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synced 2025-02-26 20:20:14 +08:00
QRCode login support & Introduce new authorization factory (#2502)
* [core] process `wtlogin.trans_emp` to support qrcode login
* [core] fix `wtlogin.trans_emp` protocol
* [core] optimize QRCodeLoginProcessor logic
* [core] fix `wtlogin.trans_emp` outgoing packet
* [core] cancel login when logging a bot which is inconsistent from bot factory
* [core] ignore `flag3` check on ANDROID_WATCH & name `flag1` and `flag2`
* [core] provide default `QRCodeLoginListener` for jvm
* [core] don't catch IllegalStateException in QRCodeLoginProcessor
* [core] Use `LoginSolver.createQRCodeLoginListener()` instead of property; Rename configuration name
* [core] Code improvement
* [core] remove qrcode state lock
* [core] ignore `flag3` when command is `wtlogin.trans_emp` in packet codec
* [core] enable qrcode login for macos
* [core] remove debug property in log
* [core] reformat code
* [core] rename `TransEmpResponse` to `Response`
* [core] assert `flag3Exception` not null first
* [core] remove arg client
* [core] update qrcode login notes
* [core] set custom qrcode size
* [core] Draft BotAuthorization
* [core] make SecretsProtection mpp
* [core] BotAuthorization.byXXX
* [core] Move QRCodeLoginListener to `.auth`
* [core] Protect data of BotAccount
* [core] Add SelectorRequireReconnectException
* [core] Implementation of BotAuthorization
* Revert changes of BotConfiguration
* api dump
* [core] remove passwordMd5 in `BotAccount`
* [mock] Add new bot factory function to mock bot factory
* Delete LoginCommandTest
* [core] Improve QRCode render
* [core] Introduce UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException & UnsupportedQRCodeCaptchaException
* api dump
* update docs
* [core] update `DebugRunHelper`
* [core] add simple block for BotAuthorization
* api dump
* Rename `canDoQRLogin` to `supportsQRLogin`, and specify argument names for MiraiProtocolInternal
* Remove `phoneNumber` parameter from BotAccount
* Make `BotAccount.<init>` with String password parameter TestOnly
* Rename `InconsistentBotException` to `InconsistentBotIdException`
* Rename `QRCodeLoginListener.onStatusChanged` to `QRCodeLoginListener.onStateChanged`
* Rename `BotAuthorizationResult` to `BotAuthResult`
* Rename BotAuthComponent, move internal APIs to internal module
* Logic fixup
* doc update
* QRCodeLoginListener.qrCodeStateUpdateInterval & onIntervalLoop
* console login with BotAuthorization
* update testing
* Update mirai-core-api/src/jvmMain/kotlin/utils/LoginSolver.jvm.kt
* Move AuthControl outside SsoProcessor
* Redesign auth
* Add initialTicket to producerCoroutine
* Revert protocol changes of MACOS
* Fix latch death locking
* Fix CoroutineOnDemandValueScope.receiveOrNull exceptional finish
* Fix exception collecting
* Fix DefaultBotAuthorizationFactory loading
* [core] qrcode login for IPAD protocol
* Revert "[core] qrcode login for IPAD protocol"
This reverts commit c1136a8798
Co-authored-by: Karlatemp <kar@kasukusakura.com>
Co-authored-by: Him188 <Him188@mamoe.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/console/MiraiConsole : kotlinx/c
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/console/MiraiConsole$INSTANCE : net/mamoe/mirai/console/MiraiConsole {
public static synthetic fun addBot$default (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/console/MiraiConsole$INSTANCE;JLjava/lang/String;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;ILjava/lang/Object;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public static synthetic fun addBot$default (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/console/MiraiConsole$INSTANCE;JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;ILjava/lang/Object;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public static synthetic fun addBot$default (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/console/MiraiConsole$INSTANCE;J[BLkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;ILjava/lang/Object;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun getBuildDate ()Ljava/time/Instant;
public fun getBuiltInPluginLoaders ()Ljava/util/List;
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import me.him188.kotlin.dynamic.delegation.dynamicDelegation
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.BotFactory
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.MiraiConsole.INSTANCE
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.MiraiConsoleImplementation.Companion.start
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.extensions.BotConfigurationAlterer
@ -191,8 +192,31 @@ public interface MiraiConsole : CoroutineScope {
public fun addBot(id: Long, password: ByteArray, configuration: BotConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}): Bot =
addBotImpl(id, password, configuration)
* 添加一个 [Bot] 实例到全局 Bot 列表, 但不登录.
* 调用 [Bot.login] 可登录.
* @see Bot.instances 获取现有 [Bot] 实例列表
* @see BotConfigurationAlterer ExtensionPoint
@ConsoleExperimentalApi("This is a low-level API and might be removed in the future.")
public fun addBot(
id: Long,
authorization: BotAuthorization,
configuration: BotConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}
): Bot = addBotImpl(id, authorization, configuration)
private fun addBotImpl(id: Long, password: Any, configuration: BotConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}): Bot {
private fun addBotImpl(id: Long, authorization: Any, configuration: BotConfiguration.() -> Unit = {}): Bot {
when (authorization) {
is String -> {}
is ByteArray -> {}
is BotAuthorization -> {}
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Bad authorization type: `${authorization.javaClass.name}`. Require String, ByteArray or BotAuthorization")
var config = BotConfiguration().apply {
workingDir = MiraiConsole.rootDir
@ -239,10 +263,11 @@ public interface MiraiConsole : CoroutineScope {
extension.alterConfiguration(id, acc)
return when (password) {
is ByteArray -> BotFactory.newBot(id, password, config)
is String -> BotFactory.newBot(id, password, config)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Bad password type: `${password.javaClass.name}`. Require ByteArray or String")
return when (authorization) {
is ByteArray -> BotFactory.newBot(id, authorization, config) // pwd md5
is String -> BotFactory.newBot(id, authorization, config) // pwd
is BotAuthorization -> BotFactory.newBot(id, authorization, config) // authorization
else -> error("assert")
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.console.extensions.CommandCallParserProvider
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.extensions.CommandCallResolverProvider
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.extensions.PermissionServiceProvider
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.extensions.PostStartupExtension
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.auth.ConsoleSecretsCalculator
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.command.CommandConfig
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.data.builtins.AutoLoginConfig
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.data.builtins.AutoLoginConfig.Account.ConfigurationKey
@ -100,6 +101,9 @@ internal class MiraiConsoleImplementationBridge(
var permissionSeviceLoaded: Boolean = false
// For protect account.secrets in console with non-password login
lateinit var consoleSecretsCalculator: ConsoleSecretsCalculator
// MiraiConsoleImplementation define: get() = LoggerControllerImpl()
// Need to cache it or else created every call.
// It caused config/Console/Logger.yml ignored.
@ -290,6 +294,10 @@ ___ ____ _ _____ _
phase("initialize all plugins") {
pluginManager // init
consoleSecretsCalculator = ConsoleSecretsCalculator(
).also { it.consoleKey }
mainLogger.verbose { "Loading JVM plugins..." }
pluginManager.initExternalPluginLoaders().let { count ->
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.auth
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthResult
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthSession
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.MiraiConsoleImplementation
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
internal class ConsoleBotAuthorization(
private val delegate: suspend (BotAuthSession, BotAuthInfo) -> BotAuthResult,
) : BotAuthorization {
override suspend fun authorize(session: BotAuthSession, info: BotAuthInfo): BotAuthResult {
return delegate.invoke(session, info)
override fun calculateSecretsKey(bot: BotAuthInfo): ByteArray {
val calc = MiraiConsoleImplementation.getBridge().consoleSecretsCalculator
val writer = ByteArrayOutputStream()
writer += calc.consoleKey.asByteArray
writer += bot.deviceInfo.apn
writer += bot.deviceInfo.device
writer += bot.deviceInfo.bootId
writer += bot.deviceInfo.imsiMd5
return writer.toByteArray()
private operator fun ByteArrayOutputStream.plusAssign(data: ByteArray) {
companion object {
fun byQRCode(): ConsoleBotAuthorization = ConsoleBotAuthorization { session, _ ->
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.auth
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.SecretsProtection
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.lateinitMutableProperty
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.DataOutputStream
import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.*
import kotlin.io.path.createDirectories
import kotlin.io.path.isRegularFile
import kotlin.io.path.readBytes
import kotlin.io.path.writeBytes
internal class ConsoleSecretsCalculator(
private val file: Path,
) {
internal val consoleKey: SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer get() = _consoleKey
private var _consoleKey: SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer by lateinitMutableProperty {
fun loadOrCreate(): SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer {
if (file.isRegularFile()) {
return SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer(file.readBytes())
val dataStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
val dataWriter = DataOutputStream(dataStream)
repeat(3) {
val data = dataStream.toByteArray()
return SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer(data)
fun reloadOrCreate() {
_consoleKey = loadOrCreate()
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.console.command
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.CommandManager.INSTANCE.register
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.descriptor.ExperimentalCommandDescriptors
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.command.builtin.LoginCommandImpl
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.data.builtins.AutoLoginConfig
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.data.builtins.AutoLoginConfig.Account
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.data.builtins.AutoLoginConfig.Account.PasswordKind
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.QQAndroidBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.BotConfiguration
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.md5
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.toUHexString
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertContentEquals
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertNotNull
internal class LoginCommandTest : AbstractCommandTest() {
fun `login with provided password`() = runTest {
val myId = 123L
val myPwd = "password001"
val bot = awaitDeferred { cont ->
val command = object : LoginCommandImpl() {
override suspend fun doLogin(bot: Bot) {
cont.complete(bot as QQAndroidBot)
command.execute(consoleSender, "$myId $myPwd")
val account = bot.account
assertContentEquals(myPwd.md5(), account.passwordMd5)
assertEquals(myId, account.id)
fun `login with saved plain password`() = runTest {
val myId = 123L
val myPwd = "password001"
dataScope.set(AutoLoginConfig().apply {
account = myId.toString(),
password = Account.Password(PasswordKind.PLAIN, myPwd)
val bot = awaitDeferred { cont ->
val command = object : LoginCommandImpl() {
override suspend fun doLogin(bot: Bot) {
cont.complete(bot as QQAndroidBot)
command.execute(consoleSender, "$myId")
val account = bot.account
assertContentEquals(myPwd.md5(), account.passwordMd5)
assertEquals(myId, account.id)
fun `login with saved md5 password`() = runTest {
val myId = 123L
val myPwd = "password001"
dataScope.set(AutoLoginConfig().apply {
account = myId.toString(),
password = Account.Password(PasswordKind.MD5, myPwd.md5().toUHexString(""))
val bot = awaitDeferred<QQAndroidBot> { cont ->
val command = object : LoginCommandImpl() {
override suspend fun doLogin(bot: Bot) {
cont.complete(bot as QQAndroidBot)
command.execute(consoleSender, "$myId")
val account = bot.account
assertContentEquals(myPwd.md5(), account.passwordMd5)
assertEquals(myId, account.id)
fun `login with saved configuration`() = runTest {
val myId = 123L
val myPwd = "password001"
dataScope.set(AutoLoginConfig().apply {
account = myId.toString(),
password = Account.Password(PasswordKind.MD5, myPwd.md5().toUHexString("")),
configuration = mapOf(
Account.ConfigurationKey.protocol to BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_PAD.name,
Account.ConfigurationKey.device to "device.new.json",
Account.ConfigurationKey.heartbeatStrategy to BotConfiguration.HeartbeatStrategy.REGISTER.name
val bot = awaitDeferred<QQAndroidBot> { cont ->
val command = object : LoginCommandImpl() {
override suspend fun doLogin(bot: Bot) {
cont.complete(bot as QQAndroidBot)
command.execute(consoleSender, "$myId")
val configuration = bot.configuration
assertEquals(BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_PAD, configuration.protocol)
assertEquals(BotConfiguration.HeartbeatStrategy.REGISTER, configuration.heartbeatStrategy)
internal suspend inline fun <T> awaitDeferred(
crossinline block: suspend (CompletableDeferred<T>) -> Unit
): T {
val deferred = CompletableDeferred<T>()
return deferred.await()
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory {
public fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$BotConfigurationLambda;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public abstract fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$BotConfigurationLambda;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public abstract fun newBot (JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (J[B)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (J[BLnet/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$BotConfigurationLambda;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public abstract fun newBot (J[BLnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$BotConfigurationLambd
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$INSTANCE : net/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory {
public final synthetic fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public final synthetic fun newBot (J[BLkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (J[BLnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
@ -165,6 +169,58 @@ public final class net/mamoe/mirai/_MiraiInstance {
public static final fun set (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/IMirai;)V
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthInfo {
public abstract fun getConfiguration ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;
public abstract fun getDeviceInfo ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/DeviceInfo;
public abstract fun getId ()J
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthResult {
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthSession {
public abstract fun authByPassword (Ljava/lang/String;Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public abstract fun authByPassword ([BLkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public abstract fun authByQRCode (Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization {
public static final field Companion Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization$Companion;
public abstract fun authorize (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthSession;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthInfo;Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public static fun byPassword (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public static fun byPassword ([B)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public static fun byQRCode ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public fun calculateSecretsKey (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthInfo;)[B
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization$Companion {
public final fun byPassword (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public final fun byPassword ([B)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public final fun byQRCode ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public final fun invoke (Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function3;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener {
public fun getQrCodeEcLevel ()I
public fun getQrCodeMargin ()I
public fun getQrCodeSize ()I
