From 7fea4f4b9eed12c675d5ba029636454e1b03a1e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Him188 <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2021 10:17:30 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Remove migration for EventChannel

 .../src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Event.kt      |   9 +-
 .../commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannel.kt   |   4 +-
 .../event/EventChannelKotlinExtensions.kt     |  18 +-
 .../kotlin/event/JvmMethodListeners.kt        |   4 +-
 .../src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Listener.kt   |   7 +-
 .../kotlin/event/MessageSubscribersBuilder.kt |   2 +-
 .../commonMain/kotlin/event/events/message.kt |   9 +-
 .../kotlin/event/migrationHelpers.kt          | 325 ------------------
 .../src/commonMain/kotlin/event/nextEvent.kt  |   6 +-
 .../src/commonMain/kotlin/event/select.kt     |   4 +-
 .../kotlin/event/subscribeMessages.kt         |  10 +-
 .../commonMain/kotlin/event/syncFromEvent.kt  |   8 +-
 12 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 369 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/migrationHelpers.kt

diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Event.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Event.kt
index 46dd7dba6..528f97430 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Event.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Event.kt
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 package net.mamoe.mirai.event
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
 import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
 import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
 import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
@@ -29,13 +28,13 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalApi
  * ### 广播
  * 广播事件的唯一方式为 [broadcast].
- * @see subscribeAlways
- * @see subscribeOnce
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeAlways
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeOnce
- * @see subscribeMessages
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeMessages
  * @see [broadcast] 广播事件
- * @see [CoroutineScope.subscribe] 监听事件
+ * @see [EventChannel.subscribe] 监听事件
  * @see CancellableEvent 可被取消的事件
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannel.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannel.kt
index 3629c9d7a..3ae779a7d 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannel.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannel.kt
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import kotlin.reflect.KClass
  * - [GlobalEventChannel]
  * - [Bot.eventChannel]
- * @see EventChannel.subscribe
+ * @see subscribe
 public open class EventChannel<out BaseEvent : Event> @JvmOverloads constructor(
     public val baseEventClass: KClass<out BaseEvent>,
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public open class EventChannel<out BaseEvent : Event> @JvmOverloads constructor(
     // region transforming operations
-     * 添加一个过滤器. 过滤器将在收到任何事件之后, 传递给通过 [subscribe] 注册的监听器之前调用.
+     * 添加一个过滤器. 过滤器将在收到任何事件之后, 传递给通过 [EventChannel.subscribe] 注册的监听器之前调用.
      * 若 [filter] 返回 `true`, 该事件将会被传给监听器. 否则将会被忽略, **监听器继续监听**.
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannelKotlinExtensions.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannelKotlinExtensions.kt
index c813b531d..a3f5daf33 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannelKotlinExtensions.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/EventChannelKotlinExtensions.kt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
+ * Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
  *  此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
  *  Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution
  * eventChannel.subscribe(GroupMessageEvent::onMessage)
  * ```
- * @see subscribe
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public inline fun <BaseEvent : Event, reified E : Event> EventChannel<BaseEvent>
  * eventChannel.subscribe(::onMessage)
  * ```
- * @see subscribe
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public inline fun <BaseEvent : Event, reified E : Event> EventChannel<BaseEvent>
  * eventChannel.subscribe(GroupMessageEvent::onMessage)
  * ```
- * @see subscribe
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public inline fun <BaseEvent : Event, reified E : Event> EventChannel<BaseEvent>
  * eventChannel.subscribe(::onMessage)
  * ```
- * @see subscribe
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public inline fun <BaseEvent : Event, reified E : Event> EventChannel<BaseEvent>
  * }
  * eventChannel.subscribeAlways(::onMessage)
  * ```
- * @see subscribeAlways
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeAlways
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public inline fun <BaseEvent : Event, reified E : Event> EventChannel<BaseEvent>
  * }
  * eventChannel.subscribeAlways(GroupMessageEvent::onMessage)
  * ```
- * @see subscribeAlways
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeAlways
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public inline fun <BaseEvent : Event, reified E : Event> EventChannel<BaseEvent>
  * }
  * eventChannel.subscribeAlways(GroupMessageEvent::onMessage)
  * ```
- * @see subscribeAlways
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeAlways
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public inline fun <BaseEvent : Event, reified E : Event> EventChannel<BaseEvent>
  * }
  * eventChannel.subscribeAlways(::onMessage)
  * ```
- * @see subscribeAlways
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeAlways
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/JvmMethodListeners.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/JvmMethodListeners.kt
index 434b83d68..60dfd42a7 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/JvmMethodListeners.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/JvmMethodListeners.kt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
+ * Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
  *  此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
  *  Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
  * Kotlin 函数要求:
  * - 接收者 (英 receiver) 和函数参数: 所标注的 Kotlin 函数必须至少拥有一个接收者或一个函数参数, 或二者都具有. 接收者和函数参数的类型必须相同 (如果二者都存在)
  *   接收者或函数参数的类型都必须为 [Event] 或其子类.
