually by you")
@Suppress("ClassName", "PropertyName")
actual open class BotConfiguration actual constructor() {
@ -76,7 +59,7 @@ actual open class BotConfiguration actual constructor() {
* 验证码处理器
actual var loginSolver: LoginSolver = defaultLoginSolver
actual var loginSolver: LoginSolver = LoginSolver.Default
actual companion object {
@ -115,4 +98,31 @@ inline class FileBasedDeviceInfo @BotConfigurationDsl constructor(val filepath:
companion object ByDeviceDotJson
* 验证码, 设备锁解决器
actual abstract class LoginSolver {
actual abstract suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: IoBuffer): String?
actual abstract suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
actual abstract suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
actual companion object {
actual val Default: LoginSolver
get() = object : LoginSolver() {
override suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: IoBuffer): String? {
error("should be implemented manually by you")
override suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String? {
error("should be implemented manually by you")
override suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String? {
error("should be implemented manually by you")
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import android.os.Build
private var isAddSuppressedSupported: Boolean = true
@ -9,7 +11,11 @@ actual fun Throwable.addSuppressed(e: Throwable) {
try {
} else {
isAddSuppressedSupported = false
} catch (e: Exception) {
isAddSuppressedSupported = false
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiDebugAPI
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import kotlin.reflect.full.allSuperclasses
actual fun Any.contentToStringReflectively(prefix: String, filter: ((name: String, value: Any?) -> Boolean)?): String {
return (this::class.simpleName ?: "<UnnamedClass>") + "#" + this::class.hashCode() + " {\n" +
this.allFieldsFromSuperClassesMatching { it.name.startsWith("net.mamoe.mirai") }
.distinctBy { it.name }
.filterNot { it.name.contains("$") || it.name == "Companion" || it.isSynthetic || it.name == "serialVersionUID" }
prefix = prefix
) {
it.isAccessible = true
if (filter != null) {
kotlin.runCatching {
if (!filter(it.name, it.get(this))) return@joinToStringPrefixed ""
it.name + "=" + kotlin.runCatching {
val value = it.get(this)
if (value == this) "<this>"
else value.contentToString(prefix)
}.getOrElse { "<!>" }
} + "\n$prefix}"
internal fun Any.allFieldsFromSuperClassesMatching(classFilter: (Class<out Any>) -> Boolean): Sequence<Field> {
return (this::class.java.takeIf(classFilter)?.declaredFields?.asSequence() ?: sequenceOf<Field>()) + this::class.allSuperclasses
.map { it.java }
.flatMap { it.declaredFields.asSequence() }
@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel
actual typealias ClosedChannelException = java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
* 多平台适配的 DatagramChannel.
@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ private inline fun InputStream.readInSequence(block: (Int) -> Unit) {
actual fun ByteArray.unzip(offset: Int, length: Int): ByteArray {
this.checkOffsetAndLength(offset, length)
if (length == 0) return ByteArray(0)
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.network.ForceOfflineException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.closeAndJoin
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.logStacktrace
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
@ -144,17 +143,16 @@ abstract class BotImpl<N : BotNetworkHandler> constructor(
suspend fun doInit() {
repeat(2) {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
tryNTimesOrException(2) {
if (it != 0) {
logger.warning("Init failed. Retrying in 3s...")
logger.warning("Init failed. Retrying in 3s...")
}?.let {
logger.error("cannot init. some features may be affected")
logger.error("cannot init. some features may be affected")
logger.info("Initializing BotNetworkHandler")
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.event.EventDisabled
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.ListeningStatus
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.logStacktrace
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext
import kotlin.jvm.JvmField
@ -65,8 +64,8 @@ internal class Handler<in E : Event>
"""Event processing: An exception occurred but no CoroutineExceptionHandler found,
either in coroutineContext from Handler job, or in subscriberContext""".trimIndent()
, e
e.logStacktrace("Event processing(No CoroutineExceptionHandler found)")
// this.complete() // do not `completeExceptionally`, otherwise parentJob will fai`l.
// ListeningStatus.STOPPED
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
* @see CoroutineScope.incoming
inline fun <R> CoroutineScope.subscribeMessages(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
crossinline listeners: MessageSubscribersBuilder<MessagePacket<*, *>>.() -> R
@ -60,7 +59,6 @@ inline fun <R> CoroutineScope.subscribeMessages(
* @see CoroutineScope.incoming
inline fun <R> CoroutineScope.subscribeGroupMessages(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
crossinline listeners: MessageSubscribersBuilder<GroupMessage>.() -> R
@ -81,7 +79,6 @@ inline fun <R> CoroutineScope.subscribeGroupMessages(
* @see CoroutineScope.incoming
inline fun <R> CoroutineScope.subscribeFriendMessages(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
crossinline listeners: MessageSubscribersBuilder<FriendMessage>.() -> R
@ -102,7 +99,6 @@ inline fun <R> CoroutineScope.subscribeFriendMessages(
* @see CoroutineScope.incoming
inline fun <R> Bot.subscribeMessages(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
crossinline listeners: MessageSubscribersBuilder<MessagePacket<*, *>>.() -> R
@ -125,7 +121,6 @@ inline fun <R> Bot.subscribeMessages(
* @see CoroutineScope.incoming
inline fun <R> Bot.subscribeGroupMessages(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
crossinline listeners: MessageSubscribersBuilder<GroupMessage>.() -> R
@ -146,7 +141,6 @@ inline fun <R> Bot.subscribeGroupMessages(
* @see CoroutineScope.incoming
inline fun <R> Bot.subscribeFriendMessages(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
crossinline listeners: MessageSubscribersBuilder<FriendMessage>.() -> R
@ -18,18 +18,17 @@ import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
* 验证码, 设备锁解决器
abstract class LoginSolver {
expect abstract class LoginSolver {
abstract suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: IoBuffer): String?
abstract suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
abstract suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
* 在各平台实现的默认的验证码处理器.