public fun getQrCodeStateUpdateInterval ()J
public abstract fun onFetchQRCode (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;[B)V
public fun onIntervalLoop ()V
public abstract fun onStateChanged (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State : java/lang/Enum {
public static final field CANCELLED Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field CONFIRMED Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field DEFAULT Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field TIMEOUT Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field WAITING_FOR_CONFIRM Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field WAITING_FOR_SCAN Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static fun valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static fun values ()[Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/contact/AnonymousMember : net/mamoe/mirai/contact/Member {
public abstract fun getAnonymousId ()Ljava/lang/String;
public fun nudge ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/message/action/MemberNudge;
@ -5355,6 +5411,12 @@ public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/ForceOfflineException : java/util/con
public fun getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/InconsistentBotIdException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException {
public synthetic fun <init> (JJLjava/lang/String;ILkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
public final fun getActual ()J
public final fun getExpected ()J
public abstract class net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException : java/lang/RuntimeException {
public synthetic fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;ILkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
public synthetic fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;Lkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
@ -5374,11 +5436,22 @@ public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/RetryLaterException : net/mamoe/mirai
public synthetic fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;ZILkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedSliderCaptchaException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException {
public class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException {
public fun <init> (Z)V
public fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/String;)V
public fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
public fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/Throwable;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedQRCodeCaptchaException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException {
public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedSmsLoginException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException {
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedSliderCaptchaException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException {
public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedSmsLoginException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException {
public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
@ -5825,6 +5898,7 @@ public abstract class net/mamoe/mirai/utils/LoginSolver {
public static final field Companion Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/LoginSolver$Companion;
public static final field Default Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/LoginSolver;
public fun <init> ()V
public fun createQRCodeLoginListener (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener;
public fun isSliderCaptchaSupported ()Z
public fun onSolveDeviceVerification (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/DeviceVerificationRequests;Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public abstract fun onSolvePicCaptcha (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;[BLkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory {
public fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$BotConfigurationLambda;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public abstract fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$BotConfigurationLambda;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public abstract fun newBot (JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (J[B)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (J[BLnet/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$BotConfigurationLambda;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public abstract fun newBot (J[BLnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$BotConfigurationLambd
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory$INSTANCE : net/mamoe/mirai/BotFactory {
public final synthetic fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLjava/lang/String;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (JLnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public final synthetic fun newBot (J[BLkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
public fun newBot (J[BLnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;
@ -165,6 +169,58 @@ public final class net/mamoe/mirai/_MiraiInstance {
public static final fun set (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/IMirai;)V
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthInfo {
public abstract fun getConfiguration ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/BotConfiguration;
public abstract fun getDeviceInfo ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/DeviceInfo;
public abstract fun getId ()J
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthResult {
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthSession {
public abstract fun authByPassword (Ljava/lang/String;Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public abstract fun authByPassword ([BLkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public abstract fun authByQRCode (Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization {
public static final field Companion Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization$Companion;
public abstract fun authorize (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthSession;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthInfo;Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public static fun byPassword (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public static fun byPassword ([B)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public static fun byQRCode ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public fun calculateSecretsKey (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthInfo;)[B
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization$Companion {
public final fun byPassword (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public final fun byPassword ([B)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public final fun byQRCode ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public final fun invoke (Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function3;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/BotAuthorization;
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener {
public fun getQrCodeEcLevel ()I
public fun getQrCodeMargin ()I
public fun getQrCodeSize ()I
public fun getQrCodeStateUpdateInterval ()J
public abstract fun onFetchQRCode (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;[B)V
public fun onIntervalLoop ()V
public abstract fun onStateChanged (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State : java/lang/Enum {
public static final field CANCELLED Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field CONFIRMED Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field DEFAULT Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field TIMEOUT Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field WAITING_FOR_CONFIRM Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static final field WAITING_FOR_SCAN Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static fun valueOf (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public static fun values ()[Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener$State;
public abstract interface class net/mamoe/mirai/contact/AnonymousMember : net/mamoe/mirai/contact/Member {
public abstract fun getAnonymousId ()Ljava/lang/String;
public fun nudge ()Lnet/mamoe/mirai/message/action/MemberNudge;
@ -5355,6 +5411,12 @@ public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/ForceOfflineException : java/util/con
public fun getMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/InconsistentBotIdException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException {
public synthetic fun <init> (JJLjava/lang/String;ILkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
public final fun getActual ()J
public final fun getExpected ()J
public abstract class net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException : java/lang/RuntimeException {
public synthetic fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;ILkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
public synthetic fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;Lkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
@ -5374,11 +5436,22 @@ public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/RetryLaterException : net/mamoe/mirai
public synthetic fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;ZILkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedSliderCaptchaException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException {
public class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException {
public fun <init> (Z)V
public fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/String;)V
public fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
public fun <init> (ZLjava/lang/Throwable;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedQRCodeCaptchaException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException {
public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedSmsLoginException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/LoginFailedException {
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedSliderCaptchaException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException {
public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
public final class net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedSmsLoginException : net/mamoe/mirai/network/UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException {
public fun <init> (Ljava/lang/String;)V
@ -5825,6 +5898,7 @@ public abstract class net/mamoe/mirai/utils/LoginSolver {
public static final field Companion Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/LoginSolver$Companion;
public static final field Default Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/LoginSolver;
public fun <init> ()V
public fun createQRCodeLoginListener (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener;
public fun isSliderCaptchaSupported ()Z
public fun onSolveDeviceVerification (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/DeviceVerificationRequests;Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public abstract fun onSolvePicCaptcha (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;[BLkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
@ -6190,6 +6264,7 @@ public final class net/mamoe/mirai/utils/StandardCharImageLoginSolver : net/mamo
public synthetic fun <init> (Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function1;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/MiraiLogger;ILkotlin/jvm/internal/DefaultConstructorMarker;)V
public static final fun createBlocking (Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function0;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/StandardCharImageLoginSolver;
public static final fun createBlocking (Lkotlin/jvm/functions/Function0;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/MiraiLogger;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/StandardCharImageLoginSolver;
public fun createQRCodeLoginListener (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;)Lnet/mamoe/mirai/auth/QRCodeLoginListener;
public fun isSliderCaptchaSupported ()Z
public fun onSolveDeviceVerification (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;Lnet/mamoe/mirai/utils/DeviceVerificationRequests;Lkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
public fun onSolvePicCaptcha (Lnet/mamoe/mirai/Bot;[BLkotlin/coroutines/Continuation;)Ljava/lang/Object;
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.BotConfiguration
import kotlin.jvm.JvmSynthetic
@ -111,6 +112,53 @@ public interface BotFactory {
public fun newBot(qq: Long, passwordMd5: ByteArray): Bot = newBot(qq, passwordMd5, BotConfiguration.Default)
// BotAuthorization
* 使用 [默认配置][BotConfiguration.Default] 构造 [Bot] 实例
* @since 2.15
public fun newBot(qq: Long, authorization: BotAuthorization): Bot =
newBot(qq, authorization, BotConfiguration.Default)
* 使用指定的 [配置][configuration] 构造 [Bot] 实例
* @since 2.15
public fun newBot(qq: Long, authorization: BotAuthorization, configuration: BotConfiguration): Bot
* 使用指定的 [配置][configuration] 构造 [Bot] 实例
* Kotlin:
* ```
* newBot(123, password) {
* // this: BotConfiguration
* fileBasedDeviceInfo()
* }
* ```
* Java:
* ```java
* newBot(123, password, configuration -> {
* configuration.fileBasedDeviceInfo()
* })
* ```
* @since 2.15
public fun newBot(
qq: Long,
authorization: BotAuthorization,
configuration: BotConfigurationLambda /* = BotConfiguration.() -> Unit */
): Bot = newBot(qq, authorization, configuration.run { BotConfiguration().apply { invoke() } })
public companion object INSTANCE : BotFactory {
override fun newBot(qq: Long, password: String, configuration: BotConfiguration): Bot {
return Mirai.BotFactory.newBot(qq, password, configuration)
@ -160,5 +208,9 @@ public interface BotFactory {
passwordMd5: ByteArray,
configuration: BotConfiguration.() -> Unit /* = BotConfiguration.() -> Unit */
): Bot = newBot(qq, passwordMd5, BotConfiguration().apply(configuration))
override fun newBot(qq: Long, authorization: BotAuthorization, configuration: BotConfiguration): Bot {
return Mirai.BotFactory.newBot(qq, authorization, configuration)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.auth
import net.mamoe.mirai.BotFactory
import net.mamoe.mirai.Mirai
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.RetryLaterException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
* Bot 的登录鉴权方式
* @see BotFactory.newBot
* @since 2.15
public interface BotAuthorization {
* 此方法控制 Bot 如何进行登录.
* Bot 只能使用一种登录方式, 但是可以在一种登录方式失败的时候尝试其他登录方式
* ## 异常类型
* 抛出一个 [LoginFailedException] 以正常地终止登录, 并可建议系统进行重连或停止 bot (通过 [LoginFailedException.killBot]).
* 例如抛出 [RetryLaterException] 可让 bot 重新进行一次登录.
* 抛出任意其他 [Throwable] 将视为鉴权选择器的自身错误.
* ## 示例代码
* ```kotlin
* override suspend fun authorize(
* authComponent: BotAuthSession,
* bot: BotAuthInfo,
* ) {
* return kotlin.runCatching {
* authComponent.authByQRCode()
* }.recover {
* authComponent.authByPassword("...")
* }.getOrThrow()
* }
* ```
public suspend fun authorize(
session: BotAuthSession,
info: BotAuthInfo,
): BotAuthResult
* 计算 `cache/account.secrets` 的加密秘钥
public fun calculateSecretsKey(
bot: BotAuthInfo,
): ByteArray = bot.deviceInfo.guid + bot.id.toByteArray()
public companion object {
public fun byPassword(password: String): BotAuthorization = byPassword(password.md5())
public fun byPassword(passwordMd5: ByteArray): BotAuthorization = factory.byPassword(passwordMd5)
public fun byQRCode(): BotAuthorization = factory.byQRCode()
public operator fun invoke(
block: suspend (BotAuthSession, BotAuthInfo) -> BotAuthResult
): BotAuthorization {
return object : BotAuthorization {
override suspend fun authorize(
session: BotAuthSession,
info: BotAuthInfo
): BotAuthResult {
return block(session, info)
private val factory: DefaultBotAuthorizationFactory by lazy {
Mirai // Ensure services loaded
public interface BotAuthResult
public interface BotAuthInfo {
public val id: Long
public val deviceInfo: DeviceInfo
public val configuration: BotConfiguration
public interface BotAuthSession {
* @throws LoginFailedException
public suspend fun authByPassword(password: String): BotAuthResult
* @throws LoginFailedException
public suspend fun authByPassword(passwordMd5: ByteArray): BotAuthResult
* @throws LoginFailedException
public suspend fun authByQRCode(): BotAuthResult
internal interface DefaultBotAuthorizationFactory {
fun byPassword(passwordMd5: ByteArray): BotAuthorization
fun byQRCode(): BotAuthorization
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.auth
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
* 二维码扫描登录监听器
* @since 2.15
public interface QRCodeLoginListener {
* 使用二维码登录时获取的二维码图片大小字节数.
public val qrCodeSize: Int get() = 3
* 使用二维码登录时获取的二维码边框宽度像素.
public val qrCodeMargin: Int get() = 4
* 使用二维码登录时获取的二维码校正等级,必须为 1-3 之间.
public val qrCodeEcLevel: Int get() = 2
* 每隔 [qrCodeStateUpdateInterval] 毫秒更新一次[二维码状态][State]
public val qrCodeStateUpdateInterval: Long get() = 5000
* 从服务器获取二维码时调用,在下级显示二维码并扫描.
