mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 19:50:27 +08:00
Add FriendDeleteEvent
, FriendAddEvent
, also fix #216
This commit is contained in:
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ internal fun Group.checkIsGroupImpl() {
@OptIn(MiraiExperimentalAPI::class, LowLevelAPI::class)
internal class GroupImpl(
bot: QQAndroidBot, override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
@ -70,44 +71,20 @@ internal class GroupImpl(
override val bot: QQAndroidBot by bot.unsafeWeakRef()
val uin: Long = groupInfo.uin
override lateinit var owner: Member
override val botAsMember: Member by lazy {
newMember(object : MemberInfo {
override val nameCard: String
get() = bot.nick // TODO: 2020/2/21 机器人在群内的昵称获取
override val permission: MemberPermission
get() = botPermission
override val specialTitle: String
get() = "" // TODO: 2020/2/21 获取机器人在群里的头衔
override val muteTimestamp: Int
get() = botMuteRemaining
override val uin: Long
get() = bot.id
override val nick: String
get() = bot.nick
override lateinit var botAsMember: Member
override lateinit var botPermission: MemberPermission
var _botMuteTimestamp: Int = groupInfo.botMuteTimestamp
override val botMuteRemaining: Int =
if (_botMuteTimestamp == 0 || _botMuteTimestamp == 0xFFFFFFFF.toInt()) {
} else {
_botMuteTimestamp - currentTimeSeconds.toInt() - bot.client.timeDifference.toInt()
// e.g. 600
override val botMuteRemaining: Int get() = botAsMember.muteTimeRemaining
override val members: ContactList<Member> = ContactList(members.mapNotNull {
if (it.uin == bot.id) {
botPermission = it.permission
botAsMember = newMember(it)
if (it.permission == MemberPermission.OWNER) {
owner = botAsMember
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ internal class MemberImpl constructor(
if (_muteTimestamp == 0 || _muteTimestamp == 0xFFFFFFFF.toInt()) {
} else {
_muteTimestamp - currentTimeSeconds.toInt() - bot.client.timeDifference.toInt()
(_muteTimestamp - currentTimeSeconds.toInt()).coerceAtLeast(0)
override var nameCard: String
@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ internal class OfflineMessageSourceImplBySourceMsg( // from others' quotation
override val bot: Bot,
groupIdOrZero: Long
) : OfflineMessageSource(), MessageSourceImpl {
init {
override val kind: Kind get() = if (delegate.srcMsg == null) Kind.GROUP else Kind.FRIEND
private val isRecalled: AtomicBoolean = atomic(false)
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.jce.JceId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.JceStruct
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.jce.JceId
internal class AddGroup(
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ internal class MsgType0x210(
@JceId(7) val stMsgInfo0x20: MsgType0x210SubMsgType0x20? = null,
@JceId(8) val stMsgInfo0x1d: MsgType0x210SubMsgType0x1d? = null,
@JceId(9) val stMsgInfo0x24: MsgType0x210SubMsgType0x24? = null,
@JceId(10) val vProtobuf: ByteArray? = null
@JceId(10) val vProtobuf: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : JceStruct
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ internal class Vec0xd6b : ProtoBuf {
internal class MutualMarkData(
@ProtoId(1) val frdUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val result: Int = 0
// @SerialId(11) val mutualmarkInfo: List<Mutualmark.MutualMark>? = null
// @SerialId(11) val mutualmarkInfo: List<net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.onlinePush0x210.Mutualmark.MutualMark>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.ProtoId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.ProtoBuf
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
internal class SubMsgType0x27 : ProtoBuf {
internal class AddGroup(
@ProtoId(1) val groupid: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val sortid: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val groupname: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class AppointmentNotify(
@ProtoId(1) val fromUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val appointId: String = "",
@ProtoId(3) val notifytype: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(4) val tipsContent: String = "",
@ProtoId(5) val unreadCount: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(6) val joinWording: String = "",
@ProtoId(7) val viewWording: String = "",
@ProtoId(8) val sig: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(9) val eventInfo: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(10) val nearbyEventInfo: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(11) val feedEventInfo: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class BinaryMsg(
@ProtoId(1) val opType: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val opValue: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ChatMatchInfo(
@ProtoId(1) val sig: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(2) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(3) val matchUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(4) val tipsWording: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(5) val leftChatTime: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(6) val timeStamp: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(7) val matchExpiredTime: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(8) val c2cExpiredTime: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(9) val matchCount: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(10) val nick: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ConfMsgRoamFlag(