expect var defaultLoginSolver: LoginSolver
companion object {
val Default: LoginSolver
* [Bot] 配置
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
* 从接收者管道读取所有数据并写入 [dst]. 不会关闭 [dst]
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: OutputStream) {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
do {
val size = this.readAvailable(it)
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: OutputStream) {
* 从接收者管道读取所有数据并写入 [dst]. 不会关闭 [dst]
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: Output) {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
do {
val size = this.readAvailable(it)
@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyTo(dst: kotlinx.coroutines.io.ByteWriteChannel)
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyAndClose(dst: OutputStream) {
try {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
do {
val size = this.readAvailable(it)
@ -88,6 +91,7 @@ suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyAndClose(dst: OutputStream) {
suspend fun ByteReadChannel.copyAndClose(dst: Output) {
try {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
do {
val size = this.readAvailable(it)
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toUHexString
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty0
private val indent: String = " ".repeat(4)
* 将所有元素加入转换为多行的字符串表示.
internal fun <T> Sequence<T>.joinToStringPrefixed(prefix: String, transform: (T) -> CharSequence): String {
return this.joinToString(prefix = "$prefix$indent", separator = "\n$prefix$indent", transform = transform)
* 将内容格式化为较可读的字符串输出.
* 各数字类型及其无符号类型: 十六进制表示 + 十进制表示. e.g. `0x1000(4096)`
* [ByteArray] 和 [UByteArray]: 十六进制表示, 通过 [ByteArray.toUHexString]
* [Iterable], [Iterator], [Sequence]: 调用各自的 joinToString.
* [Map]: 多行输出. 每行显示一个值. 递归调用 [_miraiContentToString]. 嵌套结构将会以缩进表示
* `data class`: 调用其 [toString]
* 其他类型: 反射获取它和它的所有来自 Mirai 的 super 类型的所有自有属性并递归调用 [_miraiContentToString]. 嵌套结构将会以缩进表示
@Suppress("FunctionName") // 这样就不容易被 IDE 提示
@MiraiDebugAPI("Extremely slow")
//@Suppress("Unsupported") // false positive
fun Any?._miraiContentToString(prefix: String = ""): String = when (this) {
is Unit -> "Unit"
is UInt -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is UByte -> "0x" + this.toUHexString() + "($this)"
is UShort -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is ULong -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is Int -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is Byte -> "0x" + this.toUHexString() + "($this)"
is Short -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is Long -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is Boolean -> if (this) "true" else "false"
is ByteArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty ByteArray>"
else this.toUHexString()
is UByteArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty UByteArray>"
else this.toUHexString()
is ShortArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty ShortArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is IntArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty IntArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is LongArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty LongArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is FloatArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty FloatArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is DoubleArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty DoubleArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is UShortArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty ShortArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is UIntArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty IntArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is ULongArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty LongArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is Array<*> -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty Array>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is BooleanArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty BooleanArray>"
else this.iterator()._miraiContentToString()
is Iterable<*> -> this.joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") { it._miraiContentToString(prefix) }
is Iterator<*> -> this.asSequence().joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") { it._miraiContentToString(prefix) }
is Sequence<*> -> this.joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") { it._miraiContentToString(prefix) }
is Map<*, *> -> this.entries.joinToString(
prefix = "{",
postfix = "}"
) { it.key._miraiContentToString(prefix) + "=" + it.value._miraiContentToString(prefix) }
else -> {
if (this == null) "null"
else if (this::class.isData) this.toString()
else {
if (this::class.qualifiedName?.startsWith("net.mamoe.mirai.") == true) {
this.contentToStringReflectively(prefix + indent)
} else this.toString()
(this::class.simpleName ?: "<UnnamedClass>") + "#" + this::class.hashCode() + "{\n" +
this::class.members.asSequence().filterIsInstance<KProperty<*>>().filter { !it.isSuspend && it.visibility == KVisibility.PUBLIC }
prefix = indent
) { it.name + "=" + kotlin.runCatching { it.call(it).contentToString(indent) }.getOrElse { "<!>" } }
private fun Any.contentToStringReflectively(prefix: String, filter: ((name: String, value: Any?) -> Boolean)? = null): String {
val newPrefix = "$prefix "
return (this::class.simpleName ?: "<UnnamedClass>") + "#" + this::class.hashCode() + " {\n" +
this.allMembersFromSuperClassesMatching { it.simpleName?.startsWith("net.mamoe.mirai") == true }
.distinctBy { it.name }
.filterNot { it.name.contains("$") || it.name == "Companion" || it.isConst || it.name == "serialVersionUID" }
.mapNotNull {
val value = it.get()
if (filter != null) {
kotlin.runCatching {
if (!filter(it.name, value))
return@mapNotNull it.name to value
prefix = newPrefix
) { (name: String, value: Any?) ->
"$name=" + kotlin.runCatching {
if (value == this) "<this>"
else value._miraiContentToString(newPrefix)
}.getOrElse { "<!>" }
} + "\n$prefix}"
private fun Any.thisClassAndSuperclassSequence(): Sequence<KClass<out Any>> {
return sequenceOf(this::class) +
.mapNotNull { type -> type.classifier?.takeIf { it is KClass<*> } as? KClass<out Any> }
private fun Any.allMembersFromSuperClassesMatching(classFilter: (KClass<out Any>) -> Boolean): Sequence<KProperty0<*>> {
return this.thisClassAndSuperclassSequence()
.filter { classFilter(it) }
.map { it.members }
.flatMap { it.asSequence() }
.mapNotNull { it as? KProperty0<*> }
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.IoBuffer
import kotlinx.io.pool.useInstance
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.ByteArrayPool
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toByteArray
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toUHexString
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import kotlin.experimental.xor
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
import kotlin.random.Random
* 解密错误
@ -29,98 +28,52 @@ class DecryptionFailedException : Exception {
constructor(message: String?) : super(message)
// region encrypt
* 使用 [key] 解密 [this]
* TEA 算法加密解密工具类.