* @param data 二维码图像数据 (文件)
public fun onFetchQRCode(bot: Bot, data: ByteArray)
* 当二维码状态变化时调用.
* @see State
public fun onStateChanged(bot: Bot, state: State)
* 每隔一段时间会调用一次此函数
* 在此函数抛出 [LoginFailedException] 以中断登录
public fun onIntervalLoop() {
public enum class State {
* 等待扫描中,请在此阶段请扫描二维码.
* @see QRCodeLoginListener.onFetchQRCode
* 二维码已扫描,等待扫描端确认登录.
* 扫描后取消了确认.
* 二维码超时,必须重新获取二维码.
* 二维码已确认,将会继续登录.
* 默认状态,在登录前通常为此状态.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -37,6 +37,21 @@ public class WrongPasswordException @MiraiInternalApi constructor(
message: String?
) : LoginFailedException(true, message)
* 二维码扫码账号与 BOT 账号不一致。
* @since 2.15
public class InconsistentBotIdException @MiraiInternalApi constructor(
public val expected: Long,
public val actual: Long,
message: String? = null
) : LoginFailedException(
?: "trying to logging in a bot whose id is different from the one provided to BotFactory.newBot, expected=$expected, actual=$actual."
* 无可用服务器
@ -60,16 +75,35 @@ public class NoStandardInputForCaptchaException @MiraiInternalApi constructor(
public override val cause: Throwable? = null
) : LoginFailedException(true, "no standard input for captcha")
* 当前 [LoginSolver] 不支持此验证方式
* @since 2.15
public open class UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException : LoginFailedException {
public constructor(killBot: Boolean) : super(killBot)
public constructor(killBot: Boolean, message: String?) : super(killBot, message)
public constructor(killBot: Boolean, message: String?, cause: Throwable?) : super(killBot, message, cause)
public constructor(killBot: Boolean, cause: Throwable?) : super(killBot, cause = cause)
* 需要强制短信验证, 且当前 [LoginSolver] 不支持时抛出.
* @since 2.13
public class UnsupportedSmsLoginException(message: String?) : LoginFailedException(true, message)
public class UnsupportedSmsLoginException(message: String?) : UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException(true, message)
* 无法完成滑块验证
public class UnsupportedSliderCaptchaException(message: String?) : LoginFailedException(true, message)
public class UnsupportedSliderCaptchaException(message: String?) : UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException(true, message)
* 需要二维码登录, 且当前 [LoginSolver] 不支持时抛出
* @since 2.15
public class UnsupportedQRCodeCaptchaException(message: String?) : UnsupportedCaptchaMethodException(true, message)
* 非 mirai 实现的异常
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -13,8 +13,12 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import me.him188.kotlin.jvm.blocking.bridge.JvmBlockingBridge
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthSession
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.QRCodeLoginListener
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.RetryLaterException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.UnsupportedQRCodeCaptchaException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.UnsupportedSmsLoginException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.LoginSolver.Companion.Default
import kotlin.jvm.JvmField
@ -49,6 +53,19 @@ public abstract class LoginSolver {
public open val isSliderCaptchaSupported: Boolean get() = PlatformLoginSolverImplementations.isSliderCaptchaSupported
* 当使用二维码登录时会通过此方法创建二维码登录监听器
* @see QRCodeLoginListener
* @see BotAuthorization
* @see BotAuthSession.authByQRCode
* @since 2.15
public open fun createQRCodeLoginListener(bot: Bot): QRCodeLoginListener {
throw UnsupportedQRCodeCaptchaException("This login session requires QRCode login, but current LoginSolver($this) does not support it. Please override `LoginSolver.createQRCodeLoginListener`.")
* 处理滑动验证码.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.QRCodeLoginListener
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.NoStandardInputForCaptchaException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.StandardCharImageLoginSolver.Companion.createBlocking
import java.awt.Image
@ -57,6 +58,105 @@ public class StandardCharImageLoginSolver @JvmOverloads constructor(
override val isSliderCaptchaSupported: Boolean get() = true
override fun createQRCodeLoginListener(bot: Bot): QRCodeLoginListener {
return object : QRCodeLoginListener {
private var tmpFile: File? = null
override val qrCodeMargin: Int get() = 1
override val qrCodeSize: Int get() = 1
override fun onFetchQRCode(bot: Bot, data: ByteArray) {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
logger.info { "[QRCodeLogin] 已获取登录二维码,请在手机 QQ 使用账号 ${bot.id} 扫码" }
logger.info { "[QRCodeLogin] Fetched login qrcode, please scan via qq android with account ${bot.id}." }
try {
val tempFile: File
if (tmpFile == null) {
tempFile = File.createTempFile(
).apply { deleteOnExit() }
tmpFile = tempFile
} else {
tempFile = tmpFile!!
logger.info { "[QRCodeLogin] 将会显示二维码图片,若看不清图片,请查看文件 ${tempFile.absolutePath}" }
logger.info { "[QRCodeLogin] Displaying qrcode image. If not clear, view file ${tempFile.absolutePath}." }
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.warning("[QRCodeLogin] 无法写出二维码图片. 请尽量关闭终端个性化样式后扫描二维码字符图片", e)
"[QRCodeLogin] Failed to export qrcode image. Please try to scan the char-image after disabling custom terminal style.",
data.inputStream().use { stream ->
try {
val isCacheEnabled = ImageIO.getUseCache()
try {
val img = ImageIO.read(stream)
if (img == null) {
logger.warning { "[QRCodeLogin] 无法创建字符图片. 请查看文件" }
logger.warning { "[QRCodeLogin] Failed to create char-image. Please see the file." }
} else {
logger.info { "[QRCodeLogin] \n" + img.renderQRCode() }
} finally {
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
logger.warning("[QRCodeLogin] 创建字符图片时出错. 请查看文件.", throwable)
logger.warning("[QRCodeLogin] Failed to create char-image. Please see the file.", throwable)
override fun onStateChanged(bot: Bot, state: QRCodeLoginListener.State) {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
logger.info {
buildString {
append("[QRCodeLogin] ")
when (state) {
QRCodeLoginListener.State.WAITING_FOR_SCAN -> append("等待扫描二维码中")
QRCodeLoginListener.State.WAITING_FOR_CONFIRM -> append("扫描完成,请在手机 QQ 确认登录")
QRCodeLoginListener.State.CANCELLED -> append("已取消登录,将会重新获取二维码")
QRCodeLoginListener.State.TIMEOUT -> append("扫描超时,将会重新获取二维码")
QRCodeLoginListener.State.CONFIRMED -> append("已确认登录")
else -> append("default state")
logger.info {
buildString {
append("[QRCodeLogin] ")
when (state) {
QRCodeLoginListener.State.WAITING_FOR_SCAN -> append("Waiting for scanning qrcode.")
QRCodeLoginListener.State.WAITING_FOR_CONFIRM -> append("Scan complete. Please confirm login.")
QRCodeLoginListener.State.CANCELLED -> append("Login cancelled, we will try to fetch qrcode again.")
QRCodeLoginListener.State.TIMEOUT -> append("Timeout scanning, we will try to fetch qrcode again.")
QRCodeLoginListener.State.CONFIRMED -> append("Login confirmed.")
else -> append("default state")
if (state == QRCodeLoginListener.State.CONFIRMED) {
kotlin.runCatching { tmpFile?.delete() }.onFailure { logger.warning(it) }
override suspend fun onSolvePicCaptcha(bot: Bot, data: ByteArray): String? = loginSolverLock.withLock {
val logger = loggerSupplier(bot)
@ -68,7 +168,7 @@ public class StandardCharImageLoginSolver @JvmOverloads constructor(
try {
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] 将会显示字符图片. 若看不清字符图片, 请查看文件 ${tempFile.absolutePath}" }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Displaying char-image. If not clear, view file ${tempFile.absolutePath}" }
logger.info { "[PicCaptcha] Displaying char-image. If not clear, view file ${tempFile.absolutePath}." }
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] 无法写出验证码文件, 请尝试查看以上字符图片", e)
logger.warning("[PicCaptcha] Failed to export captcha image. Please see the char-image.", e)
@ -282,3 +382,57 @@ private fun BufferedImage.createCharImg(outputWidth: Int = 100, ignoreRate: Doub
private fun BufferedImage.renderQRCode(
blackPlaceholder: String = " ",
whitePlaceholder: String = " ",
doColorSwitch: Boolean = true,
): String {
var lastStatus: Boolean? = null
fun isBlackBlock(rgb: Int): Boolean {
val r = rgb and 0xff0000 shr 16
val g = rgb and 0x00ff00 shr 8
val b = rgb and 0x0000ff
return r < 10 && g < 10 && b < 10
val sb = StringBuilder()
val BLACK = "\u001b[30;40m"
val WHITE = "\u001b[97;107m"
val RESET = "\u001b[0m"
for (y in 0 until height) {
for (x in 0 until width) {
val rgbcolor = getRGB(x, y)
val crtStatus = isBlackBlock(rgbcolor)
if (doColorSwitch && crtStatus != lastStatus) {
lastStatus = crtStatus
if (crtStatus) BLACK else WHITE
if (crtStatus) blackPlaceholder else whitePlaceholder
if (doColorSwitch) {
lastStatus = null
if (doColorSwitch) {
return sb.toString()
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.mock.internal
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.Image
import net.mamoe.mirai.mock.MockBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.mock.MockBotFactory
@ -115,4 +116,11 @@ internal class MockBotFactoryImpl : MockBotFactory {
override fun newBot(qq: Long, authorization: BotAuthorization, configuration: BotConfiguration): Bot {
return newMockBotBuilder()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
* 核心数据保护器
* ### Why
* 有时候可能会发生 `OutOfMemoryError`, 如果存在 `-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError`, 则 JVM 会生成一份系统内存打印以供 debug.
* 该报告包含全部内存信息, 包括各种数据, 核心数据以及, 机密数据 (如密码)
* 该内存报告唯一没有包含的数据就是 Native层数据, 包括且不限于
* - `sun.misc.Unsafe.allocate()`
* - `java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect()` (Named `DirectByteBuffer`)
* - C/C++ (或其他语言) 的数据
* *试验数据来源 `openjdk version "17" 2021-09-14, 64-Bit Server VM (build 17+35-2724, mixed mode, sharing)`*
* ### How it works
* 因为 Heap Dump 不存在 `DirectByteBuffer` 的实际数据, 所以可以通过该类隐藏关键数据. 等需要的时候在读取出来.
* 因为数据并没有直接存在于某个类字段中, 缺少数据关联, 也很难分析相关数据是什么数据
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "UsePropertyAccessSyntax")
public object SecretsProtection {
public value class EscapedString(
public val data: Any,
) {
public val asString: String
get() = SecretsProtectionPlatform.impl_asString(data)
public constructor(data: ByteArray) : this(escape(data))
public constructor(data: String) : this(escape(data.encodeToByteArray()))
public value class EscapedByteBuffer(
public val data: Any,
) {
public val size: Int get() = SecretsProtectionPlatform.impl_getSize(data)
public val asByteArray: ByteArray
get() = SecretsProtectionPlatform.impl_asByteArray(data)
public constructor(data: ByteArray) : this(escape(data))
public fun escape(data: ByteArray): Any {
return SecretsProtectionPlatform.escape(data)
public object EscapedStringSerializer :
KSerializer<EscapedString> by SecretsProtectionPlatform.EscapedStringSerializer
public object EscapedByteBufferSerializer :
KSerializer<EscapedByteBuffer> by SecretsProtectionPlatform.EscapedByteBufferSerializer
internal expect object SecretsProtectionPlatform {
fun impl_asString(data: Any): String
fun impl_asByteArray(data: Any): ByteArray
fun impl_getSize(data: Any): Int
fun escape(data: ByteArray): Any
object EscapedStringSerializer : KSerializer<SecretsProtection.EscapedString>
object EscapedByteBufferSerializer : KSerializer<SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer>
@ -10,39 +10,15 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.ByteArraySerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.serializer
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
* 核心数据保护器
* ### Why
* 有时候可能会发生 `OutOfMemoryError`, 如果存在 `-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError`, 则 JVM 会生成一份系统内存打印以供 debug.
