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synced 2025-03-23 05:40:10 +08:00
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@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http
import io.ktor.application.Application
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.queue
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.MessagePacket
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
class MessageQueue : ConcurrentLinkedDeque<MessagePacket<*, *>>() {
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.route
import io.ktor.application.Application
@ -7,7 +16,8 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.AuthedSession
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.SessionManager
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.NoSuchBotException
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.StateCode
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.VerifyDTO
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.route
import io.ktor.application.Application
@ -20,7 +29,9 @@ import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.AuthedSession
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.SessionManager
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.TempSession
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.AuthDTO
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.DTO
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.VerifyDTO
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.util.jsonParseOrNull
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.util.toJson
@ -108,7 +119,7 @@ internal inline fun <reified T : VerifyDTO> Route.miraiVerify(
internal inline fun Route.intercept(crossinline blk: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.() -> Unit) = handle {
try {
} catch (e: IllegalSessionException) {
} catch (e: NotVerifiedSessionException) {
@ -127,11 +138,9 @@ internal inline fun Route.intercept(crossinline blk: suspend PipelineContext<Uni
extend function
internal suspend inline fun <reified T : StateCode> ApplicationCall.respondStateCode(code: T, status: HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK)
= respondJson(code.toJson(StateCode.serializer()), status)
internal suspend inline fun <reified T : StateCode> ApplicationCall.respondStateCode(code: T, status: HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK) = respondJson(code.toJson(StateCode.serializer()), status)
internal suspend inline fun <reified T : DTO> ApplicationCall.respondDTO(dto: T, status: HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK)
= respondJson(dto.toJson(), status)
internal suspend inline fun <reified T : DTO> ApplicationCall.respondDTO(dto: T, status: HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK) = respondJson(dto.toJson(), status)
internal suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondJson(json: String, status: HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK) =
respondText(json, defaultTextContentType(ContentType("application", "json")), status)
@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.route
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.route
import io.ktor.application.Application
@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.route
import io.ktor.application.Application
import io.ktor.application.call
import io.ktor.routing.routing
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.StateCode
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.MessageChainDTO
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.VerifyDTO
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.toDTO
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.data.common.toMessageChain
import net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.util.toJson
fun Application.messageModule() {
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.api.http.util
import kotlinx.serialization.*
@ -14,7 +23,6 @@ inline fun <reified T : Any> String.jsonParseOrNull(
} catch (e: Exception) { null }
@UseExperimental(ImplicitReflectionSerializer::class, UnstableDefault::class)
inline fun <reified T : Any> T.toJson(
serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>? = null
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
import net.mamoe.mirai.plugin.Command
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.plugin
object CommandManager {
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.plugin
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.plugin
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid
import net.mamoe.mirai.BotAccount
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.event
import net.mamoe.mirai.Bot
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.event
import net.mamoe.mirai.data.Packet
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io
import kotlinx.io.charsets.Charset
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io
interface JceStruct {
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.serialization
import kotlinx.io.charsets.Charset
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
* Copyright 2017-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.serialization
import kotlinx.io.core.*
@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message
import kotlinx.io.core.readUInt
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.*
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.ImMsgBody
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.MiraiInternalAPI
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.discardExact
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.hexToBytes