* @param key 长度至少为 16
* @throws DecryptionFailedException 解密错误时
* **注意**: 此为 Mirai 内部 API. 它可能会在任何时刻被改变.
fun ByteArray.encryptBy(key: ByteArray, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray =
TEA.encrypt(this, key, sourceLength = length)
object TEA {
// TODO: 2020/2/28 使用 stream 式输入以避免缓存
* 在 [ByteArrayPool] 缓存 [this], 然后使用 [key] 加密.
* @param key 长度至少为 16
* @consumer 由于缓存需要被回收, 需在方法内执行解密后明文的消耗过程
* @throws DecryptionFailedException 解密错误时
inline fun ByteReadPacket.encryptBy(key: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = remaining.toInt() - offset, consumer: (ByteArray) -> Unit) {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
this.readFully(it, offset, length)
consumer(it.encryptBy(key, length = length))
* 在 [ByteArrayPool] 缓存 [this], 然后使用 [key] 加密.
* @param key 长度至少为 16
* @consumer 由于缓存需要被回收, 需在方法内执行解密后明文的消耗过程
* @throws DecryptionFailedException 解密错误时
inline fun encrypt(
receiver: ByteReadPacket,
key: ByteArray,
offset: Int = 0,
length: Int = receiver.remaining.toInt() - offset,
consumer: (ByteArray) -> Unit
) {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
receiver.readFully(it, offset, length)
consumer(encrypt(it, key, length = length))
// endregion
fun decrypt(receiver: ByteReadPacket, key: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = (receiver.remaining - offset).toInt()): ByteReadPacket =
decryptAsByteArray(receiver, key, offset, length) { data -> ByteReadPacket(data) }
// region decrypt
* 使用 [key] 解密 [this].
* @param key 固定长度 16
* @throws DecryptionFailedException 解密错误时
fun ByteArray.decryptBy(key: ByteArray, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray =
TEA.decrypt(checkDataLengthAndReturnSelf(length), key, sourceLength = length)
* 使用 [key] 解密 [this].
* [key] 将会被读取掉前 16 个字节
* 将会使用 [ByteArrayPool] 来缓存 [key].
* @param key 长度至少为 16
* @throws DecryptionFailedException 解密错误时
fun ByteArray.decryptBy(key: IoBuffer, length: Int = this.size): ByteArray {
return ByteArrayPool.useInstance { keyBuffer ->
key.readFully(keyBuffer, 0, key.readRemaining)
TEA.decrypt(this, keyBuffer, sourceLength = length)
inline fun <R> decryptAsByteArray(
receiver: ByteReadPacket,
key: ByteArray,
offset: Int = 0,
length: Int = (receiver.remaining - offset).toInt(),
consumer: (ByteArray) -> R
): R {
return ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
receiver.readFully(it, offset, length)
consumer(decrypt(it, key, length))
}.also { receiver.close() }
* 在 [ByteArrayPool] 缓存 [this], 然后使用 [key] 解密.
* @param key 长度至少为 16
* @throws DecryptionFailedException 解密错误时
fun IoBuffer.decryptBy(key: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = readRemaining - offset): ByteArray {
return ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
this.readFully(it, offset, length)
TEA.decrypt(it, key, length)
// endregion
// region ByteReadPacket extension
fun ByteReadPacket.decryptBy(key: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = (this.remaining - offset).toInt()): ByteReadPacket = decryptAsByteArray(key, offset, length) { data -> ByteReadPacket(data) }
fun ByteReadPacket.decryptBy(key: IoBuffer, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = (this.remaining - offset).toInt()): ByteReadPacket = decryptAsByteArray(key, offset, length) { data -> ByteReadPacket(data) }
inline fun <R> ByteReadPacket.decryptAsByteArray(key: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = (this.remaining - offset).toInt(), consumer: (ByteArray) -> R): R =
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
readFully(it, offset, length)
consumer(it.decryptBy(key, length))
}.also { close() }
inline fun <R> ByteReadPacket.decryptAsByteArray(key: IoBuffer, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = (this.remaining - offset).toInt(), consumer: (ByteArray) -> R): R =
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
readFully(it, offset, length)
consumer(it.decryptBy(key, length))
}.also { close() }
// endregion
private object TEA {
private const val UINT32_MASK = 0xffffffffL
private fun doOption(data: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, length: Int, encrypt: Boolean): ByteArray {
@ -345,15 +298,25 @@ private object TEA {
private fun fail(): Nothing = throw DecryptionFailedException()
* 使用 [key] 加密 [source]
* @param key 长度至少为 16
* @throws DecryptionFailedException 解密错误时
internal fun encrypt(source: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, sourceLength: Int = source.size): ByteArray =
doOption(source, key, sourceLength, true)
fun encrypt(source: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, length: Int = source.size): ByteArray =
doOption(source, key, length, true)
* 使用 [key] 解密 [source]
* @param key 长度至少为 16
* @throws DecryptionFailedException 解密错误时
internal fun decrypt(source: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, sourceLength: Int = source.size): ByteArray =
doOption(source, key, sourceLength, false)
fun decrypt(source: ByteArray, key: ByteArray, length: Int = source.size): ByteArray =
doOption(source, key, length, false)
private fun ByteArray.pack(offset: Int, len: Int): Long {
var result: Long = 0
@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.readBytes
import kotlinx.io.core.readUInt
import kotlinx.io.core.readULong
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiDebugAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.*
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
// ProtoBuf utilities
@Suppress("FunctionName", "SpellCheckingInspection")
* Type Meaning Used For
* 0 Varint int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum
* 1 64-bit fixed64, sfixed64, double
* 2 Length-delimi string, bytes, embedded messages, packed repeated fields
* 3 Start group Groups (deprecated)
* 4 End group Groups (deprecated)
* 5 32-bit fixed32, sfixed32, float
* https://www.jianshu.com/p/f888907adaeb
fun ProtoFieldId(serializedId: UInt): ProtoFieldId =
data class ProtoFieldId(
val fieldNumber: Int,
val type: ProtoType
) {
override fun toString(): String = "$type $fieldNumber"
enum class ProtoType(val value: Byte, private val typeName: String) {
* int32, int64, uint32, uint64, sint32, sint64, bool, enum
VAR_INT(0x00, "varint"),
* fixed64, sfixed64, double
BIT_64(0x01, " 64bit"),
* string, bytes, embedded messages, packed repeated fields