@ProtoId(1) val confid: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val flag: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val timestamp: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
internal class DaRenNotify(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val loginDays: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val days: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(4) val isYestodayLogin: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(5) val isTodayLogin: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
internal class DelFriend(
@ProtoId(1) val uint64Uins: List<Long>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class DelGroup(
@ProtoId(1) val groupid: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
internal class FanpaiziNotify(
@ProtoId(1) val fromUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val fromNick: String = "",
@ProtoId(3) val tipsContent: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(4) val sig: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ForwardBody(
@ProtoId(1) val notifyType: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val opType: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val msgAddGroup: AddGroup? = null,
@ProtoId(4) val msgDelGroup: DelGroup? = null,
@ProtoId(5) val msgModGroupName: ModGroupName? = null,
@ProtoId(6) val msgModGroupSort: ModGroupSort? = null,
@ProtoId(7) val msgModFriendGroup: ModFriendGroup? = null,
@ProtoId(8) val msgModProfile: ModProfile? = null,
@ProtoId(9) val msgModFriendRemark: ModFriendRemark? = null,
@ProtoId(10) val msgModLongNick: ModLongNick? = null,
@ProtoId(11) val msgModCustomFace: ModCustomFace? = null,
@ProtoId(12) val msgModGroupProfile: ModGroupProfile? = null,
@ProtoId(13) val msgModGroupMemberProfile: ModGroupMemberProfile? = null,
@ProtoId(14) val msgDelFriend: DelFriend? = null,
@ProtoId(15) val msgRoamPriv: ModFrdRoamPriv? = null,
@ProtoId(16) val msgGrpMsgRoamFlag: GrpMsgRoamFlag? = null,
@ProtoId(17) val msgConfMsgRoamFlag: ConfMsgRoamFlag? = null,
@ProtoId(18) val msgModRichLongNick: ModLongNick? = null,
@ProtoId(19) val msgBinPkg: BinaryMsg? = null,
@ProtoId(20) val msgModFriendRings: ModSnsGeneralInfo? = null,
@ProtoId(21) val msgModConfProfile: ModConfProfile? = null,
@ProtoId(22) val msgModFriendFlag: SnsUpdateFlag? = null,
@ProtoId(23) val msgAppointmentNotify: AppointmentNotify? = null,
@ProtoId(25) val msgDarenNotify: DaRenNotify? = null,
@ProtoId(26) val msgNewComeinUserNotify: NewComeinUserNotify? = null,
@ProtoId(200) val msgPushSearchDev: PushSearchDev? = null,
@ProtoId(201) val msgPushReportDev: PushReportDev? = null,
@ProtoId(202) val msgQqPayPush: QQPayPush? = null,
@ProtoId(203) val redpointInfo: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(204) val msgHotFriendNotify: HotFriendNotify? = null,
@ProtoId(205) val msgPraiseRankNotify: PraiseRankNotify? = null,
@ProtoId(210) val msgCampusNotify: MQQCampusNotify? = null,
@ProtoId(211) val msgModRichLongNickEx: ModLongNick? = null,
@ProtoId(212) val msgChatMatchInfo: ChatMatchInfo? = null,
@ProtoId(214) val msgFrdCustomOnlineStatusChange: FrdCustomOnlineStatusChange? = null,
@ProtoId(2000) val msgFanpanziNotify: FanpaiziNotify? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class FrdCustomOnlineStatusChange(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
internal class FriendGroup(
@ProtoId(1) val fuin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val uint32OldGroupId: List<Int>? = null,
@ProtoId(3) val uint32NewGroupId: List<Int>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class FriendRemark(
@ProtoId(1) val type: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val fuin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(3) val rmkName: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(4) val groupCode: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
internal class GPS(
@ProtoId(1) val int32Lat: Int = 900000000,
@ProtoId(2) val int32Lon: Int = 900000000,
@ProtoId(3) val int32Alt: Int = -10000000,
@ProtoId(4) val int32Type: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
internal class GroupMemberProfileInfo(
@ProtoId(1) val field: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val value: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class GroupProfileInfo(
@ProtoId(1) val field: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val value: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class GroupSort(
@ProtoId(1) val groupid: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val sortid: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
internal class GrpMsgRoamFlag(
@ProtoId(1) val groupcode: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val flag: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val timestamp: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