@ -177,6 +187,16 @@ notOnlineImage=NotOnlineImage#2050019814 {
internal fun MessageChain.toRichTextElems(): MutableList<ImMsgBody.Elem> {
val elements = mutableListOf<ImMsgBody.Elem>()
if (this.any<QuoteReply>()) {
when (val source = this[QuoteReply].source) {
is MessageSourceFromServer -> {
elements.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(srcMsg = source.delegate))
is MessageSourceFromMsg -> { elements.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(srcMsg = source.toJceData())) }
else -> error("unsupported MessageSource implementation: ${source::class.simpleName}")
this.forEach {
when (it) {
is PlainText -> elements.add(ImMsgBody.Elem(text = ImMsgBody.Text(str = it.stringValue)))
@ -252,11 +272,15 @@ internal class NotOnlineImageFromServer(
@UseExperimental(ExperimentalUnsignedTypes::class, MiraiInternalAPI::class)
internal fun ImMsgBody.RichText.toMessageChain(): MessageChain {
internal fun MsgComm.Msg.toMessageChain(): MessageChain {
val elems = this.msgBody.richText.elems
val message = MessageChain(initialCapacity = elems.size)
message.add(MessageSourceFromMsg(delegate = this))
elems.forEach {
when {
it.srcMsg != null -> message.add(QuoteReplyImpl(MessageSourceFromServer(it.srcMsg)))
it.notOnlineImage != null -> message.add(NotOnlineImageFromServer(it.notOnlineImage))
it.customFace != null -> message.add(CustomFaceFromServer(it.customFace))
it.text != null -> {
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.serialization.toByteArray
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.ImMsgBody
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.MsgComm
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto.SourceMsg
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.contentToString
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.io.toUHexString
import kotlin.jvm.JvmStatic
internal inline class MessageSourceFromServer(
val delegate: ImMsgBody.SourceMsg
) : MessageSource {
override val originalSeq: Int get() = delegate.origSeqs!!.first()
override val senderId: Long get() = delegate.senderUin
override val groupId: Long get() = delegate.toUin
override val time: Int get() = delegate.time
override fun toString(): String = ""
internal inline class MessageSourceFromMsg(
val delegate: MsgComm.Msg
) : MessageSource {
override val originalSeq: Int get() = delegate.msgHead.msgSeq
override val senderId: Long get() = delegate.msgHead.fromUin
override val groupId: Long get() = delegate.msgHead.toUin
override val time: Int get() = delegate.msgHead.msgTime
fun toJceData(): ImMsgBody.SourceMsg {
return ImMsgBody.SourceMsg(
origSeqs = listOf(delegate.msgHead.msgSeq),
senderUin = delegate.msgHead.fromUin,
toUin = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo!!.groupCode,
flag = 1,
elems = delegate.toMessageChain().toRichTextElems(),
type = 0,
time = delegate.msgHead.msgTime,
pbReserve = SourceMsg.ResvAttr(
origUids = delegate.msgBody.richText.attr!!.random.toLong()//,
//oriMsgtype = delegate.msgHead.msgType
).toByteArray(SourceMsg.ResvAttr.serializer()).also { println("pbReserve=" + it.toUHexString()) },// PbReserve(delegate.msgBody.richText.attr!!.random.toLong()).toByteArray(PbReserve.serializer()).also { println("pbReserve=" + it.toUHexString()) },
srcMsg = MsgComm.Msg(
msgHead = MsgComm.MsgHead(
fromUin = delegate.msgHead.fromUin, // qq
toUin = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCode, // group
msgType = delegate.msgHead.msgType.also { println("msgType=$it") }, // 82?
c2cCmd = delegate.msgHead.c2cCmd,
msgSeq = delegate.msgHead.msgSeq,
msgTime = delegate.msgHead.msgTime,
msgUid = delegate.msgBody.richText.attr.random.toLong(), // ok
groupInfo = MsgComm.GroupInfo(groupCode = delegate.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCode),
isSrcMsg = true
msgBody = ImMsgBody.MsgBody(
richText = ImMsgBody.RichText(
elems = delegate.toMessageChain().toRichTextElems().apply { add(ImMsgBody.Elem(elemFlags2 = ImMsgBody.ElemFlags2())) }
).toByteArray(MsgComm.Msg.serializer()).also { println("srcMsg=" + it.toUHexString()) } // fucking slow
).also { println(it.contentToString()) }
override fun toString(): String = ""
companion object {
val PB_RESERVE_HEAD = byteArrayOf(0x18)
val PB_RESERVE_TAIL = byteArrayOf(1)
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.message
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.MessageSource
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.data.QuoteReply
class QuoteReplyImpl(override val source: MessageSource) : QuoteReply {
override fun toString(): kotlin.String = ""
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicRef
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network
import kotlinx.atomicfu.AtomicInt
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network
class Ticket(
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.highway
import kotlinx.io.core.*
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.highway
import io.ktor.client.HttpClient
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.http
import io.ktor.client.HttpClient
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol
inline class LoginType(
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.ProtoBuf
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -83,7 +92,7 @@ internal class MsgComm : ProtoBuf {
@SerialId(4) val c2cCmd: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val msgSeq: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val msgTime: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val msgUid: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(7) var msgUid: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(8) val c2cTmpMsgHead: C2CTmpMsgHead? = null,