LENGTH_DELIMI(0x02, "delimi"),
* Groups (deprecated)
START_GROUP(0x03, "startg"),
* Groups (deprecated)
END_GROUP(0x04, " endg"),
* fixed32, sfixed32, float
BIT_32(0x05, " 32bit"),
override fun toString(): String = this.typeName
companion object {
fun valueOf(value: Byte): ProtoType = values().firstOrNull { it.value == value } ?: error("Unknown ProtoType $value")
* 由 ProtoBuf 序列化后的 id 得到类型
* serializedId = (fieldNumber << 3) | wireType
fun protoType(number: UInt): ProtoType =
* ProtoBuf 序列化后的 id 转为序列前标记的 id
* serializedId = (fieldNumber << 3) | wireType
fun protoFieldNumber(number: UInt): Int = number.toInt().ushr(3)
class ProtoMap(map: MutableMap<ProtoFieldId, Any>) : MutableMap<ProtoFieldId, Any> by map {
companion object {
internal val indent: String = " "
override fun toString(): String {
return this.entries.joinToString(prefix = "ProtoMap(size=$size){\n$indent", postfix = "\n}", separator = "\n$indent") {
"${it.key}=" + it.value.contentToString()
fun toStringPrefixed(prefix: String): String {
return this.entries.joinToString(prefix = "$prefix$indent", separator = "\n$prefix$indent") {
"${it.key}=" + it.value.contentToString(prefix)
override fun put(key: ProtoFieldId, value: Any): Any? {
println("${key}=" + value.contentToString())
return null
* 将所有元素加入转换为多行的字符串表示.
fun <T> Sequence<T>.joinToStringPrefixed(prefix: String, transform: (T) -> CharSequence): String {
return this.joinToString(prefix = "$prefix${ProtoMap.indent}", separator = "\n$prefix${ProtoMap.indent}", transform = transform)
* 将内容格式化为较可读的字符串输出.
* 各数字类型及其无符号类型: 十六进制表示 + 十进制表示. e.g. `0x1000(4096)`
* [ByteArray] 和 [UByteaArray]: 十六进制表示, 通过 [ByteArray.toUHexString]
* [ProtoMap]: 调用 [ProtoMap.toStringPrefixed]
* [Iterable], [Iterator], [Sequence]: 调用各自的 joinToString.
* [Map]: 多行输出. 每行显示一个值. 递归调用 [contentToString]. 嵌套结构将会以缩进表示
* `data class`: 调用其 [toString]
* 其他类型: 反射获取它和它的所有来自 Mirai 的 super 类型的所有自有属性并递归调用 [contentToString]. 嵌套结构将会以缩进表示
@MiraiDebugAPI("Extremely slow")
//@Suppress("Unsupported") // false positive
fun Any?.contentToString(prefix: String = ""): String = when (this) {
is Unit -> "Unit"
is UInt -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is UByte -> "0x" + this.toUHexString() + "($this)"
is UShort -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is ULong -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is Int -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is Byte -> "0x" + this.toUHexString() + "($this)"
is Short -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is Long -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is UVarInt -> "0x" + this.toUHexString("") + "($this)"
is Boolean -> if (this) "true" else "false"
is ByteArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty ByteArray>"
else this.toUHexString()
is UByteArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty UByteArray>"
else this.toUHexString()
is ShortArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty ShortArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is IntArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty IntArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is LongArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty LongArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is FloatArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty FloatArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is DoubleArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty DoubleArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is UShortArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty ShortArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is UIntArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty IntArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is ULongArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty LongArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is Array<*> -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty Array>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is BooleanArray -> {
if (this.size == 0) "<Empty BooleanArray>"
else this.iterator().contentToString()
is ProtoMap -> "ProtoMap(size=$size){\n" + this.toStringPrefixed("$prefix${ProtoMap.indent}${ProtoMap.indent}") + "\n$prefix${ProtoMap.indent}}"
is Iterable<*> -> this.joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") { it.contentToString(prefix) }
is Iterator<*> -> this.asSequence().joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") { it.contentToString(prefix) }
is Sequence<*> -> this.joinToString(prefix = "[", postfix = "]") { it.contentToString(prefix) }
is Map<*, *> -> this.entries.joinToString(prefix = "{", postfix = "}") { it.key.contentToString(prefix) + "=" + it.value.contentToString(prefix) }
else -> {
if (this == null) "null"
else if (this::class.isData) this.toString()
else {
if (this::class.qualifiedName?.startsWith("net.mamoe.mirai.") == true) {
this.contentToStringReflectively(prefix + ProtoMap.indent)
} else this.toString()
(this::class.simpleName ?: "<UnnamedClass>") + "#" + this::class.hashCode() + "{\n" +
this::class.members.asSequence().filterIsInstance<KProperty<*>>().filter { !it.isSuspend && it.visibility == KVisibility.PUBLIC }
prefix = ProtoMap.indent
) { it.name + "=" + kotlin.runCatching { it.call(it).contentToString(ProtoMap.indent) }.getOrElse { "<!>" } }
@MiraiExperimentalAPI("Extremely slow")
@MiraiDebugAPI("Extremely slow")
expect fun Any.contentToStringReflectively(prefix: String = "", filter: ((String, Any?) -> Boolean)? = null): String
fun ByteReadPacket.readProtoMap(length: Long = this.remaining): ProtoMap {
val map = ProtoMap(mutableMapOf())
val expectingRemaining = this.remaining - length
while (this.remaining != expectingRemaining) {
require(this.remaining > expectingRemaining) { "Expecting to read $length bytes, but read ${expectingRemaining + length - this.remaining}" }
try {
val id = ProtoFieldId(readUVarInt())
fun readValue(): Any = when (id.type) {
ProtoType.VAR_INT -> UVarInt(readUVarInt())
ProtoType.BIT_32 -> readUInt()
ProtoType.BIT_64 -> readULong()
ProtoType.LENGTH_DELIMI -> tryReadProtoMapOrByteArray(readUVarInt().toInt())
ProtoType.START_GROUP -> Unit
ProtoType.END_GROUP -> Unit
if (map.containsKey(id)) {
if (map[id] !is MutableList<*>) map[id] = mutableListOf(map[id]!!)