- * - 返回值: 为 [Unit] 或不指定返回值时将注册为 [CoroutineScope.subscribeAlways], 为 [ListeningStatus] 时将注册为 [CoroutineScope.subscribe].
+ * - 返回值: 为 [Unit] 或不指定返回值时将注册为 [EventChannel.subscribeAlways], 为 [ListeningStatus] 时将注册为 [EventChannel.subscribe].
  *   任何其他类型的返回值将会在注册时抛出异常.
  * 所有 Kotlin 非 `suspend` 的函数都将会在 [Dispatchers.IO] 中调用
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Listener.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Listener.kt
index da18efebb..03cbd8565 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Listener.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/Listener.kt
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 package net.mamoe.mirai.event
 import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableJob
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
 import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
 import net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority.*
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ public enum class ListeningStatus {
  * 事件监听器.
- * 由 [CoroutineScope.subscribe] 等方法返回.
+ * 由 [EventChannel.subscribe] 等方法返回.
  * 取消监听: [complete]
@@ -102,9 +101,9 @@ public interface Listener<in E : Event> : CompletableJob {
     public val priority: EventPriority get() = NORMAL
-     * 这个方法将会调用 [CoroutineScope.subscribe] 时提供的参数 `noinline handler: suspend E.(E) -> ListeningStatus`.
+     * 这个方法将会调用 [EventChannel.subscribe] 时提供的参数 `noinline handler: suspend E.(E) -> ListeningStatus`.
-     * 这个函数不会抛出任何异常, 详见 [CoroutineScope.subscribe]
+     * 这个函数不会抛出任何异常, 详见 [EventChannel.subscribe]
     public suspend fun onEvent(event: E): ListeningStatus
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/MessageSubscribersBuilder.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/MessageSubscribersBuilder.kt
index d01091edb..15dad5ef8 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/MessageSubscribersBuilder.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/MessageSubscribersBuilder.kt
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public typealias MessageListener<T, R> = @MessageDsl suspend T.(String) -> R
  * @param R 消息监听器内部的返回值
  * @param Ret 每个 DSL 函数创建监听器之后的返回值
- * @see subscribeMessages
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeMessages
 public open class MessageSubscribersBuilder<M : MessageEvent, out Ret, R : RR, RR> internal constructor(
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/events/message.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/events/message.kt
index 47bf3a26a..834702fdb 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/events/message.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/events/message.kt
@@ -838,14 +838,9 @@ public abstract class AbstractMessageEvent : MessageEvent, AbstractEvent() {
  * 一个 (收到的) 消息事件.
- * 它是一个 [BotEvent], 因此可以被 [监听][Bot.subscribe]
+ * 它是一个 [BotEvent], 因此可以被 [监听][EventChannel.subscribe]
- * 支持的消息类型:
- * - [群消息事件][GroupMessageEvent]
- * - [好友消息事件][FriendMessageEvent]
- * - [临时会话消息事件][TempMessageEvent]
- *
- * @see isContextIdenticalWith 判断语境是否相同
+ * @see isContextIdenticalWith 判断语境相同
 public interface MessageEvent : Event, Packet, BotEvent, MessageEventExtensions<User, Contact> {
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/migrationHelpers.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/migrationHelpers.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index edcaf520d..000000000
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/migrationHelpers.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
- *
- *  此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
- *  Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
- *
- *
- */
-package net.mamoe.mirai.event
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
-import net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind
-import net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority
-import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
-import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
-import kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-// region subscribe / subscribeAlways / subscribeOnce
-    CoroutineScope.subscribe 已被弃用. 
-    CoroutineScope.subscribe 设计为在指定协程作用域下创建事件监听器, 监听所有事件 E. 