internal class HotFriendNotify(
@ProtoId(1) val dstUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val praiseHotLevel: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val chatHotLevel: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(4) val praiseHotDays: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(5) val chatHotDays: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(6) val closeLevel: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(7) val closeDays: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(8) val praiseFlag: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(9) val chatFlag: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(10) val closeFlag: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(11) val notifyTime: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(12) val lastPraiseTime: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(13) val lastChatTime: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(14) val qzoneHotLevel: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(15) val qzoneHotDays: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(16) val qzoneFlag: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(17) val lastQzoneTime: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModConfProfile(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val confUin: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val msgProfileInfos: List<ProfileInfo>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModCustomFace(
@ProtoId(1) val type: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(3) val groupCode: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(4) val cmdUin: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModFrdRoamPriv(
@ProtoId(1) val msgRoamPriv: List<OneRoamPriv>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModFriendGroup(
@ProtoId(1) val msgFrdGroup: List<FriendGroup>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModFriendRemark(
@ProtoId(1) val msgFrdRmk: List<FriendRemark>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModGroupMemberProfile(
@ProtoId(1) val groupUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(3) val msgGroupMemberProfileInfos: List<GroupMemberProfileInfo>? = null,
@ProtoId(4) val groupCode: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModGroupName(
@ProtoId(1) val groupid: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val groupname: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModGroupProfile(
@ProtoId(1) val groupUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val msgGroupProfileInfos: List<GroupProfileInfo>? = null,
@ProtoId(3) val groupCode: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(4) val cmdUin: Long = 0L
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModGroupSort(
@ProtoId(1) val msgGroupsort: List<GroupSort>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModLongNick(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val value: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModProfile(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val msgProfileInfos: List<ProfileInfo>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ModSnsGeneralInfo(
@ProtoId(1) val msgSnsGeneralInfos: List<SnsUpateBuffer>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class MQQCampusNotify(
@ProtoId(1) val fromUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val wording: String = "",
@ProtoId(3) val target: String = "",
@ProtoId(4) val type: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(5) val source: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
internal class MsgBody(
@ProtoId(1) val msgModInfos: List<ForwardBody>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class NewComeinUser(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val isFrd: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val remark: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(4) val nick: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class NewComeinUserNotify(
@ProtoId(1) val msgType: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val boolStrongNotify: Boolean = false,
@ProtoId(3) val pushTime: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(4) val msgNewComeinUser: NewComeinUser? = null,
@ProtoId(5) val msgNewGroup: NewGroup? = null,
@ProtoId(6) val msgNewGroupUser: NewGroupUser? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class NewGroup(
@ProtoId(1) val groupCode: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val groupName: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(3) val ownerUin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(4) val ownerNick: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(5) val distance: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class NewGroupUser(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val int32Sex: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val int32Age: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(4) val nick: String = "",
@ProtoId(5) val distance: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class OneRoamPriv(