* 该报告包含全部内存信息, 包括各种数据, 核心数据以及, 机密数据 (如密码)
* 该内存报告唯一没有包含的数据就是 Native层数据, 包括且不限于
* - `sun.misc.Unsafe.allocate()`
* - `java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect()` (Named `DirectByteBuffer`)
* - C/C++ (或其他语言) 的数据
* *试验数据来源 `openjdk version "17" 2021-09-14, 64-Bit Server VM (build 17+35-2724, mixed mode, sharing)`*
* ### How it works
* 因为 Heap Dump 不存在 `DirectByteBuffer` 的实际数据, 所以可以通过该类隐藏关键数据. 等需要的时候在读取出来.
* 因为数据并没有直接存在于某个类字段中, 缺少数据关联, 也很难分析相关数据是什么数据
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "UsePropertyAccessSyntax")
public object SecretsProtection {
internal actual object SecretsProtectionPlatform {
private class NativeBufferWithLock(
@JvmField val buffer: ByteBuffer,
val lock: Lock = ReentrantLock(),
@ -106,7 +82,7 @@ public object SecretsProtection {
public fun allocate(size: Int): ByteBuffer {
fun allocate(size: Int): ByteBuffer {
if (size >= bufferSize) {
return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size)
@ -171,38 +147,39 @@ public object SecretsProtection {
public fun escape(data: ByteArray): ByteBuffer {
actual fun escape(data: ByteArray): Any {
return allocate(data.size).also {
it.pos = 0
public value class EscapedString(
public val data: ByteBuffer,
) {
public val asString: String
get() = data.duplicate().readString()
actual fun impl_asString(data: Any): String {
data as ByteBuffer
return data.duplicate().readString()
public value class EscapedByteBuffer(
public val data: ByteBuffer,
actual fun impl_asByteArray(data: Any): ByteArray {
data as ByteBuffer
return data.duplicate().readBytes()
public object EscapedStringSerializer : KSerializer<EscapedString> by String.serializer().map(
actual fun impl_getSize(data: Any): Int {
return (data as ByteBuffer).remaining
actual object EscapedStringSerializer : KSerializer<SecretsProtection.EscapedString> by String.serializer().map(
deserialize = { EscapedString(escape(it.toByteArray())) },
serialize = { it.data.duplicate().readString() }
deserialize = { SecretsProtection.EscapedString(escape(it.toByteArray())) },
serialize = { it.data.cast<ByteBuffer>().duplicate().readString() }
public object EscapedByteBufferSerializer : KSerializer<EscapedByteBuffer> by ByteArraySerializer().map(
actual object EscapedByteBufferSerializer :
KSerializer<SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer> by ByteArraySerializer().map(
deserialize = { EscapedByteBuffer(escape(it)) },
serialize = { it.data.duplicate().readBytes() }
deserialize = { SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer(escape(it)) },
serialize = { it.data.cast<ByteBuffer>().duplicate().readBytes() }
@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertContentEquals
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
internal class SecretsProtectionTest {
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internal class SecretsProtectionTest {
repeat(500) {
launch {
val data = ByteArray((1..255).random()) { (0..255).random().toByte() }
val buffer = SecretsProtection.escape(data)
val buffer = SecretsProtection.escape(data) as ByteBuffer
data, buffer.duplicate().readBytes()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.ByteArraySerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.serializer
internal actual object SecretsProtectionPlatform {
actual fun impl_asString(data: Any): String {
return (data as ByteArray).decodeToString()
actual fun impl_asByteArray(data: Any): ByteArray {
return data as ByteArray
actual fun impl_getSize(data: Any): Int {
return data.cast<ByteArray>().size
actual fun escape(data: ByteArray): Any {
return data
actual object EscapedStringSerializer : KSerializer<SecretsProtection.EscapedString> by String.serializer().map(
deserialize = { SecretsProtection.EscapedString(it.encodeToByteArray()) },
serialize = { it.data.cast<ByteArray>().decodeToString() }
actual object EscapedByteBufferSerializer :
KSerializer<SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer> by ByteArraySerializer().map(
deserialize = { SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer(it) },
serialize = { it.data.cast() }
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -10,16 +10,26 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.SecretsProtection
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.TestOnly
internal expect class BotAccount {
internal val id: Long
val phoneNumber: String
constructor(id: Long, passwordMd5: ByteArray, phoneNumber: String = "")
constructor(id: Long, passwordPlainText: String, phoneNumber: String = "")
internal class BotAccount(
internal val id: Long,
val authorization: BotAuthorization,
) {
@TestOnly // to be compatible with your local tests :)
id: Long, pwd: String
) : this(id, BotAuthorization.byPassword(pwd))
val passwordMd5: ByteArray
var accountSecretsKeyBuffer: SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer? = null
val accountSecretsKey: ByteArray
get() {
accountSecretsKeyBuffer?.let { return it.asByteArray }
error("accountSecretsKey not yet available")
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
override fun hashCode(): Int
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.internal
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.BotFactory
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.BotConfiguration
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.DeprecatedSinceMirai
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ internal object BotFactoryImpl : BotFactory {
* 使用指定的 [配置][configuration] 构造 [Bot] 实例
override fun newBot(qq: Long, password: String, configuration: BotConfiguration): Bot {
return QQAndroidBot(BotAccount(qq, password), configuration)
return QQAndroidBot(BotAccount(qq, BotAuthorization.byPassword(password)), configuration)
@ -38,5 +39,9 @@ internal object BotFactoryImpl : BotFactory {
qq: Long,
passwordMd5: ByteArray,
configuration: BotConfiguration
): Bot = QQAndroidBot(BotAccount(qq, passwordMd5), configuration)
): Bot = QQAndroidBot(BotAccount(qq, BotAuthorization.byPassword(passwordMd5)), configuration)
override fun newBot(qq: Long, authorization: BotAuthorization, configuration: BotConfiguration): Bot {
return QQAndroidBot(BotAccount(qq, authorization), configuration)
@ -209,6 +209,10 @@ internal open class QQAndroidBot constructor(
set(SsoProcessorContext, SsoProcessorContextImpl(bot))
set(SsoProcessor, SsoProcessorImpl(get(SsoProcessorContext)))
QRCodeLoginProcessor.parse(get(SsoProcessorContext), networkLogger.subLogger("QRCodeLoginProcessor"))
val cacheValidator = CacheValidatorImpl(
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ internal open class QQAndroidClient(
var t547: ByteArray? = null
internal val QQAndroidClient.apkId: ByteArray get() = "com.tencent.mobileqq".toByteArray()
internal val QQAndroidClient.apkId: ByteArray get() = protocol.apkId.toByteArray()
internal val QQAndroidClient.ssoVersion: Int get() = protocol.ssoVersion
internal val QQAndroidClient.networkType: NetworkType get() = NetworkType.WIFI
internal val QQAndroidClient.appClientVersion: Int get() = 0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthResult
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components.SsoProcessorImpl
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.subLogger
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.cancellation.CancellationException
* Event sequence:
* 1. Starts a user coroutine [BotAuthorization.authorize].
* 2. User coroutine
internal class AuthControl(
private val botAuthInfo: BotAuthInfo,
private val authorization: BotAuthorization,
private val logger: MiraiLogger,
parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
) {
internal val exceptionCollector = ExceptionCollector()
private val userDecisions: OnDemandConsumer<Throwable?, SsoProcessorImpl.AuthMethod> =
CoroutineOnDemandValueScope(parentCoroutineContext, logger.subLogger("AuthControl/UserDecisions")) { _ ->
* Implements [BotAuthSessionInternal] from API, to be called by the user, to receive user's decisions.
val sessionImpl = object : BotAuthSessionInternal() {
private val authResultImpl = object : BotAuthResult {}
override suspend fun authByPassword(passwordMd5: SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer): BotAuthResult {
runWrapInternalException {
}?.let { throw it }
return authResultImpl
override suspend fun authByQRCode(): BotAuthResult {
runWrapInternalException {
}?.let { throw it }
return authResultImpl
private inline fun <R> runWrapInternalException(block: () -> R): R {
try {
return block()
} catch (e: IllegalProducerStateException) {
if (e.lastStateWasSucceed) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"This login session has already completed. Please return the BotAuthResult you get from 'authBy*()' immediately",
} else {
throw e // internal bug
try {
logger.verbose { "[AuthControl/auth] Authorization started" }
authorization.authorize(sessionImpl, botAuthInfo)
logger.verbose { "[AuthControl/auth] Authorization exited" }
} catch (e: CancellationException) {
logger.verbose { "[AuthControl/auth] Authorization cancelled" }
} catch (e: Throwable) {
logger.verbose { "[AuthControl/auth] Authorization failed: $e" }
init {
// Does not throw
suspend fun acquireAuth(): SsoProcessorImpl.AuthMethod {
logger.verbose { "[AuthControl/acquire] Acquiring auth method" }
val rsp = try {
userDecisions.receiveOrNull() ?: SsoProcessorImpl.AuthMethod.NotAvailable
} catch (e: ProducerFailureException) {
logger.debug { "[AuthControl/acquire] Authorization responded: $rsp" }
return rsp
fun actMethodFailed(cause: Throwable) {
logger.verbose { "[AuthControl/resume] Fire auth failed with cause: $cause" }
fun actComplete() {
logger.verbose { "[AuthControl/resume] Fire auth completed" }
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthResult
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthSession
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.SecretsProtection
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.md5
// With SecretsProtection support
internal abstract class BotAuthSessionInternal : BotAuthSession {
final override suspend fun authByPassword(password: String): BotAuthResult {
return authByPassword(password.md5())
final override suspend fun authByPassword(passwordMd5: ByteArray): BotAuthResult {
return authByPassword(SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer(passwordMd5))
abstract suspend fun authByPassword(passwordMd5: SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer): BotAuthResult
// With SecretsProtection support
internal abstract class BotAuthorizationWithSecretsProtection : BotAuthorization {
final override fun calculateSecretsKey(bot: BotAuthInfo): ByteArray {
return calculateSecretsKeyImpl(bot).asByteArray
abstract fun calculateSecretsKeyImpl(
bot: BotAuthInfo,
): SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer
abstract suspend fun authorize(session: BotAuthSessionInternal, bot: BotAuthInfo): BotAuthResult
final override suspend fun authorize(session: BotAuthSession, info: BotAuthInfo): BotAuthResult {
return authorize(session as BotAuthSessionInternal, info)
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicRef
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.atomicfu.loop
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel
import kotlinx.coroutines.job
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiLogger
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.childScope
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.debug
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.cancellation.CancellationException
internal class IllegalProducerStateException(
private val state: ProducerState<*, *>,
message: String? = state.toString(),
cause: Throwable? = null,
) : IllegalStateException(message, cause) {
val lastStateWasSucceed get() = (state is ProducerState.Finished) && state.isSuccess
internal class CoroutineOnDemandValueScope<T, V>(
parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
private val logger: MiraiLogger,
private val producerCoroutine: suspend OnDemandProducerScope<T, V>.(initialTicket: T) -> Unit,
) : OnDemandConsumer<T, V> {
private val coroutineScope = parentCoroutineContext.childScope("CoroutineOnDemandValueScope")
private val state: AtomicRef<ProducerState<T, V>> = atomic(ProducerState.JustInitialized())
inner class Producer(
private val initialTicket: T,
) : OnDemandProducerScope<T, V> {
init {
coroutineScope.launch {
try {
} catch (_: CancellationException) {
// ignored
} catch (e: Exception) {
override suspend fun emit(value: V): T {
state.loop { state ->
when (state) {
is ProducerState.Finished -> throw state.createAlreadyFinishedException(null)
is ProducerState.Producing -> {
val deferred = state.deferred
val consumingState = ProducerState.Consuming(
if (compareAndSetState(state, consumingState)) {
deferred.complete(value) // produce a value
return consumingState.producerLatch.acquire() // wait for producer to consume the previous value.
else -> throw IllegalProducerStateException(state)
override fun finishExceptionally(exception: Throwable) {
override fun finish() {
state.loop { state ->
when (state) {
is ProducerState.Finished -> throw state.createAlreadyFinishedException(null)
else -> {
if (compareAndSetState(state, ProducerState.Finished(state, null))) {
private fun finishImpl(exception: Throwable?) {
state.loop { state ->
when (state) {
is ProducerState.Finished -> throw state.createAlreadyFinishedException(exception)
else -> {
if (compareAndSetState(state, ProducerState.Finished(state, exception))) {
val cancellationException = kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException("Finished", exception)
private fun compareAndSetState(state: ProducerState<T, V>, newState: ProducerState<T, V>): Boolean {
return this.state.compareAndSet(state, newState).also {
logger.debug { "CAS: $state -> $newState: $it" }
override suspend fun receiveOrNull(): V? {
state.loop { state ->
when (state) {
is ProducerState.Producing -> {
// still producing value
state.deferred.await() // just wait for value, but does not return it.
