Improve DeviceInfo

This commit is contained in:
Him188 2020-02-14 21:09:36 +08:00
parent bf7189fdd5
commit 32e854db29
5 changed files with 103 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -14,13 +14,23 @@ import
import android.os.Build
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.Transient
* 部分引用指向 [Build].
* 部分需要权限, 若无权限则会使用默认值.
actual open class SystemDeviceInfo actual constructor(context: Context) : DeviceInfo(context) {
actual open class SystemDeviceInfo actual constructor() : DeviceInfo() {
actual constructor(context: Context) : this() {
this.context = context
final override lateinit var context: Context
override val display: ByteArray get() = Build.DISPLAY.toByteArray()
override val product: ByteArray get() = Build.PRODUCT.toByteArray()
override val device: ByteArray get() = Build.DEVICE.toByteArray()
@ -88,6 +98,7 @@ actual open class SystemDeviceInfo actual constructor(context: Context) : Device
override val androidId: ByteArray get() = Build.ID.toByteArray()
override val apn: ByteArray get() = "wifi".toByteArray()
object Version : DeviceInfo.Version {
override val incremental: ByteArray get() = Build.VERSION.INCREMENTAL.toByteArray()
override val release: ByteArray get() = Build.VERSION.RELEASE.toByteArray()

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class BotConfiguration {
var networkLoggerSupplier: ((BotNetworkHandler) -> MiraiLogger) = { DefaultLogger("Network(${})") }
* 设备信息覆盖
* 设备信息覆盖. 默认使用随机的设备信息.
var deviceInfo: ((Context) -> DeviceInfo)? = null

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@ -11,16 +11,15 @@ package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialId
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.Transient
import kotlinx.serialization.protobuf.ProtoBuf
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.cryptor.contentToString
* 设备信息. 可通过继承 [SystemDeviceInfo] 来在默认的基础上修改
abstract class DeviceInfo internal constructor(
context: Context
) {
val context: Context by context.unsafeWeakRef()
abstract class DeviceInfo {
abstract val context: Context
abstract val display: ByteArray
abstract val product: ByteArray

View File

@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.Context
import net.mamoe.mirai.utils.DeviceInfo
* 通过本机信息来获取设备信息.
* Android: 获取手机信息, QQ 官方相同.
* JVM: 部分为常量, 部分为随机
open expect class SystemDeviceInfo(context: Context) : DeviceInfo
expect open class SystemDeviceInfo : DeviceInfo {
constructor(context: Context)

View File

@ -10,38 +10,97 @@
package net.mamoe.mirai.utils
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.Transient
import kotlinx.serialization.UnstableDefault
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
* 加载或创建一个设备信息.
fun File.loadAsDeviceInfo(context: Context = ContextImpl()): DeviceInfo {
if (!this.exists() || this.length() == 0L) {
return SystemDeviceInfo(context).also {
this.writeText(Json.plain.stringify(SystemDeviceInfo.serializer(), it))
return Json.nonstrict.parse(DeviceInfoData.serializer(), this.readText()).also {
it.context = context
actual open class SystemDeviceInfo actual constructor(context: Context) : DeviceInfo(context) {
override val display: ByteArray get() = "MIRAI.200122.001".toByteArray()
override val product: ByteArray get() = "mirai".toByteArray()
override val device: ByteArray get() = "mirai".toByteArray()
override val board: ByteArray get() = "mirai".toByteArray()
override val brand: ByteArray get() = "mamoe".toByteArray()
override val model: ByteArray get() = "mirai".toByteArray()
override val bootloader: ByteArray get() = "unknown".toByteArray()
override val fingerprint: ByteArray get() = "mamoe/mirai/mirai:10/MIRAI.200122.001/5891938:user/release-keys".toByteArray()
actual open class SystemDeviceInfo actual constructor() : DeviceInfo() {
actual constructor(context: Context) : this() {
this.context = context
final override lateinit var context: Context
override val display: ByteArray = "MIRAI.200122.001".toByteArray()
override val product: ByteArray = "mirai".toByteArray()
override val device: ByteArray = "mirai".toByteArray()
override val board: ByteArray = "mirai".toByteArray()
override val brand: ByteArray = "mamoe".toByteArray()
override val model: ByteArray = "mirai".toByteArray()
override val bootloader: ByteArray = "unknown".toByteArray()
override val fingerprint: ByteArray = "mamoe/mirai/mirai:10/MIRAI.200122.001/${getRandomString(7, '0'..'9')}:user/release-keys".toByteArray()
override val bootId: ByteArray = ExternalImage.generateUUID(md5(getRandomByteArray(16))).toByteArray()
override val procVersion: ByteArray get() = "Linux version 3.0.31-g6fb96c9 (".toByteArray()
override val baseBand: ByteArray get() = byteArrayOf()
override val procVersion: ByteArray = "Linux version 3.0.31-${getRandomString(8)} (".toByteArray()
override val baseBand: ByteArray = byteArrayOf()
override val version: DeviceInfo.Version get() = Version
override val simInfo: ByteArray get() = "T-Mobile".toByteArray()
override val osType: ByteArray get() = "android".toByteArray()
override val macAddress: ByteArray get() = "02:00:00:00:00:00".toByteArray()
override val wifiBSSID: ByteArray? get() = "02:00:00:00:00:00".toByteArray()
override val wifiSSID: ByteArray? get() = "<unknown ssid>".toByteArray()
override val imsiMd5: ByteArray get() = md5(getRandomByteArray(16))
override val imei: String get() = getRandomString(15, '0'..'9')
override val simInfo: ByteArray = "T-Mobile".toByteArray()
override val osType: ByteArray = "android".toByteArray()
override val macAddress: ByteArray = "02:00:00:00:00:00".toByteArray()
override val wifiBSSID: ByteArray? = "02:00:00:00:00:00".toByteArray()
override val wifiSSID: ByteArray? = "<unknown ssid>".toByteArray()
override val imsiMd5: ByteArray = md5(getRandomByteArray(16))
override val imei: String = getRandomString(15, '0'..'9')
override val ipAddress: ByteArray get() = localIpAddress().split(".").map { it.toUByte().toByte() }.takeIf { it.size == 4 }?.toByteArray() ?: byteArrayOf()
override val androidId: ByteArray get() = display
override val apn: ByteArray get() = "wifi".toByteArray()
override val apn: ByteArray = "wifi".toByteArray()
object Version : DeviceInfo.Version {
override val incremental: ByteArray get() = "5891938".toByteArray()
override val release: ByteArray get() = "10".toByteArray()
override val codename: ByteArray get() = "REL".toByteArray()
override val sdk: Int get() = 29
override val incremental: ByteArray = "5891938".toByteArray()
override val release: ByteArray = "10".toByteArray()
override val codename: ByteArray = "REL".toByteArray()
override val sdk: Int = 29
class DeviceInfoData(
override val display: ByteArray,
override val product: ByteArray,
override val device: ByteArray,
override val board: ByteArray,
override val brand: ByteArray,
override val model: ByteArray,
override val bootloader: ByteArray,
override val fingerprint: ByteArray,
override val bootId: ByteArray,
override val procVersion: ByteArray,
override val baseBand: ByteArray,
override val version: Version,
override val simInfo: ByteArray,
override val osType: ByteArray,
override val macAddress: ByteArray,
override val wifiBSSID: ByteArray?,
override val wifiSSID: ByteArray?,
override val imsiMd5: ByteArray,
override val imei: String,
override val ipAddress: ByteArray,
override val androidId: ByteArray,
override val apn: ByteArray
) : DeviceInfo() {
override lateinit var context: Context