@ProtoId(1) val fuin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val privTag: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(3) val privValue: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
internal class PraiseRankNotify(
@ProtoId(11) val isChampion: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(12) val rankNum: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(13) val msg: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
internal class ProfileInfo(
@ProtoId(1) val field: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val value: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class PushReportDev(
@ProtoId(1) val msgType: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(4) val cookie: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@ProtoId(5) val reportMaxNum: Int = 200,
@ProtoId(6) val sn: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class PushSearchDev(
@ProtoId(1) val msgType: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val msgGpsInfo: GPS? = null,
@ProtoId(3) val devTime: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(4) val pushTime: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(5) val din: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(6) val data: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
internal class QQPayPush(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val boolPayOk: Boolean = false
) : ProtoBuf
internal class SnsUpateBuffer(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val code: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(3) val result: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(400) val msgSnsUpdateItem: List<SnsUpdateItem>? = null,
@ProtoId(401) val uint32Idlist: List<Int>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class SnsUpdateFlag(
@ProtoId(1) val msgUpdateSnsFlag: List<SnsUpdateOneFlag>? = null
) : ProtoBuf
internal class SnsUpdateItem(
@ProtoId(1) val updateSnsType: Int = 0,
@ProtoId(2) val value: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
internal class SnsUpdateOneFlag(
@ProtoId(1) val uin: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(2) val id: Long = 0L,
@ProtoId(3) val flag: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -13,10 +13,13 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.receive
import kotlinx.io.core.*
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.LowLevelAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.MemberPermission
import net.mamoe.mirai.data.FriendInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.Event
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.broadcast
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.events.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.getFriendOrNull
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.GroupMessage
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.QQAndroidBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.contact.GroupImpl
@ -27,9 +30,13 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message.toMessageChain
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.MultiPacketBySequence
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.Packet
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce.MsgInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce.MsgType0x210
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce.OnlinePushPack
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce.RequestPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.onlinePush0x210.Submsgtype0x27
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.onlinePush0x210.Submsgtype0x44
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.onlinePush0x210.Submsgtype0xb3
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.IncomingPacketFactory
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.OutgoingPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.buildResponseUniPacket
@ -42,6 +49,7 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.jce.JceId
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.read
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.toUHexString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.currentTimeSeconds
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.debug
internal class OnlinePush {
@ -220,18 +228,19 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
return asSequence().flatMap { it.vMsg.read { mapper(it) } }
private fun lambda(block: ByteReadPacket.(group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot) -> Sequence<Packet>):
private fun lambda732(block: ByteReadPacket.(group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot) -> Sequence<Packet>):
ByteReadPacket.(group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot) -> Sequence<Packet> {
return block
object Transformers732 : Map<Int, ByteReadPacket.(GroupImpl, QQAndroidBot) -> Sequence<Packet>> by mapOf(
0x0c to lambda { group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot ->
// mute
0x0c to lambda732 { group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot ->
val operatorUin = readUInt().toLong()
if (operatorUin == bot.id) {
return@lambda emptySequence()
return@lambda732 emptySequence()
val operator = group.getOrNull(operatorUin) ?: return@lambda emptySequence()