(map[id] as MutableList<Any>) += readValue()
} else {
map[id] = readValue()
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
return map
return map
private fun ByteReadPacket.tryReadProtoMapOrByteArray(length: Int): Any {
val bytes = this.readBytes(length)
return try {
bytes.toReadPacket().readProtoMap().apply { require(none { it.key.type == ProtoType.START_GROUP || it.key.type == ProtoType.END_GROUP }) }
} catch (e: Exception) {
@ -30,5 +30,13 @@ object ByteArrayPool : DefaultPool<ByteArray>(256) {
override fun produceInstance(): ByteArray = ByteArray(BUFFER_SIZE)
override fun clearInstance(instance: ByteArray): ByteArray = instance
fun checkBufferSize(size: Int) {
require(size <= BUFFER_SIZE) { "sizePerPacket is too large. Maximum buffer size=$BUFFER_SIZE" }
fun checkBufferSize(size: Long) {
require(size <= BUFFER_SIZE) { "sizePerPacket is too large. Maximum buffer size=$BUFFER_SIZE" }
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.Closeable
import kotlinx.io.errors.IOException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
@ -32,11 +31,6 @@ expect class PlatformDatagramChannel(serverHost: String, serverPort: Short) : Cl
val isOpen: Boolean
* Channel 被关闭
expect class ClosedChannelException : IOException
* 在 [PlatformDatagramChannel.send] 或 [PlatformDatagramChannel.read] 时出现的错误.
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io
import kotlinx.io.core.Input
import kotlinx.io.core.Output
import kotlin.experimental.or
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.jvm.JvmSynthetic
* Tool class for VarInt or VarLong operations.
* Some code from http://wiki.vg/Protocol.
* Source project: [Nukkit](http://github.com/nukkit/nukkit)
* @author MagicDroidX from Nukkit Project
* @author lmlstarqaq from Nukkit Project
internal fun encodeZigZag32(signedInt: Int): Long {
return (signedInt shl 1 xor (signedInt shr 31)).toLong()
internal fun decodeZigZag32(uint: UInt): Int {
return decodeZigZag32(uint.toLong())
internal fun decodeZigZag32(uint: Long): Int {
return (uint shr 1).toInt() xor -(uint and 1).toInt()
internal fun encodeZigZag64(signedLong: Long): Long {
return signedLong shl 1 xor (signedLong shr 63)
internal fun decodeZigZag64(signedLong: Long): Long {
return signedLong.ushr(1) xor -(signedLong and 1)
inline class UVarInt(
val data: UInt
fun Input.readUVarInt(): UInt {
return read(this, 5).toUInt()
fun Input.readVarLong(): Long {
return decodeZigZag64(readUVarLong().toLong())
fun Input.readUVarLong(): ULong {
return read(this, 10).toULong()
fun Output.writeVarInt(signedInt: Int) {
fun Output.writeUVarInt(uint: UInt) {
return writeUVarInt(uint.toLong())
fun Output.writeUVarInt(uint: Long) {
fun Output.writeVarLong(signedLong: Long) {
fun Output.writeUVarLong(ulong: Long) {
fun UVarInt.toByteArray(): ByteArray {
val list = mutableListOf<Byte>()
var value = this.data.toLong()
do {
var temp = (value and 127).toByte()
value = value ushr 7
if (value != 0L) {
temp = temp or 128.toByte()
list += temp
} while (value != 0L)
return list.toByteArray()
fun UVarInt.toUHexString(separator: String = " "): String = buildString {
var value = data.toLong()
var isFirst = true
do {
if (!isFirst) {
var temp = (value and 127).toByte()
value = value ushr 7
if (value != 0L) {
temp = temp or 128.toByte()
isFirst = false
} while (value != 0L)
private fun Output.write0(long: Long) {
var value = long
do {
var temp = (value and 127).toByte()
value = value ushr 7
if (value != 0L) {
temp = temp or 128.toByte()
} while (value != 0L)
private fun read(stream: Input, maxSize: Int): Long {
var value: Long = 0
var size = 0
var b = stream.readByte().toInt()
while (b and 0x80 == 0x80) {
value = value or ((b and 0x7F).toLong() shl size++ * 7)
require(size < maxSize) { "VarLong too big(expecting maxSize=$maxSize)" }
b = stream.readByte().toInt()
return value or ((b and 0x7F).toLong() shl size * 7)
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io
import io.ktor.utils.io.ByteReadChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf
import kotlinx.io.InputStream
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.Input
import kotlinx.io.core.readAvailable
import kotlinx.io.pool.useInstance
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
* 由 [chunkedFlow] 分割得到的区块
class ChunkedInput(
* 区块的数据.
* 由 [ByteArrayPool] 缓存并管理, 只可在 [Flow.collect] 中访问.