// The value will be completed in ProducerState.Consuming state,
// but you cannot thread-safely assume current state is Consuming.
// Here we will loop again, to atomically switch to Consumed state.
is ProducerState.Consuming -> {
// value is ready, switch state to ProducerReady
if (compareAndSetState(
ProducerState.Consumed(state.producer, state.producerLatch)
) {
return try {
state.value.await() // won't suspend, since value is already completed
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw ProducerFailureException(cause = e)
is ProducerState.Finished -> {
state.exception?.let { err ->
throw ProducerFailureException(cause = err)
return null
else -> throw IllegalProducerStateException(state)
override fun expectMore(ticket: T): Boolean {
state.loop { state ->
when (state) {
is ProducerState.JustInitialized -> {
compareAndSetState(state, ProducerState.CreatingProducer { Producer(ticket) })
// loop again
is ProducerState.CreatingProducer -> {
compareAndSetState(state, ProducerState.ProducerReady(state.producer))
// loop again
is ProducerState.ProducerReady -> {
val deferred = CompletableDeferred<V>(coroutineScope.coroutineContext.job)
if (!compareAndSetState(state, ProducerState.Producing(state.producer, deferred))) {
deferred.cancel() // avoid leak
// loop again
is ProducerState.Producing -> return true // ok
is ProducerState.Consuming -> throw IllegalProducerStateException(state) // a value is already ready
is ProducerState.Consumed -> {
if (compareAndSetState(state, ProducerState.ProducerReady(state.producer))) {
// wake up producer async.
// loop again to switch state atomically to Producing.
// Do not do switch state directly here — async producer may race with you!
is ProducerState.Finished -> return false
override fun finish() {
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthResult
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthSession
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer
* Provides default [BotAuthorization.byPassword] implementation.
* @see net.mamoe.mirai.auth.DefaultBotAuthorizationFactory
internal class DefaultBotAuthorizationFactoryImpl :
net.mamoe.mirai.auth.DefaultBotAuthorizationFactory {
override fun byPassword(passwordMd5: ByteArray): BotAuthorization {
val buffer = EscapedByteBuffer(passwordMd5)
return byPassword(buffer) // Avoid referring passwordMd5(ByteArray)
private fun byPassword(buffer: EscapedByteBuffer): BotAuthorization {
return object : BotAuthorizationWithSecretsProtection() {
override fun calculateSecretsKeyImpl(bot: BotAuthInfo): EscapedByteBuffer = buffer
override suspend fun authorize(
session: BotAuthSessionInternal,
bot: BotAuthInfo
): BotAuthResult = session.authByPassword(buffer)
override fun toString(): String = "BotAuthorization.byPassword(<ERASED>)"
override fun byQRCode(): BotAuthorization {
return object : BotAuthorization {
override suspend fun authorize(session: BotAuthSession, info: BotAuthInfo): BotAuthResult =
override fun toString(): String = "BotAuthorization.byQRCode()"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.completeWith
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
internal interface Latch<T> {
* Suspends and waits to acquire the latch.
* @throws Throwable if [resumeWith] is called with [Result.Failure]
suspend fun acquire(): T
* Release the latch, resuming the coroutines waiting for the latch.
* This function will return immediately unless a client is calling [acquire] concurrently.
fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>)
internal fun <T> Latch(parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext): Latch<T> = LatchImpl(parentCoroutineContext)
private class LatchImpl<T>(
parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext
) : Latch<T> {
private val deferred: CompletableDeferred<T> = CompletableDeferred(parentCoroutineContext[Job])
override suspend fun acquire(): T = deferred.await()
override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) {
if (!deferred.completeWith(result)) {
error("$this was already resumed")
override fun toString(): String = "LatchImpl($deferred)"
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
import kotlin.coroutines.cancellation.CancellationException
* 按需供给的值制造器.
internal interface OnDemandProducerScope<T, V> {
* 挂起协程, 直到 [OnDemandConsumer] 期望接收一个 [V], 届时将 [value] 传递给 [OnDemandConsumer.receiveOrNull], 成为其返回值.
* 若在调用 [emit] 时已经有 [OnDemandConsumer] 正在等待, 则该 [OnDemandConsumer] 协程会立即[恢复][Continuation.resumeWith].
* 若 [OnDemandConsumer] 已经[完结][OnDemandConsumer.finish], [OnDemandProducerScope.emit] 会抛出 [IllegalProducerStateException].
suspend fun emit(value: V): T
* 标记此 [OnDemandProducerScope] 在生产 [V] 的过程中出现错误.
* 这也会终止此 [OnDemandProducerScope], 随后 [OnDemandConsumer.receiveOrNull] 将会抛出 [ProducerFailureException].
fun finishExceptionally(exception: Throwable)
* 标记此 [OnDemandProducerScope] 已经没有更多 [V] 可生产.
* 随后 [OnDemandConsumer.receiveOrNull] 将会抛出 [IllegalStateException].
fun finish()
* 按需消费者.
* 与 [ReceiveChannel] 不同, [OnDemandConsumer] 只有在调用 [expectMore] 后才会期待[生产者][OnDemandProducerScope] 生产下一个 [V].
internal interface OnDemandConsumer<T, V> {
* 挂起协程并等待从 [OnDemandProducerScope] [接收][OnDemandProducerScope.emit]一个 [V].
* 当此函数被多个线程 (协程) 同时调用时, 只有一个线程挂起并获得 [V], 其他线程将会
* @throws ProducerFailureException 当 [OnDemandProducerScope.finishExceptionally] 时抛出.
* @throws CancellationException 当协程被取消时抛出
* @throws IllegalProducerStateException 当状态异常, 如未调用 [expectMore] 时抛出
@Throws(ProducerFailureException::class, CancellationException::class)
suspend fun receiveOrNull(): V?
* 期待 [OnDemandProducerScope] 再生产一个 [V]. 期望生产后必须在之后调用 [receiveOrNull] 或 [finish] 来消耗生产的 [V].
* 在成功发起期待后返回 `true`; 在 [OnDemandProducerScope] 已经[完结][OnDemandProducerScope.finish] 时返回 `false`.
* @throws IllegalProducerStateException 当 [expectMore] 被调用后, 没有调用 [receiveOrNull] 就又调用了 [expectMore] 时抛出
fun expectMore(ticket: T): Boolean
* 标记此 [OnDemandConsumer] 已经完结.
* 如果 [OnDemandProducerScope] 仍在运行, 将会 (正常地) 取消 [OnDemandProducerScope].
* 随后 [OnDemandProducerScope.emit] 将会抛出 [IllegalStateException].
fun finish()
internal class ProducerFailureException(
override val message: String? = null,
override val cause: Throwable?
) : Exception()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
* Producer states.
internal sealed interface ProducerState<T, V> {
* 可变更状态的函数: [emit], [receiveOrNull], [expectMore], [finish], [finishExceptionally]
* [emit] 和 [receiveOrNull] 为 suspend 函数, 在图中 "(suspend)" 表示挂起它们的协程, "(resume)" 表示恢复它们的协程.
* "A ~~~~~~> B" 表示在切换为状态 A 后, 会挂起或恢复协程 B.
* JustInitialized
* |
* | 调用 [expectMore]
* |
* V
* CreatingProducer
* |
* |
* |
* V
* ProducerReady (从此用户协程作为 producer 在后台运行)
* |
* |
* | <--------------------------------------------------
* | \
* V |
* Producing ([expectMore] 结束) |
* | \ |
* 调用 | \ |
* [receiveOrNull] | \ 调用 [emit] |
* / \ |
* / \ |
* / \ |
* | \ |
* | \ |
* | |------------- |
* | | \ |
* | | | |
* | \ | |
* | \ | |
* | \ | |
* | | | |
* V (resume) V | |
* ([receiveOrNull] suspend) <~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consuming | |
* | / | |
* | / | |
* | /---------------/ | |
* | / 调用 [receiveOrNull] | |
* | / | |
* |/ | |
* | | |
* | | |
* V | |
* ([receiveOrNull] 结束) Consumed | |
* | | |
* | 调用 [expectMore] | |
* | | |
* V (resume) V |
* ProducerReady ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> ([emit] suspend) |
* | | |
* | | |
* | V |
* | ([emit] 结束) |
* | |
* |------------------------------------------------------------+
* (返回顶部 Producing)
* 在任意状态调用 [finish] 以及 [finishExceptionally], 可将状态转移到最终状态 [Finished].
* 在一个状态中调用图中未说明的函数会抛出 [IllegalProducerStateException].
* Override this function to produce good debug information
abstract override fun toString(): String
class JustInitialized<T, V> : ProducerState<T, V> {
override fun toString(): String = "JustInitialized"
sealed interface HasProducer<T, V> : ProducerState<T, V> {
val producer: OnDemandProducerScope<T, V>
// This is need — to ensure [launchProducer] is called exactly once.
class CreatingProducer<T, V>(
launchProducer: () -> OnDemandProducerScope<T, V>
) : HasProducer<T, V> {
override val producer: OnDemandProducerScope<T, V> by lazy(launchProducer)
override fun toString(): String = "CreatingProducer"
class ProducerReady<T, V>(
override val producer: OnDemandProducerScope<T, V>,
) : HasProducer<T, V> {
override fun toString(): String = "ProducerReady"
class Producing<T, V>(
override val producer: OnDemandProducerScope<T, V>,
val deferred: CompletableDeferred<V>,
) : HasProducer<T, V> {
override fun toString(): String = "Producing(deferred.completed=${deferred.isCompleted})"
class Consuming<T, V>(
override val producer: OnDemandProducerScope<T, V>,
val value: Deferred<V>,
parentCoroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
) : HasProducer<T, V> {
val producerLatch = Latch<T>(parentCoroutineContext)
override fun toString(): String {
val completed =
value.runCatching { getCompleted().toString() }.getOrNull() // getCompleted() is experimental
return "Consuming(value=$completed)"
class Consumed<T, V>(
override val producer: OnDemandProducerScope<T, V>,
val producerLatch: Latch<T>
) : HasProducer<T, V> {
override fun toString(): String = "Consumed($producerLatch)"
class Finished<T, V>(
val previousState: ProducerState<T, V>,
val exception: Throwable?,
) : ProducerState<T, V> {
val isSuccess get() = exception == null
fun createAlreadyFinishedException(cause: Throwable?): IllegalProducerStateException {
val exception = exception
return if (exception == null) {
"Producer has already finished normally, but attempting to finish with the cause $cause. Previous state was: $previousState",
cause = cause
} else {
"Producer has already finished with the suppressed exception, but attempting to finish with the cause $cause. Previous state was: $previousState",
cause = cause
).apply {
override fun toString(): String = "Finished($previousState, $exception)"
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ internal class FileCacheAccountSecretsManager(
private fun getSecretsImpl(account: BotAccount): AccountSecrets? {
if (!file.exists()) return null
val loaded = kotlin.runCatching {
TEA.decrypt(file.readBytes(), account.passwordMd5).loadAs(AccountSecretsImpl.serializer())
TEA.decrypt(file.readBytes(), account.accountSecretsKey).loadAs(AccountSecretsImpl.serializer())
}.getOrElse { e ->
if (e.message == "Field 'ecdhInitialPublicKey' is required for type with serial name 'net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components.AccountSecretsImpl', but it was missing") {
logger.info { "Detected old account secrets, invalidating..." }
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ internal class FileCacheAccountSecretsManager(
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.lateinitMutableProperty
internal interface BotClientHolder {
var client: QQAndroidClient
fun refreshClient()
companion object : ComponentKey<BotClientHolder>
@ -27,6 +29,10 @@ internal class BotClientHolderImpl(
) : BotClientHolder {
override var client: QQAndroidClient by lateinitMutableProperty { createClient(bot) }
override fun refreshClient() {
client = createClient(bot)
private fun createClient(bot: QQAndroidBot): QQAndroidClient {
val ssoContext = bot.components[SsoProcessorContext]
val device = ssoContext.device
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components.PacketCodec.Companion.PacketL
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components.PacketCodecException.Kind.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector.NetworkException
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.login.WtLogin
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.crypto.Ecdh
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.crypto.TEA
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
@ -96,43 +97,66 @@ internal class PacketCodecException(
internal class PacketCodecImpl : PacketCodec {
override fun decodeRaw(client: SsoSession, input: ByteReadPacket): RawIncomingPacket = input.run {
// login
val flag1 = readInt()
override fun decodeRaw(
client: SsoSession,
input: ByteReadPacket
): RawIncomingPacket = input.run {
// packet type
val type = readInt()
PacketLogger.verbose { "开始处理一个包" }
val flag2 = readByte().toInt()
val encryptMethod = readByte().toInt()
val flag3 = readByte().toInt()
if (flag3 != 0) {
throw PacketCodecException(
"Illegal flag3. Expected 0, whereas got $flag3. flag1=$flag1, flag2=$flag2. " +
val flag3Exception = if (flag3 != 0) {
"Illegal flag3. Expected 0, whereas got $flag3. packet type=$type, encrypt method=$encryptMethod. ",
} else null
readString(readInt() - 4)// uinAccount
ByteArrayPool.useInstance(this.remaining.toInt()) { buffer ->
val size = this.readAvailable(buffer)
when (flag2) {
val raw = try {
when (encryptMethod) {
2 -> TEA.decrypt(buffer, DECRYPTER_16_ZERO, size)
1 -> TEA.decrypt(buffer, client.wLoginSigInfo.d2Key, size)
0 -> buffer
else -> throw PacketCodecException("Unknown flag2=$flag2", PROTOCOL_UPDATED)
else -> throw PacketCodecException("Unknown encrypt type=$encryptMethod", PROTOCOL_UPDATED)
}.let { decryptedData ->
when (flag1) {
when (type) {
0x0A -> parseSsoFrame(client, decryptedData)
0x0B -> parseSsoFrame(client, decryptedData) // 这里可能是 uni?? 但测试时候发现结构跟 sso 一样.