val operator = group.getOrNull(operatorUin) ?: return@lambda732 emptySequence()
readUInt().toLong() // time
val target = readUInt().toLong()
@ -240,51 +249,53 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
if (target == 0L) {
val new = time != 0
if (group.settings.isMuteAll == new) {
return@lambda emptySequence()
return@lambda732 emptySequence()
group._muteAll = new
return@lambda sequenceOf(GroupMuteAllEvent(!new, new, group, operator))
return@lambda732 sequenceOf(GroupMuteAllEvent(!new, new, group, operator))
if (target == bot.id) {
return@lambda when {
group._botMuteTimestamp == time -> emptySequence()
return@lambda732 when {
group.botMuteRemaining == time -> emptySequence()
time == 0 -> {
group._botMuteTimestamp = 0
group.botAsMember.checkIsMemberImpl()._muteTimestamp = 0
else -> {
group._botMuteTimestamp = time
group.botAsMember.checkIsMemberImpl()._muteTimestamp = currentTimeSeconds.toInt() + time
sequenceOf(BotMuteEvent(time, operator))
val member = group.getOrNull(target) ?: return@lambda emptySequence()
val member = group.getOrNull(target) ?: return@lambda732 emptySequence()
if (member._muteTimestamp == time) {
return@lambda emptySequence()
return@lambda732 emptySequence()
member._muteTimestamp = time
return@lambda if (time == 0) sequenceOf(MemberUnmuteEvent(member, operator))
return@lambda732 if (time == 0) sequenceOf(MemberUnmuteEvent(member, operator))
else sequenceOf(MemberMuteEvent(member, time, operator))
0x0e to lambda { group: GroupImpl, _: QQAndroidBot ->
// anonymous
0x0e to lambda732 { group: GroupImpl, _: QQAndroidBot ->
// 匿名
val operator = group.getOrNull(readUInt().toLong()) ?: return@lambda emptySequence()
val operator = group.getOrNull(readUInt().toLong()) ?: return@lambda732 emptySequence()
val new = readInt() == 0
if (group.settings.isAnonymousChatEnabled == new) {
return@lambda emptySequence()
return@lambda732 emptySequence()
group._anonymousChat = new
return@lambda sequenceOf(GroupAllowAnonymousChatEvent(!new, new, group, operator))
return@lambda732 sequenceOf(GroupAllowAnonymousChatEvent(!new, new, group, operator))
0x10 to lambda { group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot ->
// confess
0x10 to lambda732 { group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot ->
val dataBytes = readBytes(26)
val size = readByte().toInt() // orthodox, don't `readUByte`
if (size < 0) {
@ -305,15 +316,15 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
"管理员已开启群聊坦白说" -> true
else -> {
bot.network.logger.debug { "Unknown server messages $message" }
return@lambda emptySequence()
return@lambda732 emptySequence()
if (group.settings.isConfessTalkEnabled == new) {
return@lambda emptySequence()
return@lambda732 emptySequence()
return@lambda sequenceOf(
return@lambda732 sequenceOf(
@ -325,10 +336,10 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
if (group.name == message) {
return@lambda emptySequence()
return@lambda732 emptySequence()
return@lambda sequenceOf(
return@lambda732 sequenceOf(
group.name.also { group._name = message },
message, group, false
@ -339,17 +350,17 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
// recall
0x11 to lambda { group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot ->
0x11 to lambda732 { group: GroupImpl, bot: QQAndroidBot ->
val proto = readProtoBuf(TroopTips0x857.NotifyMsgBody.serializer())
val recallReminder = proto.optMsgRecall ?: return@lambda emptySequence()
val recallReminder = proto.optMsgRecall ?: return@lambda732 emptySequence()
val operator =
if (recallReminder.uin == bot.id) group.botAsMember
else group.getOrNull(recallReminder.uin) ?: return@lambda emptySequence()
else group.getOrNull(recallReminder.uin) ?: return@lambda732 emptySequence()
return@lambda recallReminder.recalledMsgList.asSequence().mapNotNull { pkg ->
return@lambda732 recallReminder.recalledMsgList.asSequence().mapNotNull { pkg ->
when {
pkg.authorUin == bot.id && operator.id == bot.id -> null
group.lastRecalledMessageRandoms.remove(pkg.msgRandom) -> null
@ -362,11 +373,84 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
private fun lambda528(block: MsgType0x210.(bot: QQAndroidBot) -> Sequence<Packet>):
MsgType0x210.(bot: QQAndroidBot) -> Sequence<Packet> {
return block
// uSubMsgType to vProtobuf
// 138 or 139: top_package/akln.java:1568
// 66: top_package/nhz.java:269
* @see MsgType0x210
@OptIn(LowLevelAPI::class, MiraiInternalAPI::class)
object Transformers528 : Map<Long, MsgType0x210.(QQAndroidBot) -> Sequence<Packet>> by mapOf(
0xB3L to lambda528 { bot ->
// 08 01 12 52 08 A2 FF 8C F0 03 10 00 1D 15 3D 90 5E 22 2E E6 88 91 E4 BB AC E5 B7 B2 E7 BB 8F E6 98 AF E5 A5 BD E5 8F 8B E5 95 A6 EF BC 8C E4 B8 80 E8 B5 B7 E6 9D A5 E8 81 8A E5 A4 A9 E5 90 A7 21 2A 09 48 69 6D 31 38 38 6D 6F 65 30 07 38 03 48 DD F1 92 B7 07
val body = vProtobuf.loadAs(Submsgtype0xb3.SubMsgType0xb3.MsgBody.serializer())
val new = bot._lowLevelNewQQ(object : FriendInfo {
override val uin: Long get() = body.msgAddFrdNotify.fuin
override val nick: String get() = body.msgAddFrdNotify.fuinNick
return@lambda528 sequenceOf(FriendAddEvent(new))
0xE2L to lambda528 { bot ->
// TODO: unknown. maybe messages.