* 它的大小由 [ByteArrayPool.BUFFER_SIZE] 决定, 而有效(有数据)的大小由 [bufferSize] 决定.
* **注意**: 不要将他带出 [Flow.collect] 作用域, 否则将造成内存泄露
val buffer: ByteArray,
internal var size: Int
) {
* [buffer] 的有效大小
val bufferSize: Int get() = size
* 创建将 [ByteReadPacket] 以固定大小分割的 [Sequence].
* 对于一个 1000 长度的 [ByteReadPacket] 和参数 [sizePerPacket] = 300, 将会产生含四个元素的 [Sequence],
* 其长度分别为: 300, 300, 300, 100.
* 若 [ByteReadPacket.remaining] 小于 [sizePerPacket], 将会返回唯一元素 [this] 的 [Sequence]
fun ByteReadPacket.chunkedFlow(sizePerPacket: Int): Flow<ChunkedInput> {
if (this.remaining <= sizePerPacket.toLong()) {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance { buffer ->
return flowOf(ChunkedInput(buffer, this.readAvailable(buffer)))
return flow {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance { buffer ->
val chunkedInput = ChunkedInput(buffer, 0)
do {
chunkedInput.size = this@chunkedFlow.readAvailable(buffer)
} while (this@chunkedFlow.isNotEmpty)
* 创建将 [ByteReadChannel] 以固定大小分割的 [Sequence].
* 对于一个 1000 长度的 [ByteReadChannel] 和参数 [sizePerPacket] = 300, 将会产生含四个元素的 [Sequence],
* 其长度分别为: 300, 300, 300, 100.
fun ByteReadChannel.chunkedFlow(sizePerPacket: Int): Flow<ChunkedInput> {
if (this.isClosedForRead) {
return flowOf()
return flow {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance { buffer ->
val chunkedInput = ChunkedInput(buffer, 0)
do {
chunkedInput.size = this@chunkedFlow.readAvailable(buffer, 0, buffer.size)
} while (!this@chunkedFlow.isClosedForRead)
* 创建将 [Input] 以固定大小分割的 [Sequence].
* 对于一个 1000 长度的 [Input] 和参数 [sizePerPacket] = 300, 将会产生含四个元素的 [Sequence],
* 其长度分别为: 300, 300, 300, 100.
@UseExperimental(MiraiInternalAPI::class, ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class)
internal fun Input.chunkedFlow(sizePerPacket: Int): Flow<ChunkedInput> {
if (this.endOfInput) {
return flowOf()
return flow {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance { buffer ->
val chunkedInput = ChunkedInput(buffer, 0)
while (!this@chunkedFlow.endOfInput) {
chunkedInput.size = this@chunkedFlow.readAvailable(buffer)
* 创建将 [ByteReadPacket] 以固定大小分割的 [Sequence].
* 对于一个 1000 长度的 [ByteReadPacket] 和参数 [sizePerPacket] = 300, 将会产生含四个元素的 [Sequence],
* 其长度分别为: 300, 300, 300, 100.
* 若 [ByteReadPacket.remaining] 小于 [sizePerPacket], 将会返回唯一元素 [this] 的 [Sequence]
@UseExperimental(MiraiInternalAPI::class, ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class)
internal fun InputStream.chunkedFlow(sizePerPacket: Int): Flow<ChunkedInput> {
return flow {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance { buffer ->
val chunkedInput = ChunkedInput(buffer, 0)
while (this@chunkedFlow.available() != 0) {
chunkedInput.size = this@chunkedFlow.read(buffer)
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io
import kotlinx.io.core.*
import kotlinx.io.pool.useInstance
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.DefaultLogger
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiDebugAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiLoggerWithSwitch
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.withSwitch
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.InvocationKind
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
val DebugLogger : MiraiLoggerWithSwitch = DefaultLogger("Packet Debug").withSwitch(false)
inline fun Throwable.logStacktrace(message: String? = null) = DebugLogger.error(message, this)
@MiraiDebugAPI("Low efficiency.")
inline fun String.debugPrintThis(name: String): String {
return this
@MiraiDebugAPI("Low efficiency.")
inline fun ByteArray.debugPrintThis(name: String): ByteArray {
DebugLogger.debug(name + "=" + this.toUHexString())
return this
@MiraiDebugAPI("Low efficiency.")
inline fun IoBuffer.debugPrintThis(name: String): IoBuffer {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
val count = this.readAvailable(it)
DebugLogger.debug(name + "=" + it.toUHexString(offset = 0, length = count))
return it.toIoBuffer(0, count)
@MiraiDebugAPI("Low efficiency.")
inline fun IoBuffer.debugCopyUse(block: IoBuffer.() -> Unit): IoBuffer {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
val count = this.readAvailable(it)
block(it.toIoBuffer(0, count))
return it.toIoBuffer(0, count)
@MiraiDebugAPI("Low efficiency.")
inline fun Input.debugDiscardExact(n: Number, name: String = "") {
DebugLogger.debug("Discarded($n) $name=" + this.readBytes(n.toInt()).toUHexString())
@MiraiDebugAPI("Low efficiency.")
inline fun ByteReadPacket.debugPrintThis(name: String = ""): ByteReadPacket {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
val count = this.readAvailable(it)
DebugLogger.debug("ByteReadPacket $name=" + it.toUHexString(offset = 0, length = count))
return it.toReadPacket(0, count)
* 备份数据, 并在 [block] 失败后执行 [onFail].
* 此方法非常低效. 请仅在测试环境使用.