@SerialId(9) val groupInfo: GroupInfo? = null,
@SerialId(10) val fromAppid: Int = 0,
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.ProtoBuf
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
class Generalflags : ProtoBuf {
class ResvAttr(
@SerialId(1) val globalGroupLevel: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val nearbyCharmLevel: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val redbagMsgSenderUin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(4) val titleId: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val robotMsgFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val wantGiftSenderUin: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(7) val stickerX: Float = 0.0f,
@SerialId(8) val stickerY: Float = 0.0f,
@SerialId(9) val stickerWidth: Float = 0.0f,
@SerialId(10) val stickerHeight: Float = 0.0f,
@SerialId(11) val stickerRotate: Int = 0,
@SerialId(12) val stickerHostMsgseq: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(13) val stickerHostMsguid: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(14) val stickerHostTime: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(15) val mobileCustomFont: Int = 0,
@SerialId(16) val tailKey: Int = 0,
@SerialId(17) val showTailFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(18) val doutuMsgType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(19) val doutuCombo: Int = 0,
@SerialId(20) val customFeatureid: Int = 0,
@SerialId(21) val goldenMsgType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(22) val goldenMsgInfo: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(23) val botMessageClassId: Int = 0,
@SerialId(24) val subscriptionUrl: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(25) val pendantDiyId: Int = 0,
@SerialId(26) val timedMessage: Int = 0,
@SerialId(27) val holidayFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(29) val kplInfo: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(30) val faceId: Int = 0,
@SerialId(31) val diyFontTimestamp: Int = 0,
@SerialId(32) val redEnvelopeType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(33) val shortVideoId: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(34) val reqFontEffectId: Int = 0,
@SerialId(35) val loveLanguageFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(36) val aioSyncToStoryFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(37) val uploadImageToQzoneFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(39) val uploadImageToQzoneParam: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(40) val groupConfessSig: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(41) val subfontId: Long = 0L,
@SerialId(42) val msgFlagType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(43) val uint32CustomFeatureid: List<Int>? = null,
@SerialId(44) val richCardNameVer: Int = 0,
@SerialId(47) val msgInfoFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(48) val serviceMsgType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(49) val serviceMsgRemindType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(50) val serviceMsgName: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(51) val vipType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(52) val vipLevel: Int = 0,
@SerialId(53) val pbPttWaveform: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(54) val userBigclubLevel: Int = 0,
@SerialId(55) val userBigclubFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(56) val nameplate: Int = 0,
@SerialId(57) val autoReply: Int = 0,
@SerialId(58) val reqIsBigclubHidden: Int = 0,
@SerialId(59) val showInMsgList: Int = 0,
@SerialId(60) val oacMsgExtend: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(61) val groupMemberFlagEx2: Int = 0,
@SerialId(62) val groupRingtoneId: Int = 0,
@SerialId(63) val robotGeneralTrans: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(64) val troopPobingTemplate: Int = 0,
@SerialId(65) val hudongMark: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(66) val groupInfoFlagEx3: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
class ResvAttrForGiftMsg : ProtoBuf {
class ActivityGiftInfo(
@SerialId(1) val isActivityGift: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val textColor: String = "",
@SerialId(3) val text: String = "",
@SerialId(4) val url: String = ""
) : ProtoBuf
class InteractGift(
@SerialId(1) val interactId: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
) : ProtoBuf
class ResvAttr(
@SerialId(1) val int32SendScore: Int = 0,
@SerialId(2) val int32RecvScore: Int = 0,
@SerialId(3) val charmHeroism: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(4) val buttonFlag: Int = 0,
@SerialId(5) val objColor: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val animationType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(7) val msgInteractGift: ResvAttrForGiftMsg.InteractGift? = null,
@SerialId(8) val activityGiftInfo: ResvAttrForGiftMsg.ActivityGiftInfo? = null
) : ProtoBuf
class SourceMsg : ProtoBuf {
class ResvAttr(
@SerialId(1) val richMsg2: ByteArray? = null,
@SerialId(2) val oriMsgtype: Int? = null,
@SerialId(3) val origUids: Long? = null // 原来是 list
) : ProtoBuf
class VideoFile : ProtoBuf {
class ResvAttr(