// 0A 35 08 00 10 A2 FF 8C F0 03 1A 1B E5 90 8C E6 84 8F E4 BD A0 E7 9A 84 E5 8A A0 E5 A5 BD E5 8F 8B E8 AF B7 E6 B1 82 22 0C E6 BD 9C E6 B1 9F E7 BE A4 E5 8F 8B 28 01
// vProtobuf.loadAs(Msgtype0x210.serializer())
return@lambda528 emptySequence()
0x44L to lambda528 { bot ->
val msg = vProtobuf.loadAs(Submsgtype0x44.Submsgtype0x44.MsgBody.serializer())
when {
msg.msgFriendMsgSync != null -> {
return@lambda528 emptySequence()
0x27L to lambda528 { bot ->
fun Submsgtype0x27.SubMsgType0x27.ModFriendRemark.transform(bot: QQAndroidBot): Sequence<Packet> {
return this.msgFrdRmk?.asSequence()?.mapNotNull {
val friend = bot.getFriendOrNull(it.fuin) ?: return@mapNotNull null
FriendRemarkChangeEvent(bot, friend, it.rmkName)
} ?: emptySequence()
fun Submsgtype0x27.SubMsgType0x27.DelFriend.transform(bot: QQAndroidBot): Sequence<Packet> {
return this.uint64Uins?.asSequence()?.mapNotNull {
val friend = bot.getFriendOrNull(it) ?: return@mapNotNull null
} ?: emptySequence()
return@lambda528 vProtobuf.loadAs(Submsgtype0x27.SubMsgType0x27.MsgBody.serializer()).msgModInfos.asSequence()
.flatMap {
when {
it.msgModFriendRemark != null -> it.msgModFriendRemark.transform(bot)
it.msgDelFriend != null -> it.msgDelFriend.transform(bot)
else -> {
bot.network.logger.debug {
"Transformers528 0x27L: new data: ${it._miraiContentToString()}"
// 0A 1C 10 28 4A 18 0A 16 08 00 10 A2 FF 8C F0 03 1A 0C E6 BD 9C E6 B1 9F E7 BE A4 E5 8F 8B
override suspend fun ByteReadPacket.decode(bot: QQAndroidBot, sequenceId: Int): Response {
val reqPushMsg = decodeUniPacket(OnlinePushPack.SvcReqPushMsg.serializer(), "req")
val packets: Sequence<Packet> = reqPushMsg.vMsgInfos.deco { msgInfo ->
when (msgInfo.shMsgType.toInt()) {
732 -> {
@ -380,20 +464,28 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
?.let { it(this@deco, group, bot) }
?: kotlin.run {
bot.network.logger.debug {
"unknown group internal type $internalType , data: " + readBytes()
.toUHexString() + " "
"unknown group 732 type $internalType, data: " + readBytes().toUHexString()
return@deco emptySequence()
// 528 -> {
// val notifyMsgBody = msgInfo.vMsg.loadAs(MsgType0x210.serializer())
// OnlinePush0x210Factory.solve()
// return@flatMap emptySequence()
// }
// 00 27 1A 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5D 00 0C 6D 00 0C 7D 00 0C 8D 00 0C 9C AC BC CC DD 00 0C EC FC 0F 0B 2A 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 0B 3A 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8D 00 0C 9D 00 0C AC BD 00 0C CD 00 0C DC ED 00 0C FC 0F FC 10 0B 4A 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 96 00 0B 5A 0C 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9D 00 0C 0B 6A 0C 1A 0C 1C 26 00 0B 2A 0C 0B 3A 0C 16 00 0B 4A 09 0C 0B 5A 09 0C 0B 0B 7A 0C 1C 2C 36 00 0B 8A 0C 1C 2C 36 00 0B 9A 09 0C 0B AD 00 00 1E 0A 1C 10 28 4A 18 0A 16 08 00 10 A2 FF 8C F0 03 1A 0C E6 BD 9C E6 B1 9F E7 BE A4 E5 8F 8B