else -> throw PacketCodecException(
"unknown flag1: ${flag1.toByte().toUHexString()}",
"unknown packet type: ${type.toByte().toUHexString()}",
}.let { raw ->
when (flag2) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw e.also {
if (flag3Exception != null) {
if (flag3 != 0 && flag3Exception != null) {
if (raw.commandName == WtLogin.TransEmp.commandName) {
"unknown flag3: $flag3 in packet ${WtLogin.TransEmp.commandName}, " +
"which may means protocol is updated.",
} else {
throw flag3Exception
when (encryptMethod) {
0, 1 -> RawIncomingPacket(raw.commandName, raw.sequenceId, raw.body.readBytes())
2 -> RawIncomingPacket(
@ -145,11 +169,11 @@ internal class PacketCodecImpl : PacketCodec {
else -> error("unreachable")
internal class DecodeResult constructor(
val commandName: String,
@ -220,6 +244,7 @@ internal class PacketCodecImpl : PacketCodec {
1 -> {
input.inflateAllAvailable().let { bytes ->
@ -231,6 +256,7 @@ internal class PacketCodecImpl : PacketCodec {
8 -> input
else -> throw PacketCodecException("Unknown dataCompressed flag: $dataCompressed", PROTOCOL_UPDATED)
@ -270,6 +296,7 @@ internal class PacketCodecImpl : PacketCodec {
TEA.decrypt(data, peerShareKey)
3 -> {
val size = (this.remaining - 1).toInt()
// session
@ -279,6 +306,7 @@ internal class PacketCodecImpl : PacketCodec {
length = size
0 -> {
if (client.loginState == 0) {
val size = (this.remaining - 1).toInt()
@ -294,6 +322,7 @@ internal class PacketCodecImpl : PacketCodec {
TEA.decrypt(this.readBytes(), client.randomKey, length = size)
else -> error("Illegal encryption method. expected 0 or 4, got $encryptionMethod")
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.QRCodeLoginListener
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.QQAndroidClient
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.QRCodeLoginData
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.component.ComponentKey
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.NetworkHandler
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.login.WtLogin
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.MiraiProtocolInternal.Companion.asInternal
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiLogger
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.debug
internal interface QRCodeLoginProcessor {
suspend fun process(handler: NetworkHandler, client: QQAndroidClient): QRCodeLoginData = error("Not implemented")
* Allocate a special processor for once login request
fun prepareProcess(handler: NetworkHandler, client: QQAndroidClient): QRCodeLoginProcessor =
error("Not implemented")
companion object : ComponentKey<QRCodeLoginProcessor> {
internal val NOOP = object : QRCodeLoginProcessor {}
fun parse(ssoContext: SsoProcessorContext, logger: MiraiLogger): QRCodeLoginProcessor {
return QRCodeLoginProcessorPreLoaded(ssoContext, logger)
internal class QRCodeLoginProcessorPreLoaded(
private val ssoContext: SsoProcessorContext,
private val logger: MiraiLogger,
) : QRCodeLoginProcessor {
override fun prepareProcess(handler: NetworkHandler, client: QQAndroidClient): QRCodeLoginProcessor {
check(ssoContext.bot.configuration.protocol.asInternal.supportsQRLogin) {
"The login protocol must be ANDROID_WATCH or MACOS while enabling qrcode login." +
"Set it by `bot.configuration.protocol = BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_WATCH`."
val loginSolver = ssoContext.bot.configuration.loginSolver
?: throw IllegalStateException(
"No LoginSolver found while enabling qrcode login. " +
"Please provide by BotConfiguration.loginSolver. " +
"For example use `BotFactory.newBot(...) { loginSolver = yourLoginSolver}` in Kotlin, " +
"use `BotFactory.newBot(..., new BotConfiguration() {{ setLoginSolver(yourLoginSolver) }})` in Java."
val qrCodeLoginListener = loginSolver.createQRCodeLoginListener(client.bot)
return loginSolver.run {
QRCodeLoginProcessorImpl(qrCodeLoginListener, logger)
internal class QRCodeLoginProcessorImpl(
private val qrCodeLoginListener: QRCodeLoginListener,
private val logger: MiraiLogger,
) : QRCodeLoginProcessor {
private var state = atomic(QRCodeLoginListener.State.DEFAULT)
private suspend fun requestQRCode(
handler: NetworkHandler,
client: QQAndroidClient
): WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.FetchQRCode {
logger.debug { "requesting qrcode." }
val resp = handler.sendAndExpect(
size = qrCodeLoginListener.qrCodeSize,
margin = qrCodeLoginListener.qrCodeMargin,
ecLevel = qrCodeLoginListener.qrCodeEcLevel,
attempts = 1
check(resp is WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.FetchQRCode) { "Cannot fetch qrcode, resp=$resp" }
qrCodeLoginListener.onFetchQRCode(handler.context.bot, resp.imageData)
return resp
private suspend fun queryQRCodeStatus(
handler: NetworkHandler,
client: QQAndroidClient,
sig: ByteArray
): WtLogin.TransEmp.Response {
logger.debug { "querying qrcode state." }
val resp = handler.sendAndExpect(WtLogin.TransEmp.QueryQRCodeStatus(client, sig), attempts = 1, timeout = 500)
resp is WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus || resp is WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeConfirmed
) { "Cannot query qrcode status, resp=$resp" }
val currentState = state.value
val newState = resp.mapProtocolState()
if (currentState != newState && state.compareAndSet(currentState, newState)) {
logger.debug { "qrcode state changed: $state" }
qrCodeLoginListener.onStateChanged(handler.context.bot, newState)
return resp
override suspend fun process(handler: NetworkHandler, client: QQAndroidClient): QRCodeLoginData {
main@ while (true) {
val qrCodeData = requestQRCode(handler, client)
state@ while (true) {
when (val status = queryQRCodeStatus(handler, client, qrCodeData.sig)) {
is WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeConfirmed -> {
return status.data
is WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus -> when (status.state) {
WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus.State.CANCELLED -> {
// status is FetchQRCode, which is unreachable.
else -> {
error("query qrcode status should not be FetchQRCode.")
private fun WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.mapProtocolState(): QRCodeLoginListener.State {
return when (this) {
is WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus -> when (this.state) {
WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus.State.WAITING_FOR_SCAN ->
WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus.State.WAITING_FOR_CONFIRM ->
WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus.State.CANCELLED ->
WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus.State.TIMEOUT ->
is WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeConfirmed ->
is WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.FetchQRCode ->
error("$this cannot be mapped to listener state.")
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -11,13 +11,18 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicRef
import kotlinx.atomicfu.atomic
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.QQAndroidBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.Packet
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.QQAndroidClient
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.QRCodeLoginData
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.WLoginSigInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth.AuthControl
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth.BotAuthorizationWithSecretsProtection
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.component.ComponentKey
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.NetworkHandler
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.logger
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector.NetworkException
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector.SelectorRequireReconnectException
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.OutgoingPacketWithRespType
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.login.DeviceVerificationResultImpl
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.login.SmsDeviceVerificationResult
@ -30,10 +35,8 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.network.LoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.RetryLaterException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.UnsupportedSliderCaptchaException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.WrongPasswordException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.LoginSolver
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.info
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.withExceptionCollector
import kotlin.coroutines.cancellation.CancellationException
import kotlin.jvm.Volatile
@ -142,37 +145,155 @@ internal class SsoProcessorImpl(
override val ssoSession: SsoSession get() = client
private val components get() = ssoContext.bot.components
private val botAuthInfo = object : BotAuthInfo {
override val id: Long
get() = ssoContext.bot.id
override val deviceInfo: DeviceInfo
get() = ssoContext.device
override val configuration: BotConfiguration
get() = ssoContext.bot.configuration
* Do login. Throws [LoginFailedException] if failed
override suspend fun login(handler: NetworkHandler) = withExceptionCollector {
override suspend fun login(handler: NetworkHandler) {
fun initAuthControl() {
authControl = AuthControl(
ssoContext.bot.coroutineContext, // do not use network context because network may restart whilst auth control should keep alive
suspend fun loginSuccess() {
components[AccountSecretsManager].saveSecrets(ssoContext.account, AccountSecretsImpl(client))
ssoContext.bot.logger.info { "Login successful." }
if (authControl == null) {
ssoContext.bot.account.let { account ->
if (account.accountSecretsKeyBuffer == null) {
account.accountSecretsKeyBuffer = when (val authorization = account.authorization) {
is BotAuthorizationWithSecretsProtection -> authorization.calculateSecretsKeyImpl(botAuthInfo)
else -> SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer(authorization.calculateSecretsKey(botAuthInfo))
try {
// try fast login
if (client.wLoginSigInfoInitialized) {
kotlin.runCatching {
}.onFailure { e ->
throw SelectorRequireReconnectException()
} else {
client = createClient(ssoContext.bot)
if (authControl == null) initAuthControl()
val authControl0 = authControl!!
var nextAuthMethod: AuthMethod? = null
try {
when (val authw = authControl0.acquireAuth().also { nextAuthMethod = it }) {
is AuthMethod.Error -> {
authControl = null
throw authw.exception
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Failed to log in, invalidate secrets.
