mirror of https://github.com/mamoe/mirai.git synced 2025-03-08 11:01:19 +08:00

Secrets Protection

This commit is contained in:
Karlatemp 2021-12-23 18:23:59 +08:00 committed by Him188
parent f7e295e20c
commit 6d16d77dad
6 changed files with 344 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.console.internal.data.builtins
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.CommandSender
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.command.descriptor.CommandValueArgumentParser
@ -19,6 +20,8 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.console.data.AutoSavePluginConfig
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.data.ValueDescription
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.data.value
import net.mamoe.mirai.console.util.ConsoleExperimentalApi
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.SecretsProtection
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.readString
import net.mamoe.yamlkt.Comment
import net.mamoe.yamlkt.YamlDynamicSerializer
@ -42,13 +45,25 @@ public object AutoLoginConfig : AutoSavePluginConfig("AutoLogin") {
val configuration: Map<ConfigurationKey, @Serializable(with = YamlDynamicSerializer::class) Any> = mapOf(),
) {
public data class Password(
public data class Password
/** @since 2.10.0 */
public constructor(
@Comment("密码种类, 可选 PLAIN 或 MD5")
val kind: PasswordKind,
/** @since 2.10.0 */
@Comment("密码内容, PLAIN 时为密码文本, MD5 时为 16 进制")
val value: String,
val value0: SecretsProtection.EscapedString,
) {
public constructor(kind: PasswordKind, value: String) : this(
internal val value: String
get() = value0.asString
public enum class ConfigurationKey {

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@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import kotlinx.io.charsets.Charset
import kotlinx.io.core.*
import java.io.File
import kotlin.text.String
import java.nio.Buffer as JNioBuffer
public val EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY: ByteArray = ByteArray(0)
@ -38,12 +37,6 @@ public inline fun ByteReadPacket.readPacketExact(
n: Int = remaining.toInt()//not that safe but adequate
): ByteReadPacket = this.readBytes(n).toReadPacket()
public inline var JNioBuffer.pos: Int
get() = position()
set(value) {
public typealias TlvMap = MutableMap<Int, ByteArray>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "UsePropertyAccessSyntax")
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import java.nio.Buffer
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.nio.charset.Charset
public inline var Buffer.pos: Int
get() = position()
set(value) {
public inline val Buffer.remaining: Int
get() = remaining()
public inline var Buffer.limit: Int
get() = limit()
set(value) {
public inline fun Buffer.hasRemaining(size: Int): Boolean = remaining >= size
public inline fun ByteBuffer.read(): Byte = get()
public inline fun ByteBuffer.readInt(): Int = getInt()
public inline fun ByteBuffer.readDouble(): Double = getDouble()
public inline fun ByteBuffer.readShort(): Short = getShort()
public inline fun ByteBuffer.readLong(): Long = getLong()
public inline fun ByteBuffer.readChar(): Char = getChar()
public inline fun ByteBuffer.readFloat(): Float = getFloat()
public inline fun ByteBuffer.readBytes(dst: ByteArray) {
public fun ByteBuffer.readBytes(): ByteArray {
val rsp = ByteArray(remaining)
return rsp
public fun ByteBuffer.readToChars(charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): CharBuffer {
return charset.decode(this)
public fun ByteBuffer.readString(charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): String {
return readToChars(charset).toString()