528 -> {
val notifyMsgBody = readJceStruct(MsgType0x210.serializer())
?.let { processor -> processor(notifyMsgBody, bot) }
?: kotlin.run {
bot.network.logger.debug {
"unknown group 528 type ${notifyMsgBody.uSubMsgType}, data: " + notifyMsgBody.vProtobuf.toUHexString()
return@deco emptySequence()
else -> {
bot.network.logger.debug { "unknown sh type ${msgInfo.shMsgType.toInt()}" }
bot.network.logger.debug { "data=${readBytes().toUHexString()}" }
return@deco emptySequence()
@ -402,8 +494,12 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
internal class Response(val uin: Long, val svrip: Int, sequence: Sequence<Packet>) :
internal data class Response(val uin: Long, val svrip: Int, val sequence: Sequence<Packet>) :
MultiPacketBySequence<Packet>(sequence) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "OnlinePush.ReqPush.Response(sequence="
private class Resp(
@ -416,13 +512,13 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
sServantName = "OnlinePush.RespPush",
sServantName = "OnlinePush",
sFuncName = "SvcRespPushMsg",
iRequestId = 0,
iRequestId = sequenceId,
sBuffer = jceRequestSBuffer(
Resp(packet.uin, packet.svrip)
OnlinePushPack.SvcRespPushMsg(packet.uin, listOf(), packet.svrip)
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.receive.onlinePush0x210
import kotlinx.io.core.String
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.events.MemberCardChangeEvent
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils.io.serialization.loadAs
internal object OnlinePush0x210Factory {
// fun solve(msg: MsgType0x210, bot: Bot): Any? = when (msg.uSubMsgType) {
// 0x27L -> {
// val body = msg.vProtobuf?.loadAs(SubMsgType0x27.MsgBody.serializer())
// if (body?.msgModInfos != null) {
// body.msgModInfos.firstOrNull()?.msgModGroupMemberProfile?.run {
// val member = bot.groups.getOrNull(groupUin)?.getOrNull(uin)
// val new = msgGroupMemberProfileInfos?.firstOrNull()
// if (member != null && new?.value != null) {
// MemberCardChangeEvent(member.nameCard, String(new.value), member, member)
// }
// }
// } else null
// }
// else -> null
// }
@ -484,6 +484,39 @@ data class MemberUnmuteEvent(
// region 好友、群认证
* 好友昵称改变事件. 目前仅支持解析 (来自 PC 端的修改).
data class FriendRemarkChangeEvent(
override val bot: Bot,
val friend: QQ,
val newName: String
) : BotEvent, Packet
* 成功添加了一个新好友的事件
data class FriendAddEvent(
* 新好友. 已经添加到 [Bot.friends]
val friend: QQ
) : BotEvent, Packet {
override val bot: Bot get() = friend.bot
* 好友已被删除的事件.
data class FriendDeleteEvent(
val friend: QQ
) : BotEvent, Packet {
override val bot: Bot get() = friend.bot
* 一个账号请求添加机器人为好友的事件
Reference in New Issue
Block a user