@MiraiDebugAPI("Low efficiency")
inline fun <R> Input.debugIfFail(name: String = "", onFail: (ByteArray) -> ByteReadPacket = { it.toReadPacket() }, block: ByteReadPacket.() -> R): R {
contract {
callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
callsInPlace(onFail, InvocationKind.UNKNOWN)
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
val count = this.readAvailable(it)
try {
return it.toReadPacket(0, count).use(block)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
DebugLogger.debug("Error in ByteReadPacket $name=" + it.toUHexString(offset = 0, length = count))
throw e
@ -20,26 +20,12 @@ import kotlinx.io.core.*
import kotlinx.io.pool.useInstance
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiDebugAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.contentToString
import kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import kotlin.jvm.JvmSynthetic
inline fun Input.discardExact(n: Short) = this.discardExact(n.toInt())
inline fun Input.discardExact(n: UShort) = this.discardExact(n.toInt())
inline fun Input.discardExact(n: UByte) = this.discardExact(n.toInt())
inline fun Input.discardExact(n: Byte) = this.discardExact(n.toInt())
fun ByteReadPacket.transferTo(outputStream: OutputStream) {
fun ByteReadPacket.copyTo(outputStream: OutputStream) {
ByteArrayPool.useInstance {
while (this.isNotEmpty) {
outputStream.write(it, 0, this.readAvailable(it))
@ -56,21 +42,13 @@ inline fun <R> ByteReadPacket.useBytes(
block(it, n)
inline fun ByteReadPacket.readPacketExact(
n: Int = remaining.toInt()//not that safe but adequate
): ByteReadPacket = this.readBytes(n).toReadPacket()
inline fun Input.readUByteLVString(): String = String(this.readUByteLVByteArray())
inline fun Input.readUShortLVString(): String = String(this.readUShortLVByteArray())
inline fun Input.readUByteLVByteArray(): ByteArray = this.readBytes(this.readUByte().toInt())
inline fun Input.readUShortLVByteArray(): ByteArray = this.readBytes(this.readUShort().toInt())
private inline fun <R> inline(block: () -> R): R = block()
typealias TlvMap = MutableMap<Int, ByteArray>
inline fun TlvMap.getOrFail(tag: Int): ByteArray {
@ -81,12 +59,13 @@ inline fun TlvMap.getOrFail(tag: Int, lazyMessage: (tag: Int) -> String): ByteAr
return this[tag] ?: error(lazyMessage(tag))
inline fun Input.readTLVMap(tagSize: Int = 2, suppressDuplication: Boolean = true): TlvMap = readTLVMap(true, tagSize, suppressDuplication)
inline fun Input._readTLVMap(tagSize: Int = 2, suppressDuplication: Boolean = true): TlvMap = _readTLVMap(true, tagSize, suppressDuplication)
fun Input.readTLVMap(expectingEOF: Boolean = true, tagSize: Int, suppressDuplication: Boolean = true): TlvMap {
@Suppress("DuplicatedCode", "FunctionName")
fun Input._readTLVMap(expectingEOF: Boolean = true, tagSize: Int, suppressDuplication: Boolean = true): TlvMap {
val map = mutableMapOf<Int, ByteArray>()
var key = 0
@ -108,11 +87,14 @@ fun Input.readTLVMap(expectingEOF: Boolean = true, tagSize: Int, suppressDuplica
}.toUByte() != UByte.MAX_VALUE) {
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
if (!suppressDuplication) {
Error readTLVMap:
Error readTLVMap:
duplicated key ${when (tagSize) {
1 -> key.toByte()
2 -> key.toShort()
@ -122,13 +104,13 @@ fun Input.readTLVMap(expectingEOF: Boolean = true, tagSize: Int, suppressDuplica
duplicating value=${this.readUShortLVByteArray().toUHexString()}
} else {
this.discardExact(this.readShort().toInt() and 0xffff)
} else {
try {
map[key] = this.readUShortLVByteArray()
map[key] = this.readBytes(readUShort().toInt())
} catch (e: Exception) { // BufferUnderflowException, java.io.EOFException
// if (expectingEOF) {
// return map
@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io
import kotlinx.io.core.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.coerceAtMostOrFail
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.encryptBy
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.TEA
import kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
@ -67,5 +68,6 @@ fun BytePacketBuilder.writeHex(uHex: String) {
* 会使用 [ByteArrayPool] 缓存
inline fun BytePacketBuilder.encryptAndWrite(key: ByteArray, encoder: BytePacketBuilder.() -> Unit) =
BytePacketBuilder().apply(encoder).build().encryptBy(key) { decrypted -> writeFully(decrypted) }
TEA.encrypt(BytePacketBuilder().apply(encoder).build(), key) { decrypted -> writeFully(decrypted) }
@ -31,40 +31,12 @@ import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
* 平台默认的验证码识别器.
* 可被修改, 除覆盖配置外全局生效.
actual var defaultLoginSolver: LoginSolver = DefaultLoginSolver()
interface LoginSolverInputReader{
suspend fun read(question:String):String?