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@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.ByteArraySerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.serializer
import kotlinx.serialization.serializer
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
* 核心数据保护器
* ### Why
* 有时候可能会发生 `OutOfMemoryError`, 如果存在 `-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError`, JVM 会生成一份系统内存打印以供 debug.
* 该报告包含全部内存信息, 包括各种数据, 核心数据以及, 机密数据 (如密码)
* 该内存报告唯一没有包含的数据就是 Native层数据, 包括且不限于
* - `sun.misc.Unsafe.allocate()`
* - `java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect()` (Named `DirectByteBuffer`)
* - C/C++ (或其他语言) 的数据
* *试验数据来源 `openjdk version "17" 2021-09-14, 64-Bit Server VM (build 17+35-2724, mixed mode, sharing)`*
* ### How it works
* 因为 Heap Dump 不存在 `DirectByteBuffer` 的实际数据, 所以可以通过该类隐藏关键数据. 等需要的时候在读取出来.
* 因为数据并没有直接存在于某个类字段中, 缺少数据关联, 也很难分析相关数据是什么数据
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "UsePropertyAccessSyntax")
public object SecretsProtection {
private class NativeBufferWithLock(
@JvmField val buffer: ByteBuffer,
val lock: Lock = ReentrantLock(),
@JvmField @field:Volatile var lowRemainingHit: Int = 0,
@JvmField @field:Volatile var unusedHit: Int = 0,
) {
companion object {
internal val lowRemainingHitUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(
NativeBufferWithLock::class.java, "lowRemainingHit"
internal val unusedHitUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(
NativeBufferWithLock::class.java, "unusedHit"
private val bufferSize = systemProp(
"mirai.secrets.protection.buffer.size", 0
private val lowRemainingThreshold = bufferSize / 128
private val lowRemainingHitThreshold = systemProp(
"mirai.secrets.protection.threshold.low.remaining.hit", 10
private val pool = ConcurrentLinkedDeque<NativeBufferWithLock>()
init {
val tmbuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize)
if (!systemProp("mirai.secrets.protection.ignore.warning", false)) {
if (tmbuffer.javaClass === ByteBuffer.allocate(1).javaClass) {
val ps = System.err
synchronized(ps) {
ps.println("Mirai SecretsProtection WARNING:")
ps.println("当前 JRE 实现没有为 `ByteBuffer.allocateDirect` 直接分配本地内存, 请更换其他 JRE.")
ps.println("可添加 JVM 参数 -Dmirai.secrets.protection.ignore.warning=true 来忽略此警告")
ps.println("Current JRE Implementation not using native memory for `ByteBuffer.allocateDirect`.")
ps.println("Please use another JRE.")
ps.println("It may cause your passwords to be dumped by other processes.")
ps.println("Suppress this warning by adding jvm option -Dmirai.secrets.protection.ignore.warning=true")
Implementation note:
1. 如果数据超过单个缓冲区大小直接分配系统内存并返回
2. 查找首个可以放下数据的缓冲区放入缓冲区并返回对应镜像
3. 如果没有可用缓冲区分配新缓冲区并加入缓冲区池内
public fun allocate(size: Int): ByteBuffer {
if (size >= bufferSize) {
return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size)
fun putInto(buffer: NativeBufferWithLock): ByteBuffer {
// @context: buffer.locked = true
// @context: buffer.remaining >= buffer.size
// 返回存储 data 的数据的 DirectByteBuffer
// ByteBuffer.slice(): DirectByteBuffer[start=pos, end=limit]
val mirror = buffer.buffer.let { buffer0 ->
buffer0.limit = buffer0.pos + size
// 原始缓冲区复位
buffer.buffer.let { buf -> buf.limit = buf.capacity() }
buffer.buffer.pos += size
// 此缓冲区已无可用空间
if (!buffer.buffer.hasRemaining()) {
return mirror
pool.forEach bufferLoop@{ buffer ->
val bufferRemaining = buffer.buffer.remaining
if (bufferRemaining >= size) {
if (buffer.lock.tryLock()) {
try {
if (buffer.buffer.hasRemaining(size)) {
return putInto(buffer)
} finally {
// OOM Avoid
if (bufferRemaining <= lowRemainingThreshold) {
if (buffer.lowRemainingHit >= lowRemainingHitThreshold) {
if (buffer.unusedHit >= 20) {
val newBuffer = NativeBufferWithLock(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize))
val rsp = putInto(newBuffer)
if (newBuffer.buffer.hasRemaining()) {
return rsp
public fun escape(data: ByteArray): ByteBuffer {
return allocate(data.size).also {
it.pos = 0
public value class EscapedString(
public val data: ByteBuffer,
) {
public val asString: String
get() = data.duplicate().readString()
public value class EscapedByteBuffer(
public val data: ByteBuffer,
public object EscapedStringSerializer : KSerializer<EscapedString> by String.serializer().map(
deserialize = { EscapedString(escape(it.toByteArray())) },
serialize = { it.data.duplicate().readString() }
public object EscapedByteBufferSerializer : KSerializer<EscapedByteBuffer> by ByteArraySerializer().map(
deserialize = { EscapedByteBuffer(escape(it)) },
serialize = { it.data.duplicate().readBytes() }

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Copyright 2019-2021 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/dev/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import kotlin.test.assertContentEquals
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
internal class SecretsProtectionTest {
fun chaosTest() = runBlocking<Unit> {
repeat(500) {
launch {
val data = ByteArray((1..255).random()) { (0..255).random().toByte() }
val buffer = SecretsProtection.escape(data)
data, buffer.duplicate().readBytes()
data, buffer.duplicate().readBytes()

View File

@ -10,25 +10,29 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.internal
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiExperimentalApi
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.md5
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.toUHexString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.*
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
internal data class BotAccount(
internal val id: Long,
val passwordMd5: ByteArray, // md5
val passwordMd5Buffer: ByteBuffer, // md5
val phoneNumber: String = ""
) {
init {
check(passwordMd5.size == 16) {
"Invalid passwordMd5: size must be 16 but got ${passwordMd5.size}. passwordMd5=${passwordMd5.toUHexString()}"
check(passwordMd5Buffer.remaining == 16) {
"Invalid passwordMd5: size must be 16 but got ${passwordMd5Buffer.remaining}. passwordMd5=${passwordMd5.toUHexString()}"
constructor(id: Long, passwordMd5: ByteArray, phoneNumber: String = "") : this(
id, SecretsProtection.escape(passwordMd5), phoneNumber
constructor(id: Long, passwordPlainText: String, phoneNumber: String = "") : this(
@ -37,6 +41,13 @@ internal data class BotAccount(
require(passwordPlainText.length <= 16) { "Password length must be at most 16." }
val passwordMd5: ByteArray
get() {
return passwordMd5Buffer.duplicate().readBytes()
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other == null || this::class != other::class) return false
@ -44,7 +55,7 @@ internal data class BotAccount(
other as BotAccount
if (id != other.id) return false
if (!passwordMd5.contentEquals(other.passwordMd5)) return false
if (passwordMd5Buffer != other.passwordMd5Buffer) return false
return true
@ -52,7 +63,7 @@ internal data class BotAccount(
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = id.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + passwordMd5.contentHashCode()
result = 31 * result + passwordMd5Buffer.hashCode()
return result