throw e
AuthMethod.NotAvailable -> {
authControl = null
error("No more auth method available")
components[AccountSecretsManager].saveSecrets(ssoContext.account, AccountSecretsImpl(client))
ssoContext.bot.logger.info { "Login successful." }
is AuthMethod.Pwd -> {
SlowLoginImpl(handler, LoginType.Password(authw.passwordMd5)).doLogin()
AuthMethod.QRCode -> {
val rsp = ssoContext.bot.components[QRCodeLoginProcessor].prepareProcess(
handler, client
).process(handler, client)
SlowLoginImpl(handler, LoginType.QRCode(rsp)).doLogin()
authControl = null
} catch (exception: Throwable) {
if (exception is SelectorRequireReconnectException) {
throw exception
ssoContext.bot.network.logger.warning({ "Failed with auth method: $nextAuthMethod" }, exception)
if (nextAuthMethod !is AuthMethod.Error && nextAuthMethod != null) {
if (exception is NetworkException) {
if (exception.recoverable) throw exception
if (nextAuthMethod == null || nextAuthMethod is AuthMethod.NotAvailable || nextAuthMethod is AuthMethod.Error) {
authControl = null
throw SelectorRequireReconnectException()
sealed class AuthMethod {
object NotAvailable : AuthMethod() {
override fun toString(): String = "NotAvailable"
object QRCode : AuthMethod() {
override fun toString(): String = "QRCode"
class Pwd(val passwordMd5: SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer) : AuthMethod() {
override fun toString(): String = "Password@${hashCode()}"
* Exception in [BotAuthorization]
class Error(val exception: Throwable) : AuthMethod() {
override fun toString(): String = "Error[$exception]@${hashCode()}"
private var authControl: AuthControl? = null
override suspend fun sendRegister(handler: NetworkHandler): StatSvc.Register.Response {
return registerClientOnline(handler).also { registerResp = it }
@ -189,17 +310,6 @@ internal class SsoProcessorImpl(
private fun createClient(bot: QQAndroidBot): QQAndroidClient {
val device = ssoContext.device
return QQAndroidClient(
device = device,
accountSecrets = bot.components[AccountSecretsManager].getSecretsOrCreate(ssoContext.account, device)
).apply {
_bot = bot
// login
@ -219,7 +329,10 @@ internal class SsoProcessorImpl(
abstract suspend fun doLogin()
private inner class SlowLoginImpl(handler: NetworkHandler) : LoginStrategy(handler) {
private inner class SlowLoginImpl(
handler: NetworkHandler,
private val loginType: LoginType
) : LoginStrategy(handler) {
private fun loginSolverNotNull(): LoginSolver {
fun LoginSolver?.notnull(): LoginSolver {
@ -259,9 +372,15 @@ internal class SsoProcessorImpl(
override suspend fun doLogin() = withExceptionCollector {
fun SSOWtLogin9(allowSlider: Boolean) = when (loginType) {
is LoginType.Password -> WtLogin9.Password(client, loginType.passwordMd5.asByteArray, allowSlider)
is LoginType.QRCode -> WtLogin9.QRCode(client, loginType.qrCodeLoginData)
var allowSlider = sliderSupported || bot.configuration.protocol == MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_PHONE
var response: LoginPacketResponse = WtLogin9(client, allowSlider).sendAndExpect()
var response: LoginPacketResponse = SSOWtLogin9(allowSlider).sendAndExpect()
mainloop@ while (true) {
when (response) {
@ -281,7 +400,7 @@ internal class SsoProcessorImpl(
check(result is DeviceVerificationResultImpl)
response = when (result) {
is UrlDeviceVerificationResult -> {
WtLogin9(client, allowSlider).sendAndExpect()
is SmsDeviceVerificationResult -> {
@ -308,7 +427,7 @@ internal class SsoProcessorImpl(
response = if (ticket == null) {
WtLogin9(client, allowSlider).sendAndExpect()
} else {
WtLogin2.SubmitSliderCaptcha(client, ticket).sendAndExpect()
@ -358,6 +477,11 @@ internal class SsoProcessorImpl(
private sealed class LoginType {
class Password(val passwordMd5: SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer) : LoginType()
class QRCode(val qrCodeLoginData: QRCodeLoginData) : LoginType()
private inner class FastLoginImpl(handler: NetworkHandler) : LoginStrategy(handler) {
override suspend fun doLogin() {
val login10 = handler.sendAndExpect(WtLogin10(client))
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.NetworkHandler.Companion.runUnwrapCancellationException
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector.NetworkException
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector.NetworkHandlerSelector
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector.SelectorRequireReconnectException
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.state.StateObserver
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.impl.HeartbeatFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.OutgoingPacket
@ -253,7 +254,13 @@ internal abstract class CommonNetworkHandler<Conn>(
this@CommonNetworkHandler.launch { resumeConnection() } // go to next state.
} else {
// failed in SSO stage
context[SsoProcessor].casFirstLoginResult(null, FirstLoginResult.OTHER_FAILURE)
when (error) {
is SelectorRequireReconnectException -> null
else -> FirstLoginResult.OTHER_FAILURE
if (error is CancellationException) {
// CancellationException is either caused by parent cancellation or manual `connectResult.cancel`.
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector
* A special exception that instructs selector to restart network connection
internal expect class SelectorRequireReconnectException() : NetworkException
@ -74,6 +74,17 @@ internal fun BytePacketBuilder.writeLoginExtraData(loginExtraData: LoginExtraDat
internal class QRCodeLoginData(
val tmpPwd: ByteArray, // get from wtlogin.trans_emp, don't use client.wLoginSigInfo.encryptA1
val noPicSig: ByteArray, // get from wtlogin.trans_emp, don't use client.wLoginSigInfo.encryptA1
val tgtQR: ByteArray,
) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "QRCodeLoginData(tmpPwd=${tmpPwd.toUHexString()}, noPicSig=${noPicSig.toUHexString()}, tgtQR=${tgtQR.toUHexString()})"
@Suppress("ArrayInDataClass") // for `copy`
internal data class WLoginSigInfo(
@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ internal val NO_ENCRYPT: ByteArray = ByteArray(0)
internal inline fun <R : Packet?> OutgoingPacketFactory<R>.buildLoginOutgoingPacket(
client: QQAndroidClient,
bodyType: Byte,
uin: String = client.uin.toString(),
extraData: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
remark: String? = null,
commandName: String = this.commandName,
@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ internal inline fun <R : Packet?> OutgoingPacketFactory<R>.buildLoginOutgoingPac
client.uin.toString().let {
uin.let {
writeInt(it.length + 4)
@ -274,6 +275,7 @@ internal inline fun BytePacketBuilder.writeSsoPacket(
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.writeOicqRequestPacket(
client: QQAndroidClient,
uin: Long = client.uin,
encryptMethod: EncryptMethod = EncryptMethodEcdh(client.bot.components[EcdhInitialPublicKeyUpdater].getQQEcdh()),
commandId: Int,
bodyBlock: BytePacketBuilder.() -> Unit
@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ internal fun BytePacketBuilder.writeOicqRequestPacket(
writeShort(1) // const??
writeByte(3) // originally const
writeByte(0) // const8_always_0
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ internal object KnownPacketFactories {
object OutgoingFactories : List<OutgoingPacketFactory<*>> by mutableListOf(
@ -82,6 +82,26 @@ internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t8(
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t16(
ssoVersion: Int,
subAppId: Long,
guid: ByteArray,
apkId: ByteArray,
apkVersionName: ByteArray,
apkSignatureMd5: ByteArray
) {
writeShortLVPacket {
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t18(
appId: Long,
appClientVersion: Int = 0,
@ -100,9 +120,81 @@ internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t18(
} shouldEqualsTo 22
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t1b(
micro: Int = 0,
version: Int = 0,
size: Int = 3,
margin: Int = 4,
dpi: Int = 72,
ecLevel: Int = 2,
hint: Int = 2
) {
writeShortLVPacket {
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t1d(
miscBitmap: Int,
) {
writeShortLVPacket {
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t1f(
isRoot: Boolean = false,
osName: ByteArray,
osVersion: ByteArray,
simVendor: ByteArray,
apn: ByteArray,
networkType: Short = 2,
) {
writeShortLVPacket {
writeByte(if (isRoot) 1 else 0)
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t33(
guid: ByteArray,
) {
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t35(
productType: Int
) {
writeShortLVPacket {
internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t106(
client: QQAndroidClient,
appId: Long = 16L,
client: QQAndroidClient
passwordMd5: ByteArray,
) {
return t106(
@ -110,7 +202,7 @@ internal fun BytePacketBuilder.t106(
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.login.wtlogin.WtLoginExt
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.login.wtlogin.analysisTlv0x531
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.login.wtlogin.orEmpty
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.crypto.TEA
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.io.writeShortLVByteArray
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.io.writeShortLVPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.utils.printStructure
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.InconsistentBotIdException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.RetryLaterException
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.WrongPasswordException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
@ -130,7 +133,8 @@ internal class WtLogin {
// 需要 t112, 但在实现 QR 时删除了 phoneNumber
// t112(client.account.phoneNumber.encodeToByteArray())
t116(client.miscBitMap, client.subSigMap)
@ -635,7 +639,7 @@ internal class WtLogin {
deviceToken = tlvMap119.getOrEmpty(0x322),
encryptedDownloadSession = tlvMap119[0x11d]?.let {
@ -655,4 +659,240 @@ internal class WtLogin {
internal object TransEmp : OutgoingPacketFactory<TransEmp.Response>("wtlogin.trans_emp") {
fun FetchQRCode(
client: QQAndroidClient,
size: Int,
margin: Int,
ecLevel: Int
) = TransEmp.buildLoginOutgoingPacket(client, bodyType = 2, uin = "") { sequenceId ->
writeSsoPacket(client, client.subAppId, TransEmp.commandName, sequenceId = sequenceId) {
writeOicqRequestPacket(client, uin = 0, commandId = 0x812) {
val code2dPacket = buildCode2dPacket(0, 0, 0x31) {
writeShortLVPacket { }
size = size,
margin = margin,
ecLevel = ecLevel
val protocol = client.bot.configuration.protocol
when (protocol) {
BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol.MACOS -> t1f(
"Mac OSX".toByteArray(),
"mac carrier".toByteArray(),
BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_WATCH -> t1f(
"China Mobile GSM".toByteArray(),
else -> error("protocol $protocol doesn't support qrcode login.")
when (protocol) {
BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol.MACOS -> 5
BotConfiguration.MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_WATCH -> 8
else -> error("assertion")
writeInt(0x10) // appId, const 16
writeInt(0x72) // 0x90
writeFully(ByteArray(3) { 0x00 })
fun QueryQRCodeStatus(
client: QQAndroidClient,
sig: ByteArray,
) = TransEmp.buildLoginOutgoingPacket(client, bodyType = 2, uin = "") { sequenceId ->
writeSsoPacket(client, client.subAppId, TransEmp.commandName, sequenceId = sequenceId) {
writeOicqRequestPacket(client, uin = 0, commandId = 0x812) {
val code2dPacket = buildCode2dPacket(1, 0, 0x12) {
writeShortLVPacket { }
writeInt(0x10) // appId, const 16
writeInt(0x72) // 0x90
writeFully(ByteArray(3) { 0x00 })
private fun buildCode2dPacket(
sequence: Int, uin: Long, command: Short, body: BytePacketBuilder.() -> Unit
) = buildPacket {
val bodyPacket = buildPacket(body)
writeUShort((43 + bodyPacket.remaining + 1).toUShort())
writeFully(ByteArray(21) { 0 })
sealed class Response() : Packet {
class FetchQRCode(val imageData: ByteArray, val sig: ByteArray) : Response() {
override fun toString(): String {
return "WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.FetchQRCode" +
"(imageData=${imageData.toUHexString()}, sig=${sig.toUHexString()})"
class QRCodeStatus(val state: State) : Response() {
override fun toString(): String {
return "WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeStatus(state=$state)"
class QRCodeConfirmed(val data: QRCodeLoginData) : Response() {
override fun toString(): String {
return "WtLogin.TransEmp.Response.QRCodeConfirmed(data=$data)"
override suspend fun ByteReadPacket.decode(bot: QQAndroidBot): Response {
check(remaining >= 48) { "remaining payload is too short, current is $remaining." }
val command = readUShort().toInt()
return when (command) {
0x31 -> { // qr code data
val code = readByte().toInt()
check(code == 0) { "code is not 0 while parsing wtlogin.trans_emp with command 0x31." }
val sig = readUShortLVByteArray()
val tlv = _readTLVMap()
val data =
tlv.getOrFail(0x17) { "missing tlv 0x17 while parsing wtlogin.trans_emp with command 0x31." }
Response.FetchQRCode(data, sig)
0x12 -> { // qr code state
var length = readUShort().toInt()
if (length != 0) {
if (readUByte().toInt() == 2) {
length -= 8
if (length > 0) {
val code = readUByte().toInt()
if (code != 0) {
when (code) { // code
0x30 -> Response.QRCodeStatus(Response.QRCodeStatus.State.WAITING_FOR_SCAN)
0x35 -> Response.QRCodeStatus(Response.QRCodeStatus.State.WAITING_FOR_CONFIRM)
0x36 -> Response.QRCodeStatus(Response.QRCodeStatus.State.CANCELLED)
0x11 -> Response.QRCodeStatus(Response.QRCodeStatus.State.TIMEOUT)
else -> error("unknown code $code while parsing wtlogin.trans_emp with command 0x12.")
} else {
val client = bot.client
val uin = readLong()
if (client.uin != uin) {
throw InconsistentBotIdException(expected = client.uin, actual = uin)
val tlv = _readTLVMap()
val tmpPwd = tlv.getOrFail(0x18) {
"missing tlv 0x18 while parsing wtlogin.trans_emp with command 0x12."
val noPicSig = tlv.getOrFail(0x19) {
"missing tlv 0x19 while parsing wtlogin.trans_emp with command 0x12."
val tgtQR = tlv.getOrFail(0x65) {
"missing tlv 0x65 while parsing wtlogin.trans_emp with command 0x12."
client.tgtgtKey = tlv.getOrFail(0x1e) {
"missing tlv 0x1e while parsing wtlogin.trans_emp with command 0x12."