-    但由于 Bot 也实现接口 CoroutineScope, 就可以调用 Bot.subscribe<MessageEvent>, 
-    直观语义上应该是监听来自 Bot 的事件, 但实际是监听来自所有 Bot 的事件.
-    请以 Bot.eventChannel 或 GlobalEventChannel 替代. 可在 EventChannel 获取更详细的帮助.
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(coroutineContext, concurrency, priority, handler)",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribe(
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.LOCKED,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    noinline handler: suspend E.(E) -> ListeningStatus
-): Listener<E> = this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(coroutineContext, concurrency, priority, handler)
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(eventClass, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority, handler)",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public fun <E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribe(
-    eventClass: KClass<out E>,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.LOCKED,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    handler: suspend E.(E) -> ListeningStatus
-): Listener<E> =
-    this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(eventClass, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority, handler)
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority, handler)",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribeAlways(
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    noinline handler: suspend E.(E) -> Unit
-): Listener<E> =
-    this.globalEventChannel().subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority, handler)
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribeAlways(eventClass, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority, handler)",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public fun <E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribeAlways(
-    eventClass: KClass<out E>,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    handler: suspend E.(E) -> Unit
-): Listener<E> =
-    this.globalEventChannel().subscribeAlways(eventClass, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority, handler)
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribeOnce(coroutineContext, priority, handler)",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribeOnce(
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    noinline handler: suspend E.(E) -> Unit
-): Listener<E> = this.globalEventChannel().subscribeOnce(coroutineContext, priority, handler)
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribeOnce(eventClass, coroutineContext, priority, handler)",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public fun <E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribeOnce(
-    eventClass: KClass<out E>,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    handler: suspend E.(E) -> Unit
-): Listener<E> = this.globalEventChannel().subscribeOnce(eventClass, coroutineContext, priority, handler)
-// endregion
-// region subscribe for Kotlin functional reference
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribe(
-    crossinline handler: (E) -> ListeningStatus,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
-): Listener<E> =
-    this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribe(
-    crossinline handler: E.(E) -> ListeningStatus,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
-): Listener<E> =
-    this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribe(
-    crossinline handler: suspend (E) -> ListeningStatus,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
-): Listener<E> =
-    this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR,
-    replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribe(
-    crossinline handler: suspend E.(E) -> ListeningStatus,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
-): Listener<E> =
-    this.globalEventChannel().subscribe(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }
-// endregion
-// region subscribeAlways for Kotlin functional references
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, replaceWith =
-    ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribeAlways(
-    crossinline handler: (E) -> Unit,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
-): Listener<E> = this.globalEventChannel()
-    .subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, replaceWith =
-    ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribeAlways(
-    crossinline handler: E.(E) -> Unit,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
-): Listener<E> = this.globalEventChannel()
-    .subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, replaceWith =
-    ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribeAlways(
-    crossinline handler: suspend (E) -> Unit,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
-): Listener<E> = this.globalEventChannel()
-    .subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }
-    level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR, replaceWith =
-    ReplaceWith(
-        "this.globalEventChannel().subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.ConcurrencyKind",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.Listener.EventPriority",
-        "net.mamoe.mirai.event.globalEventChannel",
-    )
-public inline fun <reified E : Event> CoroutineScope.subscribeAlways(
-    crossinline handler: suspend E.(E) -> Unit,
-    priority: EventPriority = EventPriority.NORMAL,
-    concurrency: ConcurrencyKind = ConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT,
-    coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
-): Listener<E> = this.globalEventChannel()
-    .subscribeAlways(E::class, coroutineContext, concurrency, priority) { handler(this) }
-// endregion
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/nextEvent.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/nextEvent.kt
index 30edfeecd..a057623b1 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/nextEvent.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/nextEvent.kt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2019-2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
+ * Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
  *  此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
  *  Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import kotlin.reflect.KClass
  * @param timeoutMillis 超时. 单位为毫秒. `-1` 为不限制.
  * @param filter 过滤器. 返回 `true` 时表示得到了需要的实例. 返回 `false` 时表示继续监听
- * @see subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
  * @see syncFromEvent 挂起当前协程, 并尝试从事件中同步一个值
  * @throws TimeoutCancellationException 在超时后抛出.
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public suspend inline fun <reified E : Event> nextEvent(
  * @param timeoutMillis 超时. 单位为毫秒.