@SerialId(1) val hotvideoIcon: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(2) val hotvideoTitle: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(3) val hotvideoUrl: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(4) val hotvideoIconSub: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(5) val specialVideoType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(6) val dynamicText: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(7) val msgTailType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(8) val redEnvelopeType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(9) val shortVideoId: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(10) val animojiModelId: ByteArray = EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY,
@SerialId(11) val longVideoKandianType: Int = 0,
@SerialId(12) val source: Int = 0
) : ProtoBuf
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.proto
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet
import kotlinx.io.core.BytePacketBuilder
@ -1,2 +1,11 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet
import kotlinx.serialization.SerializationStrategy
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet
import kotlinx.io.core.*
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet
import kotlinx.io.core.BytePacketBuilder
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.image
import io.ktor.client.HttpClient
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.image
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.receive
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
@ -137,7 +146,7 @@ internal class MessageSvc {
else -> FriendMessage(
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.chat.receive
@ -6,7 +15,7 @@ import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
import kotlinx.io.core.readBytes
import kotlinx.io.core.readUInt
import net.mamoe.mirai.contact.MemberPermission
import net.mamoe.mirai.data.NoPakcet
import net.mamoe.mirai.data.NoPacket
import net.mamoe.mirai.data.Packet
import net.mamoe.mirai.event.broadcast
import net.mamoe.mirai.message.GroupMessage
@ -62,7 +71,7 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
group = group,
senderName = pbPushMsg.msg.msgHead.groupInfo.groupCard,
sender = group[pbPushMsg.msg.msgHead.fromUin],
message = pbPushMsg.msg.msgBody.richText.toMessageChain(),
message = pbPushMsg.msg.toMessageChain(),
permission = when {
flags and 16 != 0 -> MemberPermission.ADMINISTRATOR
flags and 8 != 0 -> MemberPermission.OWNER
@ -77,9 +86,7 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
override suspend fun QQAndroidBot.handle(packet: GroupMessageOrNull, sequenceId: Int): OutgoingPacket? {
if (packet.delegate != null) {
return null
@ -121,7 +128,7 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
return NoPakcet
return NoPacket
override suspend fun QQAndroidBot.handle(packet: Packet, sequenceId: Int): OutgoingPacket? {
@ -212,7 +219,7 @@ internal class OnlinePush {
return NoPakcet
return NoPacket
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.list
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.login
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.login
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.login
import kotlinx.io.core.ByteReadPacket
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.oidb.command
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.oidb.oidb0x769
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.packet.oidb.sso
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
inline class MacOrAndroidIdChangeFlag(val value: Long = 0) {
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
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package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.md5
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.Context
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid
import net.mamoe.mirai.BotAccount
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.utils
import kotlinx.io.core.toByteArray
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package androidPacketTests
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package androidPacketTests
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package androidPacketTests
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.decryptBy
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.serialization
import kotlinx.io.core.readBytes
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.io.serialization
import net.mamoe.mirai.qqandroid.network.protocol.data.jce.RequestPacket
@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package test
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import java.lang.StringBuilder
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
fun main(){
fun main() {
val inputs = LinkedList<String>()
thread {
while (true){
@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package test;
import java.io.File
fun main(){
fun main() {
"import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId\n" +
"import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable\n" +
@ -54,6 +63,7 @@ class Property(
var isRequired: Boolean = true
var jceID:Int = -1
//convert type/default value to kotlin format
init {
type = type
@ -86,6 +96,7 @@ class Property(
name = "" + name.get(0).toLowerCase() + "" + name.substring(1)
//@SerialId(1) val iVersion: Short = 3,
override fun toString(): String {
if (defaultValue != null) {
@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
* Copyright 2020 Mamoe Technologies and contributors.
* 此源代码的使用受 GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 许可证的约束, 可以在以下链接找到该许可证.
* Use of this source code is governed by the GNU AGPLv3 license that can be found through the following link.
* https://github.com/mamoe/mirai/blob/master/LICENSE
package test
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.ProtoType
@ -16,7 +25,7 @@ fun main() {
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