suspend operator fun invoke(question: String):String?{
return read(question)
class DefaultLoginSolverInputReader: LoginSolverInputReader{
override suspend fun read(question: String): String? {
return readLine()
class DefaultLoginSolver(
val reader: LoginSolverInputReader = DefaultLoginSolverInputReader(),
val overrideLogger:MiraiLogger? = null
private val input: suspend () -> String,
private val overrideLogger: MiraiLogger? = null
) : LoginSolver() {
fun getLogger(bot: Bot):MiraiLogger{
return overrideLogger
return bot.logger
override suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: IoBuffer): String? = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = getLogger(bot)
val logger = overrideLogger ?: bot.logger
val tempFile: File = createTempFile(suffix = ".png").apply { deleteOnExit() }
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
@ -86,39 +58,38 @@ class DefaultLoginSolver(
logger.info("请输入 4 位字母验证码. 若要更换验证码, 请直接回车")
return reader("请输入 4 位字母验证码. 若要更换验证码, 请直接回车")!!.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() || it.length != 4 }.also {
return input().takeUnless { it.isEmpty() || it.length != 4 }.also {
override suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String? = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = getLogger(bot)
val logger = overrideLogger ?: bot.logger
logger.info("请在任意浏览器中打开以下链接并完成验证码. ")
logger.info("完成后请输入任意字符 ")
return reader("完成后请输入任意字符").also {
return input().also {
override suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String? = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = getLogger(bot)
val logger = overrideLogger ?: bot.logger
logger.info("请将该链接在QQ浏览器中打开并完成认证, 成功后输入任意字符")
return reader("完成后请输入任意字符").also {
return input().also {
// Copied from Ktor CIO
public fun File.writeChannel(
private fun File.writeChannel(
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO
): ByteWriteChannel = GlobalScope.reader(CoroutineName("file-writer") + coroutineContext, autoFlush = true) {
@ -134,7 +105,7 @@ private val loginSolverLock = Mutex()
* @author NaturalHG
public fun BufferedImage.createCharImg(outputWidth: Int = 100, ignoreRate: Double = 0.95): String {
private fun BufferedImage.createCharImg(outputWidth: Int = 100, ignoreRate: Double = 0.95): String {
val newHeight = (this.height * (outputWidth.toDouble() / this.width)).toInt()
val tmp = this.getScaledInstance(outputWidth, newHeight, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)
val image = BufferedImage(outputWidth, newHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
@ -229,7 +200,7 @@ actual open class BotConfiguration actual constructor() {
* 验证码处理器
actual var loginSolver: LoginSolver = defaultLoginSolver
actual var loginSolver: LoginSolver = LoginSolver.Default
actual companion object {
@ -279,4 +250,18 @@ inline class FileBasedDeviceInfo @BotConfigurationDsl constructor(val filepath:
companion object ByDeviceDotJson
* 验证码, 设备锁解决器
actual abstract class LoginSolver {
actual abstract suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: IoBuffer): String?
actual abstract suspend fun onSolveSliderCaptcha(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
actual abstract suspend fun onSolveUnsafeDeviceLoginVerify(bot: Bot, url: String): String?
actual companion object {
actual val Default: LoginSolver
get() = DefaultLoginSolver(input = { withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { readLine() } ?: error("No standard input") })
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ actual fun localIpAddress(): String = InetAddress.getLocalHost().hostAddress
actual val Http: HttpClient get() = HttpClient(CIO)
actual fun ByteArray.unzip(offset: Int, length: Int): ByteArray {
this.checkOffsetAndLength(offset, length)
if (length == 0) return ByteArray(0)
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiDebugAPI
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import kotlin.reflect.full.allSuperclasses
val FIELD_TRY_SET_ACCESSIBLE = Field::class.java.declaredMethods.firstOrNull { it.name == "trySetAccessible" }
actual fun Any.contentToStringReflectively(prefix: String, filter: ((name: String, value: Any?) -> Boolean)?): String {
val newPrefix = prefix + ProtoMap.indent
return (this::class.simpleName ?: "<UnnamedClass>") + "#" + this::class.hashCode() + " {\n" +
this.allFieldsFromSuperClassesMatching { it.name.startsWith("net.mamoe.mirai") }
.distinctBy { it.name }
.filterNot { it.name.contains("$") || it.name == "Companion" || it.isSynthetic || it.name == "serialVersionUID" }
.filterNot { it.isEnumConstant }
.map {
FIELD_TRY_SET_ACCESSIBLE?.invoke(it, true) ?: kotlin.run { it.isAccessible = true }
val value = it.get(this)
if (filter != null) {
kotlin.runCatching {
if (!filter(it.name, value)) return@map it.name to FIELD_TRY_SET_ACCESSIBLE
it.name to value
.filterNot { it.second === FIELD_TRY_SET_ACCESSIBLE }
prefix = newPrefix
) { (name, value) ->
"$name=" + kotlin.runCatching {
if (value == this) "<this>"
else value.contentToString(newPrefix)
}.getOrElse { "<!>" }
} + "\n$prefix}"
internal fun Any.allFieldsFromSuperClassesMatching(classFilter: (Class<out Any>) -> Boolean): Sequence<Field> {
return (this::class.java.takeIf(classFilter)?.declaredFields?.asSequence() ?: sequenceOf<Field>()) + this::class.allSuperclasses
.map { it.java }
.flatMap { it.declaredFields.asSequence() }
@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel
actual typealias ClosedChannelException = java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
* 多平台适配的 DatagramChannel.
@ -9,16 +9,20 @@
package mirai.test.testCaptchaPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.decryptBy
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.TEA.decrypt
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.hexToBytes
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toUHexString
fun main() {
val key = "65 F7 F3 14 E3 94 10 1F DD 95 84 A3 F5 9F AD 94".hexToBytes()
val data =
"8D 4F 6A 70 F8 4A DE 43 AF 75 D1 3F 3A 3F F2 E0 A8 16 1A 46 13 CD B0 51 45 00 29 52 57 75 6D 4A 4C D9 B7 98 8C B0 96 EC 57 4E 67 FB 8D C5 F1 BF 72 38 40 42 19 54 C2 28 F4 72 C8 AE 24 EB 66 B5 D0 45 0B 72 44 81 E2 F6 2B EE C3 85 93 BA CB B7 72 F4 1A 30 F9 5B 3D B0 79 3E F4 0B F2 1A A7 49 60 3B 37 02 60 0C 5D D5 76 76 47 4F B5 B3 F5 CA 58 6C FC D2 41 3E 24 D1 FB 0A 18 53 D8 E5 A5 85 A8 BC 51 54 3B 66 5B 21 C6 7B AF C9 62 F0 AA 9C CF 2E 84 0F CC 15 5B 35 93 49 5C E4 28 49 A7 8A D3 30 A9 6E 36 4E 7A 49 28 69 4D C3 25 39 6E 45 6E 40 F2 86 1E F4 4F 00 A6 9D E6 9B 84 19 69 C1 31 6A 17 BA F0 0D 8A 22 09 86 24 92 F7 22 C3 47 7F F2 BF 94 8A 8A B5 29".hexToBytes()
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hexToBytes(),
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