  * @param filter 过滤器. 返回 `true` 时表示得到了需要的实例. 返回 `false` 时表示继续监听
- * @see subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
  * @see syncFromEvent 挂起当前协程, 并尝试从事件中同步一个值
  * @return 事件实例, 在超时后返回 `null`
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/select.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/select.kt
index d96e7b715..4bc36ab00 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/select.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/select.kt
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalApi
  * @param timeoutMillis 超时. 单位为毫秒. `-1` 为不限制
- * @see subscribe
- * @see subscribeMessages
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribeMessages
  * @see nextMessage 挂起协程并等待下一条消息
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/subscribeMessages.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/subscribeMessages.kt
index d4949e2bb..02d41eccf 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/subscribeMessages.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/subscribeMessages.kt
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public typealias GroupMessageSubscribersBuilder = MessageSubscribersBuilder<Grou
  * 通过 DSL 订阅来自所有 [Bot] 的所有群会话消息事件. DSL 语法查看 [subscribeMessages].
- * @see subscribe 事件监听基础
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 事件监听基础
  * @see EventChannel 事件通道
 public fun <R> EventChannel<*>.subscribeGroupMessages(
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public typealias FriendMessageSubscribersBuilder = MessageSubscribersBuilder<Fri
  * 通过 DSL 订阅来自所有 [Bot] 的所有好友消息事件. DSL 语法查看 [subscribeMessages].
- * @see subscribe 事件监听基础
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 事件监听基础
  * @see EventChannel 事件通道
 public fun <R> EventChannel<*>.subscribeFriendMessages(
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public typealias TempMessageSubscribersBuilder = MessageSubscribersBuilder<TempM
  * 通过 DSL 订阅来自所有 [Bot] 的所有临时会话消息事件. DSL 语法查看 [subscribeMessages].
- * @see subscribe 事件监听基础
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 事件监听基础
  * @see EventChannel 事件通道
 public fun <R> EventChannel<*>.subscribeTempMessages(
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public typealias StrangerMessageSubscribersBuilder = MessageSubscribersBuilder<S
  * 通过 DSL 订阅来自所有 [Bot] 的所有 [Stranger] 消息事件. DSL 语法查看 [subscribeMessages].
- * @see subscribe 事件监听基础
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 事件监听基础
  * @see EventChannel 事件通道
 public fun <R> EventChannel<*>.subscribeStrangerMessages(
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ public typealias OtherClientMessageSubscribersBuilder = MessageSubscribersBuilde
  * 通过 DSL 订阅来自所有 [Bot] 的所有 [OtherClient] 消息事件. DSL 语法查看 [subscribeMessages].
- * @see subscribe 事件监听基础
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 事件监听基础
  * @see EventChannel 事件通道
 public fun <R> EventChannel<*>.subscribeOtherClientMessages(
diff --git a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/syncFromEvent.kt b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/syncFromEvent.kt
index 997087a5e..88359e28b 100644
--- a/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/syncFromEvent.kt
+++ b/mirai-core-api/src/commonMain/kotlin/event/syncFromEvent.kt
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import kotlin.reflect.KClass
  * @param mapper 过滤转换器. 返回非 null 则代表得到了需要的值. [syncFromEvent] 会返回这个值
  * @see asyncFromEvent 本函数的异步版本
- * @see subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
  * @see nextEvent 挂起当前协程, 并获取下一个事件实例
  * @see syncFromEventOrNull 本函数的在超时后返回 `null` 的版本
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public suspend inline fun <reified E : Event, R : Any> syncFromEvent(
  * @return 超时返回 `null`, 否则返回 [mapper] 返回的第一个非 `null` 值.
  * @see asyncFromEvent 本函数的异步版本
- * @see subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
  * @see nextEvent 挂起当前协程, 并获取下一个事件实例
  * @throws Throwable 当 [mapper] 抛出任何异常时, 本函数会抛出该异常
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public suspend inline fun <reified E : Event, R : Any> syncFromEventOrNull(
  * @see syncFromEvent
  * @see asyncFromEvent
- * @see subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
  * @see nextEvent 挂起当前协程, 并获取下一个事件实例
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public inline fun <reified E : Event, R : Any> CoroutineScope.asyncFromEventOrNu
  * @see syncFromEvent
  * @see asyncFromEventOrNull
- * @see subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
+ * @see EventChannel.subscribe 普通地监听一个事件
  * @see nextEvent 挂起当前协程, 并获取下一个事件实例