Response.QRCodeConfirmed(QRCodeLoginData(tmpPwd, noPicSig, tgtQR))
else -> error("wtlogin.trans_emp received an unknown command: $command")
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ internal object WtLogin15 : WtLoginExt {
// writeSsoPacket(client, client.subAppId, WtLogin.ExchangeEmp.commandName, sequenceId = sequenceId) {
encryptMethod = EncryptMethodSessionKeyNew(
commandId = 0x0810
) {
writeShort(subCommand) // subCommand
@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.protocol.packet.login.WtLogin
internal object WtLogin9 : WtLoginExt {
private const val appId = 16L
operator fun invoke(
fun Password(
client: QQAndroidClient,
passwordMd5: ByteArray,
allowSlider: Boolean
) = WtLogin.Login.buildLoginOutgoingPacket(
client, bodyType = 2, remark = "9:password-login"
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ internal object WtLogin9 : WtLoginExt {
if (useEncryptA1AndNoPicSig) {
} else {
t106(appId, client)
t106(client, appId, passwordMd5)
/* // from GetStWithPasswd
@ -118,4 +119,56 @@ internal object WtLogin9 : WtLoginExt {
fun QRCode(
client: QQAndroidClient,
data: QRCodeLoginData,
) = WtLogin.Login.buildLoginOutgoingPacket(
client, bodyType = 2, remark = "9:qrcode-login"
) { sequenceId ->
writeSsoPacket(client, client.subAppId, WtLogin.Login.commandName, sequenceId = sequenceId) {
writeOicqRequestPacket(client, commandId = 0x0810) {
writeShort(9) // subCommand
writeShort(0x19) // count of TLVs, probably ignored by server?
t18(appId, client.appClientVersion, client.uin)
t1(client.uin, client.device.ipAddress)
t116(client.miscBitMap, client.subSigMap)
t100(appId, client.subAppId, client.appClientVersion, client.ssoVersion, client.mainSigMap)
t147(appId, client.apkVersionName, client.apkSignatureMd5)
t141(client.device.simInfo, client.networkType, client.device.apn)
t202(client.device.wifiBSSID, client.device.wifiSSID)
t177(client.buildTime, client.sdkVersion)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -115,5 +115,10 @@ internal object MiraiCoreServices {
) { net.mamoe.mirai.internal.message.data.OfflineAudioFactoryImpl() }
) { net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth.DefaultBotAuthorizationFactoryImpl() }
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ internal class MiraiProtocolInternal(
@JvmField internal val sign: String,
@JvmField internal val buildTime: Long,
@JvmField internal val ssoVersion: Int,
@JvmField internal val supportsQRLogin: Boolean,
) {
internal companion object {
internal val protocols = EnumMap<MiraiProtocol, MiraiProtocolInternal>(MiraiProtocol::class)
@ -35,67 +36,73 @@ internal class MiraiProtocolInternal(
init {
//Updated from MiraiGo (2023/3/7)
protocols[MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_PHONE] = MiraiProtocolInternal(
"A6 B7 45 BF 24 A2 C2 77 52 77 16 F6 F3 6E B6 8D",
apkId = "com.tencent.mobileqq",
id = 537151682,
ver = "",
sdkVer = "",
miscBitMap = 150470524,
subSigMap = 0x10400,
mainSigMap = 16724722,
sign = "A6 B7 45 BF 24 A2 C2 77 52 77 16 F6 F3 6E B6 8D",
buildTime = 1673599898L,
ssoVersion = 19,
supportsQRLogin = false,
//Updated from MiraiGo (2023/3/7)
protocols[MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_PAD] = MiraiProtocolInternal(
"A6 B7 45 BF 24 A2 C2 77 52 77 16 F6 F3 6E B6 8D",
apkId = "com.tencent.mobileqq",
id = 537151218,
ver = "",
sdkVer = "",
miscBitMap = 150470524,
subSigMap = 0x10400,
mainSigMap = 16724722,
sign = "A6 B7 45 BF 24 A2 C2 77 52 77 16 F6 F3 6E B6 8D",
buildTime = 1673599898L,
ssoVersion = 19,
supportsQRLogin = false,
protocols[MiraiProtocol.ANDROID_WATCH] = MiraiProtocolInternal(
"A6 B7 45 BF 24 A2 C2 77 52 77 16 F6 F3 6E B6 8D",
apkId = "com.tencent.qqlite",
id = 537064446,
ver = "2.0.5",
sdkVer = "",
miscBitMap = 16252796,
subSigMap = 0x10400,
mainSigMap = 34869472,
sign = "A6 B7 45 BF 24 A2 C2 77 52 77 16 F6 F3 6E B6 8D",
buildTime = 1559564731L,
ssoVersion = 5,
supportsQRLogin = true,
protocols[MiraiProtocol.IPAD] = MiraiProtocolInternal(
"AA 39 78 F4 1F D9 6F F9 91 4A 66 9E 18 64 74 C7",
apkId = "com.tencent.minihd.qq",
id = 537151363,
ver = "",
sdkVer = "",
miscBitMap = 150470524,
subSigMap = 66560,
mainSigMap = 1970400,
sign = "AA 39 78 F4 1F D9 6F F9 91 4A 66 9E 18 64 74 C7",
buildTime = 1640921786L,
ssoVersion = 12,
supportsQRLogin = false,
//Updated from MiraiGo (2023/3/15)
protocols[MiraiProtocol.MACOS] = MiraiProtocolInternal(
"AA 39 78 F4 1F D9 6F F9 91 4A 66 9E 18 64 74 C7",
apkId = "com.tencent.qq",
id = 0x2003ca32,
ver = "6.7.9",
sdkVer = "",
miscBitMap = 0x7ffc,
subSigMap = 66560,
mainSigMap = 1970400,
sign = "com.tencent.qq".encodeToByteArray().toUHexString(" "),
buildTime = 0L,
ssoVersion = 7,
supportsQRLogin = true,
inline val MiraiProtocol.asInternal: MiraiProtocolInternal get() = get(this)
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
# 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
# Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
# https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.component
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest
import kotlinx.coroutines.yield
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthResult
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthSession
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth.AuthControl
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components.SsoProcessorContext
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.components.SsoProcessorImpl
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.framework.AbstractCommonNHTest
import net.mamoe.mirai.network.CustomLoginFailedException
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.BotConfiguration
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.DeviceInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
import kotlin.test.fail
internal class BotAuthControlTest : AbstractCommonNHTest() {
private val botAuthInfo = object : BotAuthInfo {
override val id: Long
get() = bot.id
override val deviceInfo: DeviceInfo
get() = bot.components[SsoProcessorContext].device
override val configuration: BotConfiguration
get() = bot.configuration
private suspend fun AuthControl.assertRequire(exceptedType: KClass<*>) {
println("Requiring auth method")
val nextAuth = acquireAuth()
println("Got $nextAuth")
if (nextAuth is SsoProcessorImpl.AuthMethod.Error) {
fail(cause = nextAuth.exception)
if (exceptedType.isInstance(nextAuth)) return
fail("Type not match, excepted $exceptedType but got ${nextAuth::class}")
fun `auth test`() = runTest {
val control = AuthControl(botAuthInfo, object : BotAuthorization {
override suspend fun authorize(session: BotAuthSession, info: BotAuthInfo): BotAuthResult {
return session.authByPassword(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)
}, bot.logger, backgroundScope.coroutineContext)
fun `test auth failed and reselect`() = runTest {
class MyLoginFailedException : CustomLoginFailedException(killBot = false)
val control = AuthControl(botAuthInfo, object : BotAuthorization {
override suspend fun authorize(session: BotAuthSession, info: BotAuthInfo): BotAuthResult {
assertFailsWith<MyLoginFailedException> { session.authByPassword(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); println("!") }
return session.authByPassword(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)
}, bot.logger, backgroundScope.coroutineContext)
fun `failed when login complete`() = runTest {
val control = AuthControl(botAuthInfo, object : BotAuthorization {
override suspend fun authorize(session: BotAuthSession, info: BotAuthInfo): BotAuthResult {
val rsp = session.authByPassword(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY)
assertFailsWith<IllegalStateException> { session.authByPassword(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY) }
assertFailsWith<IllegalStateException> { session.authByPassword(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY) }
assertFailsWith<IllegalStateException> { session.authByPassword(EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY) }
return rsp
}, bot.logger, backgroundScope.coroutineContext)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
@ -13,12 +13,15 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.framework
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthResult
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.contact.uin
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.KeyWithCreationTime
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.KeyWithExpiry
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.WLoginSigInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.WLoginSimpleInfo
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.auth.BotAuthSessionInternal
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.component.ComponentKey
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.component.ConcurrentComponentStorage
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.component.setAll
@ -113,6 +116,31 @@ internal abstract class AbstractRealNetworkHandlerTest<H : NetworkHandler> : Abs
set(SsoProcessorContext, SsoProcessorContextImpl(bot))
set(SsoProcessor, object : TestSsoProcessor(bot) {
override suspend fun login(handler: NetworkHandler) {
val botAuthInfo = object : BotAuthInfo {
override val id: Long get() = bot.id
override val deviceInfo: DeviceInfo
get() = get(SsoProcessorContext).device
override val configuration: BotConfiguration
get() = bot.configuration
val rsp = object : BotAuthResult {}
val session = object : BotAuthSessionInternal() {
override suspend fun authByPassword(passwordMd5: SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer): BotAuthResult {
return rsp
override suspend fun authByQRCode(): BotAuthResult {
return rsp
bot.account.authorization.authorize(session, botAuthInfo)
bot.account.accountSecretsKeyBuffer = SecretsProtection.EscapedByteBuffer(
@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
internal actual data class BotAccount(
internal actual val id: Long,
val passwordMd5Buffer: ByteBuffer, // md5
actual val phoneNumber: String = ""
) {
init {
check(passwordMd5Buffer.remaining == 16) {
"Invalid passwordMd5: size must be 16 but got ${passwordMd5Buffer.remaining}. passwordMd5=${passwordMd5.toUHexString()}"
actual constructor(id: Long, passwordMd5: ByteArray, phoneNumber: String) : this(
id, SecretsProtection.escape(passwordMd5), phoneNumber
actual constructor(id: Long, passwordPlainText: String, phoneNumber: String) : this(
) {
require(passwordPlainText.length <= 16) { "Password length must be at most 16." }
actual val passwordMd5: ByteArray
get() {
return passwordMd5Buffer.duplicate().readBytes()
actual override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other == null || this::class != other::class) return false
other as BotAccount
if (id != other.id) return false
if (passwordMd5Buffer != other.passwordMd5Buffer) return false
return true
actual override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = id.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + passwordMd5Buffer.hashCode()
return result
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector
internal actual class SelectorRequireReconnectException(
withStackTrace: Boolean
) : NetworkException(true) {
actual constructor() : this(false)
private companion object {
val EMPTY = arrayOf<StackTraceElement>()
override fun fillInStackTrace(): Throwable {
stackTrace = EMPTY
return this
init {
if (withStackTrace) super.fillInStackTrace()
@ -11,13 +11,18 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.directboot
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import net.mamoe.mirai.BotFactory
import net.mamoe.mirai.auth.BotAuthorization
import net.mamoe.mirai.internal.QQAndroidBot
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.BotConfiguration
import java.io.File
internal object DebugRunHelper {
fun newBot(id: Long, pwd: String, conf: BotConfiguration.(botid: Long) -> Unit): QQAndroidBot {
val bot = BotFactory.newBot(id, pwd) {
return newBot(id, BotAuthorization.byPassword(pwd), conf)
fun newBot(id: Long, authorization: BotAuthorization, conf: BotConfiguration.(botid: Long) -> Unit): QQAndroidBot {
val bot = BotFactory.newBot(id, authorization) {
parentCoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO
workingDir = File("test/session/$id").also { it.mkdirs() }.absoluteFile
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
* Copyright 2019-2022 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.isSameClass
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.md5
internal actual class BotAccount actual constructor(
internal actual val id: Long,
actual val passwordMd5: ByteArray,
actual val phoneNumber: String,
) {
actual constructor(id: Long, passwordPlainText: String, phoneNumber: String) : this(
actual override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is BotAccount || !isSameClass(this, other)) return false
if (id != other.id) return false
if (!passwordMd5.contentEquals(other.passwordMd5)) return false
return true
actual override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = id.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + passwordMd5.hashCode()
return result
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2019-2023 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal.network.handler.selector
internal actual class SelectorRequireReconnectException : NetworkException(true)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user